Berta's Choice (The Soul-Linked Saga)

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Berta's Choice (The Soul-Linked Saga) Page 6

by Phillips, Laura Jo

  Berta would not be surprised to wake up to messages from male-sets requesting appointments to meet their Arima the following morning, but for today, there would be only the women to think of. She got out of bed and headed for the shower, going over mental check lists as she turned on the water. While she shampooed her hair she realized that she had a strange, almost tickling sensation in her mind that she’d been trying to ignore while she focused on the upcoming day. Once she stopped to think about it, she wondered what it was. Had she forgotten something?

  She stepped beneath the spray to rinse her hair, going over her lists again, trying to determine what she’d missed or forgotten. The image of the Falcorans standing in the Bearens’ living room the first time she’d seen them kept popping into her mind, and she kept brushing it away.

  She turned off the shower and reached for a towel, feeling a bit annoyed with herself. Why couldn’t she remember whatever she’d forgotten, and why couldn’t she get the image of the Falcorans out of her head for more than a few moments at a time?

  She toweled her hair dry and started to comb it out. Her reflection in the mirror surprised her, as it always did. She was still not used to seeing herself as a young woman. As she stared into her own eyes in the mirror, a thought occurred to her and she froze.

  Was that tickling sensation the Falcorans? she wondered. She knew that Hope always sensed whenever one of the Bearens was around, and now that she thought about it, she’d seen both Saige Lobo and Lariah Dracon do the same thing. But why would they be close by? Could they have seen her message and come so quickly? Surely not. She’d only sent the message the evening before.

  She reached for a robe and slipped it on as she hurried out of the bathroom and crossed her bedroom to the vid terminal in the far corner. She turned it on and sat down at the desk, then pulled up her messages. Her heart skipped a beat, then began to race when she saw a message there from Tor Falcoran. She opened it and read quickly.

  Berta, we thank you for your message, and for requesting that the Katres’ house be reserved for our visit. That was very thoughtful of you. We are making arrangements to leave Berria immediately and expect to arrive at the ranch around midnight, your time. We know that you will have a busy day tomorrow. As much as we would wish to see you the moment we arrive, we ask instead that you let us know when it would be most convenient for us to visit you.

  Berta read the message through, then re-read it. She couldn’t believe they had come so quickly. She had sent them away without even giving them the courtesy of doing it personally. She’d felt ashamed of herself for that, and had expected them to be angry with her for it.

  She smiled. Of course they weren’t angry with her. They were Clan Jasani, and she was their Arima. She’d needed time, so they had given it to her without question. Only now, with her increased knowledge of Clan Jasani, did she begin to understand how difficult that must have been for them.

  She checked the clock. It was nearly five-thirty, but breakfast would not be served until eight o’clock. She had plenty of time.

  Merrick, Tor and Jerri

  I apologize for not responding to this message sooner. I did not see it until now. You are correct that today will be very busy for me, but I do have time this morning. If you are available, we can meet in the garden in one hour.

  After sending the message, Berta immediately checked her incoming messages. Aside from a brief note sent by the Council informing her that the pheromone samples had arrived safely, there was nothing of import. She stood up to return to the bathroom and got only a few steps from the vid terminal when she heard the beep of a new incoming message.

  She turned back to the screen, smiling when she saw that it was from Tor, confirming their meeting time and place. She hurried back to the bathroom to finish combing her hair out. When she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she saw that she was grinning like a fool, and tried to put a more serious expression on her face. After a few moments she gave up.

  So I’m excited, she thought. What’s wrong with that? The Falcorans are handsome men. My old body saw that they were attractive, and acknowledged it. My young body remembers it, and responds to it. There is no sense or reason in pretending otherwise. I’ve been given a rare and special gift in the return of my youth. I should not waste it.

  She set her brush down on the counter and studied her reflection thoughtfully. “Nor will I jump quickly into anything,” she said softly. “I will go slowly, and consider each step before I take it.”


  “She will meet us in the garden of Arima House in one hour,” Tor said with barely restrained excitement. He checked his watch. “At six-thirty.”

  “Truly?” Jerri asked in surprise.

  “She wants to meet us before her day begins,” Merrick said. “I think that is a good sign.”

  “Or a bad one,” Tor cautioned. “It could be that the secret she wishes to reveal will be something we don’t like, and she wishes to get it over with as quickly as possible.”

  “Well, good news or bad, at least we will learn sooner rather than later,” Jerri said. “In my opinion, that is, in itself, good news.”

  “Agreed,” Merrick said. “Shall we go now, or wait the hour?”

  “I think we should wait,” Tor said. “We don’t want her to feel pushed.”

  “Sometimes, brother, you exhibit far too much common sense,” Jerri complained. I suppose we must spend the next hour wearing paths in the Katres’ floors?”

  “No, let’s give the floors a break and walk outside,” Merrick said. “Maybe we can work off a bit of our excitement.”

  An hour later, after having walked several miles with no lessening of their excitement, the Falcorans had transformed and flown to Arima House. They circled high above it, their sharp eyes having no trouble discerning that the garden was vacant. They circled again, searching for Berta, but they saw no one.

