Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

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Baker (The Skulls Book 14) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, using his teeth to gnaw a little. She loved the pain and pleasure combined. Both sensations were almost too much for her, and yet at the same time not enough.

  His hands moved to grab her ass, and spread her cheeks open. “I’m going to claim every single part of you. Your pussy, your mouth, and your ass. Not a part of you won’t know who I am.”

  “Baker?” She didn’t know why she spoke his name.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ll prepare you. I’ll always prepare you for everything. You’ll want for nothing. All you’ve got to do is give yourself to me.”

  She let out a yelp as his finger slid down the crack of her ass. He simply applied a little pressure to her anus, and even that created a sensation she wasn’t entirely sure of.

  “Don’t worry. By the time I take you there, you’ll be screaming and begging for me to take you.”

  He spoke a lot about begging. Was he used to women begging for him, wanting him? Millie closed down those thoughts. Baker wasn’t that kind of man. If she knew something about him, he wasn’t the kind to go screwing random strangers, or was he?

  Baker sucked her clit into his mouth at the same time that he teased her anus. Both sensations distracted her enough to stop thinking about the other women in his life. They didn’t matter. Nothing actually mattered but the two of them in this moment.

  “So tasty. I could spend all night and all day, licking you.”

  As nice as that sounded, she didn’t think she could handle that kind of attention all day. Her stomach started to tighten as Baker repeatedly flicked her clit, teasing her. He didn’t stop, and he pressed against her ass at the same time. The dual sensation was more than she could stand.

  She screamed his name as her orgasm washed over in such a rush that she almost fell on her ass if Baker hadn’t caught her, holding her steady.

  He didn’t stop. He continued to tease, suck, and stroke her clit until she had no choice but to beg him to stop.

  It was all too much.

  Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, he pressed a kiss to her clit, and sat back. She stared into his eyes, blue, like the ocean, and fell hard.

  “You’re so beautiful when you let go,” he said, licking his lips.

  Heat filled her cheeks, and she glanced down to see his cock was still rock hard. “Do you want me to take care of that?” she asked.

  “Do you think you’re ready for that?”

  “I’d like to give you exactly what you gave me.”

  He got to his feet and touched her cheek. “You’re always surprising me.” He tilted her head back, sliding his tongue across her lips, she opened up. Meeting him halfway, she slid her tongue across his.

  “I’m ready to learn.”

  Enough time had passed, and she saw the change inside Baker. It wasn’t an instant change. It had taken him years to be the man he now was.

  “The things you do to me.” He growled, biting her lip as he did.

  Sinking down to her knees, she stared up at him. “What do you want to do?”

  “You do know that this is every single guy’s desire. To have a woman at their feet ready to service them.”

  “I’m not interested in servicing anyone. I’m here for you, Baker.” Running her hands up and down his thighs, she smiled. “Only you.”

  “Wrap your hands around my cock.”

  The way he ordered her made her even wetter, even if that was possible. She’d only just experienced her release. Was it possible for her to be ready to have another? Damn, she had been missing so much.

  She held his cock and stared at the tip, which was leaking pre-cum.

  “Lick it, baby.”

  Millie licked the tip, moaning as she tasted him for the first time.

  “Now take me into your mouth, and suck it.”

  She covered the tip, and sucked him into her mouth. He let out a groan, and she looked up in time to see his eyes roll back in his head.

  Releasing him, she frowned. “Are you okay?”

  “It feels so good, don’t stop.”

  Sucking his cock into her mouth, she closed her eyes, enjoying everything she was doing.

  Bobbing her head, she took him to the back of her throat, pulling back up. With each dip of her head, she took him even further into her mouth, avoiding the need to gag.

  “Fuck, Millie, that feels so fucking good.” He started to thrust his hips. When his hands caught her head, she opened her eyes, and stared up to find him watching. “So good. Take my cock, baby.”

  She held onto his thighs, as he used her mouth for his pleasure.

  He fucked her mouth, and she couldn’t look away. Seeing how much he was enjoying her attentions turned her on, and she didn’t want to stop.

  “Oh fuck!” Baker pulled out, and she gasped as the tip exploded, shooting white drops onto her breasts. His orgasm went on and on, spraying her as he did. Baker sank down to his knees, kissing her. His hands went into her hair, and this was different. She didn’t know why, but it just felt completely different. “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “For waiting for me. For not giving up.”

  “I walked away from you, Baker.”

  “You didn’t move on though. You could have been with someone else, and yet you weren’t. You were with me the whole way.”

  She touched his face. “You made me dirty.” Having that date with Jack, it was the first one she’d ever been on since being in Fort Wills. She’d explained her past to Baker, and because of Bethany, her sister, she’d withdrawn from dating, believing she was unlovable.

  “I’ll clean you.” He kissed her lips and helped her to feet.

  Baker spun her to face the showerhead, grabbing the soap, and began to massage his scented hands into her skin. Leaning against him, she closed her eyes. “I don’t want this to end.”

