Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2

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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2 Page 6

by Mz. Lady P

  “Tell me this still my pussy, Bella,” he said in between licks. I was unable to speak because his tongue game was official. He was eating my pussy so good I felt like I was having a seizure from the way he had my body shaking.

  “Ahhhhh!” I screamed out in pleasure not giving a fuck that they could hear me out in the waiting area. I grabbed the back of Jayceon’s head and pulled him in closer as I grinded all over his face.

  “This is my pussy. Do you understand me, Bella?” I was cumming all in his mouth back to back. Once he started to suck on my clit, I was gone.”

  “Yes, I understand. This is your pussy!” I moaned out in pleasure. Jayceon sat back in my chair and wiped his mouth. At the same, he unbuckled his pants and pulled out his dick. I didn’t know what came over me, but I couldn’t resist the sight of him. I pulled my dress up over my head and walked closer to him. I straddled him and slid down on his dick with ease. I winced in pain as I adjusted to his size. I slowly rocked back and forth on him. He was sucking and biting on my nipples and the shit was driving me crazy.

  “Why are you doing this to me, Jayceon?” I bent down and started to kiss him passionately.

  “Because I fucking miss you. Just give me a second chance to love you. Fuck I’m about bust!” Jayceon grabbed my waist and began to viciously pound inside and out of me.

  “Oh, my God! That shit feels so good!” I began to cum all over his dick. All of my juices were dripping down his thighs. Once we both came, we just sat there in silence. My forehead was up against his forehead and we were staring into each other’s eyes. I felt tears stinging my eyes. I was unable to catch them before they fell. This man had a crazy ass hold on me and I just didn’t understand what it was. I looked at him and I could tell he wanted to shed some tears as well. His eyes watered, but he was able to keep his at bay.

  “Stop crying. This shit will get better I promise. You will be my wife again and I put that on everything I love.” He wiped the tears from my face and kissed me on the lips. I rose up and headed into the bathroom that was inside of my office to get cleaned up and Jayceon did the same. I watched as Jayceon winced in pain as he bent down to pull up his jeans.

  “You really should be in the bed. It’s too soon to be out in the air and trying to get some pussy. Please go home and get in bed, Jayceon. When I get off, I’m going to come over and check on the kids. I know Jazzy needs her hair combed. She keeps pulling all of her barrettes out.”

  “I tried to put it in a ponytail, but she won’t let nobody comb it. Not even my mother. So, yeah, you might have to comb it. Thanks for loving her, Bella. You’re her mother. That was actually my reason for coming over here.” He handed me some paperwork.

  “What’s this?”

  “Those are papers I had drawn by the lawyer for you to legally become Jazzy’s mother.” I looked the papers over, but I didn’t hesitate to sign because I promised her that I would always take care of her when we were in that room in Dubai. I shuddered just thinking of how Jayceon killed her mother in front of me. One would think I would have ran clear across the country getting away from this nigga, but here I was again letting this nigga mind fuck me. After signing the papers, I handed them back to him. I watched Jayceon as he straightened out his clothes. It’s amazing how he exudes so much power. He was a straight boss even after being in a coma. He was still fine ass fuck.

  “You know I love Jazzy. Now, you have to go so that I can meet with my client.”

  “A’ight. I’ll see you later at the crib. I love you, Bella.”

  “I love you, too, Jayceon. I always will, but right now we need to just keep co-parenting. No more sex either.”

  “Whatever you say, Bella. I’ll see you later.” He kissed me on the jaw and walked out of my office and I followed him.

  “Rashad, make sure he goes home and get in the bed. I don’t know why y’all even let him come out knowing he hasn’t healed all the way.

  “I hear you, Sis. I’ll see you later lil baby,” Rashad said to Chloe and she blushed. This day was just full of surprises.

  “You sure will,” Chloe said as she stood up and hugged him before he left. I gestured for Chloe to follow me to my office. Marilyn gave me that side eye. I knew she had heard me fucking Jayceon. I’m sure she would have some choice words for me later.

