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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2

Page 7

by Mz. Lady P

  “I hear you Pops. Where are the kids?”

  “They went to church with your momma. I’ll be glad when she make it back because I’m hungry as hell.”

  “I’ll be back to get my plate. I’m about to head over to the new crib and make sure shit is straight. It’s time me and the kids go home.”

  “I’m glad. I like to walk around my house naked. You too damn old to be a cockblocker son.” We dapped each other up and I headed upstairs to get dressed. I couldn’t wait to be in my crib. I had spent a lot of money in the house. It was only right I go home and relax in my kingdom. Niggas tried to take me out, but I was still here; they gave me nothing but more adrenaline to go harder on these motherfuckers. I was making money while I was in a coma. Fucking these niggas up in my sleep. Real niggas didn’t die, but I’m at motherfuckers head as soon as I found out who did this shit. In the meantime, I needed to get back to this money and kick it with my niggas. I’d been out of commission for too long.

  Chapter 13- Chloe

  I opened my eyes and tried to adjust them but the sunlight was blinding me. Where the fuck am I at? I thought to myself. My head was hurting so bad that I could barely raise my head off of the pillow. I rolled over and came face to face with a sleeping Rashad. That was when everything came flooding back into my mind. After our date, he invited me over to his house. One minute we were getting to know each other while drinking Remy and the next, we were playing strip poker. One thing led to another and he had me bent over the chaise fucking the lining out of me.

  I put the pillow over my head because I was so damn embarrassed. I had never met a nigga and fucked the same day we met. I felt like such a slut right now. I started to feel sick as hell and I got up and flew to the bathroom. I damn near missed the toilet, but I made it just in time. Here I was praying to the porcelain God in a nigga’s house I barely knew.

  “Are you cool in there, Lil Momma?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I hoped and prayed he didn’t hear me throwing up; that shit was disgusting.

  “It’s some fresh towels and new toothbrushes under the cabinet. I’m going to order some breakfast.” I smiled because Rashad was a cool ass nigga and such a gentleman. I just hoped he didn’t think less of me because I fucked him so quickly. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I hopped in the shower. As the steaming hot water fell all over my body, I couldn’t help but think about my mother. She was all I had in this world and she was gone. I couldn’t help myself, but I just started bawling so bad that I never heard Rashad come into the bathroom.

  “What’s wrong, Ma?” Rashad said as he grabbed a dry towel and pulled me out of the shower. I wrapped my arms around him and held on to him tight as I could. I was crying and looking so damn ugly. I couldn’t believe I was crying like this in front of him.

  “My mother died a couple of weeks ago. She was all I had.”

  “Shhh! Don’t cry. I know that we just met, but I’m here for you. You’re not alone did you forget that you have Bella?” He sat down on the edge of the bed and he pulled me in between his legs. He dried me off from head to toe.

  “I’m sorry, Rashad. It just hit me all at once. I’m going to get dressed and leave. I know you have things to do.”

  “I don’t want you to leave. You shouldn’t be by yourself at a time like this. Climb back in bed and let a nigga cater to you. I’ll bring you some breakfast up in a minute. Just chill. It’s all about you, Ma.” Rashad kissed me on the forehead and left me in the room. I found one of his t-shirts and climbed in bed. Everything inside of me was saying that I should get dressed and leave, but Rashad was making it hard for me to do being all nice and shit. Any other man would have probably fucked and kicked me out without so much as a thank you. Rashad was showing me a different type of man that I wasn’t use to. As a matter of fact, I had only been with one man and I was running scared from his ass.

  Mark was my first love and my first heartbreak. I had been dealing with him since I was sixteen. In the beginning, he was everything but he turned out to be the Devil. On several occasions, he would slap me for the smallest things. It went from a slap here and there to him beating me within inches of my life. My mother never knew about any of this because she was basically living in my father’s house taking care of him and his wife. That was some sick shit and I didn’t understand how she allowed herself to live like that.

  The last time I saw Mark, he had beat me so bad that I was put into the Intensive Care Unit. My mother was under the impression that I was attacked while I was walking down the street. I hadn’t seen Mark since, but I know he’s somewhere lurking in the shadows. The last thing I wanted to do was bring drama to anyone’s life. I drifted back off to sleep in deep thought about my life as a whole and where I wanted to be in life. One thing for sure and two for certain, all I wanted to do was be happy and build a relationship with my sister Bella. Hopefully, things could keep going well between Rashad and I. He gave me butterflies already, but I didn’t want to jump the gun too fast.

  Chapter 14- Rashad

  I was digging the shit out of shorty girl. I knew that there was a big age gap, but fuck it. You only live once. After the shit with Fatima, I hadn’t really fucked with females like that. The only thing I was focused on was my money. I fucked a few bitches from time to time, but that shit was too old and I didn’t trust these bitches. When I invited Chloe back to my crib, I just wanted to get to know her better. That Remy had a nigga hornier than a motherfucker. She lost at strip poker so I needed to give her the D. The thing I liked most about her was that she was a free spirit. She just went with the flow and was down for whatever and that was my type of woman.

