The Perfect Bastard

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The Perfect Bastard Page 29

by LK Collins

  I fight to stay in control, but it’s too much. My insides quiver and the instant he really picks up speed, I come hard. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I chant, having an unbelievably intense orgasm. Each stream of his white is hot inside of me, and as he finishes, he flips me onto my back, ripping his shirt off as he pummels into me. One hand is splayed across my chest while his other holds one of my legs to the side.

  He’s ruthless, fucking me harder than ever, my body scooting up the bed. I reach above me, pressing my fingers to the headboard to keep myself in place.

  “You like being fucked hard?” he asks me in a deep, sexy tone.


  Our eyes are connected, locked on each other’s in a whirlwind of sex. With Merritt, there are no rules or boundaries, just each other’s rawest desires, and he brings so many desires out of me. Every single hidden fantasy that I have, I want to experience them all with him.

  “Should we order room service?” I ask Merritt, as I dry off from our shower.

  “If you want to, but we can also go out.”

  “Whatever you want to do is fine with me.” He walks up behind me, his large hands roaming my body as he rubs up and down it.

  “We should go out,” I tell him, knowing if we stay in, all we’ll do is fuck, and as much as I love it, I need to be able to walk normally for my dad’s birthday Monday night.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he tells me, kissing my neck and then getting dressed himself.

  “Thank you. Would you put this on me?” I ask handing him my bracelet he bought for me in Steamboat.

  “Did you ever put a wish inside?”

  “I did.”

  “What’s it say?” he asks me curiously.

  “I’m not telling you, or it won’t come true.”

  He rolls his eyes at me and pretends to open the box. I smack his arm, and he acts like I have superhuman strength and actually hurt him. Giving him a hug, I kiss the spot I hit. But he tries to open my bracelet again.

  “Fine, fine, I’ll tell you.”

  “You will?”

  “Yeah, ‘cause it’s already come true.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I’m just joking.” I grin from ear to ear and grab my purse, waiting for Merritt at the door. He spanks me as he opens the door, and we wander down the hall hand in hand. He presses the down button on the elevator and says to me, “Have you ever fucked in an elevator?”

  “No, you?”

  “Nope, wanna try?”

  I nod and raise my eyebrows to him. As the doors open, we go to step in, but someone exits and when I see the guy standing there, my world halts.

  “Dad,” Merritt says, and I…What the fuck is going on? I have no clue how this is even fucking possible. Merritt’s dad doesn’t answer. Instead he’s staring at me, the same way he used to, the same look he gave me that made me fall for him in the first place.

  “I didn’t know you had company, son.”

  “Oh yeah, this is my girlfriend, Quinn. She flew in and surprised me. Quinn, this is my dad, Charles.” I swallow not sure how to respond, and he stretches out his hand in a friendly gesture as if he doesn’t know me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Quinn.”

  As I shake his hand back, I’m stunned, sick to my stomach, and not sure what to do.

  Chapter 38


  They shake hands, and he says to me, “Merritt, I was just coming up to see you. I got to thinking about your idea with Exlon, and it might not be such a bad way to go.”

  “Really?” I ask him shocked.

  “Yeah, I mean, we do need the revenue, and I’m not gonna stick around for much longer. We should discuss it more.”

  “Quinn and I were going to grab a bite to eat, do you wanna talk afterwards?”

  “I have a meeting,” he says, and I look at Quinn, hoping she doesn’t mind if I invite him. She smiles at me, and I squeeze her hand.

  “Wanna join us?”

  “Sure, if you don’t mind?” he looks at Quinn, and she says, “Oh, not at all.”

  He presses the call button on the elevator and says to us, “So how long have you two been together?”

  “What’s it been, babe?” I ask her, and she shrugs her shoulders, seemingly quiet.

  “A few months.”

  “How did you meet?” he asks.

  “On that trip, Ari invited me to in Colorado.”

  “Ahhh, so you know Ari?”

  She nods and he says, “Where should we eat?”


  We follow my dad into the restaurant at the hotel and get seated right away. Quinn hasn’t said much, and it’s not like her to be quiet. “Are you okay?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, I’m just getting a migraine, that’s all.”

  “This okay?” my dad asks us.

  “Yeah, it’s great,” I respond and open my menu. I glance over mine and decide on steak and eggs. Then notice my dad hasn’t touched his, he’s studying Quinn in a very peculiar way.

  “So what made you change your mind on Exlon?” I ask him.

  “I was going to wait to tell you this on your birthday, but December 31st will be my last day with the company. That’s why I’ve been pushing you so hard. So we don’t have much time. I’ve contacted our legal team, and they are drafting up the paperwork as we speak.”

  “Wow, okay.”

  The news kinda comes as a shock. I mean, I knew or hoped it was eventually coming, but just yesterday he was busting my balls about being ready to run the company, and now he’s having the paperwork drafted for it.

  “So I think we should move forward with Exlon in the way you proposed. I trust you can close the deal, however you see fit?”


  I’m stunned sitting here. I’ve got the girl of my dreams and what I’ve worked all my life for, is finally coming true.

  “So, Quinn, what is it that you do for a living?” he asks her.

