The Perfect Bastard

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The Perfect Bastard Page 21

by LK Collins

  “How is he?”

  “He has a couple cracked ribs, one that punctured his lung and was making it hard for him to breathe, but he’s going to be okay.”

  Thank God.

  “Can we see him?” I ask.

  “He’s resting, they have him on a ton of drugs. He said for us all to go home and get drunk, for him.”

  “That sounds like him,” Ted says, and Quinn kisses my cheek as I let out a breath of air that I feel like I’ve been holding on to all day.

  “Merritt?” Willow says, as we all stand and prepare to leave.

  “He said to tell you he’ll pay for the snowmobile.”

  “No, fuck that. I don’t care about the money. I shouldn’t have booked the trip to begin with.”

  She smiles and says, “Don’t think like that. We had fun.”

  “Yeah, but look at Ari.”

  “He’ll be fine, and you didn’t make him crash, he did. He’s reckless, and we both know it. It’s how he lives.”

  “Thanks for saying that,” I tell her.

  “It’s the truth.” She gives Ted a hug and kiss.

  “Do you want me to stay?” I ask her, “I don’t mind at all.”

  “No, you go back to the house and relax.”

  “No, you go. Let me stay.”

  “Are you sure?” she asks me.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  “Okay, he’d probably rather you be here anyway. He should be released in the morning, so I’ll be back early. Thank you, Merritt.”


  Still holding on to Quinn’s hand, I look down at our fingers and bring them to my lips as her blue eyes look deep into me. “Go get some rest, sexy.” She blinks a few times before offering, “I can stay with you.”

  I smirk. “Look at you; Miss This-Can-Only-Last-A-Week doesn’t want to be away from me.” She pulls her hand away, and I kiss her cheek, then whisper into her ear, “If you stayed, I’d have to fuck you, and I don’t think Ari would appreciate that. He’d want to join in, and I’m not about to share you.”

  She nods with a smile, and I breathe her scent in one final time and then realize that everyone is watching us. “Bye.”

  “Goodbye,” she says back, licking her bottom lip knowing just what that does to me.

  “He’s in room 110,” Willow gives me a hug and then they are all gone. My eyes are on Quinn for as long as I can see her, and then I shake my head. Just a week, I remind myself…that’s it.

  Walking to find Ari, I follow the signs to the rooms from 100-119. As I stand in his doorway, he is asleep, and as quietly as I can, I step inside.

  He looks up at me right away, his eyes glossy and tired. “What’s up, man?”

  “Not much. How you feeling, Spiderman?”

  He chuckles. “Sore as fuck, but the medicine is hella good, and my nurse is fuckin’ smoking.”

  “You gonna hit that shit?” I tease him

  “I wish. I can barely breathe. Where’s Quinn, she let you off your leash?”

  I give him the middle finger. “You know me; no woman’s gonna tie me down.”

  “I don’t know; you seem to like that one.”

  “She’s cool, sex with her is off the charts, but we already agreed to things being just this week.”

  “That’s good, man, you gotta focus on work. It’s not long until you own that company.”

  “I can’t wait, Ari. You have no fucking idea.”

  His eyes get heavy as I contemplate how those words could never be more true. I can’t wait for the day my dad turns the company over to me. I deserve it, and it can’t come soon enough. I’ve put up with more of his shit than anyone really should, and I’ve sacrificed more than I’d like to admit. But in the end, I’ll have it all.

  Chapter 15


  “Can’t sleep?” Kami asks me, walking downstairs as I gaze at the last of the embers of the fire.

  “No. You?”

  “Me neither. Jacob is tossing and turning and talking and snoring.” I laugh at the image and tell her, “Grab a glass, come join me.”

  She looks at the bottle of wine on the table in front of me. Bringing an empty glass over, she fills hers up and takes a seat next to me on the floor.

  “Why are you up?”

  I hand her Merritt’s iPad which I used to check my email, and unfortunately there was a new message from my ex. As she reads the email, she grimaces and then sets the iPad down. “Why don’t you block his email?” she questions me.

  “I have, and he just keeps creating other bogus new ones.”

  “Then change your email. You don’t deserve to be spoken to the way he does.”

  “I guess a part of me was hoping that he’d see I blocked him and know how hurt I was and apologize for everything.”

  “Quinn, guys like him don’t say they are sorry. They’re one hundred percent assholes, and you need to stay away.”

  “I hear ya, Kami.” Her words make sense. But a part of me still misses what we had. It might have been a short-lived romance, but he was really sweet and good to me. Until he wasn’t.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asks me.

  Swallowing a large gulp of wine, I tell her, “That I need to pick better guys.”

  “Like Merritt?”

  I shake my head, but she can see that just by saying his name, I get lost in thoughts of him too. “You like him, don’t you?”

  “No, I like sleeping with him, but that’s it.”

  “Sure, Quinn.” She clearly doesn’t believe me, but she also doesn’t probe further. Regardless, her comment has my head spinning. Do I like him? Is there more to what I am feeling with him than just sex? Is that what all this is about? It’s not that I want my ex to apologize or for anything with him to work, maybe I want things with Merritt to work. Jesus, this is all so frustrating. Even if there was a way, I couldn’t give in to it—we live so far apart and are both basically married to our careers. Neither of us has time for anything else, especially a relationship; that much is blindingly clear.

