by John Glatt
Morris, John, 103, 104, 107, 120, 124, 132, 145
and Fillmore East, 134, 136, 171
and Grace Slick, 108–9
and Jefferson Airplane, 105, 157
and Jim Morrison, 199
and Village Theater, 125, 127, 128, 129–30
and Woodstock, 212, 233, 234, 237
and Woodstock, 273
Morrison, Jim, 119–20, 136–37, 165, 166, 199, 361
Morrison, Sterling, 77
Morrison, Van, 363
Morrissey, Paul, 78
Moss, Andrew, 327–28
Motherfuckers, 176–77, 189–90
Mother McCree’s Uptown Jug Champions, 47
Mothers of Invention, 77, 351–52
Mountain, 240, 250, 295, 330, 357
Music from the Big Pink (album), 155, 216
Musicians Union, 55, 310–12
music industry, xiv. See also promoters, music
after Woodstock, 265–66, 296
drug use, 349, 361
Graham’s contributions to, 342
Graham’s criticisms of, 345–46
Graham’s predictions about, 332–33
My Cross to Bear (Allman), 269
Mystery Trend, The, 45
Namath, Joe, 258
Nash, Graham, 288, 322
Nelder, Alfred J., 350
Nelson, Paul, 204–5
Neuwirth, Bobby, 119, 258, 276, 284, 300, 305–6, 307, 314
Newport Folk Festival, 156–57
Newport Pop Festival, 225
New Riders of the Purple Sage, 267, 295, 297
Newsweek, 88
New Year’s Eve concert, 87, 111, 261–63
New Yorker, 204, 246–47
New York Post, 289
New York Times, 125, 143, 160, 181, 187–88, 214, 250, 267, 278, 297, 301, 320, 322–23
Nico, 77
Niehaus, David, 268–69
Night with Janis Joplin, A (musical), 370
nitrous oxide, 264–65
Nixon, Richard, 213, 249, 277–78
Noguchi, Thomas, 319–20
Noonan, John Ford, 287
Not Fade Away (Marshall), 93
Nyro, Laura, 289–93, 356
Oakland Coliseum, 251–52
Odetta, 38
Ono, Yoko, 351, 356
Opatoshu, Dan, 260, 261, 269, 280, 287, 324, 337, 340–41, 351
Owens, Buck, 174–75
Owens, Tary, 59, 60
Owsley. See Stanley, Owsley
Page, Geraldine, 92
Page, Jimmy, 193, 202
Papa John (Phillips), 98
Pappalardi, Felix, 250
Paradise Now (play), 176
Paupers, The, 99
PCP, 163
Pearl (album), 312, 334–35
Pearson, Ken, 275, 316
Pennebaker, D.A., 46, 99, 100, 179
Pense, Lydia, 200, 363
Pepperland, 327
Perry, Charles, 49
Phillips, John, 98
Piersol, Jean, 41
Pierson, Clark, 275
Pigmeat Markham, 151
Pigpen, 47, 75, 270, 343
Pink Floyd, 310
Pollard, Michael J., 119, 258, 276, 277, 300
Pompili, Jerry, 124, 127
POPism (Warhol), 78
Popper, John, 366
Port Arthur, TX, 57–61, 66, 305–7, 369
Potter, Anthony, 335
Pressman, George, 330
Preston, Billy, 336
Proby, P.J., 209
promoters, music, 175, 225, 265. See also music industry
protest songs, 213–14
Psychedelic Hit Squad, 220
Puente, Tito, 14, 282
quadrophonic sound, 310, 337
Quicksilver Messenger Service, 55, 56, 69, 84, 100, 113, 261, 317–19, 358, 361
racism, 59, 71, 152
Ramone, Johnny, 330
Rauch, Doug, 341
RCA records, 81, 83, 113, 342
record companies, 99–100
Redding, Otis, 85–86, 209
Red Dog, 337, 338
Reed, Lou, 77, 78
Resner, Herb, 308
Rich, Buddy, 197
Richards, Keith, 252, 254
Richards, Mark, 119
Rivers, Travis, 67
Robertson, Robbie, 155–56, 215–16
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 365, 366, 368, 369
rock festivals, 225
rock ’n’ roll, xiv, 346
Rockonomics (Eliot), 99
Rock Relics Auction Show, 321
Rohan, Brian, 193
Rolie, Gregg, 85, 90, 101, 151, 195, 282–83, 303, 305, 326, 348, 365, 366
