The Perfect Bastard

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The Perfect Bastard Page 27

by LK Collins

  My body is smashed down into my couch; my legs spread wide, and my fingers have me so close to letting go, but I fight it, the sensation of teetering on the edge is so good.

  Then he grunts fiercely, obviously coming and that’s my undoing. I shake from head to toe, screaming for mercy, for him to stop, to give me a break. “Yes, baby, let go,” he orders me, and once my body settles, I realize it was me all along. His smooth voice coaxed me on, but I was in control and could’ve stopped. Removing my fingers from inside myself, I scoot up and pull a blanket from over the back of the couch and cover up my naked body.

  “God, that was good. You’re so sexy.”

  “It was. Thank you.”

  “Of course. So you gonna let me fuck your ass this weekend?”

  “Maybe. Will it hurt?”

  “Well, that’s up to you. If you try hard enough, you can always find pleasure in the pain.”

  “Would it make you happy?”

  “It would. I want to have you in every way imaginable.”

  His statement echoes deep within me. I love the raw honesty that he always shares with me. He’s never tried to hide it, and I admire that.

  Chapter 30


  As the plane makes it descent into Denver, I’m anxious to get to Quinn. It’s dark as hell out, and I can’t wait to surprise her, to sneak into her apartment and slide into her bed. I just want to fuck her all night long.

  “Flight attendants, please prepare for landing,” the pilot says over the intercom, and I close my eyes, loving how I’m always rewarded with the memories of her.

  As the plane gets lower and lower to the ground, the pressure changes and I have to keep popping my ears. But something goes wrong; the pressure drops completely, and the oxygen bags fall from the ceiling. The passengers all begin to panic, screaming and trembling to get their masks on.

  I gasp for air reaching for mine, but it’s too far away. Everything around me silences and I close my eyes falling from the sky…

  …Sitting up in my bed, I’m out of breath. Fuck, it was just a dream. It was only a dream.

  It’s 12:37, the time my flight would have departed for Denver, and I can’t deny that I’m a little pissed at myself for not going. Every night I’ve woken up at this same time missing Quinn. My brain sending myself a subliminal “fuck you.”

  Sitting up, I rub my face and look out at the water; it’s smooth as glass. Thank God it’s Friday. I don’t think I can take another night of sleep like this. Quinn will be here by the end of the day.

  Grabbing my phone, I’m tempted to text her, but don’t want to wake her.

  Lying back down, I close my eyes, hoping I can fall asleep…but I can’t.

  So I decide to go into the office and get a jump on my day. The sooner I’m done, the sooner she’ll be here.

  After showering and dressing, I make the short commute into the office. It’s pitch dark out. I park and head in, the alarm that typically sounds when I enter through the front door is off.

  That’s strange.

  Flipping on a few lights, I look around but don’t spot anyone. Then I hear a woman’s voice and spot my father’s light on. Shit, is he still here? He was supposed to fly home, or so I thought.

  Walking down the hall, I keep my feet light and stop, listening to them for a moment. They aren’t talking, and I have to look. Trust me; I don’t want to, but I have to know what’s going on and who he’s with.

  I don’t think he’s dated anyone since my mom. Glancing in, he’s on the sofa in his office, the woman is straddling his lap as they are making out.

  Jesus, this is gross.

  I try and figure out who she is, and then I notice her sweater next to them and remember it from a meeting today. It’s one of our interns. Ah, fuck!

  Quietly I back up before either of them spots me and head out of the building. Bile is in the back of my throat, seeing someone so young with my father. She’s half his age! What is she thinking and how did I not have any idea this was going on?

  Getting in my car, I call Quinn. She answers half asleep, “Is everything okay?”

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I forgot the time. Call me in the morning, when you’re up.”

  “No, I want to hear your voice. What are you doing awake?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  She pauses and then says, “Should I be worried?”

  I chuckle and look out my windshield. “No, nothing to worry about, beautiful.”

  “Come on; you can’t wake me up in the middle of the night and not tell me.”

  Starting my car, I drive back home. “I couldn’t sleep, so I went into work and…I caught my dad with…” I trail off, not even able to speak the words.

  “With?” she probes further.

  “With one of our interns. She’s like half his age. I’m still trying to process it all. For fuck’s sake…how did I not know?”

  “Because they didn’t want you to.”

  “But he’s old enough to be her father; that’s just gross.”

  “Remember what you told me when we met?”


  “You said, ‘Everyone fucks.’”

  “Okay, that’s enough. This is my dad we’re talking about. Thank God I didn’t walk in on that.”

  She laughs at me and asks me, “Why are you at work in the middle of the night anyway?”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I was trying to get a head start since you’re coming tonight.”

  “Mmmmhhh, I can’t wait,” she tells me. “But I think I might be getting sick.”

  “What? No, don’t say that.”

  “Trust me; I wish I wasn’t…but I don’t feel well at all.”

  “Call in to work and hop an earlier flight. I’ll work from home today and take care of you.”

  “That sounds really nice.”

  “Then do it.”

  “Can I ask you something, Merritt?”

  “Of course.” Pulling back up to my house, I head around back and sit on the deck, enjoying the view.

