Immortal Revenge

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Immortal Revenge Page 10

by Abshire, Mary

  “Here,” Jules said.

  Katie looked at the brown jacket Jules held and read the metallic letters on the front. “Disco or die?”

  Jules lowered the garment. “I know. I feel bad, but it’s the only clean one I have right now.”

  She snatched it from her hand. “It’ll do.” Anything to hide the sheaths strapped to her would work.

  “I’ll call Andy after you leave and let him know we won’t be available for a week.”

  “Good idea.” An idea popped into Katie’s head. “And ask him and Amy to contact me if they notice any unusual visitors at the bar, especially ones with green eyes. It’s very likely the vampire might stop in there once he learns I work there.”

  “Got it.”

  Katie walked around her, one arm full of clothes while she held the jacket in her free hand. “I’ve got to run. You and Joe will be gone soon, promise?”

  “I’m packing now, then I’ll shower and load the car. Joe should be home soon. I’ll knock him out and put him in the back seat if I have to.”

  Katie grabbed her purse from the sofa, then faced her friend. “Text me during daylight hours only.”

  “You’ll notify me tomorrow on your progress, right?”

  “Definitely.” She reached the door and waited for Jules to open it, which she did.

  “Be careful, Katie.”

  She stopped past the door, then turned around.

  Jules rushed at her, threw her arms around Katie’s neck, and pecked her cheek. “Kick some vampire ass for me.”

  Katie soaked in the love and support. If her arms were free, she would’ve returned the same.

  Jules ended the embrace and then stepped back into the house.

  “Don’t worry, I plan to do more than kick ass.”

  Following up with a smile, she turned and headed for her car. One headless vampire coming up.


  Katie reached her hotel room with time to spare. Carrying several bags, she pushed the door open and then dumped everything on the bed. Her tired arms felt much better after she freed them. Finding an empty space on the mattress, she fell face first on it and hoped to relax if only for a few minutes.

  She looked at the pile on the bed and a mental prodding encouraged her to get the rest of the weapons from her car. But she’d locked the doors and activated the alarm. Were they safer in a car or a hotel room where workers could see them? She opted for the former and turned over to lie on her back.

  Laying in silence, her mind wandered. Ben had said the person who had visited him had short, dark hair and green eyes. The description lacked details, but it was a start. So where was the vampire staying? In a hotel bathroom like Riker? What if Kyle’s assassin was in the same hotel?

  Katie hurried off the bed. She needed to prepare for fighting at any given second. The first step involved taking a shower. From the pile of clothes, she plucked out clean underwear, jeans and a thin long sleeved shirt with a tank top. She strode into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

  The necklace with Kyle’s ring bounced as she stripped off her clothes. She held the band as she stepped into the bathtub. The small piece of gold reminded her a part of him would always be with her. She’d never let anyone take the ring from her.

  Katie later emerged from the bathroom happier and cleaner. Riker sat at the round table in the corner of the room, staring at his laptop. Her mood could’ve dived south, but she decided to play nice.

  “Evening, Riker.”

  She set her pile of dirty clothes on the dresser, then looked at the bed. Contents from the bags lay scattered across it.

  “Is that a complete inventory of the weapons?”

  Upon hearing his sergeant-like tone, her hope of a kinder Riker flew out the window.

  “No, I have more locked in the trunk of my car. The rest is secured in the cellar of the barn.” She raised her mental shields, concealing the fact she’d stashed an ample supply of weapons at Jules’s house.

  “How safe are they on the property?”

  “Very” Katie took a small hair band from her purse and tied her damp hair into a ponytail. “Keys are hidden. The cellar door is in a spot in the back where it’s too dark for the human eye to see, unless you have a good light and know where to look.”

  “Human eye?”

  “Yeah.” She eyed him closely, wondering what he was pondering.

  “How’s your vision?”

  “Fine. I see better than most.”

  “Most humans?”

  Katie inhaled a deep breath. Though he hadn’t asked her if she’d taken some of Kyle’s blood, his line of questioning seemed to indicate he would soon.

  “I have above average sight, among other senses.”

  “I’m sure you paid for the price for them too.”

  Price? If he was referring to the horrible withdraw symptoms, then she most certainly had paid a heavy toll, multiple times. She’d spent days in bed cramped in a ball, cold, sweating and puking uncontrollably. Head and body aches lasted for at least a week. The human body took full advantage of what vampire blood offered–healing, speed, strength, but once the elixir run its course through the system, she wish she’d never ingested the fluid.

  “I’m sure you know enough about it.”

  “How much of Kyle’s blood have you consumed?”

  “I have no idea how much in terms of quarts, liters, whatever. He trained me for eight of our nine years together, and well enough to beat him. I’m sure you can take a gander how much blood that would entail.”

  “Too much is dangerous.”

  “He knew that. We both did.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry, it’s not a problem anymore.” The two vials in her purse weren’t enough to kill or transform her, not that she’d consume them both at the same time anyway. One dosage gave her plenty of extra strength for a few days.

  “You have unique gifts, Ms. Dillinger. Use them to your advantage.” He shifted his attention to the laptop monitor. “Did you learn anything valuable from your visit with the police officer?”

