Death Takes A Trip (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 5)

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Death Takes A Trip (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 5) Page 2

by Larkin, Gillian

The noise that they’d heard this time was the sound of men talking. Twigs cracked and grass rustled as the men came closer.

  “It’s only a matter of time before the old codger gives in,” said a man.

  “We haven’t got time, you idiot! We’re losing money, the housing market won’t stay like this forever. We’ve got to build those houses now, don’t you understand?” This was said by a younger-sounding man.

  The first man spoke again, “Of course I understand, and this land is perfect for those executive homes, but we’re doing all that we can.”

  “We can do more. Sending that ancient fool an offer letter now and again isn’t working.” There was a pause. “We need to convince him in stronger terms that he needs to move.”

  “What are you suggesting? Nothing illegal I hope. You know what happened last time.”

  “I made a mistake last time, I won’t do that again. I think Mr Pedley needs to be convinced that it’s time he moved on, for the good of his health.”

  Julia’s breath caught. She looked over at Cain, he looked as horrified as she felt. It was clear what these men were talking about. But who were they? Julia looked through the foliage but she couldn’t see anything from her low viewing point. If she just raised her head a bit …

  Everything suddenly fell silent. A feeling of cold dread trickled down Julia’s back. Had she and Cain been spotted? Would she look up to see two angry men glaring down at them?

  A twig cracked making her heart miss a beat.

  The second man spoke again. Julia heard the hint of menace in his voice as he said, “I think I’ll pay Douglas Pedley a visit in the very near future. I can convince him to sell his house. I can be very persuasive.”

  The men walked away. Julia let out the breath that she’d been holding.

  Cain whispered, “What are we going to do?”

  Julia stood up and brushed bits of grass and leaves from herself. She looked at Cain and said, “We’re going to tell Douglas about this. And then he’s going to ring the police.”

  But that didn’t happen.

  Chapter 4

  “What a load of old tripe!” Douglas announced.

  “It’s not old tripe! I heard them talking, and so did Cain,” Julia said. She turned to Cain for verification, he was sitting at the kitchen table. “More cake, Cain? Really?”

  Cain nodded towards Douglas and said, “He told me to finish it off.”

  “That’s right, lad, I did. I like to see a young man with a good appetite. Julia, I didn’t mean you were talking a load of old tripe. I meant those men were. As if they’re going to scare me into selling my home! I’ll take on the lot of them. I know who they are.”

  Julia said, “Who are they? I take it that they’re builders of some sort.”

  “Cowboys, more like,” Douglas said. “These so-called modern houses to the right and left of me, they were built by Adams Construction. The houses were thrown up in weeks, they’ll never last a good winter. Those men in the woods most likely work for Alexander Adams, he’s the boss. I don’t know what they were doing on my land but if I ever see them I’ll aim my air rifle at them!”

  “Have they been bothering you recently?” Julia asked.

  Douglas stroked one side of his thin moustache. “Alexander Adams approached me at the same time that he approached my old neighbours, he asked if I wanted to sell my house. I told him I didn’t want to sell, and that I had no intention of doing so in the future. He was polite, and so was I. I’ve had a few letters since, asking if I’d changed my mind. They offered me a ridiculous sum, but I still said no.” He raised his eyebrows at Julia and added, “I was a little less polite that time.”

  “So no one has been in touch recently? No threats of any kind?”

  “Such as?”

  Cain interrupted, “Strange people hanging around the street, your phone being tapped, your home being bugged.”

  “By! You’ve got an active imagination! No, I haven’t noticed anything like that. I’ve no idea if my house is bugged. I’ve been a bit preoccupied of late.” Douglas looked at his watch. “She should have been here by now. I suppose it’s a woman’s prerogative to be late.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Douglas’ face lit up like a child’s on Christmas morning. “She’s here, she’s finally here,” he said in an awe-filled voice. He looked back at Julia and said, “You stay here. Sit down, you’re making the place look untidy. And don’t ask her a hundred questions! I know how nosy you are.”