  “How are we going to make this work long-term? It seems we can’t bear to be apart and we’re not even together. That’s not going to get any easier.”

  I think about her question, and I’m not sure how to answer her. I don’t know how we got wrapped up the way we did…but here we are. I don’t usually think that far ahead…I’m a live-in-the-moment kinda guy. But with Quinn, I feel like I have to think further and prepare for more than just looking forward to what the weekend holds.

  Chapter 31


  Looking through the crowds of people at the airport, I can’t spot Merritt. He said he’d meet me right when I got through security, but I don’t see him. I hope he didn’t get caught up at work. Pulling out my phone to call him, I’m startled as he grabs me from behind. “Gotcha!”

  “Hiiii!” I cling to him, breathing him in, holding on to his arms.

  “How are you feeling?” he nuzzles my neck, and I turn around.

  “Better,” I tell him, and he kisses me hard. We both get lost in the moment, forgetting that we are standing in the middle of the airport. His cock is growing, and I’m aware neither of us has the best self-control when it comes to keeping ourselves appropriate in public.

  Slowing the kiss, he rests his forehead against mine and says, “I’m so happy you’re here.”

  “Me too, thank you for having me. You look really fucking hot.”

  “You like me in a suit, don’t ya?”

  I nod, and he takes my bag from my shoulder and wraps his hand around mine. He keeps looking down at me like he can’t get enough and my heart flutters.

  “If I don’t let you go back home, is that a problem?” I roll my eyes at him, and he says, “What? I’m just being honest.”

  We exit the airport, and the warm air is a refreshing feeling. “Oh my God, it feels amazing.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot you’ve been used to those sub-zero temperatures.”

It feels so good that I take my coat off. Walking up to his car he unlocks the doors and opens mine. Sitting on the passenger seat is a huge bouquet of flowers. “Why, thank you,” I tell him as I get comfy in his sleek Mercedes, smelling the gorgeous flowers.

  “My pleasure.” He tosses my bag in the trunk and then opens his door, unbuttoning his coat before he gets in. “I was gonna bring them in, but I wanted to have my hands free.”

  “So what’s the plan?” I ask and he backs out of the parking place.

  “Sex, food, sex, food, sex, food. That work with you?”

  “Of course, but I’m hungry now.” Reaching over, I rub my hand over his shaft; his dick is already hard, and he says, “By all means, eat away, baby.”

  “You said you didn’t cook.” I glare at Merritt as he pulls some food out of the fridge.

  “No, I told you, I order in more often than not. But I love to cook when I have someone to cook for.”

  I smile, sipping on a glass of wine as he prepares our dinner. “So no meat at all for you?”


  “Have you always been a vegetarian?”

  “I have. My parents are, it’s how I was raised.”

  “Have you ever tried meat?”

  “Yeah, and I really don’t like how it tastes.”

  “Except for mine?” He cocks his eyebrows at me and grabs his dick through his pants.

  “Yes, except for yours.” I kiss his neck and refill my glass, looking around his house. “Have you lived here for long?”

  “A few years.”

  “Always alone?”

  “Yes,” he answers, and I hate to have asked, but I can’t imagine him being all alone in this huge glass house on the water. I’d figured he shared it with an ex or something.

  Getting lost in the view, he wipes his hands dry and asks me, “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing. It’s gorgeous here.”

  “It is. The view is even better with you in it.”

  I smirk over my shoulder at him, and he says, “Just speaking the truth. Dinner should be done in a bit. Do you want to go sit out back?”

  “Sure.” He takes my hand and guides me onto the deck. The air is still surprisingly warm, and I love it. I can’t seem to get enough. We sit together on the outdoor sofa, and I ask him, “Did you ever confront the intern?”

  “Hell no!”

  I laugh and almost spit my sip of wine out. “Why not? I thought you were going to.”

  “I was, but then her boyfriend came and picked her up for lunch, and I don’t know. Maybe it wasn’t her in there. I didn’t see her face.”

  “We could spy on them?” I joke, and he laughs. “No way, I don’t think we’ll leave at all this weekend, plus, he’s back home in California.”

  “Why does he live there?”

  “It’s where our main hub is. He’s always traveling so he’s all over.”

  “Why do you really put up with him? Even though he’s going to one day give you the company, is it really worth it?”

  He finishes his wine and says to me, “What other choice do I have? I’m too old to play basketball, and if I tried to go anywhere else like Ari did, he’d make my life hell. So I play along and do what I can to prove I’m ready to take on the company.”

  “You really want it that bad, huh?”

  “I do, more than anything…except you.” His words bring a part of me to life. I know how much running the company means to him, so for him to want me more than that is something special.

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “Yup, and I think because I turned down my dreams of basketball, I have to make this work. I can’t fail.”

  I see his point—he’s following a dream that one day will pay off because he let go of his real passion when he didn’t pursue basketball. But I also hate to see the shit he has to go through to get there. It’s like when his dad says “jump,” Merritt will bitch, but then he’ll say, “how high?” and do whatever his dad wants and that is not the man that Merritt is.

  Chapter 32


  Dragging my tongue over her sensitive skin, she writhes beneath me, trying to see around the room, but the blindfold keeps everything dark.