  I could tell she was having regrets about giving a nigga that pussy on the first night, but she didn’t have to. I didn’t look at her any different. As far as I was concerned, we’re grown as fuck, and there was no need for regrets. As a matter of fact, she took the dick like a pro. I wasn’t trying to brag but most women couldn’t handle my dick. Chloe on the other hand, was doing headstands on this dick. Got a nigga a little sprung off one shot of pussy.

  It fucked me up hearing her crying. For a minute, I thought she was about to be hollering rape or some shit. My heart went out to her hearing that she was crying over her OG’s death. It made me want to just take all of her pain away, but there was nothing like a mother’s love. It made me think about my mother. She’d been in a mental institution for the last five years. I just paid all of the bills for her to stay there. I felt bad that I hadn’t been in over a year. Her craziness had worn a nigga down being I had been dealing with that shit since a youngin. If it wasn’t for Jayceon and his family I didn’t know where I would be.

  I knew that Chloe was hungry so instead of ordering out I cooked. I hooked her up some turkey sausage, cheese eggs, grits, and smothered potatoes. If I didn’t know how to do shit else, I knew how to cook, slang cock, and get money. If Chloe didn’t like my dick game, she would fall in love with my cooking.

  “Wake up so you can eat.” I shook her gently trying to get her to wake her up. She sat up in bed and started going in.

  “Damn slow down before you choke.” Chloe was going clean in on the plate of food.

  “This is so good.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Do you feel better?” I said as I reached across and wiped some food from her mouth with a napkin.

  “Thank you, Rashad. I’m sorry for all that crying.”

  “Never apologize for expressing your feelings. It ain’t shit wrong with crying over your OG. You only get one, so I totally understand.”

  “I guess I’ll get ready to head home. I’m going out with Bella tonight and I need to find something to wear. It’s already one o’clock and I know I’ve over extended my stay.” Chloe’s lips looked so good wrapped around the water bottle she was drinking from. Just looking at her made me want to jump on top of her and fuck the shit out of her again. For some reason, I didn’t want her to leave. As a matter of fact, she wasn’t leaving.

  “I don’t want you to leave. How about I give you some money and the keys to one of my cars. You can go to the mall and come back here. Spend the rest of the weekend with me. I know we just met, but a nigga feeling the shit out of you.”

  “I don’t know, Rashad, we just met. We really don’t even know each other like that.”

  “Shit. I don’t know about you, but as far as I’m concerned, we’re very acquainted. Your pussy fit my dick like a glove. My tongue still got your pussy juice marinating on it and I know your throat still feeling the after effects of this Anaconda. So, fuck all that we don’t know each other shit. As a matter of fact, we go together.”

  “Oh, my God! Really, Rashad? You’re so crazy.” Chloe buried her face into the blanket, but I snatched the covers from over her.

  “Crazy about your ass. Are you gone give a nigga a chance or what?”

  “I’ll give you a chance, Rashad, but please let’s get to know each other better on a personal level.”

  “Deal. Now open them legs and let Daddy in.” I dropped my boxers and climbed on top of her. Chloe spread her legs and allowed me to enter her. She must have been anticipating getting some more of this dick because she was wet as hell. The shit was feeling so good that it slipped my mind that I didn’t even have on a condom. Yeah, a nigga was straight tripping. After fucking for about two hours, we were both spent and lying in bed passing a blunt back and forth. I could really get used to coming home to this. I’d just chill back and see how shit played out.

  Chapter 15- Shayla

  I just didn’t understand what it was about Dominic that made me stay in our marriage. It was no longer out of love because in my heart I felt like he no longer loved me. The fire in our relationship had long ago burned out. I’d been laying in bed crying my eyes out because I just didn’t know where our relationship was headed. The other day we had a big ass argument over him acting like I didn’t have feelings. He crushed me when he said he was only with me for convenience. Like what the fuck did that mean? That shit hurt more than finding out about him and other women because I’d held him down no matter.

  It was me who provided false alibis and cleaned up the money from his robberies. Not to mention dealing with the constant fights and phone calls from all the bitches he was fucking. There were days when I tried to live life as if we were the happiest couple in the world. I just felt like I was dying inside and I had no one to talk about it to. I didn’t have any friends that I hung with. My sisters lived out in Atlanta and they were tired of hearing me complain and cry over Dominic. It had gotten to a point where I called them and they would send me to voicemail. They were tired of hearing about the shit and I was tired of talking about it.

  I’d been with him since I was eighteen years old and he was twenty-two. Dominic was all that I knew. I’d never had to work because he didn’t want me to. I was basically left alone at home while he was out making money. Don’t get me wrong, it was a beautiful thing to be given the world and not have to work for it. However, living in a big mansion, driving luxury cars, and wearing the latest fashions got played out, especially when all you wanted was your husband, but you had to share him with multiple women. This was not the life that I signed up for. I would love to have some little munchkins running around to keep me company, but Dominic wasn’t ready for the kids. I looked at Tech and Jayceon and they adored their children. If their crazy asses could raise kids, so could Dominic; he just needed to grow the fuck up and man up.