  “It won’t.” He nuzzled her neck, and the shower lasted for a lot longer. They touched, washed, and simply basked in the time together. Nothing was interrupting their time, and Millie found that she didn’t want to break their bubble, which was exactly what was going on.

  When there was no reason to stay in the shower, Baker turned it off, grabbing a towel. She watched as he wrapped a towel around his waist, and then turned to her with another. “Come on, baby.”

  Walking into his arms, she took the towel from him, and started to dry her body.

  Words didn’t seem necessary as they got dressed. When she made to get a nightshirt, he placed a hand on her arm. “You don’t need to cover up for me. Tonight I want to hold you.”

  She always wore something to bed. Baker threw his towel into the bathroom, and he climbed into the bed, tapping the bed. “Come on, baby.”

  “Oh, er, I’ve never slept naked.”


  “No, never.”

  “Come on. It’ll be another first, Millie. Come and enjoy.”

  Staring at the nightshirts, she closed the drawer, and made her way toward the bed. He pulled the sheets back, and she climbed inside, staring up at the ceiling. “It’s a day of firsts for me.”

  “This is going to be an entire lifetime of firsts.”

  She turned toward him. Baker was lying on his side with his head resting on his hands. Rolling over to face him, she placed her hand on his chest. “Tell me about your wife.”

  He didn’t tense up, or change the subject. “She was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.” He smiled. “We were friends as kids, and it changed as we grew up.”

  “The love changed?”

  “Yeah, I fancied her like crazy. Had a big crush on her, and I knew I was going to marry her.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not anymore. What happened, happened. I can’t change that.”

  “Would you change that?” she asked, wondering if she should be pushing it.

  “Once I thought I would, but then this wouldn’t have happened?”


I wouldn’t have ever met you, and I wouldn’t be with The Skulls. I never thought I’d say this after she was taken from me, but I actually like my life, Millie, and I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”

  It had to be the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her.

  Chapter Seven

  “So what do you want to do? Poker tables, slot machines, cards, maybe even some dancing?” Baker asked, putting his arms in the air, and giving a shake of his hips. He got the desired effect. Millie burst out laughing.

  “I like the idea of dancing.” She then proceeded to throw her hands in the air and shake her ass.

  “Oh, now those moves are perfection.” He grabbed her hips, and in the center of the casino, he ground against her. “See, we’ve got the hang of this. Do you want to par-tay?”

  She giggled, spinning around, and wrapping her arms around his neck. “I promised myself when I came here, that I would pick one slot machine, and place one coin inside.” She held up one single coin. “Would you like to play one game of chance?”

  “I’ll be anywhere with you. However, I think you’re going to need more than one coin.”

  “So? I know loads of people just throw good money after bad into those machines, and the truth is, the machine will only ever pay out after a coin, or when it’s ready. What do you say?”

  He grabbed his own coin, and held it up. “Two coins, for two different people. We do it together. Two different machines.”

  “That is what I’m talking about.”

  They changed their coins for the relevant chips, and then started looking at the slot machines. Baker figured she’d just pick any random machine, but not Millie. She stared at each one.

  “Does it really matter which machine you use?”

  “Probably not, but it’s my money, and I want to spend it wisely.”

  She moved down the long aisles. Every now and then she’d stop, watching as people plowed chips into the machine. He saw one woman had nearly five hundred dollars’ worth of chips. Alex did tell him that a casino was a legal way of earning dough, and taking it from someone else. Gambling, the addiction, was an awful situation.

  Baker had seen many people fight it, and very few overcome it.

  “I don’t think it really matters, sweetie. Your money is going to lose no matter what.”

  “You’re killing my buzz, Baker. Come on, live a little.”

  “I have a hundred dollars and some more for you to blow, and you’re blowing one coin.”

  Millie looked back at him. “Then consider me a cheap date. Found it.”

  She stepped forward, and pushed the chip inside the machine. She pulled the lever, and waited.

  Nothing happened.

  “Right, here it goes.” Baker placed his chip inside, pulled the lever, and … he won the jackpot. Alarms and celebration started sounding. “Holy shit.”

  Millie giggled, and for the next thirty minutes, it was kind of surreal. With his woman at his side, he took the check worth ten thousand dollars, and declined their best room. Finally, when all the fuss had gone, and he pocketed the real check, with the large one being sent to his room, Baker wrapped his arms around her. “You still needed two chips.”

  “But only one chip to win, baby,” she said. “It didn’t matter what I put in first. It’s only what you put in.”

  Baker wrapped his arms around her. “Come on, let’s go dancing.”

  He spun her around, and someone had been close to them. Millie bumped into them. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said.

  The man turned around with a frown on his face. “Millie.”

  She stepped back, going into Baker’s arms. “Brian.”

  This was the asshole ex.

  Baker couldn’t help but glare at the bastard. Wow, talk about coincidence.

  Why glare? You won. She’s in your arms, and no one is going to steal her away.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, Baker stared at her ex, waiting for shit to go down.

  “I’ve not seen you in years. Not since you ran out on me at the church. You know you made me look like an idiot.” Brain folded his arms and glared at her. “Do you know how stupid I looked?”

  Millie tensed up, and Baker was about to interrupt when his woman exploded.