  “I’m in the financial industry.”

  “Oh, what do you do?”

  “I’m an investment advisor.”

  “Nice, I should really get one of those. Do you have a card?”

  “Quinn doesn’t work with people she knows,” I tell him, trying to save her from the awkwardness. She already seems quiet and not herself, so I don’t want her to have to explain to my dad, who she just met, that she can’t help him.

  “Probably better, I’ve been there myself. Merritt and I have had our fair share of issues.”

  As I look at my dad, his sudden change in attitude is so bizarre that I begin to wonder if he’s putting on a show for Quinn. And if he is…why? He’s not one to care what others think about him, so why start now?

  “Well, that was weird,” I tell Quinn as we get back to our room from breakfast.

  “What was?”

  “Uhhh, my dad, being all nice. I know you don’t know him, but that’s not how he normally is. Do you really think he’s actually drafting up the documents for the business?”

  “If he says so, I’m sure he is.” Quinn lies down on the bed; her eyes are heavy, and I can tell her head is killing her. “Do you have any medicine here?” I ask.

  “No, I left it all at home.”

  “Want me to go and get you something from the pharmacy?”

  “You don’t have to, just hold me.”

  Kicking off my shoes, I line my body along hers and wrap her in my arms. Breathing her in. Her scent is so amazing. I’m not sure how everything turned out the way it did, but it has, and soon I’ll be taking the first real step in owning my own company. All of my years of hard work are finally paying off.

  Chapter 39


  Watching Merritt leave so he can go meet with Exlon, I’m still so sick to my stomach, and mentally I…I’m a mess, so fucked up about all of this, and not sure what to do. I’m lying to him, and I hate it. But what do I say to him? How do I tell him? I keep asking myself over and over, and each time, I come up with nothin

  My palms are sweaty, and my insides are sick with deceit. I can’t bear to hurt him; he’s been so good to me. Biting my thumbnail, there is a knock on the door. Getting up to answer it, I assume it’s Merritt, and he forgot something, but as I look out the peephole, it’s Charles, and I’m not sure what to do.

  “Quinn, I know you’re in there.”

  Placing my hand on the handle, I turn it as my heart races, and he steps inside. I back up and sit down on the bed, barely able to look at him. He’s standing in the middle of the room, glaring down me, and I hate myself so bad. “Why are you doing this?” I can’t answer him; I can’t even look at him. “Are you doing this to get back at me?”

  I swallow and remind myself to remain in control. I remember how Charles can be—very unreasonable. “I didn’t know he was your son.”

  “Oh come on, you expect me to believe that? You’re my financial advisor. You know everything about me.”

  “I don’t. I never managed your accounts from the day they came into our office.”

  “That’s a lie, and you know it. You gloated about signing me. Bought that shiny new car.”

  “I didn’t, and that’s the fucking truth.”

  “So you want me to believe that you being with my son is a mere coincidence?”

  “Yes, it is. Honest to God.”

  “Honey, you need to get better at lying. Even you can’t believe that.”

  “I’m not your ‘honey.’ Merritt told you we met on vacation in Colorado, through Ari. How could I have known he was going to be there? I go on those trips every year.”

  “I’m not buying what you’re selling. I think this is your way of getting back at me because I ended things.”

  “It’s not, I love him. What he and I have is real. We have to tell him about us.”

  “You’re not telling him shit!”

  “The hell I’m not. You can’t tell me what to do anymore.”

  “Come on, Quinn, we both know you’re not good enough for him. You’re just a money-hungry whore. Name your price, and I’ll let you walk, he’ll never know. But I don’t need you in his head.”

  “I’m not leaving him, and most definitely don’t have a price.”

  He steps close to me, the smell of his cologne now nauseating to me and he says, “If you won’t leave him, then I’ll show him the things you’ve done with me. I recorded them all.”

  “You didn’t record shit, you fucking bastard.”

  “The choice is yours, sweetheart. Do you think my son’s gonna want you after he sees you are my sloppy seconds?”

  I open the door to the hotel room, anger blazing in my eyes. “Go!” I shout, and he tries to touch me as I push him out. “Keep your fucking hands off me,” I yell and slam it.

  Sliding down to the floor, huddling my knees to my chest, I sob uncontrollably like a baby. How could he do this? Does he really not care about Merritt’s happiness at all?

  Thinking of everything makes me so sick. This will crush him. Charles is right—he’ll never look at me the same way again, no matter what.

  Picking up my phone, I need to have the upper hand. I have to get to Merritt before his dad does if I want any chance of saving this relationship. But looking at the screen of my phone, I can’t bring myself to call him. I’m just in shock—stunned that this is my reality.

  Deep down, my gut is telling me that Charles doesn’t have a video. I’d know if he recorded us doing anything, so it’s my word against his. I imagine what it’ll do to Merritt finding out, and I can’t do that to him. He means too much to me.

  But what if somehow, there is a video, then what? I decide to send Merritt a text to get him back here, to talk to him, he needs to hear this from me.

  But as I type the words, they nauseate me. Running into the restroom, I throw everything up and lie on the cold tile floor. I can’t hurt him. I can’t imagine the way he’d look at me.