Rolling Stone, 50
Abraxus album, 309
article about groupies, 201–3
audiences at Fillmore West, 327–28
and Bill Graham, 70–71, 176, 230, 342
Bless Its Little Pointed Head album, 200
feud between Graham and Baratta, 311–12
Fillmore closings, 217, 346, 363
and Grace Slick, 266, 328
and Janis Joplin, 156–57, 187, 204–5
and Jefferson Airplane, 111, 113
and Jimi Hendrix, 330
Kozmic Blues album, 245
Pearl album, 335
and Rolling Stones, 252
and Santana, 242
Rolling Stones, 251–52, 257, 364
Ross, Diana, 266
Rothchild, Paul, 76, 312, 313, 317
Rothschild, Amalie, 145, 247, 254, 262, 286
Rothschild, Ed, 258
Roxon, Lilian, 267
Rubinson, David, 193, 194, 195–96, 208, 238–39, 341, 359
Ruskin, Mickey, 118–19
Russell, Leon, 297, 327
Salinger, Pierre, 141
Sam Thomas and the Gentlemen’s Band, 47
“San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair),” 98
San Francisco Mime Troupe. See Mime Troupe
Santana, 151. See also Santana Blues Band
Abraxus (album), 282, 283, 302, 308–9, 331
Abraxus album, 282, 308–9
band problems, 340–41
booked on tv shows, 250–51
breaks up, 365–66
and Columbia Records, 194–96, 308
concert in Central Park, 233
drug use, 283, 303, 308, 326, 331, 340, 341
at Fillmore East, 231, 275, 298, 302
at Fillmore West, 221, 245, 261, 307–8, 358, 362–63
fires Bill Graham, 304–5
in Hawaii, 331
and Herbie Herbert, 255
in London, 282
and Neal Schon, 325–26
recordings, 193–94, 210–12, 242–43, 348
represented by Millard Booking Agency, 180
Santana III album, 362, 365
in South America, 348
at Tanglewood, 297, 303–4
at Woodstock, 212, 231, 234, 236, 238–39
Santana, Carlos, 210–12, 211, 282, 365–66
awards and honors, 366
and Bill Graham, 283–84, 331–32
drug use, 95, 302–3, 326–27
early blues music, 24–25
early life, 18–27
at Fillmore Auditorium, 71–73, 84–85
and Fillmore West, 166–67, 362
fires band members, 101
and Jerry Garcia, 95
leaves home for Haight Ashbury, 72–73
and LSD, 73, 95, 237–39
, 325
and Miles Davis, 304
moves to San Francisco, 27
puts band together, 90–91
recording auditions, 194
refuses to cancel tour, 335–36
as teenager, 23–25
in Tijuana, 19–22, 25–27
warned about superstardom, 283–84
at Woodstock, 236
Santana Blues Band, 90–91, 95, 101, 150–51, 231. See also Santana
Santana III (album), 362, 365
Scaggs, Boz, 358
Schier, Joanna, 243
Schneider, Ronnie, 251, 252
Schon, Neal, 282–83, 325–26, 331, 335, 365, 366
Scorsese, Martin, 216, 364
Searching for the Sound (Lesh), 220
Seawell, Mary Ann, 110
See, Bob, 128
Segovia, Richard, 73, 251
Seidemann, Bob, 93, 209
Sensefex, 103, 104
Shad, Bob, 76–77
Shadoian, Jack, 335
Shady Management, 150, 259
Sha Na Na, 345
Shane, Celeste (Ceci), 37–38, 39
Shankar, Ravi, 151
Sharpe, Pat, 63
Shelton, Robert, 125, 143
Shorter, Wayne, 271
Shrieve, Michael, 194–95, 210, 211, 236, 238, 275, 282–83, 298, 302–3, 340, 363, 366
Siddons, Bill, 199
Simon, John, 132, 138, 147, 149
60 Minutes (TV), 203
Slick, Darby, 36, 37, 39, 40–41, 51, 74
Slick, Grace, 33, 234, 319
at Altamont, 256–57
Bark album, 347
becomes mother, 333–34
and Bill Graham, 108, 112
Blows Against the Empire, 322
and Bonnie MacLean, 82
