Tame Me

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Tame Me Page 22

by Natalie Rios

  “No one!” I insist just as the phone rings for the fourth time. I need to do something to get him to stop calling.

  “So your phone’s just ringing on its own, for no reason?”

  Irritated to high heaven, I slide my finger across the screen to answer. “Stop calling me! As a matter of fact, delete this number!”

  I’m about to press to hang up, but Brody moves with a swiftness that catches me off guard. He’s fast for a big guy, snatching the phone out of my hands before I can so much as blink.

  “Hey! Give that back!”

  “Eddie. Of course,” he snarls. “Of course he’s the one calling. Are you fucking him?”

  “What do you care?” I fire back, fruitlessly lunging at him to try to get my phone back. The man has a massive arm span, easily using one arm to hold me still and the other to move the phone further out of my reach. “Why do you even care?”

  “Why do I care?” he asks incredulously. And then he drops the phone, just lets it fall to the floor, as he makes a lunge for me.

  On a squeak, I turn tail and run, dashing into his office and reaching to close the door. With a crack, his palm connects with the wood, and I can feel him forcing the door open from the other side. It’s no use. He’s much stronger than me and there’s no way the door is going to close.

  So I run again, behind his desk. Brody is right behind me and we make two circles around the desk before we both stop, with him behind the desk and me behind the chair reserved for visitors. Panting, we both study each other.

  Okay, I realize how this looks. But I’m not running because I’m afraid of Brody. I’m running because…well, it’s kind of fun to be chased. And, judging by his smirk, Brody likes to chase. A predator and his prey. It feels natural…and arousing.

  I’m contemplating making a quick dash for the copy room when Brody surprises me. Leaping across the desk, he pounces on me. Yes, he actually leaps across the desk. Watching his massive form jump over an enormous piece of furniture like he’s running the 100m hurdle in the Olympics completely distracts me.

  Really, I fall to the floor more out of shock than from the force of his momentum.

  “Jesus Christ! That was so fucking cool-” My words come to a screeching halt when I take in his heated expression.

  “Are you all right?” Brody asks, voice surprisingly gentle.

  Did I read the moment wrong? I thought he pounced on me to initiate some hanky-panky, but maybe I’m mistaken. Maybe he’s finally going to throttle me.

  At my swift nod, he snakes out a hand to firmly grip my chin. “Good. Because we need to get one thing straight.”

  He moves in fast, sealing his lips over mine in one swift movement. The kiss is one of barely suppressed violence, demanding and all-consuming. Tongues frantically colliding in a hurried duel. When he lets go, I’m breathless, startled by the realization he’s caught my wrists, holding my hands over my head. And he’s straddling me.

  When the hell had that happened?

  “I hate repeating myself, but since my words didn’t penetrate the first time, they will have to be said again. I don’t share. Ever. Not with my brothers and certainly not with some big city prick who enjoys throwing his money around and has an eye for women’s fashion. Tell me you understand.”

  I nod, watching with wide eyes as he unbuckles his belt. Continue watching as he unzips his pants and pulls out his cock.

  And, oh baby, is it massive and hard.

  “Charlotte,” he says in a fierce whisper, retrieving a condom from his pocket. “Answer me. Do you understand?”

  Maybe? I’m a little too enthralled by the sight of his now wrapped sausage to think about what all this means. But I want the D and I know what answer will earn it.


  “Good. Lift your hips.”

  My body instinctively responds to the command in his voice. He shifts off me slightly, just far enough so he can slide my skirt up to practically my bust line. Resting that high up, I’m now free to spread my legs for him. And the moment I do, the man rips my panties off, leaving me completely exposed to him.

  Holy shit, he’s not messing around today!

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he demands. I do as he says, gasping when he presses his cock against me. “Now you’re going to tell me who’s fucking you.” And just like that, he rams all the way inside of me.

  Never. I will never get used to the way it feels to have Brody inside of me. Glorious, intense, powerful…addictive.

