Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2

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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2 Page 13

by Mz. Lady P

  “Why would you slam the door in my face?” Sky said as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips.

  “Not right now, Sky. Just let me give my son a bath. I don’t have time for your sarcasm or your bullshit.”

  “I’m sorry about all of this. This is sad and I would never make light of the situation.”

  “Your ass ain’t sorry about none of this. You’re not fooling me not one bit. If anything, your ass is happy. After all, you’re the one who pushed her over the edge pulling that stunt last night.”

  “I can’t believe you’re sitting there blaming me for that stupid bitch killing herself.” Before I knew it, I jumped up and had smacked the shit out of Sky.

  “Why the fuck would you say that and he’s right here? That’s what I be talking about. Your mouth has no filter. You a stupid ass bitch!” I went back inside the bathroom and slammed the door. I made sure to leave her ass laying on the floor looking stupid. I just couldn’t take her mouth anymore. After letting TJ play for a little while longer, I dried him off and laid him down in his bed. I was so happy he had his own room here at the house filled to capacity with everything he needed. I laid in bed with him until he drifted off to sleep. I cut his nightlight on and I went to get ready for bed. As soon as I walked into our bedroom, I felt a sharp pain across my chest.

  “Don’t ever put your fucking hands on me!” Sky said as she sliced me with a box cutter. The shit happened so fast that I never even had time to react. I put my hand over my chest and that’s when I felt the wetness. My hand was covered in blood. She tried to charge at me again, but I was able to catch her ass by the throat and slam her into the wall.

  “Let me go, Tech!”

  “Drop the fuckin box cutter!” I applied as much pressure as I could to her wrist. I didn’t care if I had broken her shit. She finally dropped it and I hurried up and grabbed it. I picked her ass up and slammed her on the bed.

  “Get the fuck out and take your son with you,” she said as she jumped up and tried to come up behind me. I turned around and smacked her ass again.

  “I’m leaving, you ain’t even got to worry. The last thing I want to do is stay here with your childish ass. You wanted a nigga so bad. I dropped everything and everyone to be in the relationship that you always wanted. I should have known your ass was still a childish ass little girl. At least Aisha carried herself like a grown woman.” I was now standing over her.

  “Well now she a dead woman. Let’s not forget weak.” I just shook my head and walked away from her ass. I’m not the perfect man, but I’d been damn good to Sky. I never saw her for being so heartless and uncaring. I know that she didn’t like Aisha and that was understandable, but she was a mother. Sky should have at least had sympathy for TJ. She was flat out wrong for saying that shit in front of him. The best thing for me would be to leave and take my son with me. I felt myself on the verge of really hurting her. The last thing I needed was to get into a gun fight with Blockka and Pops. I already know that was what this shit would lead to. I pulled my shirt up over my head and accessed the damn cut on my chest. The shit was deep and would definitely leave a scar. I grabbed a towel and applied pressure to the wound to try to stop the bleeding. I knew I couldn’t grab TJ and drive. A nigga felt light headed as hell. The last thing I wanted to do was call Ms. Tina, but I needed her help. Plus, I wanted someone to talk some sense into Sky’s ass.

  Chapter 25- Sky

  The last thing I wanted to do was cut Tech, but he pissed me off when slapped me. He knew for a fact that I hated when he put his hands on me. I admit I was wrong for what I said about Aisha in front of TJ, but the fact that Tech wanted to blame me for the bitch killing herself was way out of line. If anything, he was responsible for the bitch killing herself. It was him who was dipping back and fucking the bitch. She couldn’t take the fact that he left her ass for me. It wasn’t my fault the bitch was a can’t take it ass bitch. I’m sorry that she thought death was better than living for her son, but I would not take the blame for that shit.

  My whole damn head was hurting form Tech slapping my ass twice. I had a headache out of this world. Once I gathered myself, I got up from the floor and went to find Tech. He was bleeding really bad and I knew he was in pain. I was feeling kind of bad about hurting him. When I walked into the bathroom, he was bent over the sink holding a towel to his chest. I grabbed some more towels and I tried to apply pressure, as well. Blood had soaked through the towel that he had.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!”

