My Serbian Wolf

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My Serbian Wolf Page 6

by Charisma Knight

  She laughed a little in a failed attempt to maintain her composure. She felt the children’s’ gaze on her. Boy, she must have looked like such a dork in their eyes. Surely, she was too old to possess these girlish quirks.

  A boyish grin adorned Nicholai’s features. “I would love to go. I mean—

  ” Nicholai cleared his throat and held his head down for a few moments, 46

  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  trying to contain his composure, as well. “We would love to accompany you and the girls.”

  A sharp cackle of a laugh from Helen snagged her attention. “You were right the first time. You would love to accompany us.” Her little titan of a teenager was definitely not listening to her Ipod as Rebecca had thought.

  Helen had no problems with sharing things on her mind, and at times, could be quite blunt.

  Nicholai turned beet red and looked down at Rebecca, then glanced over at the girls and his son. A loving smile embraced his handsome face. “Believe it or not, we have never been to the Harbor, so it would be a wonderful experience for the both of us. I’ve always been stationed in Europe throughout my entire career in the Army. I was so happy to retire. It hasn’t been easy for Alex, you know, with all the traveling. As soon as he made friends, I always whisked him off to another place.”

  Rebecca’s eyes grazed his ring finger. There was none, not even a tan line. Why should she be concerned about that?

  Nicholai must have been paying close attention, because he glanced at his hand, and said, “I’m not married, and I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  Flames danced across her face as she cleared her throat. Deep inside, she was jumping for joy, but under the children’s scrutinizing gaze, she felt like quite the nerd.

  “I now how that is. My cousin lived in Italy and traveled extensively for quite some time before deciding she wanted to stay with my grandparents. It bothered her so much to leave her friends.” Rebecca looked at Alex and smiled. “Do you like it here, Alex?”

  The young, dark-haired boy smiled. “Yes, ma’am. I can’t wait until school.”

  “Yeah, Mom, he’s ten, like me!” Myra danced happily. “He’ll be going to my school this year! Say yes, Mom!” She started jumping up and down. “Can we go to The Aquarium, now?”

  “No, Hard Rock Café first, brat!” Helen exclaimed.

  “Ma!” Myra’s high-pitched voice captured onlookers’ attention while Nicholai chuckled.


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  “Cool your heels, ladies! Helen, stop calling your sister a brat. We need to unload these groceries before we can go anywhere. ”

  “We can help.” Nicholai’s brow arched. Just then, the overprotective mother and queen of her castle kicked in. He would have to take his son to McDonald’s or something until she and the girls unloaded and put away all the groceries as planned. She was more than happy about the arrangements, but even so, he was still someone she’d just met.

  “Um, if you could give us half an hour or so?” Rebecca searched his eyes, hoping she had not insulted him.

  “Sure, no worries. Alex and I can find something to get into, I’m sure.”

  Nicholai glanced at Rebecca and smiled. He ran his fingers through his hair in an odd, familiar way. He removed his glasses, and stared into her soul. His squared jaw tightened, and a look of determination smoldered in his eyes.

  “Look, Rebecca, I hope this isn’t being too forward, but I really would love for us to take the kids somewhere. It doesn’t bother me that we all just met. I don’t believe in coincidences, either.” Nicholai moved closer to her and whispered in her ear. “Plus, I really would love to get to know you better.”

  Rebecca stiffened. His breath was hot, and his voice was tinged with heated arousal. Every nerve ending in her body screamed to have him hold her in his arms for one split second.

  “I’d like to get to know you, too.” Again, Nicholai’s gaze captured and drew her into their dark depths. For a fleeting moment, their surroundings didn’t matter and they were encased within their own world. There was no doubt in Rebecca’s mind that, somehow, they knew one another. The children cleared their throats, startling their parents. It was settled.


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  Chapter Eight

  Nine months later, Nicholai and Rebecca married. The children bonded well and were, after all, like brother and sisters. Somehow, they were something more than that. Two months after the sacred vows had been spoken, she carefully observed the actions of her family after eating Sunday dinner. Alex and Myra carried on a conversation about the movie they had seen over the weekend, and Helen chimed in occasionally, but watched the clock.

  “What are you staring at?” Rebecca sipped her coffee as Nicholai’s intense gaze became almost too overwhelming for her to bear. Once again, history seemed as though it were repeating itself. Those eyes of his harbored secrets, as they once had long ago.

  “You.” Nicholai wiped his mouth with a napkin and sipped his coffee.

  Rebecca squirmed in her seat as his eyes penetrated her. She loved how the mature features of his face were highlighted whenever he smiled. There was something else she noticed, something in his eyes. He was attempting to tell her something without speaking.

  Glimpses of another life flittered through her mind one last time. The details of the past unfolded in her memory. Why had Niko insisted on protecting the three who neglected their duties? Back then, it appeared he had been betrayed, but it dawned on her, the three members of their tribe were Myra, Helen, and Alex.

  Rebecca shuddered as some foreign sense of knowing forged itself into her brain. Nicholai’s gaze shifted and he leaned his head to the side and smiled at the children the way a loving father did.

  Sadness cradled Rebecca at the thought of their children’s’ souls being lost forever. That is what would have happened had they engaged in battle against the Ottoman Empire. Had Niko known of this then? A gasp left her parted lips and those dark eyes released secrets hidden from her centuries ago. Flashes of his calm face pierced her memory as he mentally explained the Tsar’s curse in Serbia.