  Completely fucked, I stare up at the ceiling, broken from the inside out. Why is this happening to me…why?

  Waiting for Merritt to return from his meeting, I’m on edge. My mind is constantly battling within itself about what to do. And as I feel like I’m about to lose it…he walks into the room.

  “You know, I love knowing you’re waiting for me, baby.”

  I about cry, imagining that soon, he won’t want me waiting for him. “How was your meeting?” I barely choke out the words, trying to settle my belly.

  “It was good, I closed the deal, babe.”

  He is so happy, I can see the excitement all over his face, and I can’t bring him down right now. Inside, I hate myself. This man that I’ve grown to love and depend on so much, who is my everything, doesn’t know what I’ve done. Even though it wasn’t intentional, it’ll eventually come out, and that scares me. Charles is a ticking time bomb. At any minute, he’ll ruin it all, video or not. But looking into his eyes, I just need one more normal day, before I let him go.

  “I’m so happy for you, babe,” I tell him and hold him close.

  “It’s the first step in securing our future.”

  “Yeah?” I ask, hating that it can’t be true. This is the first he’s spoken of a future together, and it won’t happen.

  “Yeah, what did you think? I’d get the company, and we’d still be traveling every weekend?”

  “Well, I’d hoped not, I guess.”

  He kisses me, and I kiss him back, praying to God that somehow, our time doesn’t end, that we can persevere and last forever.

  “You guess?” His eyebrows rise as he looks deep into my eyes.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do, I’m just teasing you. I’m so happy right now; we should celebrate.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Just this…” he says, “Just this, baby…”

  Chapter 40


  “Does six o’clock work?” Suzy asks me, and I look at my calendar to be sure I don’t have anything pressing so I can pick Quinn up from the airport.

  “Yeah, that’s good with me. Did you run it by Quinn?”

  “I did, she’ll be able to leave work early.” My dad pops his head in, working out of our office all week, and to my surprise, he’s been pretty cool.

  “Quinn coming here?”

  “She is—Friday.”

  “All right. Well, I should be getting the draft back of the documents. I wanted to go over them with you when they come in if you have time.”

  “Of course. I’ll have time.”

  “Great, I’ll have Suzy add it to your calendar as soon as they come in.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” My phone rings, and we both glance down at it on my desk. It’s Quinn. “I’ll let you take that,” he says, and as he leaves, I can’t help but think, maybe now he’s becoming the father I lost all those years ago.

  “Hey, babe,”

  “Guess what?”

  “Ummm, I have no idea, just tell me.”

  “I got us tickets to the Nuggets game next weekend.”


  “Yep, same courtside seats too.”

  “Man, how did I get so lucky to snag your fine ass?”

  “I could say the same thing.” My phone vibrates, and I pull it away, noticing a text from my dad. “Hang on, babe.”


  As I open it up, it’s a video. The whole world around me freezes as I click “play.” Betrayal like no other takes over, and I can’t believe my eyes. It’s Quinn and my dad…together.

  Vomit rises in the back of my throat, and I try to hold it back, but as I watch the woman I’ve grown to love have sex with my own father…I lose it, gagging and throwing up in my trash can.

  I drop my phone to the floor, her voice as she says his name sounds just like when she says mine, and I don’t want to believe what I’m seeing. It can’t be true…can it?

  “Mr. Smith, are you okay?” Suzy asks, and I shake my head holding on to the can. “Close the door,” I s
hout and right away she does. Pulling myself together enough to speak, I pick my phone back up; Quinn is still there, and I ask her, “When were you going to tell me, or were you?”

  Very calmly she says to me, “You have to let me explain everything.”

  “Explain? There’s nothing to explain. You lied to me.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Goddammit, how do you accidently lie to someone, Quinn?”

  She sobs, and as much as I just want to hang up on her, I have to know more. How? Why? When? “You’ve gotta talk to me, Quinn, or I’m gonna fucking lose my mind. My father just sent me a video of you having sex with him, and it’s all I can think about.”

  “He was in Denver for a meeting way before I knew you. I met him when I was out having drinks with some co-workers.”

  “So you slept with him? A man double your age?”

  “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  “Am I dreaming?” And I ask, “Is he your ex?”

  “Yes. He’s the one you emailed, but you have to believe me that I didn’t know you two were related.” What the fuck? Am I hearing her right?

  “My dad?” I repeat softly; tears are in my eyes and that vile feeling of despair reeks inside of me. Closing my eyes, the usual beautiful vision of her face—that not long ago was my salvation—has been destroyed. All I can see is her and my father.

  “I’m so sorry, Merritt. I had no—”

  I cut her off, “We have the same last name and work for the same company. How did you not know?”

  “I didn’t even think about the last name…Smith is so common. And you know I kept my hands out of the deal when I signed him. You have to believe me, Merritt. I promise, baby.”

  “But you slept with him, Quinn, and then sat at breakfast in California and acted like everything was normal, like you two were strangers when he…he’s been inside of you and then I was inside of you. How am I supposed to get past that?” Saying the words makes me fucking ill again.


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