buys Aston Martin DB5, 223
and Ceci Shane, 37–38, 39
composes “White Rabbit,” 51
as couturier model, 39
on Dick Cavett Show, 241–42
drinking, 36, 37, 40, 109–10, 140, 172–73, 266, 367
drugs, 37, 38, 165, 206, 281
early life, 34–37
at Fillmore East, 252–53
and Finch College, 37, 108–9, 277
first recording, 40
forms Jefferson Starship, 367
and The Great Society, 42, 50–52, 141
inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 368
and Janis Joplin, 69, 93, 240, 253, 318
and Jefferson Airplane, 74, 79–80
and Jim Morrison, 165
and John Morris, 105
and Jomar Kaukonen, 347–48
and Lenny Bruce, 38
in London, 164–65
and LSD, 52, 102, 249, 285, 322
as maid of honor, 266–67
marries Jerry Slick, 39
at Mime Troupe benefit, 48
and Monterey Pop Festival, 101
moves to San Francisco, 40
New York Times review, 143
and Nixon, 322
and Paul Kantner, 213–14, 267, 270, 281
pregnancy, 285, 299, 329
quits Starship, 368
retirement, 369
Rolling Stone interview, 328
and Skip Johnson, 367
on Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, 174
solo recording, 367
and Spencer Dryden, 91, 145, 166, 172, 181–82, 200, 206
starts writing songs, 41
and Surrealistic Pillow, 88–89
and Sylvester Stewart, 50–51
tours, 164, 299
verbally attacks audience, 280–81
Village Voice article, 233
and Volunteers album, 249
at White House, 277–78
and “White Rabbit,” 81
at Woodstock, 240–41
Slick, Jerry, 39–40, 41, 52, 74
Sly and the Family Stone, 50–51, 145, 234
Smith, Howard, 125–26, 134, 137, 174, 176, 189, 197, 202, 204, 224, 314–15, 317
Smith, Patti, 132, 137, 234, 300
Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (TV), 174
Soft Machine, 162
Somebody in Love (Slick), 241
Soundtrack of My Life (Davis), 99
Spector, Mark, 201
speed, 65–66, 75
Spirit, 197
Stamp, Chris, 142
Stanley, Owsley, 95, 101, 169, 220, 269, 341, 349
Staple Singers, 159
Starship. See Jefferson Starship
Stax Volt Christmas Show, 185, 186
Steele, Alison, 356
Stein, Barry, 370
Stender, Marvin, 32
Steve Miller Band, 95, 271
Steve Paul’s The Scene, 119, 121
Stewart, Jim, 187
Stewart, Rod, 152, 185
Stewart, Sylvester, 50–51
Stills, Stephen, 194, 241, 243, 288, 356
St. John, Powell, 62, 63
Street, Dusty, 213, 362
Sullivan, Charles, 43, 50
Sullivan, Ed, 162
Sult, Marcia, 365
Summer of Love, 88, 98, 103
Sunshine Makers, The, 198
Surrealistic Pillow (album), 81–82, 88–89, 91, 110
Taj Mahal, 76, 333
Tanglewood, xiv, 224, 233, 235, 293, 297, 303–4
Taylor, Derek, 98
Ten Years After, 154, 159, 169, 234
Thomas, John, 321
Thomas, Mickey, 368
Thomas, Rufus and Carla, 186
Thompson, Bill, 79, 88, 92, 101, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 170, 206, 218, 253, 266, 276, 329
buys mansion in San Francisco, 144
as manager of Jefferson Airplane, 140, 142, 158
and Marty Balin, 342–43
and Woodstock, 235–36, 240
Thornton, Big Mama, 85
Threadgill, Kenneth, 62
Three Dog Night, 231
Till, John, 240, 275, 313, 316
Time, 102, 148, 157, 230, 240, 245, 308–9, 334, 364
Tommy (rock opera), 218–20, 246–48, 288–89
Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, 141–42, 251
Torn, Rip, 92, 179, 253
Tower of Power, 340, 361
