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Distraction Page 21

by McPherson, Angela

  "You'll see," he said, refusing to elaborate. God, he frustrated me. Tristan cleared his throat and turned down the radio. Great. "So, how have you been?" He cut his eyes to me then back to the road.

  "Good, I guess. Classes are going okay and work’s been pretty busy. I can't wait for Thanksgiving, though. I'm ready for a break. How about you?"

  "Busy, classes are okay. Here we are," he announced, turning into a garage and parked.

  "Is this one of your dad's buildings?"

  "Yep," he said and got out. Before I had a chance to open my door, he was there holding it open for me.

  "Follow me."

  "Tristan," I complained, refusing to budge.

  "You're not chicken are ya, Spud?" Tristan's teasing tone and playful grin put me at ease.

  "Fine," I said, unable to hold back my smile.

  In the elevator, he hit the floor to the top, and the doors closed. In the car with air circulating, I could breathe easily, but I couldn't feel any airflow in the elevator, which made me all too aware of how good he smelled. I tried to not to breathe.

  "Here we are." As soon as Tristan held the door open, I slowly released my held breath.

  When I stepped out, my heart sputtered. Clear lights hung everywhere, and in the distance, shadows flickered. I caught a faint fragrance, but couldn't place the exact scent.

  "Tristan, this is amazing." I turned to face him. His lips curved into a sweet, pleased smile, but his eyes seemed morose.

  "There's more, come on." This time I followed without question. When we rounded the corner, Eric stood in the distance holding a single white lily. My favorite.

  "Hey, beautiful." Eric walked toward us.

  I looked at Tristan, stunned.

  "You did this," I paused. "For me?" I watched Tristan's expression carefully. He leaned forward. His dark brown hair fell near his eyes and under the simple lighting from the candles, they glowed. Everything looked beautiful and magical, and he'd done all this for me and Eric?

  "For you," he whispered.

  "Thanks, Daniels." I jumped, so lost in what Tristan had done I'd forgotten about Eric. "Elle, you look amazing." I focused on Eric. He reached to hold my clammy hands in his. He wore a black tux with a hunter green tie. Had Tristan coordinated our clothes, too?

  "Thanks. You look great, too." Eric smiled and then surprised me with a kiss. When he pulled back, my face felt warm.

  "Yeah, Tristan set everything up."

  On cue, Tristan cleared his throat, stepping away from us.

  "Yeah. You two enjoy the evening. Be sure to lock up before you leave." He turned to leave and I couldn't do anything but stare, wondering if he'd given up the idea of us ever being together. Selfish or not, my heart tore at the thought. Panicked, I quickly turned to Eric.

  “Hey, I'm gonna walk Tristan out." My throat felt dry.

  Eric nodded. When he let me go, I ran, barely slipping inside the elevator before the doors closed.

  "Hey." My insides knotted.

  "Hey," he said, apprehensively.

  "You did all this for me? I don't understand?"

  Tristan turned and stepped in front of me. He ushered me back until there was nowhere left to go. My back pressed against the cold, metal wall, but Tristan's broad chest warmed me. He lifted his hand, and with the pads of his fingers, softly brushed them across my cheek.

  The sweet, tender gesture tore me to pieces. My throat ached, fighting back the sudden sting of tears.

  "Elle, I'm not going anywhere. I...I'm here, okay."

  Keeping his eyes locked with mine, he inched even closer. His hot, minty breath hovered over my lips, causing an intense rush of fire to spread over my skin. My entire body trembled. A sudden urge to shorten the already small distance between us turned into an overwhelming need. I squeezed my hands into fists and just as I felt my resolve quickly slipping further away, his soft lips brushed over mine. The feathery kiss ended all too soon. The elevator door opened and he backed over the threshold.

  I tried to make my lungs work, but my chest felt tight, like a plastic bag had been sealed around them. I just...I couldn't catch a good breath. I had to look away. With a shaking hand, I hit the button to take me back to the top. There was a ding sound, and then the doors slowly began to close. The act seemed to take forever, making me wonder if he'd gone. Hesitantly, I looked ahead. Tristan hadn't left. He continued to watch me. Our gazes met. I wanted to shift my eyes from his saddened ones, but couldn’t.