  “Are we early?” Merrick asked.

  Tor glanced at the sun. “No, we are exactly on time.”

  “Let’s land,” Merrick said. “Maybe she is waiting for us to arrive before coming out.”

  “Do you think she changed her mind about wanting to see us?” Jerri asked.

  “I hope not,” Merrick replied.

  Merrick descended slowly toward a circular patio in full view of the garden doors several yards away. Just before they touched down, the doors opened revealing a young woman with long black hair wearing jeans and a navy blue sweater. Whoever she was, she was not Berta.

  His heart sinking once again, Merrick completed his landing, transforming instantly into his humanoid form, Tor and Jerri right behind him. Only then did they get a really good look at the woman as she walked slowly toward them.

  Merrick froze in shocked dismay. This woman, whoever she was, was the most beautiful female he had ever seen in his life. Her face was heart shaped, her lips full and cherry red, her eyes large and expressive. She had a slender, but womanly figure that swayed gracefully as she walked, her long curly hair shifting gently as she moved.

  Merrick’s body reacted to the woman, which shocked him further. How was this possible? he wondered. His body should react only to their Arima. He frowned, studying the woman carefully as she slowed to a stop a few feet in front of him. A small breeze riffled her hair, carrying her scent the brief distance between them. Merrick smiled, already half expecting the truth because of his body’s reaction, though the delicious aroma of warm sugar peaches that filled his senses was welcome proof. He heard Tor and Jerri gasp behind him and his smile widened further.

  “You are Berta,” he said, making it a statement rather than a question since he was certain of the answer. There could be no doubt of it.

  “How did you guess?” Berta asked.

  “We didn’t,” Merrick replied. “Your scent told us, though I admit my body reacted to you before your scent reached us. It is a true pleasure to learn that the most beautiful woman in the galaxy turns out to be our Arima.”

Berta blushed, her hands flying to her cheeks in surprise. “That’s the first time I’ve blushed in...well...ever, I think,” she said.

  “Then I am happy to be the one to cause it,” Merrick said. “Will you tell us how?”

  “Yes, of course,” Berta said, understanding his meaning at once. “Come, let’s sit over here so we can all see each other.” Tor and Jerri grinned happily at that, pleased that she wanted to be able to see them as they talked.

  Berta led the way deeper into the garden to another paved area, this one with several chairs scattered about. Merrick, Tor and Jerri arranged the chairs so that they were in a small, intimate circle.

  “I’m sorry if this was too big of a surprise to spring on you without warning,” Berta began, her voice soft and sweet, though not weak or difficult to hear. “I just didn’t know how to tell you in a message.” She hesitated a moment, then shook her head. “No, that’s not true. I didn’t want to tell you in a message. I wanted it to be in person.”

  “You have no cause to apologize,” Merrick said. “We are not displeased. How could we be? We are, however, curious.”

  “Yes, I imagine you are,” Berta said. “I suppose you’re familiar with the Alverian Empath Healer, Riata?”

  “Yes, of course,” Merrick replied. “We had the honor of meeting her a few times before she passed to the next plane.”

  “Well, another Alverian Empath, Talinka, runs Bride House. She’s been very important in helping to create Arima House. When she heard my story, she contacted a cousin of hers who’s a Healer like Riata was. He came here and, after he heard my story, decided to try to heal me.”

  “Heal you?” Merrick asked, frowning with sudden worry. “Have you been ill? Why were we not told?”

  “No, I was not ill,’ Berta said. “I was old. As I understand it, the human body continues to develop until it reaches a peak of health and vitality. Once that peak is reached, it begins to descend, degenerating year by year. The process is much like a disease and therefore, healable.

  “Talinka’s cousin, Jareth, had suspected as much, but had never tried it before me. However, now that he knows it will work, he has asked that it be kept secret. Otherwise he’d surely be inundated with people wanting to be made young again, and would never have time to heal the sick. I asked that I be allowed to tell you three, and he agreed. Everyone else who knows about it has been sworn to secrecy as well. Please promise me that you will not tell anyone else.”

  “Of course we promise,” Merrick agreed at once. “Berta, we know that extensive healing takes a physical toll on both the Healer, and the patient. Was it very difficult for you?”

  “It wasn’t too bad,” Berta replied. “Jareth was concerned about my state of health and age, so he began with short sessions, every other day. After the first couple of weeks I got stronger, and he lengthened the sessions. It took about six weeks to complete.”

  “Are you happier now?” Merrick asked. “Was it worth it to you?”

  “Yes, it was worth it,” Berta replied. “In the end. But it wasn’t an easy decision for me to make.”

  “Why?” Merrick asked, then immediately held up one hand. “I know, you don’t owe us an explanation. But we know at least some of the difficulties you suffered in your life. We do not understand why you would hesitate to take the opportunity for a new, happier life.”

  “Well, that’s just the problem,” Berta said. “I didn’t see it that way. My life was stolen from me when I was very young. When I became old, I felt safer in a lot of ways. I could be free, allowed to live my life as I wanted because I no longer had anything to take.”