  “Don’t push me like that, Tristan. I’m trying to help you.”

  “I don’t want your help bitch. In case you forgot, your ass is the reason why I’m bleeding now.” I wasn’t even trying to hear what he was talking about. I knew that he was mad, but I was more concerned about him.

  “Just calm down and let me help. Your ass is bleeding everywhere.” I tried to help him again, but he grabbed me and began to choke the shit out of me.

  “You think I’m playing with your ass. Don’t fucking touch me! Get the fuck away from me, Sky. Real Talk.” I could feel myself losing consciousness. I was trying my best to peel his fingers from around my neck. I was looking in his eyes and nothing was there. He finally let go and dropped me to the floor. I started coughing and throwing up trying to catch my breath. I was reaching out to Tech, but he walked over me like I wasn’t shit to him. I managed to lift myself up and get some water. I heard the garage opening and his car start up. I couldn’t believe how quickly things had escalated. I was so hurt by Tech’s actions. I crawled in bed with my daughter and cried myself to sleep.


  It had been a week since the altercation between Tech and I. He sent Rashad to come get Trinity and I hadn’t heard from him since. He would let Trinity call me, but other than that he had no words for me. At first, I was calling and texting him repeatedly, but he would not respond to any of them. I finally just gave up and stop trying to get in contact with him. I hadn’t been out of the house or around my family because Tech’s handprint was on my face and around my throat. I didn’t want anyone to see the marks on me. Although I knew that they were aware that I had sliced him, I had no idea that I had sliced him that bad.

  My mother called cursing me out talking about Tech needed twenty-five stitches. She cursed me out to the point where she had me crying trying to explain. I ended up hanging up in her face and I hadn’t answered for her since. I knew that for a fact whenever she saw me she might lay hands on my ass, but that was a risk I was willing to take. I found out today was Aisha’s funeral while I was on Facebook. I really didn’t want to go, but I knew that it was the right thing to do. I knew that more than likely TJ would now be living in the home with Tech and me. I wasn’t ready to be a mother to two kids, but I knew that I would have to raise him as my own. I would never be his mother, but the last thing I would want was for him to grow up without a mother figure in his life. I decided not to even call Tech and let him know that I would be attending. It wasn’t like he would answer anyway so I was just going to go and pay my respects. Even though I didn’t like the bitch.

  When I arrived to the service, the church was filled to capacity. I slowly walked up to the casket and viewed her body. She looked like she was sleeping. I walked away from the casket and headed down the aisle. As I walked, I felt someone grab my hand I looked and it was Tech. I removed his hand from mine and I went to sit down in the back. I could hear people whispering and talking shit about me as I walked past. I wasn’t paying none of them hoes no mind. The service was extremely sad. Aisha’s mother and sisters were taking it real hard. After the service was over, I hurriedly walked to my car because I felt awkward about the whole scene.

  “Skylar!” The sound of Jayceon’s booming voice made me stop in my tracks. I turned around and watched as he walked towards me.

  “What’s up Bro?”

  “Don’t fucking what’s up me. Why the hell haven’t you been answering the phone?”

  “I’m sorry, Ja
yceon I just felt so bad about cutting, Tech. Ma called cursing me out and I had to hang up because she was going all hard on me without even listening to my side of the story.” I hated that I was crying like a big ole baby in front of my brother. It had been so long since he hugged me and treated me like a baby. I laid my head on his shoulder and was crying so bad.

  “Shhh! Stop all that. Both of y’all were in the wrong.”

  “I didn’t mean to slice him like that.” I sounded and looked ugly as hell crying like that.

  “I know you didn’t. I got her Bro.” Tech pulled me away from Jayceon and pulled me into his arms.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered in his ear as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I never should have put my hands on you. I’m sorry for hitting and disrespecting you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” As soon as the words left my mouth, gunfire erupted. One minute I was fine and the next I felt a hot sensation in my back.