  “I’m so sorry, Chloe. The things you saw here today is not how I run my business. Please forgive me. That man that just left is my crazy ex-husband that I can’t seem to shake. The other guy is his nutty ass friend. Beware, them niggas are ruthless.”

  “It’s all good, Isabella. I love a thug ass nigga. Plus, Rashad is fine as hell. That’s gone be my Big Daddy. Watch what I tell you.” We both laughed.

  “Okay, so let’s get down to business. I opened her file to look at her paperwork and that was when I saw her last name was Santos. I looked up at her and she was looking at me.

  “I have a confession to make. I’m not really here to find a home. I actually wanted to meet my big sister.”

  “Wait a minute. What the fuck is going on? Is this some type of joke?” I said as I stood up from my chair.

  “Oscar Santos is my father. My mother is Rebecca.” I had to sit down hearing this woman say that she was my father’s daughter. Not to mention, that the damn maid/nanny who practically raised me was her mother. I looked at her really good and I could see the resemblance to my father, but I could see Rebecca in her, as well. She was beautiful. She had long legs and was fair skinned. Her hair was long jet black and beautiful just like mine.

  “You have to excuse me, but I’ve always grown up being the only child. This is so fucked up. How could he do that to me?”

  “I’m so sorry, but I’ve always wanted to meet you. Growing up, I had everything I ever wanted, but the love of a father. He actually loved me through his money. I only got to see him on birthdays and Christmas. I’ve always been forbidden to ever speak your name, but last week my mother passed away. I literally have nothing but the money my mother had left to me from working all of those years for your parents. Your mother found out about me and Oscar has cut me off completely. I understand if you don’t want to have anything to do with me. You’re my last hope at having a family.”

  “I don’t have a relationship with my parents. So, I have no family either. Maybe this is God working through both of us. I’m glad you came and told me this. I would love for us to be a family. After all, we are sisters. When was the last time you saw our father?”

  “The day of my mother’s funeral. He told me that I was grown and I didn’t need him. I know that it was your mother who put him up to doing that. The man who spoke so harshly to me was not the man I knew.”

  “Trust and believe me, my mother is a evil, vindictive bitch. Growing up, me and father had the best relationship in the world and she hated that. I haven’t seen them in over a year. They disowned me because I wouldn’t leave Jayceon. Even though we’re divorced, I still don’t regret marrying him. Being with him made me learn how to love me more and stop depending on other’s love. We don’t need anyone’s permission to love one another. At this point, we’re really all we got. Plus, I always wanted a little sister I could boss around.” I got up and I hugged her so tight.

  “Now tell me all about that nigga Rashad because I agreed to go out on a date with that fool.” I shook my head hearing that because that nigga was a fool, but he was real laid back. I think he is just what Chloe needs in her life right now. For the rest of the morning, we chilled and got to know each other. Skylar was having a ladies night, so I made sure to invite Chloe. It felt really good having family of my own. I loved Jayceon’s family, but there wasn’t nothing like having your own. Once Chloe left, I called Juelz and told him that I was ready for our lunch date. I was happy I had another business suit in my office. There was no way I about to go out with Jayceon’s scent all over me.


  “How is your lunch?” Juelz asked as he poured me some more wine.

  “It’s so
good. I always ride past this place, but I’m glad we came here.” We had decided on Yardbird. They had really great food. I was going to have to bring Sky here on one of our lunch dates. During our lunch, Juelz’s phone kept ringing. I was becoming annoyed because he kept walking away to answer it. I guess I had to give him a pass. Our dinner date was ruined on my behalf, so I really couldn’t trip.

  “Do you have to go back to the office?”

  “No, but I have to get home to my kids. I’m free this weekend. If you would like to hang out?”

  “Okay cool.” Juelz reached across the table and held onto my hands. It was at that time I noticed a familiar tattoo on the inside of his wrist. It was the same tattoo that some of the men who worked with or for Vladimir had. I didn’t mean to pull my hands back so roughly and I guess he realized that I noticed it. That was when he placed a gun on the table.