  I’m more than ready for him, completely soaked thanks to our little foreplay. But the devil is holding still. He doesn’t even respond when I try rocking against him. Nope, he’s watching me expectantly.

  Waiting for me to answer him.

  “You,” I manage, trying once again to grind against him.

  “No.” No? How could that be the wrong answer? “Tell me who is fucking you.”

  Blinking, I try again. “Brody.”

  “Damn right, Your Highness.” And he pounds into me, again and again, nipping my shoulder every time I cry out.

  “Oh, god. Oh, god!” He’s throbbing inside of me and I can feel that now oh-so-familiar intense pressure building inside of me. Damn, but he’s relentless in the way he’s fucking me.

  “Not god,” he corrects. “Tell me again.”

  It takes me a second to even remember what he’s talking about, that’s how mushy my brain is. “Brody. Brody,” I moan and he rewards me with another searing kiss.

  A tremor travels down my spine and I know I’m seconds away from coming. Seconds away from completely losing control. But still, I fight the feeling, trying to make this moment last just a little bit longer.

  And then he slides a hand between my thighs, rubbing circles against my swollen clit with his fingers.

  That’s it. Game over.

  Closing my eyes, hands fisting into his hair, I bite into his shoulder to keep from crying out. I convulse against him, my entire body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure rolls over me.

  “Fuck,” he groans.

  Freeing my hands, he grips my hips and continues to pound into me. His rhythm is wild now, racing towards his own release. Opening my eyes, I take in his savage expression. His eyes, dark as ever, completely lack focus. And his nostrils flare out with each hard breath he takes in.

  He looks like an animal and, fuck, do I love it.

  Grinding against me one last time, he lets out a deep groan as he throbs inside me with his own release.

  We lay like that, sprawled on the floor of his office, for several minutes as he nuzzles my neck with his nose. His weight doesn’t bother me and I actually pout a bit when he finally stands.

  “Here.” Holding out a hand, he helps me to my feet and quickly begins adjusting my clothing. “About the dinner-”

  “I’m still going,” I cut in. Steeling myself, I cock a brow at his angry expression. “Look, he’s a family friend. And he flew all this way. I owe him dinner at the very least.” I owe him a hell of a lot more than that, actually. “If nothing else, I don’t want things to be awkward between him and my brother. Or me and his sister.”

  “What’s the deal with you two?” A fair question, given what we just did. But I don’t want to get into my messed up relationship with Eddie Rockwell. Explaining that would involve explaining something else I’m not quite ready to share.

  “Not what you’re thinking. I’ll explain it to you one day – soon,” I amend at the fury sparking in his eyes, “but not tonight. I’m just going to have dinner with him and convince him to fly back home. That’s all.”

  Jaw clenching, Brody nods. He doesn’t like it, but he’s trusting me on this. “Fine. But can you at least change into some jeans?”

  “Don’t you know, blue is the poor man’s purple,” I tease. “I can’t believe I ever said that.”

  “So you don’t own any jeans?”

  “Nope. But even if I did, I wouldn’t change. Changing means I put some thought and effort into the
outing. Staying in my work clothes sends the message I’m just sparing him some time from my oh-so-busy schedule.”

  He still looks dubious. Time to change the subject.

  “Though I guess I will have to change my underwear since someone got a little carried away.”

  “Not someone.”

  Rolling my eyes, I stand on my toes so I can whisper against his lips. “Brody.” He huffs, acting all indignant when I softly brush my lips against his. But he doesn’t push me way.

  He likes my random displays of affection. And I like his random displays of possessiveness.

  It’s official: we’re both fucking nut jobs.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I arrive for dinner early, mostly because I don’t want stay at the house. Mina and Fallon have both clocked out by now and are probably waiting for me by the door, ready to pump me for information on my relationship with Eddie. But I owe Brody and Liz an explanation long before those two.