  The doors finally closed, separating us.

  My stomach sank from the quick jolt as the elevator shot upward. My legs weakened and I pressed my hands against the cold, steel wall for balance and closed my eyes. Behind them, a repeat of Tristan's warm golden eyes, glossed and full of pain, haunted me.

  Shit, why did this have to be so hard? Why couldn't life and all its distractions just fade away?

  I couldn't let the what-ifs get to me because the elevator had made it back to the top floor, where Eric waited around the corner. However, in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but think, so was Tristan. So was Tristan.

  Chapter 23


  Elle disappeared behind the elevator doors, and still I couldn't look away. She'd held me, trapped in some sort of fucked-up trance and it really sucked. The light kiss only made shit worse. Torment and a fear like nothing I'd ever experienced hit me, hard. A cold sweat covered my face, my stomach felt gutted, and my heart rate spiked one second, and then bottomed out the next.

  I remembered her saying how hard it'd been to watch me be with other women, and at that moment, I understood more than I liked to.

  The hint of indecision in her eyes just before the doors closed produced a numbing ache in the pit of my stomach. Where would this lead us in the end? I wanted to blame Green for every bit of splintered pain I'd taken on these past few months but couldn't. He turned out to be a decent guy. I just didn't want to accept him. The look on his face when Elle walked into the room said it all. He cared, and maybe even loved her. Again, I couldn't blame him. Who wouldn't love her?

  Every bit of life drained out of me on my way back to the car. As I drove away, I prayed for peace of mind, for patience, but mainly that in the end Elle would choose...me.

  I didn't go home right away. Instead, I drove through town in complete silence, afraid of what song they'd play on the radio. Unfortunately, the silence was worse. One second I'd picture Elle telling Green she loved me. The next I'd see him pressing her against him, kissing and touching her in places I'd only dreamed of touching her. My mind fabricated so many different scenarios, what little hope I clung to just about vanished completely.

  I turned the radio on in time to hear James Blunt, “You're Beautiful." Fuck. Me. I turned stations: Hoobastank's, “The Reason."

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me." I leaned forward and turned the damn thing off. Silence. Again.

  After a good hour drive, I felt beaten, tired, and deflated. With nothing left to do, I drove home. Once inside, I didn't bother turning on the lights. I went straight to bed and waited for sleep to come.

  * * *

  Bang Bang Bang

  My eyes shot open with a start. I didn't remember falling asleep, but didn’t complain about the escape it gave me. I raked my hand over my face. Bang Bang Bang I jumped out of bed and headed for the front door.

  Stumbling in the dark, I stubbed my toe on the coffee table. Whoever decided to bang on my door had better be near fucking death. The noise came again, but louder.

  "Yeah, I'm coming." I flipped the switches, turning the porch and living room lights on. Brightness stung my eyes. When I opened the door, my mind spaced out. I couldn't believe who graced my doorstep. Elle, still in the dress she'd changed into tonight–or last night considering I didn't know what time it was–stood in front of me. I looked from her crisp, spring green eyes, down to her full, pouty lips. Damn. My eyes had a mind of their own, absorbing every inch of her body. From the subtle cleavage peeking from the
top of her dress to her slim waist, I greedily took her in.

  I knew when I picked out the dress seeing the thin piece of material on her again would be a risk. God, back in high school at our prom, she looked like an angel. So, when I found it on the hanger, I had to see her in it again.

  Wait? She was here...at my house...not with Green?

  "What's wrong?" Panic kicked in, and I stepped outside to look around. I didn't find anyone else there, including her car. I moved back and stood in front of her. "Did something happen between you and Green?" I looked her over more carefully, making sure no marks were found. When I didn't find anything out of place, I went on. "What's going on?" I felt the same numbness fall over me. I waited for her to answer. Finally she spoke.

  "I couldn't do it. I didn't want Eric. I want to be with you. I've always wanted to be with you." Elle stopped and took in a deep breath. Apart from the hammering in my chest, her words paralyzed me, completely.