  “Sky!” Hearing my brother calling my name was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

  Chapter 26- Bella

  My first doctor’s appointment just so happened to be the same day of Aisha’s funeral. I kept looking at the time because Jayceon was running late. He promised that he would be here, but he wasn’t even answering the phone. I was going to curse his ass out the first chance I got if he missed this. Our trip to Vegas was next week and I wanted to know exactly how far along I was with this pregnancy. I couldn’t believe that I was about to get married and be a Mommy again. My life was crazy and I was seriously thinking about writing a book about it. Reading all this damn Urban Fiction Sky had put me up on had me feeling really inspired. Just thinking about it made me pull out my notebook to jot down a couple of title ideas.

  “Isabella Bennett.” I held my hand up to let the nurse that I was coming. As I gathered my things, a text alert went off. I looked at the screen and it was Jayceon telling me that Sky had been shot and for me to get to the hospital. My heart began to beat rapidly as I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that Sky had been hurt. Instead of me going back for my appointment, I hauled ass trying to get out of the door and to my friend. I jumped in my car and hauled ass trying to get to the hospital that wasn’t that far away. I didn’t realize I was driving so fast until I saw the flashing lights from a police cruiser behind me. I reached inside my visor and retrieved my license and registration. I looked in my rearview mirror and watched as the plain clothes police officer approached my driver’s side window. When I rolled the window down, my heart began to race as I realized who the officer was. It was my ex Tyrin’s old partner from the force. Tyrin had died not too long ago.

  “License and registration please.” He spoke in a real sarcastic tone. I handed him the documents and he walked back to the car with them. It was odd that he was acting as if he didn’t know me. I also found it odd that he took my documents back to the patrol car. He could have checked my shit right in front of me. About ten minutes later, more cars pulled up. I knew some shit was up so I pulled out my phone and texted Jayceon telling him that I had been pulled over and things didn’t look right to me. Moments later, two female officers came and knocked on the window.

  “Step out of the car, Ma’am.” I opened the door and I was immediately yanked out and slammed on the trunk of the car

  “Wait a minute. What’s the problem? What am I being arrested for?”

  “Isabella Santos, you’re under arrest for arson and the attempted murder of Officer Tyrin Braxton.” The officer continued to read off my rights but the only thing that resonated in my mind was hearing that Tyrin wasn’t dead. Once I was placed inside the car, something told me to look up and that was when I locked eyes with the devil himself. I began to shake uncontrollably as I watched him play with the toothpick that was in his mouth. He winked his eye and blew a kiss at me. I put my head down and I began to cry. All I could think about was Jayceon, Baby Jay, Jazzy, and our unborn child.


  I had been sitting in the interrogation room for hours. I was cold and hungry. I had long ago grown tired of beating on the door and requesting to call my lawyer. They had yet to ask me any questions, but I wanted my lawyer before they even got started with the interrogation. I was still in shock that Tyrin was indeed alive. I just kept replaying the day I went to the hospital and they said that he had already passed. The whole scene was now looking so fucking odd. That nigga had survived. What I didn’t understand was why he was just now coming after me. I had a really bad feeling about all of this. Especially since I was never brought through the main entrance or intake. It looked like they had taken me to like a basement area that was no longer being used.

  I sat thinking long and hard about Tyrin and what the fuck he was up to. The sound of the door opening jarred me from my thoughts. I looked up and Tyrin was standing there. He came in and locked the door behind him. I became scared, but I wasn’t about to let him know that he still put fear in my heart. Blockka was my nigga and this motherfucker was about to sign his death certificate for fucking with me.

  “Long time no see, Bella.” He walked on my side of the table and stroked the side of my face. I moved my face out of reach of his hand so that he wouldn’t touch me. It was then that I saw the burn scars all over his hands.