  I use the extra time to call my cousin Ellie during a lull at the café. Luckily, she answers on the first ring. “Ellie! I need your advice.”

  “Uh oh. Should I be scared? Wait. Do you mind if I put you on speakerphone? I’m trying to feed Ben and this is definitely a two-handed process.”

  “No problem. And no need to sound the alarm. It’s about Brody.”

  “Oooh! Tell me more.”

  I start with the mysterious black eye he gave Tanner, then his strange behavior around Eddie, and end with the fantastic alpha sex on his office floor. “I don’t know what’s happening here. Why do you think he’s acting so weird?” I ask.

  “He’s jealous,” Ellie replies without hesitation.


  “Mmhmm. Textbook jealousy.”

  “Of me and Eddie? But he doesn’t even know...”

  “Please,” Ellie snorts. “Eddie showed up on his private jet and started talking about things you wore when you were a teenager, things you probably forgot you even owned. The man would have to be an absolute idiot not be able to put two and two together.”

  “Men don’t think the same way women do-”

  “You want the male perspective? What are your thoughts, Drew?”

  “Jealous!” Drew’s voice surprises me.

  “Hey! Was he listening in this entire time?” I demand.

  “I told you I had you on speakerphone. He kind of walked in somewhere in the middle.”

  “Jesus Christ, Ellie!” Face heating, I pinch the bridge of my nose and try not to get upset. Well, anymore upset. “Maybe I didn’t want your husband to know I’m fucking my boss on his office floor!”

  “Language!” Ellie warns and I immediately apologize. I forgot about Ben’s little ears.

  “If it’s any consolation, we’ve totally done that too,” Drew says.

  “You – what?!” Granted, I already knew this. Ellie shared the news with me soon after it happened. But a part of me still doesn’t believe it. It’s hard for me to imagine my straightedge cousin doing something so reckless.

  “Oh, yeah. And there was this one time we did it in a hotel elevator. Ellie freaked out after because of the cameras,” Drew continues, but I’m no longer listening.

  My cousin, who I only half-jokingly refer to as being part robot, having semi-public sex? Nope. My mind cannot compute.

  “Okay, now that we all know way too much about each other’s sex lives-”

  “I only said it to make you feel like we were even.” And wouldn’t you know, it does make me feel ever so slightly better. “And I’m sorry I walked in on you two. I honestly thought El was talking to the baby and you got to the good stuff just as I walked in.”

  “Apology accepted.”

  “Can I ask what I missed?”

  “He punched his brother in the face for calling her a W-H-O-R-E,” Ellie supplies.

  “Okay, so why is his jealousy even in question?”

  “Because, Andrew, it just doesn’t make any sense. I mean, we’re not in a relationship or anything. I’m not even sure what the – heck,” I catch myself just in time. Geez, talking around a baby is hard. “What the heck we’re doing in the first place.”

  “Why don’t you just ask him?” Ellie suggests.

  “Ask Brody?”

  “Or Satan. Whatever pet names you guys are going by this week.”

  “Ask him what?”

  “Where his head’s at, for starters.”

  “Why would I do that?” The only thing more awkward than learning my baby cousin’s sexual proclivities? Having the defining-the-relationship talk.

  “Um, because it makes a hell of a lot more sense than asking us? Listen, Char. I know you like projecting this go-with-the-flow, anything-goes vibe. But isn’t it nice just to know sometimes? To have definite, concrete plans and expectations for things?”

  Plans. Expectations. Those are two words I most definitely have a problem with. “But what if our plans and expectations are different?”

  “What if they’re not?” she counters. “What if he wants exactly what you want and you’re over here oversharing with your Vegas cousins instead of mounting the caveman?”

  “You don’t have a problem saying the word mounting in front of your baby?”

  “It’s not a swear word. Drew, here, take Ben. I’m taking you off speakerphone, Char.” There’s some shuffling and then Ellie’s back. “I know what you’re afraid of. But I don’t think he’s like that. If you told him the truth, I think it will bring you closer.”