  "When Eric kissed me all I could think about was you."

  Like an idiot, I continued standing in silence. Was this shit for real?

  "Say something!"

  I couldn't, though I did manage to make my feet move and stepped closer.

  I ran my thumb over her bottom lip, needing to be sure she was really there and not a figment of my imagination. I didn't wonder long. Taking control, Elle grabbed my shirt and crashed her lips to mine.

  Best. Fucking. Kiss. Ever. I skimmed her lip with the tip of my tongue and she released a soft whimper. I damn near lost my shit. Her hands moved under my shirt, sliding her fingers across the tight muscles along my back. Without breaking apart, I scooped her up. Holding her tight against my chest, I took a few steps back and closed the front door with a forceful slam. At that point I could've cared less if the damn door broke. I needed her, and the way her lips pressed firmer with mine, the way she rocked up and down against me, I knew she wanted me just as badly.

  Her legs wrapped around my waist and she locked her ankles. I held her thighs tighter, my fingers digging into the silk material, but the contact wasn't enough. I wanted more. I needed to feel her skin, touch her body, feel her clench around me as I rocked into her over and over. I wanted to watch her cheeks blush when she came. I wanted to make her lose control. I wanted her begging for more.

  I moved us back against a wall for better access. Her nails dug into my back. She grabbed my shirt and tugged until it came up and over my head.

  "Tristan, I want you so bad," she said in a quick pant, then urged me back to her swollen lips.

  I've never wanted her more, but I realized not like this. I wanted her to be sure. Son of a bitch. I pulled away, resting my forehead on hers. Her hot breath blew across my face, increasing the pressure against my zipper. Another second or so and the small amount of will power I clung to would be gone.

  "Elle, are you sure?" I looked up, and choked. Kellie. Not Elle. I felt sick.

  "I knew you were in love with her," Kellie shot back.

  My eyes flew open and I bolted straight up from my bed. "Holy fucking shit!" My heart took off like a goddamned racehorse, my head spun, and my sheets were soaked with sweat. I eyed my empty room. The pressure against my boxers ached, and all from a dream. The thought of being with Elle in reality only made the pulse worse.

  "A goddamn dream?" I grunted, fed up with the constant empty pit in my stomach when I thought of Elle. My phone buzzed on my dresser.

  As if she knew what she'd done to me while sleeping, Elle sent me a short and sweet text. Thanks for last night.

  The vein in my temple pulsed, my teeth gnashed together, and I gripped my phone in my hand. I looked at the device, lost my cool and chucked the thing across my room. Only my phone didn't shatter. Perfect. My phone buzzed again confirming it hadn't broken. Curiously, I headed over and picked it up.

  Not recognizing the number, I opened the text. Can't wait for our hot date. Be here at seven. XX, Ginger What the fuck? I never gave Ginger my number.

  The walls narrowed around me. I needed to get out. Fifteen minutes later, I headed out for a jog and left my phone back home in case Elle decided to text me again. I didn't want or need any distractions.

  An hour raced by. I didn't feel any better when I got back home. The hot shower helped a little, but not enough to...forget.

  When I got out, I called Bret. He'd dated Ginger a while back. Maybe he could help me out with my suicide date. When he picked up, he said he'd head over so I gave him my address. I needed a drink and headed to the kitchen to grab a beer. I popped the top off and guzzled two down by the time Bret showed up.

  Problem one, when I told him my situation he couldn't stop laughing. I should have known not to trust his goofy ass. The man liked Alyssa.

  "Okay, dipshit. Can you stop laughing? You sound like a fucking hyena." I sat in the chair, brooding. I wasn't the brooding type.

  "You're gonna be sorry you switched dates with Green. Why the hell did you trade anyway? You and Elle are friends; going out with her shouldn't have been that big of a deal."

  I wanted to hit something, but didn't want to take my shit out on Bret. "I was trying to be nice." I turned, giving him a threatening look, which only made him laugh again.

  "Sorry, man," he said holding up his hands, but continued to laugh, although now in spurts. "I'd say go for it, but there's no telling what you might pick up. She's been with half the team. I was glad Robbie made his move, saved me from having to stay with her."

