The Kiss That Killed Me (The Tidal Kiss Trilogy Book 1)

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The Kiss That Killed Me (The Tidal Kiss Trilogy Book 1) Page 17

by Kristy Nicolle

  “What makes you say that?” I ask, feeling myself flush beetroot.

  “Well anyone who was made to be with Orion would have to be.” He smiles, patting Orion on the shoulder. Orion smiles and grasps Atlas shoulder back.

  “Thank you father.” He says in a polite gush, squeezing my hand tighter still, I can tell he’s pleased at the parental approval.

  “Well at least now you’ve found her you can stop moping eh?” He teases with a deep laugh. Orion rolls his eyes.

  “You try waiting hundreds of years for the love of your life and see how you do!” He exclaims. I feel my stomach drop. Pressure much!

  “Anyway, I must go and start the ceremony, please be seated.” He instructs us in the same authoritative tone I have heard from his son, and we nod in unison. He leaves us taking Shaniqua with him, she sneaks me a sly smile over her shoulder as they walk to the head end of the table and I can’t help but warm to her. We step briskly across the intricate marble floor, shoes clicking against its hard veneer. Orion pulls out a gold chair, showing me his gentlemanly side, I sit.

  “Why thank you sir.” I blush nervously, proceeding to tuck the chair into the longest banquet table I have ever seen. It’s covered in a gold and red tablecloth and stacked with bowls of food so decadent it would be an understatement to name this a feast. I find I am sat opposite a tanned young man (or he looks young) with grey eyes and honey wheat blonde hair that is swept from one side of his face to the other. He smiles at me politely over the bowl overflowing with roast potatoes that drip with butter between us and my mouth begins to water despite my anxiety. No one has so much as touched the food yet, so I am bound by etiquette to hold my ravenous appetite even though I am salivating like a rabid dog. We are at the left side of the table and as Orion sits down on my left and the rest of the guests seat themselves, something extraordinary happens over the clinking of many fine glass goblets, calling for silence. Shaniqua, who with Atlas, is only a few seats from us at the head of the table, gets to her feet, clears her throat, and begins to sing.

  The sound is more extraordinary than any I can ever remember hearing. Upon the parting of Shaniqua’s lips, I am transported to a sunny island shore and with each note of the melodic lullaby, I swear I can hear the ocean’s waves and smell the sticky humidity that comes from being in close proximity to the equator. I inhale quickly at the surprising affect her voice has on me. I turn to Orion, wondering if I am the only one experiencing this and see he has his eyes locked on the singer and is swaying a little, beaming. The effects of the song are clearly not limited to my virgin ears, but are having a noted impact on everyone around the table. Shaniqua’s voice is so sweet, so pure that when she ends the verse and pauses for breath, I actually feel my heart break a little. While singing, she pours wine into a crystal chalice and holds it in the direction of the rising moon and everyone turns, bowing their heads and doing the same, lost in a tropical trance of white sand, blue waves, and swaying palm trees. When the song comes to an end, she returns to her seat and everybody applauds loudly. I am speechless. I never understood what people meant when they said you could see into someone’s soul when they sang, but now I know, and I can’t help but feel I just experienced the sensations Shaniqua herself had once felt, standing on the very beach that had formed in my mind as an imagined image.

  “And now to dinner, tuck in everyone!” She beams, gesturing at the overflowing bowls and plates around us as Atlas places a kiss onto her cheek. So we do. I pile food on my plate and I honestly can’t believe how utterly mouth-watering everything is, I notice a certain lack of fish on the table and smile to myself, thinking how absurd it would seem if there were; crude even. Orion wolfs down food in a surprisingly cultured manner and I form a question I just have to ask. I lean over to him and whisper quietly.

  “Do you eat, when you are … you know?” I ask timidly, not sure if I have been using correct or appropriate terminology since becoming a mermaid myself.