  Katie stared at the back of his head as she considered his response. He’d advised her not to talk to Ben. How did he know she had?

  “No need to lie. Your hesitation to respond says enough.”

  “How did you–”

  “Human nature, and you said you went to college with him. I suspected emotions would come into play and you would want to warn him of any danger.”

  Katie stood and moved closer to Riker. She crossed her arms. “I wanted to find out if he remembered a description of the vampire.”

  He stopped typing. “And?”

  “He said he couldn’t remember anything more than short, dark hair. He’s very good with details and he’s upset he can’t recall anything else.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “Ben said the person told him someone might show up at the property, and to let him know if someone did.”

  Riker slid his hands away from the desk. “Sounds like we have a problem.”

  “Not really. I told him I’d take him out on a date if he kept his lips sealed.”

  “Eager to jump in bed with another man already?”

  Katie’s anger flared and she shot her fist at his face. He caught her wrist and leaped from his seat.

  “Careful,” he said. “You don’t want to lose control.”

  She jerked her knee up and hit his groin. A sound similar to an umph slipped from him and his features took on a stiff, painful expression.

  “Thanks for the advice.”

  She yanked her arm from his grasp and stepped away. Did he think she was some weak human to push around? Disrespect annoyed her and she wouldn’t tolerate it.

  Riker’s face turned a light shade of pink. He glared at her while the green tint in his eyes illuminated. The lethal look of death triggered her internal alarm bells.

  She took another step back. The knives were on the bed, but he was quick and could stop her before she coul
dn’t reach one. Still, she’d try.

  “Don’t lose control, Riker.”

  “Do you think this is a game?” A slight curl of his lip revealed a fang.

  “Not at all. Lives are at risk.”


  She held up her hands to him. “You don’t like me. Fine. I don’t like you either. The quicker we destroy this vampire, the sooner you can be on your way back to wherever you came from.”

  His eyes returned to their normal color. “If only my job were that easy.”

  “It can be if we work together.”

  He returned to his seat. “You’re right. Do what I say and my job will be easy.”

  Katie pressed her lips together. The incorrigible vampire set her anger blazing. Why? His motives confused her. She wished she could understand his logic instead of arguing with him.

  “Let’s work on a plan.” She twisted to look on the clock on the nightstand. The red numbers showed the time half past nine. Bars were open and the after-dinner crowd would start to trickle into them. “Somewhere in town, the vampire–”

  A buzzing sound from the bed claimed her and Riker’s attention. Hearing a second muffled buzz, she rushed for her purse.

  Her heart sped as she wondered who the caller was. No one should be calling her except maybe Ben. She dug the phone from her bag and her breath hitched when she saw the name on the screen. For a brief second, she considered ignoring the call, but Riker would question her whether she answered or not.

  “Jules?” she asked into the phone.

  “Katie…” Her voice sounded shaky.

  “What’s wrong?” She twisted to face Riker. Of course, the vampire had his eyes fixed on her and ears tuned in.

  “I can’t reach Joe.” She paused and sniffled. “He left a message when I was in the shower. He said one of his coworkers, Ron, had drinks with another guy who bragged about torching a farm and killing someone. Ron didn’t believe the guy and thought he was some crazy drunk. But Ron was going back to the bar to see if the guy would show up again. Apparently, he bought drinks for everyone. Ron invited Joe to go, and Joe said he was going so he could check on the guy. Maybe see if he’s Kyle’s killer.” She paused, her breath shaky. “Oh God, Katie, I shouldn’t have forced him to watch CSI.”

  The sound of Jules’s worried voice chilled Katie. Her best friend wouldn’t have called unless she truly feared for Joe’s life.

  “I’ve tried to call him ten times in the last twenty minutes. I left urgent messages. He’s not responding.” There was no mistaking the panic in her voice.

  Riker rose, his tight eyes glowing with fury as they pierced her. For a vampire who preached control of emotions he needed to learn it himself.

  “Calm down, Jules.”

  “I don’t know what else to do.”

  “You did the right thing by calling me.”

  Riker stepped closer.

  “I’m scared, Katie.”

  “Don’t go anywhere. I’m coming over.”

  “I’m sorry. I hope–”

  “I’m on my way. Be there in ten.”

  Katie ended the call and dropped the phone on the bed next to her purse. She glanced at the dagger inches away on the comforter. From the corner of her eye, she saw Riker move closer. She quickly considered reaching for the weapon.

  “You lied to me.” His unkind tone warned her she stood in dangerous territory with him.

  “I’m sorry. Jules is my best friend, a sister to me.”

  “I don’t give a fuck who she is. You lied.”

  Heat rushed to her head as her temper ignited. “I lied because I can’t trust you. You want to clean up the mess as much as Kyle’s assassin does. Jules didn’t do anything to deserve a memory cleansing.”

  “The existence of vampires must remain hidden.”

  “Why? Because you’re afraid of an uprising?”

  “We don’t need any more trouble. Our own kind is destroying us.” He growled, showing a bit of his fangs.

  “I’m well aware there are bloodsuckers killing the off the good vampires. My boyfriend was one of the good guys. Remember?”