  My stomach knots. Yes, my little secret is what’s holding me back from pursuing anything with Brody. With any man, really. And it isn’t the type of thing I share with just anyone. The fact is, I can count on one hand how many people know this about me.

  And my parents and brother aren’t even among the handful.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to share.”

  “You don’t have to share if you don’t want to. I’m only saying I don’t think he’ll react the way you’re assuming he will.”

  Closing my eyes, I try to imagine sharing this secret with Brody.

  Telling people is actually one of my biggest fears, a thought that used to automatically trigger a panic attack. It’s part of the reason it took me two years to seek therapy.

  People who have panic attacks often develop a fear of having a panic attack. At that point, it is no longer just about what triggers the panic attacks. You can experience classic anxiety symptoms just from the anticipation alone. Leading some people to be excessively careful in avoiding certain situations.

  The only way to lessen the fear is through exposure. And the more I exposed myself to these types of situations, the more I got used to them until eventually I realized doing those things wouldn’t inevitably lead to me being attacked.

  My therapist always said the key is to recognize the difference between danger and discomfort. Is telling someone scary and uncomfortable? Absolutely. But is it dangerous? No.

  Rationally, I know this. I do. But I’ve never been able to confess the truth to my parents. Or Jax. Never. I’m too afraid of their reaction.

  And with Brody? He’s the first person not related to me who believes in me. I’m not willing to risk losing that.

  “Or he could react exactly how I think he would,” I whisper into the phone. There. Now I’ve said it aloud. And look at that. No panic attack. But I’m still not comfortable with the idea. “I’m not going to tell him.”

  Ellie makes a small sound of disapproval, but wisely chooses to let the issue go. “That’s your choice. But you don’t need to tell him in order to better define your relationship.”

  “Ugh. A relationship. That sounds so much more serious than what this is.” I don’t think I’m even capable of having a normal relationship.

  “I’m not suggesting you two go from office rendezvous to exchanging I do’s. But there’s definitely a step or two in between you guys can define for yourselves. How are you going to introduce each other to people? If not boyfriend
and girlfriend, maybe something else.”

  “Maybe I’m overreacting. Things are bound to go back to normal once I get Eddie Rockwell out of my hair.”

  “Yet another guy you should have had the talk with.” Ellie is the only person that knows the entire convoluted history between Eddie and me. “I told you years ago you needed to talk to him. Please tell me you’re not going to hook up with him while he’s there?”

  “Of course not! You really have to ask?”

  “I didn’t think so, but I also doubt you’ll tell him the truth.”

  I remain silent, because she’s right. I won’t.

  Ellie sighs on the other end. “I swear, you two are so weird. Sneaking around for all these years. What’s he even doing up there if you’re not hooking up?”

  “I have no idea. I’m having dinner with him in a few minutes to find out.”

  “You’re playing with fire, do you know that?”

  “I’ve got this under control. Just you wait and see.”

  Famous last words.

  “You’re still wearing those clothes.” Eddie’s voice draws my attention away from my phone. He’s frowning down at me, clearly unhappy with my outfit.


  “I came straight from work. So tell me again why you’re here?” Yeah, I’m not known for being subtle. Or beating around the bush. I told Brody I was going to figure out why Eddie’s here and then get him on the next flight out and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  “Funny you should bring up work.” Folding himself into the chair across from me, he picks up one of the menus lying on the table. “When I called you earlier, I overheard the most intriguing...conversation between you and your boss.”

  The skin at the back of my neck prickles. Did I hang up before Brody snatched my phone away? For the life of me, I can’t remember.

  But we had sex in his office, not by my desk. Eddie couldn’t have heard the juicy parts, right?

  Going for aloof, I open my menu and pretend to study it. “Oh? Do tell.”

  “Are you seeing him?” Well, at least his question wasn’t phrased as crudely as Brody’s.


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