  “No, but I never feel hungry either, until the full moon rises that is.” He stuffs another leek into his mouth chewing appreciatively and I roll my eyes, making him smirk. It’s nice to see him so at home, less of a mystery and more of a normal human being. I can almost see us being similar now rather than him as Mr. Adonis and me a struggling teenager. I stare at him before remembering he has been alive hundreds of years and that’s something that I’ll never get away from. I do not think I can even begin to grasp how long that is. I hope I was worth the wait, I worry as I take a final mouthful of the juicy braised beef. The glistening china of my plate looks as though it’s been licked clean when I’m done with a dessert of lemon meringue pie and I sit back full and satisfied. I place the heavy silver knife and fork on my plate, and sit, keeping my spine straight in an effort to look impressive upon the red cushions of my chair. I look around, happy faces everywhere; smiles and chatter, and then I see Atlas and Shaniqua at the end of the table. They share a secret glance, one so full of understanding, intuition, and love, that I cannot help but think twice about my doubts toward the fact that perhaps my love for Orion is not my own. Perhaps it is one born of destiny and the fact that we supposedly share a soul. Could it really be the greater plan of some Goddess I have never believed in? I have known him for so little time, and yet I feel like I’ve known him my whole life, like he understands everything about me so perfectly. It really does feel as though I was made for him, and he for me. I turn and place my hand on his leg and he bows his head slightly.

  “You know there are some types of hunger that never leave you.” He whispers suggestively and I remove my hand quickly making him smirk. I smile innocently, batting my eyelids before turning my embarrassment and shock into conversation with the grey-eyed man sitting across from me.

  There is the clinking of glass and silence falls over the room again. This time Atlas gets to his feet.

  “Now that we are all full, I think it is time to welcome our newest member to the family, I mean of course, not only my own heritage, but to our community. I hope that you will be happy within our pod, Callie.” He sighs and I begin to panic, sweat forms in my palms and my breathing increases, what am I going to have to do? Sacrifice a goat or something? Oh, I hope not, goats are too cute! I try to focus on what Atlas is saying though my face is beginning to flush a deep red again as eyes turn to me.

  “If you would please, Callie, grace us with the beauty of your new voice.” He holds out one hand as though introducing a comedy act, and as I get to my feet, I begin trying to recall times when I have ever thought it wise to sing in public. I come up with nothing and so stand uncomfortably, not sure of what to do.

  “Just open your lips and let it flow, it will come naturally, I promise.” Orion whispers from beside me. If there was ever a time to test my trust in this man this was it, risking public humiliation in front of perhaps the only people in the world that will ever understand me. No, my mind says, Orion wouldn’t let that happen to you. I close my eyes, grab his hand from behind me, open my lips, and begin to sing. The sound comes from somewhere entirely unfamiliar and even to me it is surprising. Soulful and sweet notes drift from my lips as though I am the most innocent child in a church choir. The faces around the table begin to share a look of surprise and some even curiosity as I let the words, which I have never rehearsed, flow from my tongue and into the thick warm air surrounding the table. I think of my little sister, laughing, playing with her. I remember the embrace of my mother, the kiss I shared with Orion on the beach, giggling with my friends. I had never realised it before but as lonely as I felt, I was loved. Loved, I realise, with intensity when you put it all in one place. It is then that a memory I do not expect comes into my head. A man with large turquoise eyes and curly blonde hair, staring down into my face and smiling deeply, I hear myself giggle and I continue to belt out the notes, louder and louder, willing the images to continue for a reason beyond my understanding. Was this a dream? Orion squeezes my hand as I hear people gasp slightly, whispering to themse
lves as I belt out the final note. I am practically bellowing it into the surrounding air. I let the sound dissolve and then stop, breathing so hard I feel as though I may feint. The crowd applauds, stunned at my voice apparently as I even get a few whoops. Orion smiles at me, flashing brilliant white teeth and for a moment I am lost in his face, his eyes, and the pride that has ignited their glacial surface, and then the memory is lost too.

  “Bravo!” Atlas beams, coming over to me and placing one hand firmly on my shoulder, his silvery grey hair swinging slightly behind him, golden eyes glinting.

  “Thanks.” I mumble, slightly embarrassed after my outpouring of emotion

  “Don’t be so modest, you have a huge heart Callie, there’s no hiding that.” Shaniqua compliments, smiling delicately, her green eyes glinting while surveying my blush.