  I sighed, he was right. What the hell was I thinking? Oh yeah, I loved Elle and wanted her to choose me on her own terms.

  Bret's face perked up. "Hey, there's a party tonight at the house. Bring her to that, maybe she'll sink her claws into someone else?" He smiled.

  "Best thing you've said, man."

  So the plan seemed simple. I'd take Ginger out to dinner, somewhere not too expensive, but not cheap, even though the idea fit. Then we'd show up at the party. Perfect, I hoped.


  I'd been bumming around all day, thinking. Last night was great, wonderful, magical…but also, heartbreaking. No matter how nice being with Eric was, my mind wouldn’t stop circling back to Tristan. Eric could tell something was wrong. When he asked what was going on, I half told him the truth.

  I confessed that Tristan had kissed me in a desperate need after he and Kellie had broken up. So, everything he'd done last night had been his way of an apology. I left out the brief kiss in the elevator. Eric remained quiet. When he finally did speak, he asked whom I wanted. I blurted out the reasonable choice. “I want to be with you." That had been the end of our talk.

  I didn’t deserve his trust. I also didn't know what to do about Tristan, but I didn't want to end what Eric and I had either.

  "So, you and Eric last night, huh." Alyssa walked in, pulling my attention away from the book I'd been supposedly reading. She'd been getting ready for the party tonight. I couldn't decide about going or not.

  "Yeah it was nice." I'd read the same paragraph about a million times and still didn't know what the passage talked about.

  "Only nice?" Her challenging tone made me looked up.

  "What did you expect me to say? We had a good time. The date was nice."

  Alyssa tilted her head, sizing me up. "Whatever. I thought that was pretty cool of Tristan." She flung her hair over her shoulder.

  I knew what she was getting at. I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me squirm. I shrugged my shoulders and started reading again, the same paragraph, until someone opened our bedroom door.

  "Do you think Tristan will like this?" Ginger walked into our room. I dog-eared my page and sat up. She had on a very tight navy blue shirt with a short skirt, even though you could freeze meat outside due to the cold temps. Her look screamed “I want to have dirty, hot sex with you" and I wanted to reach over and, and… hurt her. Ugh. Thankfully, Alyssa spoke before I did.

  "You look just like the tramp you are, Ginger." Alyssa's smile was as fake as they came, and Ginger
looked ready to strike back. What had Ginger expected Alyssa to say?

  "Whatever." Ginger stormed out of our room. Alyssa and I looked at each other and burst into laughter.

  "I wonder where Tristan's taking her?" I only half wanted to know.

  "I think to dinner and then to the party at the frat house." It wasn't what she said but how she said it, like no big deal. I guessed to her, their date wasn't a big deal. It shouldn't be, but Tristan was going out with Ginger. My stomach hurt just thinking about what they'd do together.

  "Are you and Eric gonna go to the party?"

  Before I could stop myself, I said, "Yep."

  I stood and headed for the shower. Tristan had barely escaped from a psychotic relationship and even if we weren't together, I could at least warn him about Ginger. Right? Friends looked after each other, didn't they?

  Chapter 24


  At seven, I picked up Ginger. From the way her clothes fit, she looked more than ready to get started on our hot date. I couldn't help asking about Elle.

  "She's getting ready for her date."

  I kept my expression cool, ignoring the ache inside.

  Ginger moved closer, stepped on her tiptoes, and whispered, "Let's get out of here."

  "Sounds good." I took a healthy step back.

  Ginger wasn't impressed with my restaurant choice. Caboose was loud, fun, and the food was pretty good. More importantly, there was zero chance Ginger would find the place romantic. When she argued with me, I tried convincing her we could have fun.

  "We can play some games. It'll be great."

  She frowned. Apparently playing games was beyond her.

  "Tristan this place is only fun if you're five." She rolled her eyes. It took all I had to not laugh.

  "Where's your inner kid. Come on, our table's ready." Ginger walked past me. Her hips swayed and her ass bounced. She did have a nice ass. When I finished with my order, she only ordered a salad with light dressing. Go figure.


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