  Julia sat down and tried to look offended, she wasn’t nosy at all, just curious. She reached for a slice of cake and said to Cain, “I can’t wait to see the woman who’s changed Douglas so much.”

  A few minutes later she said, “What’s taking them so long?”

  Cain grinned and said, “Maybe they’re snogging. You’ve got crumbs around your mouth.”

  Julia wiped the crumbs away and stood up. “Perhaps we should go and find them.”

  “Stay where you are!” Douglas thundered as he returned to the kitchen, a woman at his side.

  Julia felt her mouth dropping open as she stared at the vision who was standing proudly next to Douglas, her arm linked through his. Her jet-black hair was full and glossy, Julia thought she could see flecks of dark blue in it. The woman’s eyes were an amazing shade of blue. There were small lines around her eyes and mouth but her cheeks were soft-looking and rosy. Julia took in the elegant silk dress that the woman was wearing, it was the same blue as her eyes.

  Douglas was right, his new friend was beautiful. Julia felt the air on her tongue and snapped her mouth shut.

  The woman removed her arm from Douglas’ and extended a hand towards Julia. She smiled and said, “How lovely to meet you at last, Julia. Douglas has told me a lot about you.”

  “Has he? He’s told me barely nothing about you.” Julia shook the woman’s hand.

  The woman then moved over to Cain and said, “You must be Cain. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve made you a fruit cake to take home. I’ve left the box by the front door.”

  Cain stood up and took her hand. “Thank you, I love fruit cake.” He paused for a moment and then added, “I like all sorts of cake.”

  Julia shook her head slightly. Cain would have enough baked goods soon to start his own shop.

  The woman spoke again. “Oh! Where are my manners? I haven’t told you my name. It’s Nina Sapphire.”

  Julia felt her breath catch. “That’s a beautiful name. It matches your eyes.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Sorry! That was a silly thing to say.”

  Nina laughed, a genteel kind of laugh. “I know what you mean. Sapphire isn’t the surname I was born with. I changed it to that for my career. I used to be a …”

  Cain pointed at her and shouted, “A film star! I thought I recognised you! I used to watch all your films with my gran. I can’t believe you’re still alive!” It was Cain’s turn to look embarrassed.

  Nina gave a small grimace. “I’m just about alive, these old bones keep me moving.”

  “You are more alive than any woman I know,” Douglas said. Julia’s eyes prickled at the tenderness in his voice. If he said anything else like that she’d burst into tears.

  Nina moved back to Douglas, she looked as if she was floating on the air. “Darling, I think we need to go. We’ll be late for our reservation.” She looked at Julia and said, “We’re going to that Italian restaurant in town, we’re booked in for the pensioner’s special.” She chuckled. “There are some compensations to being so old.”

  “You don’t look old,” Julia said truthfully. Nina couldn’t be eighty years old! Julia hoped that she’d look that good at eighty. She sighed. She wished she looked that good now.

  Douglas said, “Julia, I’m sorry for messing you about. Shall we leave the cleaning until next month?”

  “No, I’ll check my schedule, I’m sure I can find another day. Although, I don’t mind staying now to do the cleaning work.”

  Nina waved a delicate
hand at her. “My dear, you can’t work late on a Friday. I’m sure you’ve got social plans.”

  “Oh, yes, of course I have plans,” Julia said. She didn’t add that her plans included pepperoni pizza and three episodes of Lewis.

  Nina said to Douglas, “Would you mind if I paid a visit to the ladies’ room before we go?”

  “Of course not, sweetheart. I’ll get my coat on.”

  Nina removed her arm again and gave Julia a small wink. “I’m a slave to my bladder.”

  Julia returned her smile. What a lovely woman she was. Douglas really was a lucky man.

  Nina moved away, again seeming to float.

  As soon as she was out of earshot Douglas beamed at Julia and said, “Well, what do you think? She’s perfect, isn’t she?”

  “She certainly is. How did you meet?”