  “Anyway, I’m off to dance my woman into a coma. Have a good night, and Callie, welcome to the fold.” Atlas concludes and I nearly laugh at how odd those modern words sound, coming from his oh-so-literate lips. Orion rolls his eyes and I chuckle at the amusing dynamic between them. People are dispersing from the table and coupling off as the orchestra resumes playing, filling the cavernous hall with warmth and sound.

  “Care for another dance?” He asks and for once, there is so much more I would rather do. I don’t feel tired. The words erupting from my lips in song had solved any fatigue that was resting within me and now I want answers.

  “No, thank you, I’d rather talk.” I look at him sternly; I will not be side-tracked by his romantic notions tonight.

  “Back up to the room?” He asks and offers me a hand. We wave goodbye to everyone as we leave the ballroom, their eyes watching our backs disappear from the doorway and back up the jade green runner that lines the stairs of the main entrance. Orion slots his fingers through mine and I notice myself feeling uncomfortable because my feet are pinching in my shoes. I ask him to wait one moment with a wave of my hand and undo them, pick them up and carry them both in one hand while taking his smooth palm in the other. We reach the foot of the large staircase and he is no longer content with my walking, or so it would seem, as I somehow in an instant end up in his arms.

  “Orion! Put me down!” I squeal, hitting his broad shoulder with my fists weakly.

  “Hush woman.” He responds in a mock cave-man tone.

  “Don’t call me that!” I exclaim again, giving him a faux angry expression.

  “Why … you are a woman, aren’t you? Is there something you forgot to mention?” He jokes and I laugh.

  “Oh for Gods-sake, YES I’m a woman. I’m about to be a very a very pissed woman. I can walk myself!” I struggle and he tickles me, subduing me. “Tickling can only protect you for so long!” I threaten with a huge grin across my face, glad we’re alone. I’m not sure I could bear being man handled in front of his entire family. After all he has already staged a kiss tonight, which was more than enough showcasing for one day thank you very much.

  “I suppose I’ll have to find a more permanent solution for your incapacitation.” He lets the polysyllabic prowess of his years spin out with relish and I smile. He’s so smart.

  “You can’t incapacitate me.” I laugh, though I’m not entirely sure this is true. As we reach the top of the staircase, he bows his head, swooping down and kissing me until I go limp in his arms. He puts me down on both feet and my head is light, I’m reeling from his ‘incapacitation solution’.

  “Don’t tempt me, Callie. You have no idea what I’m capable of when it comes to you.” He smiles and turns on one heel, sauntering down the corridor and looking back over one shoulder. What could I do but follow?

  Back in the room, I eye the bed. Though not tired, I desire to be covered in the cream satin sheets, warm and protected from my own curiosity. I head over to the wardrobe and look for some pyjamas, but all that resides in the wardrobe is negligee and lacy nightdresses. I pout; nothing comfy. I watch Orion as he places his jacket over the cream leather chair in the corner of the room closest to the double glass French doors and then study him unbuttoning his shirt. Oh my, he has a fine chest. All definition and muscle, with that gorgeous band tattoo on the top of his left arm. I feel myself flushing and cheekily snatch up the shirt off the chair. I scurry into the bathroom feeling naughty at my thievery. Once in the safe confines of the turquoise walls, I peel the violet satin dress and bra from my skin before removing my make up with cool water from the basin. The violet and black lace thong will have to do for my underwear. I stare at myself, trying to picture myself from a man’s point of view. I’ve heard people say about men being fans of either bums or breasts and I peer at mine self-consciously. I’ve never been a big busted girl, quite happy with my C cup, and as for my behind, I muse that it looks like a full peach, a small shelf of fat resting under each cheek, making it look full and flush. I don’t quite understand what it is that men find so desirable about it all, but I can’t help but wonder what Orion prefers. I slip the shirt over my shoulders and button it slowly. It is about three sizes too big but it smells of Orion as I breathe in the fabric, he smells sexy as hell and the cotton is amazingly soft against my breasts, comforting me. I leave my dress on the bathroom floor carelessly, too curious and nervous about my appearance. Will I impress him being just me? No make-up or fancy gown, Callie original, no bells and whistles? I sigh at my lack of confidence; I wish I could be like Chloe, confident in her own skin. I take one last breath and step out of the bathroom.