  “Are you for real? I humiliated you? You have no right to blame me. As it happens, on my wedding day, I saw you screwing my sister. Yeah, I saw the two of you, and I heard you. You couldn’t even stand to be near me. Don’t you dare try to make out that I was the one in the wrong. You were in the wrong, and you should never have proposed to me. You should have married Bethany.”

  “She wouldn’t have me. You don’t think I tried. She only wants to fuck, and well, she was bad for my image.”

  Millie flinched. “Oh, so you went for me so that you could be closer to her?”

  “No. Bethany was the one that came on to me. Once we didn’t get married, I was more than willing to marry her, and she laughed at me. Your sister, she’s a fucking bitch, and I’m sorry.”

  “Did it stop you from sleeping with her?” Millie asked.

  “No. Why are you here?” he asked. “I thought you were against gambling.”

  “I’m having fun. What the hell are you doing here?”

  Brian nodded toward a group of men. “I’m here on a bachelor party. I still see Bethany from time to time.”

  “Good for you.” Shaking her head, she turned toward Baker. “I want to go and dance.”

  “You’re a loser. I can’t believe you didn’t see a good thing when you had it,” Baker said. “Your loss is my gain.”

  Moving her toward the nightclub within the casino, he took her to the bar, and ordered them both shots.

  “I don’t drink.”

  “I’d say you really need to have a drink.”

  “Ugh, I hate him. I hate that I’ve just had to do that.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “From one high to a complete low.”

  “You never said that you ran out without them realizing it.”

  “Didn’t I? I thought it went without saying.”

  “No. I figured you canceled the wedding and gave some notice to everyone.”

  Millie shook her head. “All I wanted to do was get out of there, and get out of there fast. He was screwing my sister.”

  “You didn’t humiliate him enough as far as I’m concerned.”

  “No? What would you have had me do?”

  “Simple. When it came time to say I do, say ‘I don’t, you lying, cheating bastard’, and then turn to your sister, bitch slap her, and leave.”

  Millie laughed. “I should have, shouldn’t I? According to my grandma, I was enemy number one. I made a lot of people look bad, and I wasn’t even trying. I just wanted to get far away from all the crazy stuff.”

  The barman placed a couple of shots in front of them. “Drink. You deserve it.”

  “I’m going to be a lightweight. I feel I should warn you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll drink enough for the two of us.” He took one shot, swallowing it down in one gulp. “Damn, that’s good.”

  Millie swallowed it down, coughed, and wheezed. “Wow, that is so strong.”

  “Good, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s go dancing before I can’t feel my feet.”

  “One shot won’t do that to you?”

  “I’m a lightweight, remember, and I’m not afraid to admit that.”

  They made their way onto the dance floor. Millie wrapped her arms around him, and together, they danced to the fast beat of the music.

  To Baker, everything faded away until they were the only two people alive in the world.

  When the music changed to a slow number, he didn’t let her go, nor did Millie release him.

  “I like this,” she said, whispering the words against his ear.

  “I know. I like it as well.”

  She snuggled against him. “I never thought I could be happy, Baker. Thank you for proving that I can.”

/>   He kissed the top of her head, knowing in his heart that he’d do anything to keep that smile on her face.

  They danced late into the night until Millie complained of sore feet, even in her sneakers.

  Baker took her up to their room, and helped her out of her clothes, and into bed.

  “No sexy shower time today?”

  “You’re not ready for a sexy shower time.” He’d given her two more shots, and she was buzzing.

  She was so adorable after a little drink.

  “My head is spinning a little bit. Is that normal?”

  “Not on three shots, but seeing as it’s your first, we’ll make an exception.”

  “I love being here with you. I was so nervous about coming away with you. I was scared about going on a date. I just want to be loved for me, you know.”

  “I know.”

  “You were always so sad. Like all the time. I’d see you staring at your ring. It wouldn’t be obvious or in front of me. You were parked across the road from the shop once, and I was going to come and say hi to you. You stared at the shop. I don’t think you saw me. I waved, but you didn’t wave back. Then you stared down at your ring, and you shook your head. I knew. You weren’t ready. You love your wife, and I guess I was a little jealous as well. She was really something. I want to be that something to a man. Where the thought of losing me makes him grieve.”

  “I wonder if you’ll remember this in the morning.”

  “I hope so. I never thought you’d come and say hi to me, or not wear your ring. The moment I saw your hand bare, I just knew. I knew I didn’t want to wait anymore. I wanted you to give us a chance.”

  “We waited long enough.”

  “We did, and I like that.” She reached out, touching his cheek. “You’re so good to me.”

  Her eyes closed, falling to sleep. “You’re such an adorable drunk.” He dropped a kiss to her lips.

  After checking that the penthouse was secured for the night, he followed her to bed, stripping down naked, and joining her.


  Millie rolled over and winced. Her head was pounding, and her mouth tasted funny.

  “Hello, my little partier.”

  “Ugh.” She opened one eye, and then the other. Baker was stood holding out a glass of water, and some pills. “Are those magic pills?”


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