  “He was one of the best. I will never forget him.”

  His stern words impressed and calmed her a bit. Evident now, Riker respected Kyle even though Kyle no longer existed. Why did he honor and respect Kyle so much? She wanted to know Riker better, but first she needed to help her best friend.

  “Jules is one person and she couldn’t hurt anyone.”

  “One is all it takes to change our way of surviving.”

  Katie stared at him and imagined shaking him uncontrollably to get some sense into him. What did he have to fear from a human? Vampires were far superior. A human couldn’t possibly change their way of survival. What was wrong with him?

  “You’re placing judgment on someone you know nothing about. She knew what Kyle was for years. He let her live happily in peace. He trusted her because I asked him to and no harm came to anyone. If you’d stop being a rude asshole and give me and other humans a chance, you’d find out some of us are decent people who can be trusted.”

  He passed her and headed for the open door connecting their rooms.

  “Where are you going?” She followed him.

  He grabbed his leather jacket and slid it on. “Where are your keys?”

  “Answer my question first.”

  “Your friend is in danger. If the assassin has this Joe person, which I’m assuming is her boyfriend, then he may be on his way to her house.” He walked by her again and stopped near the bed with his gaze aimed at her purse.

  Katie snatched her bag. “I’ll give you the keys.” She retrieved them and handed the set to Riker.

  “Your friend would have lived if you had told me about her. But since you didn’t and the vampire can now find her, you may have sealed her fate.”

  “Now you’re saying you wouldn’t have erased her memories?”

  He stepped toward the door. “I never said that. I said she would have lived.”

  “Wait. I’m going with you.” She searched for her shoes near the bed.

  “You’ll stay here and wait until we return.”


  “If the vampire shows up before I do, he won’t waste time with your friend. Trust me, you won’t want to see her when he’s finished.”

  An arctic wave brushed over her. The thought of finding Jules tortured, mutilated and left for death terrified her.

  “Let me go with you. If the vamp is there, we can end this tonight.”


  “No? You’re arguing with me?”

  “You can’t fight like this. You’re not prepared and you are in no means in control of your emotions.”

  Blood rushed to her head. “Fuck you!”

  “My point exactly.”

  “You don’t know where she lives. I have to go with you.”

  He took a step back from the door. “The clock is ticking on your friend’s life. Tell me the address and I’ll bring her back safely if your assassin hasn’t shown up.”

  Katie’s head throbbed while she quickly pondered what to do. If she didn’t give the address, Jules could die. If she did, Riker could erase her memories before bringing Jules to the hotel. Neither had a good outcome, but one did offer the hope of longer life.

  “4212 Mulberry Drive.”

  Riker jerked the door open without another second ticking by.

  “Promise me you won’t take any memories from her.”

  He stopped two feet past the door and met her gaze. “Promise me you will stay in the hotel and be quiet.”

  Katie couldn’t refuse his bargain. All she had to do was stay alone in a hotel to ensure he didn’t toy with her best friend’s brain. What an easy deal to make. “I promise.”

  The tiniest of smiles formed on his face. “You’ll have to trust me on this.”


  He dashed down the hall and disappeared from sight with a blink of an eye.

  Her temper fumed. His words made her suspect he would do something. Damn it, she shouldn’t have agreed to his deal. Sweating and cursing, she stepped back into the room and let the door slam shut. She wanted to go after him, but he had her keys and car.

  Katie sat on the edge of the king-size bed and considered what to do. Jules expected Katie to show up. She decided to warn Jules that Riker would arrive in her place. Spotting her phone close to her on the bed, she picked it up and dialed Jules’s number.

  “Are you coming, Katie?”

  “Riker is on the way. He wouldn’t let me come.”

  “Oh God.” Jules cried into the phone.

  “Just be calm and don’t say much. He’s bringing you back to the hotel. I want you to get one of the hand held guns and a box of the white tipped bullets and bring them with you.”

  “Okay.” She squeaked.

  “Hurry. He’ll be there soon.”


  “I’ll call you in ten minutes.”

  “Don’t be late.”

  Katie held her phone as she paced the room. Worry added beats to her racing heart. Would Riker manipulate Jules’s thoughts? Would he get to her house in time to save her? Where was Joe? Was he all right, or dead? She feared the worst.

  Anger and anxiety battled for dominance within her. She wanted to go with Riker in case the vampire showed up or was already there. They could fight the assassin together. Why delay the inevitable? Riker’s quick response to leave without her didn’t make sense. She could’ve prepared with a few minutes, strapping sheaths to her body and carrying a few ring knives with her. As she thought about his promptness to act, Katie realized minutes mattered. Seconds counted. Jules wouldn’t have a chance of survival if the vamp showed up at her house before Riker.

  Concern for Jules pressed upon Katie’s mind, heart and soul. Her plan to save Jules and Joe had backfired. Joe was probably dead and Jules could end up without memories of her and Kyle. Katie may have lost her best friend.

  Katie’s phone vibrated, jarring her attention. The number belonged to the Tasmanian Devil.



  She recognized the voice through the mixture of loud voices. “Amy?”


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