  “Merritt is a good distraction, I’m having fun on this trip, but it’s nothing serious and won’t last past this week.”

  “But, what if it did?”

  “It won’t, Kami.” I refill my glass and top hers off. “Enough about me, how are you and Jacob?”

  “All right. We’re good; he’s been trying really hard.”

  A few months back Kami and Jacob went through a rough patch, she was feeling a total disconnect from him and finally confronted him about it. He blamed it on the stress of work, and I guess made a change. I think Jacob is a good guy and really loves her, he just needed a reality check.

  Sometimes we all do.

  I got it when my ex broke up with me. It was a clear sign to stay away from men. They aren’t good for anything, except their dicks, which in turn reminds me, I could use Merritt’s right about now.

  Dammit, I drank too much.

  I haven’t even opened my eyes yet, and I can tell it’s going to be brutal. Taking in a deep breath. I stretch and then blink a few times. The image of Merritt startles me. “What the fuck?”

  “Sorry,” he responds innocently sitting on the edge of the bed next to me.

  “It’s okay. Were you watching me?” I ask.

  “No!” He rubs the back of his neck, undoubtedly lying, “I just sat down.”

  “How’s Ari?”

  “ He’s good; he’s here.”

  “Really? That was fast. What time is it?”


  “In the afternoon?”

  “Yeah, have you been asleep since last night?”

  “Uhhh, I fell asleep at about three.”

  “Damn, staying up that late, I could’ve fucked you so many times.”

  I get up to pee and know later on that’s all we’ll be doing. “Nice shirt.”

  I look down and realize that I’m wearing one of his t-shirts. I must’ve put it on when I was drunk and stumbling
into bed.

  “Thanks, I’m keeping it. I’m gonna shower and try to wake up.”

  Turning on the water, I pop a few aspirin from inside of my makeup bag and look back at my pale reflection in the mirror. God, I look like shit.

  Getting into the shower, I try to wash away all of my worries and the fucked up thoughts that are still going through my mind.

  Chapter 16


  I go to follow Quinn into the bathroom because I need to fuck her and now, but my iPad stops me dead in my tracks sitting on the couch in the room. I left it in my bag, so why is it out? I grab it and open it up.

  On the screen is an email:

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  November 3, 2016, 1:15am


  I can see you blocked my email, why…I’m not sure. Well, let me assure you this will be my last one to you. You’ll never see me again; I’m done with you. I’m not sure why I wasted my time with your stupid, immature, fat ass in the first place. Obviously, I made the right decision when I let you go. Everything I ever told you or promised you was a lie. I hope life screws you over, the way you deserve, we both know you were only with me for my money. Go fuck yourself, Quinn!

  Reading the hateful email again, I am in shock. What kind of a cruel person would speak to anyone like that, especially a woman? Quinn is amazing and deserves the world. She is not fat, stupid, or any of the things he called her.

  Clicking “reply” to the message, my blood is so hot as I contemplate a response.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  November 5, 2016, 2:18pm

  When you hit send, you should be more careful of your words. I’m with Quinn now and just read your email. Obviously, I can tell right off the bat that you are a fucking lunatic. What a way to talk to a woman—no wonder she found a real man. Let this be a warning that if you ever try to contact her again, in any way, or upset her, I will personally find you and make you fucking pay for it, the way you deserve! Now go fuck yourself, you prick!

  Without hesitation, I click “send” and log out of her email. Then I take a deep breath and strip naked, finding her just getting out of the shower. “I was going to join you.”

  “Maybe later,” she says, with the most gorgeous expression. Swiftly I kiss her, then get into the shower myself. “So did you miss me last night?” I ask her as I begin to wash myself.


  “Damn, why you gotta be so cold? I missed you.”


  “Uh huh. What did you do without me?”

  “Played spin the bottle and made out with everyone.”

  I open the shower door and glare at her as she combs her wet hair. “I’m joking,” she says.

  “Please, don’t fuck with me like that. I don’t share well.”

  She smiles and nods as I close the door.

  “I got drunk with Kami, and we just chilled.”

  “That’s cool.” She doesn’t bring up her ex emailing her, and I’m not sure if she would. I mean, we’re not together, even though I told him we were. But I want her to know that I’m here for her no matter what or how fucked up the situation is.

  “How’s Ari doing?” she asks me.

  “He’s good. You know how he is…he’s a funny fucker; there’s not much that can bring him down.”

  “Not even spending the night in the hospital?”

  “Nah, he was laughing the whole accident up and digging his nurse, who in my opinion was like a four out of a ten. I think the pain meds had him seeing shit or something; it was funny.”

  “You can always guarantee that he’ll make you laugh.”