  “Don’t touch me.” Before I knew it, he slapped me so hard that I fell out of the chair. He walked over and began to kick me repeatedly in my stomach. I could feel my ribs breaking. I was now crawling across the floor trying to get away from him. I was spitting up blood so I knew I had to be bleeding internally or he had punctured something. He lifted me up to my feet by my hair.

  “Where the fuck is my son?”

  “He’s with his Father,” I said as I spit blood in his face. In rapid succession, he begin to rain blows on me. The first hit caught me on the bridge of my nose cracking it instantly. Once I collapsed on the floor, I began to silently say the Lord’s Prayer as he continued to punch and kick me. The pain had become so unbearable that I had become numb. I felt him ripping my clothes from my body. Tears seeped from the corner of my eyes as I watched him mount me. He looked in my eyes as he viciously raped me. I was powerless and unable to fight him off. He raped me for what seemed like hours. I felt my body being lifted up and carried out of the room. I was placed inside of the trunk of a car. Not long after, I felt my body being thrown into a dumpster. I looked up in the sky and it was filled with stars. I stared at them and thought of Jayceon, Baby Jay, and Jazzy until I slipped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 27- Jayceon

  It had been five hours since I last heard from Bella and I was starting to panic. I had called several precincts and she wasn’t at any of them. I knew something wasn’t right because she would never not show up at the hospital to see about Sky. They were thick as thieves and she wouldn’t just say fuck her like that. I had been calling her phone and leaving messages but she was not responding. I felt like any moment I was about to explode if I didn’t find my baby.

  “Calm down, Jayceon. We’re going to find her?” Sky said just above a whisper. I walked over to her bed and kissed her on the cheek. I was so happy that she was only grazed in the back by the bullet. I don’t know what I would have done if she would ever leave me. I have a bond with my little sister that was out of this world. I loved her like she was my daughter. I swear I would kill a brick for her. I thought I was a bitch when it came down to her, but my nigga Tech had me beat. That nigga had been crying ever since we been here. I wish y’all could see his big ass up in the bed lying on Sky’s chest asleep. I swear I couldn’t wait to clown his bitch ass.

  “I just have a bad feeling about this. Bella always answers for me.”

  “Well have you tried the Where’s my IPhone App?”

  “I had forgot all about that. As soon as they discharge you, I’m going to see if I can locate it.” About thirty minutes later, a nurse came in and she had the discharge papers. I couldn’t help but stare at her because she
favored Sky and me. I knew that our sister on our father’s side was in the medical field, but what were the odds that this was our sister. As she moved closer to her, I could see her nametag and it read Sierra Bennett. That was all the confirmation I needed, I already had my phone out, so I took a picture of her and sent it to my Pops. I didn’t want to say anything to her or Sky just in case she wasn’t our sister.

  “Okay Mrs. Martin. Here are your discharge papers and prescriptions for pain meds.” I watched her as she handed Sky the papers and she signed them. I watched as she smiled at Sky. Most likely because the nigga Tech was still in bed with her. When she turned to leave I noticed bruises on her neck and her cheek looked to be swollen. I wanted to approach her and ask was she okay, but I didn’t want to scare her. I looked at my phone to see if Pops or Bella responded to me, but they hadn’t. Once Sky was dressed, we headed out of the hospital.

  As we were leaving, I spotted Sierra getting in the passenger’s side of a burnt orange Dodge Charger. I saved the license plate number in my phone. For some reason, I knew that it would come in handy later. Now that Sky was straight and headed home, I could focus on finding my fucking wife. While in route to drop Sky and Tech off, I located where Bella’s phone was. I didn’t say anything because Sky was in the car and I didn’t want to upset her. I dropped her off and told Tech I needed him to take a ride with me. At the same time, I called Rashad to meet me up there. I wanted to call Dominic, but he was still fucked up from being shot. Plus, Shayla was not going to let him out of her sight. I flamed up a blunt as I drove to the location on Biscayne Blvd.


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