  “Scream and I’ll kill you right here. Get up and let’s go. Don’t try no funny shit either. You’re now my property. Vladimir owed me and since your husband killed him, you have to pay off his debts. I can’t wait to feel that pussy. I got some Haitian’s who would love to fuck your beautiful ass.” My heart began to race fast as he stood up with the gun still pointed at me, but concealed where the other patrons couldn’t see it. He placed it in my back and pushed me out of the door.

  “Please don’t do this. I need to get home to my babies.”

  “Shut the fuck up and get in the car!” He pushed me inside of the car and walked around the other side to get in. As soon as he started the car, I could hear something that sounded like whistling wind. I looked over and Juelz was slumped over the steering wheel.

  “Let’s go!” I looked up and Jayceon was standing on the outside of the car holding a gun.” I was so scared to even move.

  “Get the fuck out of the car and come on, Bella!” I jumped out of the car as he barked at me. He yanked me hard as hell. I swear it felt like he had ripped my arm out of the socket. I was getting ready to say something, but he put his hand for me not to say anything.

  “Don’t say shit. Go straight to my parents’ house, I’ll be there shortly.” I pulled away fast as hell. I looked in the rearview mirror and I saw Tech, Rashad, and Dominic pull into the parking lot. I was shaking so fucking bad. Everything just happened so fast. When I arrived at the house, the kids were out back playing on their swing set.

  “Look, Mommy, I can slide like a big girl now.”

  “Yayyyy! Big Girl.”

  “Hey, Son.”

  “Hi, Mommy.” I wiped tears from my eyes because I realized that I had come extremely close to never seeing them again.

  “Yeah, she’s here.” I looked up and Rock was on the phone with who I knew was Jayceon. He came over and hugged me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “A little shaken up, but other than that, I’m fine.”

  “Go inside and take off those clothes. Wrap them in a bag and bring it to me. I’ll get rid of it.” I walked into the house and I took a quick shower. I put my head under the showerhead and let the water run all over my body. So many thoughts were flooding my mind. I wondered how in the fuck did Jayceon even know I was with Juelz. I was now scared because if Juelz knew how to find me, who was to say other men that worked for Vladimir wouldn’t be able to. This shit had me ready to get the fuck out of dodge, but my life was back on track. I refused to let these motherfuckers win. I had too much shit working out in my favor. I couldn’t give them the power over me.

  Chapter 12- Jayceon

  I immediately became pissed the moment I recognized Vladimir’s henchmen leaving out of Bella’s office. Not to mention, too motherfucking close to her. By the way she was smiling, I knew that she thought that she hit the jackpot with the nigga. Little did she know, that motherfucker had plans of his own for her. Something told me to wait around just to keep an eye on her. It was a good thing I did because I probably would have lost Bella for good and that was something that I just couldn’t go through again. Everybody felt like I never gave a fuck about Bella, but that shit was farthest from the truth.

  At the time, I loved Bella more than life, but I loved my money even more. Now I had enough money to live the rest of my life comfortably and the shit was still rolling in. None of it mattered because I didn’t have her. As far as Monique went, fuck that bitch and she better stay gone. I had an inkling the bitch wasn’t all she portrayed herself to be. Imagine my surprise when I came home to an empty house. This bitch had moved out and that was fine by me. She saved me the breath of putting her ass out.

  After a long thought process, I knew I never really wanted Monique. Her carrying my seed was what made me want to stick the shit out. The bitch better hope when I saw her ass I was in a good mood. Fuck she thought I was a joke or some shit. I could care less about a bitch like her. My seed was all that mattered. Fuck that bitch.

  After getting rid of that nigga’s car and his body, I headed over to my parents’ house. I could only imagine what Bella must be thinking. This was the third time she had witnessed me murking a motherfucker. I sat outside in the car and smoked a Kush blunt. I had to be the only motherfucker in history to wake up from a damn coma and be out killing niggas. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. All I could think about was Bella and my kids. I was willing to do anything to make my family whole again. At the same time, I wondered was it really too late for us. Bella seemed so sure that we were done with one another.