  As I laid in bed, I went through my Facebook and I had a message from Skylar. It was an invite to her ladies night. I contemplated before answering because I never really hung out with her. I messaged her back and told her that I would attend. After all, it wasn’t like I had shit else to do. I had just had my hair freshly sewn in, and my nails and toes were on point, so all I had to do was find something to wear. That wouldn’t be a problem since I still had shit with tags on it.

  I finally decided on a denim jumpsuit. Hours later, I was dressed and ready to head out of the door. I planned on getting fucked up tonight. This was probably what I needed; to be around other girls and vent. As I headed towards Sky’s house, I spotted Dominic as he headed down Biscayne Blvd. I knew it was his car because he was the only one I knew with a candy apple red Maserati with the license plate SMM-4LIFE. Curiosity got the best of me as I noticed that he wasn’t in the car alone. My blood begin to boil as I watched him pull up to the Hilton. I watched from a distance as he got out and used the valet service for his car. I wanted to scream when I saw him open his car door for a bitch.

  “This motherfucker!” I said as I hit the steering wheel. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, but he sent me to voicemail. I couldn’t believe this nigga was out doing me dirty once again. I didn’t have it in me to blow up his spot or beat that bitch up. I was officially done. I wasn’t about to keep letting this motherfucker shit on me like I wasn’t shit. I wasn’t gone even tell his ass I saw him. I was about to pull a him on him and he wasn’t going to like the shit one bit. I wasn’t gon’ lie and say that seeing him didn’t hurt because it did, but Dominic was not about to get another tear out of me. Stick a fork in me because this bitch right here was officially done playing the good little wife. Fuck Dominic. I refused to keep taking his shit lying down.

  In the meantime, I was still going to go and turn up with Skylar. There was no way I should be at home crying and he was laid up giving some bitch the dick he should be giving me. As I drove away from the hotel, a wicked ass thought popped up in my head. I pulled out my phone and logged onto Facebook. I checked in like I was at the Hilton. I put the caption, “Big Daddy called and I came. (Insider). Having fun with Bae’s ass.” I added the eggplant and the wet emojis. Dominic was about to go berserk.

  Chapter 16- Skylar

  Ladies night was much needed for Bella and I. When Bella called and said that she had invited her sister whom she had just learned about, I decided to invite Shayla. Dominic never really brought her around and the times I had been around her, she’d been cool to kick it with. My initial plan was for us to stay in the house and just get fucked up, but we needed to get out and go to the club. I called the girls and told them that there was a change of plans and we would all meet up at Club Liv. My momma had the kids, so I planned on drinking until I passed out.

  Things between Tech and I were good, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about him having another baby with Aisha. That alone had a bitch drinking at least a glass or two of wine every day. Since I found out about the bitch being pregnant, he had been walking on pins and needles around me, catering to my every want and need. He tried his best convince me that the baby was not his. For now, I would go with the flow and take his word, but when that DNA test came back, he better hope he was not the father. I swear I was going to kill his ass dead if the baby was his. In the meantime, I needed to focus on my duties as his wife and a mother to our daughter. No matter what was going on in my marriage, I would never lack and give another bitch the opportunity to slide in and pick up my slack.


  “This motherfucker is of the chain,” Chloe said as we were ushered towards our seats in the VIP area.

  “I know right. Let’s pop some bottles. I’m ready to get white girl wasted,” Shayla said as she grabbed the bottle of Ace of Spades and opened it. I looked over at Bella and she looked like she would rather be anywhere but here. I heard about the shit with that fuck ass nigga Juelz. I was happy as hell my brother killed that nigga before he got a chance to hurt Bella.

  “You cool, Bella?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that I’m kind of nervous. I’ve never really been to a club like this.”

  “Well turn the fuck up then sissy!” Chloe said as she poured Bella a drink. Bella drank it straight down and poured herself another. I knew that there was more on Bella’s mind than just being in the club. Her ass was busy thinking about my brother.

  “Oh, shit that’s my s
ong! I woke up like this, I woke up like this!” Shayla sang as she rolled her hips and big ass booty. We all joined her and started dancing, as well. Even Bella was dancing and enjoying herself. This was the most fun I had in a long ass time. We were having so much fun. To anyone who didn’t know us they would think that we had been knowing each other for years. I couldn’t help but laugh as Chloe climbed up on the table and started dancing to Rihanna’s song Bitch Better Have My Money. We all started throwing money on her and making it rain. Chloe was still dancing and Shayla was smacking her on the ass. Bella was no longer throwing the money and was staring straight ahead. I followed her eyes and they landed on Jayceon, Rashad, Tech, and Dominic across the club in another VIP area. At that point, I was ready to go. I came out to enjoy myself not get into it with Tech. I knew if we stayed here a moment longer, the bitches were about to flock to them and I refused to fuck up my Giuseppe’s on a bum bitch.

  “Come on y’all let’s go.”

  “Why are we leaving already?” Shayla asked oblivious to her psycho ass husband being steps away from us.

  “Our husbands just walked in and I’m not in the mood to be fighting tonight.” I pointed over to where they were and just shook my head in disgust. Dominic was hand in hand with a bitch like he wasn’t a married man. I looked closer and there were other women in the VIP section with them. It was like they all were coupled up or some shit.


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