  “True.” I get out of the shower and right as I open her towel, there is a knock on the door. “Seriously? I feel like I’m living at home again.” She grabs her towel from my grip and winks at my cock as she slips out of the room. Drying my body, I think of those hateful words that make me want to find the guy behind them and smash his face in. But I remind myself of what she wants, and it’s just this week…nothing more. So it’s not my place.

  As I sit back driving Quinn’s car to pick up dinner since Ari can’t go out, I can tell she is watching me. “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing.” She looks out the other window, and I spot the restaurant up ahead. There is a parking spot on the street, and I snag it, parallel parking her Jeep. “You want to wait in the car?” I ask.

  “No, I want to come.”

  We both get out. The chill in the air is pretty rough, and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her body tightly to mine as we walk along the sidewalk. “Thanks for driving,” she tells me.

  “Of course, anytime. I’m sorry you have a headache.”

  “It’s okay; it’ll go away.”

  I open the door to the lavish restaurant that Willow ordered dinner from and the hostess greets us and then asks, “Just two of you tonight?”

  As much as I’d love to take her out on a real date, that’s not why we’re here. “Uhh, no. We have a pickup order.”

  “What’s the name?”

  “It’s under ‘Willow.’”

  The girl looks at the computer screen, totally lost, and I glance at Quinn, giving her that look.

  “Umm, it looks like the kitchen is just starting on your order now, would you mind waiting about ten to fifteen minutes?”

  “Okay,” I respond, the chatter and commotion so loud, I’m not even sure if she heard me.

  Quinn and I sit on a bench by the door; she rests her head on my shoulder, and I tell her, “I really hate it when people ask me if I’d mind waiting. What I want to say is, ‘Do I have another choice?’”

  She laughs a little and then responds, “Me too.”

  The noise somehow gets louder in here, I can tell it’s hurting her head by the way she’s squinting her eyes, so I direct her to stand, and we head outside.

  “Why don’t we wait in the car?” I tell her.

  “Okay,” she says and as we walk back something in the window of one of the stores catches her eye. She does a double take, and I try to see what it is, but there’s so much in there that I can’t tell. “Let’s go inside,” I offer, and she smiles.

  Walking into the long and narrow store, the atmosphere is calm, and the lighting is bright, showcasing the shelves packed full with so much crap. This has got to be a tourist hotspot for sure. Quinn goes right for the window and touches a thin, elegant silver bracelet with some sort of a charm on it.

  “That it?” I ask.

  “Yeah. For my sixteenth birthday, my parents got me a bracelet just like this, and I wore it everywhere.”

  I can tell by the monotone to her voice, that she no longer has it. “What happened to it?”

  “I don’t know. I had it one day, then it was gone the next, I have no clue where it went. I’ve searched for years, and it’s never showed up.”

  I slide it off the jewelry holder and place it on her wrist. She looks down at it with a smile, so genuine and happy. “Get it,” I tell her.

  “I don’t have my wallet.”

  “I’ll buy it for you.”

  “No, I couldn’t.”

  “It’s no big deal, please.”

  She flicks the tiny charm that is shaped like a box and says to me, “Can I pay you back?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “That looks gorgeous on you,” the store clerk comes up and says. “Thanks,” Quinn tells her, and the clerk asks us, “Can I help you find anything else?”

  Reaching into my pocket, I grab my credit card and pass it to the woman, “Nope, just this.”

  The woman walks off to ring the bracelet up and Quinn wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me gently. “Thank you, I’ll repay you.”

  “You’re welcome, and no, you won’t.”

  Chapter 17


  “You didn’t tell me you found your bracelet,�
�� Willow exclaims as I find myself playing with it the way I always used to.

  “I didn’t. Merritt bought it for me tonight when we were waiting for dinner.”


  “What? You think I’m not capable of buying her things?” he chimes in.

  “No, that’s not it. I’m surprised she let you buy it, being Miss Independent and all.”

  “Oh, she wanted to pay me back. She even got all stupid about it when we got home, but I put her in her place.”

  I look at him, and he winks at me. I did get a little upset when he refused to take my money once we returned to the house, but I didn’t throw a fit.

  “Did you put a wish in it yet?” Willow asks me.

  “No, I’m still thinking on it.”

  “Wish?” Merritt asks me.

  “Yeah. You’re supposed to write a wish down, fold it up and place it inside the box.”

  Merritt nods his head, and as we look at one another, I find myself thinking about my wish and what it’d be. What do I really want in life? Just then Ari emerges and slowly walks downstairs. “You shouldn’t be up,” Willow says, running to his side.

  “I’m fine,” he brushes her off and tries to make his way to the couch, but she turns him around and walks him right back to bed. “Night, Ari,” we all yell and he flips us off. He’s obviously struggling being stuck in bed.

  “I’m turning in too,” I tell everyone as my head is still giving me a dull throbbing pain.

  Walking upstairs, I lie down on the bed, closing my eyes, hoping by morning that my head feels better. As I lie there, I find my mind is on Merritt. He is so sweet and caring, which is the last thing I expected him to be. He’s not like any other man that I’ve been with. I hate that we’ve only got two days left, so I want to make the most of it.

  Quietly he enters the room.

  “Night, guys,” Willow says walking by.


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