  “At that charity shop in town. I finally plucked up the courage to take Val’s clothes in. Nina works as a volunteer there. I was reluctant to hand over Val’s clothes, I’d changed my mind about giving them away. Nina took me through to the back of the shop, made me a cup of tea and listened to my worries about letting Val’s things go. She was so understanding. It was her who asked me out on a date! Can you believe that? At my age?” He smiled to himself. “I’m the luckiest man alive. I can’t believe I’ve got a second chance at love.” His glance flicked upwards. He lowered his voice and said, “I’m going to ask her …”

  He never finished his sentence. There was an almighty crash, followed by an ear-splitting scream.

  “Nina!” Douglas turned on his heel and ran towards the hallway and stairs. Julia and Cain ran after him.

  They found Nina lying at the bottom of the stairs. Her eyes were closed and she wasn’t moving.

  Chapter 5

  Cain gasped and grabbed Julia’s arm. “Is she dead?”

  “I don’t know,” Julia said.

  Douglas lowered himself next to Nina’s still body and stroked her face. “Nina! Open your eyes! Tell me you’re okay.” He began to sob.

  Julia gently moved him to one side. She put her hand on Nina’s neck and said, “I can feel a pulse. Cain, phone for an ambulance.”

  Cain took out his phone and moved slightly away from everyone.

  Nina’s eyelids fluttered open. “Oh! What happened? Why am I lying here? Douglas, help me up, please.”

  Julia turned to Douglas and said, “Don’t move her, she could have broken something.”

  Nina lifted her head and said, “No, really, I feel fine. Well, I feel like a fool lying here like this! What must you think of me?”

  Julia turned her attention back to Nina. “You’ve had a nasty fall. It sounded as if you’d fallen all the way down the stairs. Please don’t move, help will be here soon.”

  Cain returned to the group. “They’re on their way.” He looked towards the top of the carpeted steps. “Did you trip over something?”

  “I’m not sure. One minute I was heading for the top of the stairs, and then … I’m at the bottom looking up at you all. Please, don’t make a fuss. I’m sure I’m okay.”

  “We’re not making a fuss. And I insist that you stay where you are,” Julia said. “Douglas, do you want to go to the hospital with Nina? I don’t mind going with her.”

  Douglas took Nina’s hand and said, “I’m not leaving her side. My poor darling, I could have lost you.”

  Nina tried to smile. Julia noticed her small grimace as she did so. Nina said, “Douglas, I’m not going anywhere for a long time. You don’t get rid of me that easily.”

  “Promise?” Douglas lifted Nina’s hand to his mouth and kissed it.

  Julia straightened up and looked at the stairs. “Let’s see what caused you to fall.”

  Cain followed Julia to the top of the stairs. Julia hunkered down and examined the top step. She pulled at a bit of carpet. She lowered her voice and said, “Look, Cain, the carpet is sticking up here. I’m not sure if it’s become threadbare through age or if someone’s pulled it up.”

  “Looks like age. The carpets in Gran’s house are like that. I’ll have to replace them at some point.”

  Julia called down to Douglas, “Your carpet is sticking up just above the top step. How long has it been like that?”

  Douglas blanched. “Oh hell! It’s been like that for months. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed. Oh, Nina! It’s my fault that you nearly died!”

  Nina pulled his hand closer to her chest and said, “No, it’s my fault. I should have watched where I was going.”

  The sound of sirens cut through their conversation. Julia walked carefully down the steps and towards the front door. Within minutes the paramedics had assessed the situation and placed Nina onto a stretcher.

  Nina waved a hand feebly at them and said, “Really! There’s no need. I feel fine.”

  Douglas said firmly, “The doctors will let you know if you’re fine or not. Just let these people take care of you.”

  Nina gave him a grateful smile.

  Julia said to Douglas, “We’ll finish our cleaning job and then lock up for you. I’ll use the spare key that you’ve given me.”

  “No, go home, Julia. You’ve done enough for today. My house can wait another month, it’s not important.”

  The paramedics carried Nina out of the front door. She held a hand out for Douglas. He took it and walked at her side as she was placed in the waiting ambulance.

  “Do you think we should go with them?” Cain asked.

  “I wish we could, but we’d only be in the way. I’ll phone Douglas later and see how Nina is. She’s being very brave. I don’t think I would be, I’d be screaming my head off.”