  “You were afraid that if you became young and beautiful again, someone would steal your life again,” Tor said.

  “Yes,” Berta said. “It was age that made me safe. I saw becoming young again as a risk, rather than an opportunity. Eventually I decided it was a risk worth taking.”

  “Did you think we would want you only if you were young?” Merrick asked, not sure he wanted to know the answer, but knowing the question had to be asked.

  “No,” Berta replied. “You made it pretty clear that you wanted to know me when I was old. But, I admit, I had some other worries.”

  “If you will tell us your worries, we will do our best to put them to rest,” Merrick said.

  “I appreciate that,” Berta said with a smile. “But to be honest, most of my worries were not about you three specifically. When Prince Garen appointed me as supervisor of Arima House, he asked only one thing of me, and that was to learn more about Clan Jasani than is usually told to those who are not Clan Jasani or Arimas. I agreed, and I’m very glad that I did because I learned enough to put most of my fears to rest.”

  “We are glad of that, of course,” Merrick said. “But if you would tell us, in general, what sorts of fears you had, we would like to know.”

  “For now, let’s just say that I was not treated well by males in my past life,” Berta said. “I feared to be at the mercy of males again. But I know more about Clan Jasani now. Even if the three of you turned out to be different than I expect, I know now that other Clan Jasani would protect me, if necessary. They would not allow any woman to be abused for any reason.”

  As Berta spoke she saw Merrick’s expression become stern, his violet eyes became cold and hard. She glanced at Tor, then Jerri, and saw that their expressions had changed as well. All three of them sat stiffly now, their fists clenched against their thighs, their chests rising and falling as their breathing picked up.

  Her heart began to race, but she was armed with knowledge now, and quickly understood the problem. Her mouth was dry with nervousness, not fear, as she reached out to Merrick on one side of her, and Tor on the other side, placing her hands on their arms very lightly while catching and holding Jerri’s gaze with her own.

  “It’s all right,” she said gently. “I am not in danger now. Those who harmed me are either dust, or so far away as to no longer matter.” As she spoke she saw the effect her voice and touch had on the three Falcorans. They visibly relaxed, Jerri’s eyes going from cold metal chips to warm golden pools as she watched. Tor reached over and placed one hand over hers where it rested on his arm, and stroked her gently with his fingers. Merrick lifted her hand from his shoulder and raised it to his lips, kissing it gently. Berta’s entire body shivered at the feel of his warm breath against her skin and she swallowed hard, but did not pull her hands back from either of them.

  “Thank you, Berta,” Merrick said. “We are grateful to you for understanding our need, and helping us. It is very difficult for us to imagine you being harmed in any way.”

  “It is thanks to Prince Garen that I have the knowledge to see what was happening,” she said. “Otherwise, I confess, I might have been very frightened just now.”

  “That was inexcusable of us,” Tor said, his jaw clenched tightly with anger. “That you understand our need is no excuse for behaving in a manner that would ever cause you fear or worry.”

  “I’m afraid that we may not be worthy of you,” Merrick added sadly. “There are many older, wiser, and better behaved male-sets that are certainly more deserving of a woman such as yourself, Berta Simms. This we know. However, we also know that we will never give you up, or give up on you. If you wish us to wait a hundred years, we shall do so. We will work every day to become worth of you. We ask only that you not decide against us just yet.”

  “Not all of the lessons I’ve learned over the past few weeks have been about Clan Jasani,” Berta said. “I’ve learned a few things about myself, as well. Enough to know that the path I had set my feet on was not the right one.”

  “Does this mean you want to be with us?” Jerri asked.

  “It means I want to give us a chance,” Berta replied. “I sense the three of you, feel your emotions. I felt you on the morning we first met, though it was nothing as strong as it is now. I know how you feel, the worry and hope you have. I feel the same way. I feel other things too, things that I’ve nev
er felt before, and those feelings are somewhat confusing to me. I want time to explore them, or at least get used to them.”

  “That’s all?” Merrick asked. “You want only to get to know us?”

  “To start with, yes,” Berta replied, resolving to be completely honest. “I do have some concerns still. They are not about you, but they will impact you, I’m sure.”

  “Can you tell us what they are?” Tor asked.

  “There are still some things afraid of,” Berta said, dropping her eyes.

  “Are you afraid of us?” Jerri asked.

  “No, not of you, not any more,” she replied quickly. “I’m afraid of being abducted again. Of being stolen away because of what I am, a berezi. That’s why I won’t leave the ranch. I know the Xanti cannot get to me here.”

  “Your fear is not unreasonable, Berta,” Merrick said. “But I ask that you remember that you are no longer berezi. You are now an Arima, our Arima, and therefore not alone any more. If you were abducted, we would never rest until we found you.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that,” Berta said, a sensation of warmth filling her at his words. “Not alone,” she said softly. “It is such an amazing, strange and wonderful thought.” She smiled brightly at them. “It may take time to get used to that idea.”

  “You said you had concerns,” Jerri said after giving her a few moments to collect herself. “More than one. Will you tell us the others?”


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