  “I didn’t say you could move.” My voice is laced with passion. I have each of her hands bound to her ankles spreading her wide and helpless on my bed.

  I love playing with her and controlling her. I also love how willing and accepting Quinn is, too. She doesn’t judge me and is not scared, which I need in life.

  In most of my relationships, the moment I’ve tried to show this side, women freak; they are not accepting in the slightest. But not Quinn. From the moment I blindfolded her or tied her to the bed, she was willing and compliant, and now here she is again, powerless, letting me have all of the control.

  Flicking my tongue over her clit, I tease her again, and this time, I tell her, stopping for a brief moment. “You can come now.”

  It’s not but another few seconds, and she’s screaming my name, coming hard.

  Her pussy now so wet that I can’t wait to fuck her. Pulling away, I take the blindfold off, her sexy eyes find mine, and I grip each of her ass cheeks as I nudge myself inside her.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” I murmur, her pussy so constricting that it lights my insides up.

  Looking down at my dick, the veins are bulging as I move in and out of her. God, this is intense. Maybe it’s this angle. I watch our bodies and the point where they connect, her pussy lips spread wide, eating me up. I’d planned on fucking her ass tonight, and I still could ‘cause she has my shaft so wet that I’d have no problem going in, but this is too good. Taking my thumb, I stick it in her mouth. She sucks and bites it, crying out in pleasure as she takes all of me. And then I pull it away, rubbing around the rim of her ass, “Yes,” she begs me, and I finger her while I blast a heavy load deep inside her tight slit.

  She comes again, her entire body fighting the restraints, and I love to see her so hot and horny, giving over to the pleasure of what we are together. Our connection is explosive, and I hope this is just the beginning of more times like this.

  Pulling my cock from her, she is exhausted, but I could go again. I remove the straps from her wrists and can tell she’s gonna bruise. “You can’t fight that hard, baby,” I tell her and kiss the tender skin on her arm.

  “It feels so good, though; it makes everything so much more intense.”

  “You like it then, being tied up and helpless?”

  “Yes, more than I could’ve ever imagined.”

  “Have you ever done anything like this with a guy before?”

  “Hell, no. I’d be scared and running for the hills.”

  “You didn’t run tonight.”

  “‘Cause there’s nothing you could do that could make me run.”

  “Thank God, ‘cause I would’ve chased you naked.”

  She rolls over in my arms, looking me in the eye and says, “Who knew when we met and I thought all men were dicks, that this is where we’d be?”

  “You didn’t ever think I was a dick, though. You just wanted mine and didn’t know how to handle it. Miss Unplugged-From-The-World, guarding your heart and all.”

  “Hey,” her eyebrows scrunch as she pouts a little, “I was hurt, and you…you know if I think about it, you took advantage of me. You knew it and still pursued me. I haven’t quite given in to you, Merritt. ”

  “Yes, you have, and you know it. Underneath it all, I could smell the freak inside of you wanting out.”

  We laugh at our little banter, and I hold her tightly against my chest. Her face squished against me, and I close my eyes, owning this moment, this solitude because in just a couple of quick days…she’ll be gone, and we’ll both be miserable being away from each other…again.

  Chapter 33


  Waking up in Merritt’s bed, he’s lying next to me, watching me sleep and has the sexiest grin on his face. “Morning,” he says through a sm
ile and kisses me.

  “Morning. What time is it?”

  He grabs his phone and says, “Nine thirty.”

  “You been up long?”

  “Yeah, for a little while. I handled some fires at work and thought we could get out.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “You ever been horseback riding?”

  “No, why?”

  “Wanna give it a try today?”

  “Merritt, are you a cowboy deep down?” I tease him. “Hidden beneath all those sexy layers is there a man that craves the open range?”

  “No, ma’am,” he shakes his head and hops out of bed, completely naked. His ass cheeks flex with every step.

  “I’m calling your bluff!” I holler out, and he walks out of his closet only wearing a cowboy hat as he struts to the shower.

  “I knew it!”

  He smirks over his shoulder at me, getting in the shower, and I step over his hat that he tossed on the floor to follow him.

  After a very thorough washing and fucking, I think I might have to skip horseback riding. My pussy is sore from so much sex. He’s an animal; there really are no limits.

  On the drive, I ask him, “So, are these horses yours?”

  “Kinda. They were my mom’s. They were her pride and joy before she passed.”

  “I’m sorry, Merritt, I had no idea she was gone.”

  “It’s okay; she passed when I was a teenager. Sometimes, I feel like I know the horses better than I knew her.”

  “How did she pass?” I hate to ask but have to know.

  “Cancer, it came fast and took her quickly. That’s when my dad changed. Without her, he became a prick. So cold and closed off to the rest of the world. I thought it was his way of grieving and that as time went on it would get better, but it didn’t.”

  “Is that also why you didn’t pursue your basketball dreams?”

  “It is; I was hoping if we worked together that things would get back to how they used to be…but that never happened. We grew further apart and honestly seeing him with our intern the other night disgusted me. My mom would’ve been appalled had she caught him with someone so young.”


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