  Dim orange light covers the room from candles that Orion has set burning, they are long stemmed and cream, like the type you would find in a church, standing in silver candelabra around the room. He is wearing loose linen pyjama bottoms and no shirt. I watch him from the doorway of the bathroom slip under the satin sheets of the giant four-poster bed and feel my heartbeat start to speed up. I dare to join him, walking slowly, my legs bare and cool underneath his shirt; I reach the bed and have to hop a little to get up into its hold. The silk sheets are cool over my feet and legs and I wiggle down so I am lying flat and then turn onto my side, propping myself up on one elbow and resting my head in my hand, never feeling more awake. He is on his side too, chest bare and rippling with defining lines, his eyes, perhaps the most extraordinary thing in the moment reflecting the candlelight and making an icy flame that burns into me, hot and cold, delicious all at once.

  “So Callie, shirt thief, what are you wanting to know?” He asks playfully, calm as he grabs my nose between two fingers and pinches a little.

  “Well let’s start with you, how did this all begin for you hundreds of years ago?” I ask looking up into his face, scared he will withhold his past from me.

  “I was Atlas’s son as you know; when he died I enlisted in the army to get money to help look after my mother. I was killed in my second battle.” He answers it simply, as though it means very little to him.

  “Was it scary?” I wonder aloud curiously, wanting to know him inside and out.

  “I don’t really remember. The past is so … grey, until I found you. Now everything is brighter.” He smiles sweetly at me, making my heart race.

  “What happened to your mother?” I ask him, worrying I’m going to ruin the mood by making him recall memories that could be painful.

  “She’s long dead and buried, Callie. She wasn’t chosen like me.” He sighs and I look up at him.

  “I thought, you know, you were a mer because Atlas is your dad.” I admit and he shakes his head, running a finger over the top of my shoulder in a fizzle of sensation.

  “No. I was chosen. Nothing to do with genetics.” he looks at me; desire is burning slowly behind the pristine mask of his face, hiding hundreds of years of emptiness.

  “Why do you think I was chosen?” I ask him and he smiles looking smug.

  “I can think of a million and one reasons.” He purrs his reply.

  “Such as?” I ask, trying to understand what he sees in me.

  “Such as your wit, confidence … easy grace. Need I go on?”
I almost spit on him as I exhale at his response.

  “Are you serious?! I’m like the least graceful, most gawky, self-conscious person you’ll ever meet and half the time whatever comes flying out of my mouth is some of the most dumb-ass inspired crap you’ve ever heard.” I rant at him, slightly out of breath and he raises one eyebrow with a smirk.

  “I know that isn’t true. Even if it is, I’ve waited hundreds of years and there aren’t return policies on soul mates that I’m aware of. So I guess I’m stuck with you.” He rolls his eyes again in faux disappointment. I slap his arm, but I can’t wipe the grin off my face. I have a question burning in my chest. I just can’t help myself. I need to know the answer. So I ask, feeling my heart flutter.

  “What was it like waiting hundreds of years?” I place my hand up on his face and stroke his cheek. I wrap my leg around his and feel his leg hair bristle against the smoothness of my skin.

  “Long, and lonely, you don’t know …” He trails off and I can’t work out if he’s distracted because I’m rubbing him up and down with my leg or if it’s because he’s sad.

  “So tell me. I’m begging for information here Orion.” I plead with him, feeling desperate to be let into the locked box of his mind.

  “It was like … when I saw you on that beach; nothing could have kept me away from you. I went back to that shore a few times after the full moon was over, saw you sitting there looking out to sea.” He admits, looking down guiltily.

  “You were there! I knew it!”

  “You could feel me, just like I could feel you. I knew you were suffering.” He admits again, eyes stormy beneath the surface.

  “I’m not suffering any more though; I’m free of that life now.” I say the words to appease his guilt but as they roll from my tongue, I realize how true they are. I don’t have to worry about my human problems any longer. I’m free from all my prior responsibilities, like college, friends, and family. “Please don’t regret anything. You haven’t done anything wrong.” I add, feeling a weight lift off me I hadn’t known was there. “Besides … this … whatever it is, is …” I begin but he cuts me off.


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