  “Me too,” Cain admitted.

  Julia waited until the ambulance had driven away. She walked back up the stairs and had another look at the carpet. “I wonder if I could fix it. I don’t want to leave it like that for Douglas. I’ve got some superglue in my bag, I could try that.”

  Cain said, “Why would you have superglue in your handbag?”

  Julia indicated towards the carpet. “For situations like this, of course.”

  They both jumped as the noise of breaking glass shot through the air.

  “What on earth? It sounded like it was coming from the back of the house, the kitchen I think.”

  They soon found out what had caused the noise.

  “Careful! There’s glass all over the floor,” Julia said as she stood at the kitchen door.

  Cain pointed to the large window over the sink. “It’s that one that’s broken.” His finger moved towards the floor. “And that’s what caused it to break.”

  Julia frowned and took a cautious step forward. “That’s a huge rock. It’s obviously been thrown on purpose. Why would someone do that?”

  She looked at Cain. He immediately said what she was thinking. “Adams Construction? Perhaps this is a warning for Douglas. Is there any paper tied around the rock, some sort of warning or threat?”

  Julia took another step. “Like something telling Douglas to sell his house or else? I can’t see anything.” She carefully made her way over to the rock and crouched next to it. “No, there’s no paper around it, and nothing written on the rock itself. I’m going to wrap it in a cloth and take it to the police. I don’t know if you can get fingerprints from a rock, but it’s worth trying. I know Douglas won’t take this threat seriously, but I am!”

  She wrapped the rock in a clean cleaning cloth and then retreated from the room. She said, “We can’t leave the window like that. I’ll phone Joshua Bentley, he’s a local handyman, and a friend of Dad’s.”

  Joshua Bentley was nearby and he promised to be there within ten minutes. Julia and Cain carefully swept up the broken glass whilst they waited for him.

  When Joshua arrived Julia asked him if he could secure the carpet at the top of the stairs too.

  “No problem.” He nodded and turned to Cain. “You must be Cain. Ray’s told me all about you. If you ever need any work doing on your house, give m
e a call. I do a cheaper rate for friends.”

  Cain beamed. Julia wasn’t sure if that was due to the fact that Joshua had mentioned her dad, or the cheaper rate for friends.

  Julia said to Cain, “Let’s have a look in the garden, see if we can spot any footprints similar to those I saw earlier.”

  They didn’t find any footprints due to the fact that the area below the kitchen window was paved. Julia looked towards the gate at the bottom of the path. “Anyone can just walk in here, it’s not secure.”

  “I think Douglas is the kind of man that can take care of himself,” Cain said.

  Julia nodded. “So he likes to think. Would you mind helping me collect some herbs? I never got chance to do it earlier.”

  Ten minutes later Joshua called out from the back door, “I’ve fixed the carpet and boarded up the window. I’ll come back with the right sized glass tomorrow. Bye!”

  “Thanks!” Julia called after him. “Right, Cain, we’d better go. I’ll leave Douglas a note about the window and carpet.”

  Cain said, “And what are you going to do about the rock that broke the window?”

  Julia said, “I’m going to let the police know.” She sighed. “I don’t think they’ll be happy to see me again so soon.”

  Chapter 6

  The following morning was Saturday and Julia usually spent the day on her accounts. But she couldn’t settle down to them. She tried phoning Douglas a few times but there was never any reply. Julia’s thoughts wandered to Nina. Was she still in the hospital? Had she broken any bones? Had she taken a turn for the worse? Julia had phoned the hospital, but, as expected, they wouldn’t give her any news because she wasn’t a relative.

  Julia closed her accounts page on her laptop. “I’ll just have to go and see Douglas,” she told herself.

  She drove towards Douglas’ house and saw him waiting at the bus stop a short distance from his home. She stopped the car, lowered the window and said, “Good morning. I’ve been trying to ring you.”

  Douglas impatiently tapped his watch. “Stupid buses! I’ve been waiting here for an hour. There was supposed to be one fifty minutes ago, and then one ten minutes ago. Neither has shown up! No doubt three will come along together any minute now!”


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