  In my heart, I knew that I could never be done with her. I promised her a wonderful life with a nigga and I intended on giving her that. I’d grown tired of being at my parents’ house. I knew that my mother wasn’t going to be too happy about me heading home, but it was imperative that I did. I had purchased a brand new mansion in Miami Beach on the Waterfront. It’s fully furnished with everything. I just couldn’t go there without Bella and my kids. At this point, she had no choice but to go because I was not letting her out of my sight until I felt like she was safe. After getting high as a kite, I headed in the house. When I walked inside the kitchen, my mother was sitting at the kitchen table picking some greens.

  “What’s up, Ma?”

  “Nothing. I’m getting the Sunday dinner ready for tomorrow. How are you feeling?”

  “My chest hurts, but other than that, I’m good. I think I’m going to head home. I’ve been here long enough.”

  “You know that you can stay here forever. I just want to make sure that you’re okay. I’m glad that bitch Monique left. She doesn’t know how to take care of your wounds. Hopefully, Bella will be nice and take care of your black ass. Lord knows you really don’t deserve her. I just hope that you two can work things out. She’s all alone. We’re the only family she has and after all she’s been through, I hate for her to be over in that apartment all alone.”

  “I hope we can fix things, too. I really do love her, Ma.”

  “I know you do baby. Go check on her and see what’s going on. I walked in the room earlier and she was crying while she was combing Jazzy’s hair. I didn’t want to bother her so I just walked back out of the room.”

  “I’m about to go up there now.” I kissed my mother on the jaw and headed upstairs to check on Bella. When I walked in the room, she was looking like an angel as she slept. Both of the kids were in bed with her as well. I just took off my clothes and climbed in bed with them. This was what being a family was all about. I wanted this shit forever. All I needed was for Bella to come back to a nigga and give me the opportunity to do right by her.


  “Nooooo! Pleasssse! Stoopppp!”

  “Wake up, Bella!” I had to shake her hard as hell to get her to snap out of the nightmare she had been having. Bella had been tossing and turning all night. She finally shot up out of the bed and was crying really hard. It was like she was running away from something.

  “I just want the dreams to stop.” She was rocking back and forth in the corner of the room.

  “Calm down, Bella. Come here. Nobody is going t
o hurt you again I promise.” I kneeled down in front of her and wiped the tears from her face. Bella was drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. She was staring right at me, but it was like she didn’t know who I was. I scooped her up and carried her into the bathroom. I undressed her and placed her into the shower. I cut the cold water on so she could snap out of the cationic state that she was in. I stood under the water with her trying to get her to calm down. I could only imagine the shit she had been going through at home by herself.

  “I’m cold, Jayceon.” Bella wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. I shut the water off and I guided her out of the shower. I dried her off and laid her down in the bed. After drying myself off and putting on some fresh underwear, I climbed back in bed with Bella. She was lightly snoring and I prayed she slept through the night. Seeing her in that state of mind had a nigga fucked up in the head. I eventually drifted off to sleep thinking of ways to get back to a happier place. I hated that she was mentally fucked up. I intended on doing everything in my power to make her happy again.

  The next morning, I woke up and Bella was no longer in bed next to me. I quickly threw on some clothes and rushed through the house looking for her.

  “Have you seen Bella, Pops?”

  “She left early this morning.”

  “Damn she could have woke a nigga up or something.” I sat down at the table and rubbed my hand over my face in frustration.

  “Is everything cool son?”

  “I’m trying to make shit right with Bella, but she making shit extra hard for a nigga.”

  “Don’t force it son. You have to let Bella make her own decisions when it comes to y’all relationship. The last thing I wanted to do was agree to a divorce, but that’s what your momma wanted. I respected her wishes and fell all the way back. I knew that if she had a change of heart then she would let me know. Look at us now around here fucking like teenagers and making each other happy. I was surprised when we went back down to the courthouse and remarried. Listen to your Pops. Bella loves you and she will come around. Just let her do it at her own pace. In the meantime, focus on business. That will take your mind off of things.” I sat there listening to my father and taking heed to everything that he said. I guess I needed to fall back and let Bella be. In my heart, I didn’t want to do that. All I wanted to do was make shit right, but it was obvious Bella wasn’t ready.”


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