Townshend, Pete, 106, 139, 218–20, 240, 246–47, 266, 289
Traffic, 142, 168
Trips Festival, 48–49, 220
Trucks, Butch, 270, 298, 337–38, 354–55, 357
Turner, Tina, 253–54
Vagrants, 250
Vandergelder, Peter, 74
Vanguard record company, 178
Variety, 266, 332–33
Velvet Underground, 77–78
Vietnam War, 213, 249, 279
Village Theater, 121, 125, 127–31. See also Fillmore East
Village Voice, 138–39, 162
Big Brother at Fillmore East, 131, 159
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, 243
Grace Slick, 233
Janis Joplin’s debut, 125–26
Jefferson Airplane at Central Park, 280
and Madison Square Garden, 199
Motherfuckers, 176, 189
report of Fillmore East fire, 219–20
Santana, 251
Whitney Museum concert, 173
Vincent, Frances, 61
Vogue, 148
Voices of East Harlem, 262, 303–4, 341
Voices of Latin Rock (McCarthy), 180
Volunteers (album), 206, 213–14, 241, 248–49
Walker, John, 70
Wallace, Mike, 203
Warhol, Andy, 77, 78, 118, 119
Warlocks, The, 47–48. See also Grateful Dead
Wasserman, John L., 337
Watkins Glen Festival, 364
Weir, Bob, 47
Welch, Racquel, 294
Weld, Tuesday, 300–301
Wenner, Jann, 49–50, 70–71, 111, 242
West, Eddie, 296
West, Leslie, 240, 250, 295, 330
White, Joshua, 103, 104, 120, 123, 157–58, 176, 178, 278–79, 304
and cocaine, 181
musicians’ attitudes after Woodstock, 265–66
Village Theater renovations, 128, 129, 130
and The Who, 246, 247
White House, 277–78
“White Rabbit,” 51, 81, 97, 102, 105
Whitney Museum, 172–73
Whittemore, Jack, 271, 291
Who, The, 101, 266
at Fillmore East, 139, 246–48
at Fillmore West, 220
at Metropolitan Opera House, 288–89
premiers Tommy, 218–20
show after King assassination, 139
at Tanglewood, 224, 233, 297
at Woodstock, 234, 240
Wiggins, Lanny, 62
Wilhelm, Michael, 166, 284, 359–60
William Penn and His Pals, 85
Williams, Mark, 209
Willis, Ellen, 146, 204
Wilson, Wes, 70
Wing, Grace Barnett. See Slick, Grace
Winter, Johnny, 231, 254–55, 258–59, 293, 337, 338
Winterland Ballroom, 111, 131, 149, 259, 329
The Band, 215–16, 364
Country Joe and the Fish, 151, 327
drug use at, 349
Grateful Dead, 311, 317–19, 330, 349–50
Janis Joplin, 205, 274
Jefferson Airplane, 261, 311, 317–19, 367
Jimi Hendrix Experience, 174
Quicksilver Messenger Service, 261, 317–19
Winwood, Steve, 142, 168
Wood, Chris, 168
Wood, Ron, 152, 185
Woodstock (movie), 273, 282, 302–3
Woodstock music festival, xiv, 212, 231, 233–41, 265
Wyman, Bill, 252, 257
Young, Neil, 243, 271, 287, 356
Youtt, Jene, 337
Zappa, Frank, 351–52
About the Author
John Glatt is an investigative journalist with more than thirty-five years’ experience and has written twenty-three books. A native of London, England, Glatt left school at sixteen and worked in a variety of jobs—including tea boy and messenger for B. Feldman & Co. music publisher in SoHo, where he once met Albert Grossman and The Band when they came into the office.
He then joined a small weekly newspaper outside London, where he honed his keen news sense. Over the next few years, he freelanced for many national English newspapers, including the Daily Express, the Sunday People, the Daily Mail, and Woman Magazine.