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  It was then, at the dinner table, that Rebecca saw glimpses of her warrior shifter, fighting in countless wars over the ages as a human. He’d died numerous times over the centuries and was always “regenerated” after every battle. Once the wars had been fought, he was then banished to the realm where they once had led their past lives together. Niko never allowed the Tsar’s harsh curse to harm a hair on their children’s head. The entire tribe was never in any danger, only the three defiant young souls.

  “Walk with me, Rebecca.” Nicholai rose to his feet, prompting her to join him in the living room. The children were so caught up in their conversation about the occurrences of the weekend, they paid no attention to their parents as they slipped away from the dining area and into the living room.

  Now out of earshot of the children, Nicholai spoke his peace. “Now, do you understand, my Zena Vuk?” Her husband grinned as he brushed a lock of hair away from her eye. Her chest tightened as he spoke.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Rebecca placed a hand on Nicholai’s cheek. Her eyes searched his dark depths in hopes to obtain an answer.

  “You know the meaning very well. We must be quick, for you cannot be allowed to possess this knowledge within your current life for too long. All has been made well, and we can carry on with our lives the way we are supposed to.” Nicholai caressed her chin with his large hand and winked at her, leaving her breathless. “The children are safe now.”

  Rebecca squinted her eyes. “What? How is it that you know these things?”

  “As leader of the tribe, Prince Nemanjic passed his powers on to me. I knew of our fate even then. The Tsar sought our children’s souls. My suffering ensured they would
be safe forever.”

  “Our children? But how—”

  “Do you remember, the very first time you projected yourself into my realm, the night after Mike raised his hand to you in anger? Do you remember how traumatized you were?”


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  “Hell no, not traumatized. I was friggin pissed! I wanted to kill him, to be honest with you. The thought of taking his life while he slept entered my mind. I—”

  Nicholai placed a lone finger on her full lips. “I was meant to protect you from afar. He left because—I made it so. Had he stayed, a horrible fate would have presented itself to you. My love, you would have taken his life eventually for there were many times he would have raised his hand to you!”

  A glint of anger flashed across Nicholai’s dark features.

  “Yes, but—”

  “I impregnated you with Helen and Myra.” Nicholai smiled and continued speaking in a hushed voice. “Alex is my child from my previous marriage, but he is just as much your son as he is mine. He thinks the world of you and the girls. My life wasn’t always secure, and as you know, my ex-wife shirked the responsibility of caring for Alex as she should have.”

  Rebecca smiled as she recalled the wonderful night of passion they had long ago. When Mike had left, it had not hurt her, but enlightened her. A dark cloud had been removed from her life. It was true about what he said of Alex. The boy had become very close to Rebecca within this short period of time, viewing her as the mother he wished he had. They were bonded, as a family should be.

  Nicholai cupped her face in his hands. “I did not know that we would be granted this opportunity of a second chance together. I thought I would be stuck in that realm forever.”

  “But how? How can this be?”

  “Ah, you mustn’t question such miracles. It is what it is.” Nicholai brushed a thumb across her lips.

  She shuddered and dropped her gaze to the floor. “You mean, your selfless act of love broke the Tsar’s curse?”

  “Yes my ljubavnica.” Nicholai smiled as tears formed in his eyes. “Now, this is over. Never shall you remember the past.”

  “Nicholai, I—”


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  Within moments, Rebecca could not recall what she and Nicholai had been speaking about. He planted a kiss on her forehead, waved his hand, and murmured something in his Serbian tongue.

  Rebecca shook her head and glanced at her husband. “What were you saying?” She lowered herself to the sofa, holding her hand to her head.

  “Nicholai, I feel so dizzy.”

  “I was telling you how much I love you.” A bright smile adorned his face as he leaned over to plant a smoldering kiss on her lips. “I will cherish you until the end of my days. Please know that.”

  Rebecca smiled as her husband sat down and placed an arm around her.

  For some reason, she sensed there were more to those words than he cared to reveal. It really didn’t matter to Rebecca, because for the first time in many years, she did not suffer from a heavy heart.


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  Chapter Nine

  Nicholai pulled her closer to him, nuzzling her ear. Rebecca basked in how he caressed her with such passion. Never in her life had any man ever made her feel so complete.

  “I need you.” Nicholai’s gaze locked with hers, sending shivers down her spine. His fingers tweaked her hair, causing goose bumps to cover her flesh.

  Her breasts tingled with excitement as his fingers traveled from her scalp and down the nape of her neck.

  She listened as the children began to clear the dining room table. She heard Helen in the kitchen, filling the sink with water in preparation of cleaning the dishes. She smiled as she listened to the teenager telling her brother and sister about the science project that was due tomorrow. She had spent the entire weekend preparing it, with the exception of taking time off for the movie. Rebecca glanced at her husband, observing the fiery passion building in the dark abyss of his eyes.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.” Nicholai’s breath against the column of her neck was more than she could withstand.

  “Nicholai!” To Rebecca, it was damn near impossible to speak. Her throat was parched, and her voice quivered. Her entire body shivered uncontrollably. Parting her lips to speak, she discovered she couldn’t until Nicholai averted his gaze toward the kitchen. “We really should help the children clean up.”

  “They will be fine.” Nicholai rose to his feet and held out his hand.

  “They’ve been wanting to see their programs tonight. Within half an hour, they’ll all be glued to the television.” A devilish smile erupted on his face, and his voice was persistent.

  Smiling, she lifted herself off the sofa. “You should be ashamed of yourself, leaving our children to clean the dirty kitchen. Normally, we all pitch in together.”

  “Oh, Rebecca.” Nicholai exhaled while shaking his head. “You act as though we’re forcing them to work on a chain gang somewhere down south.

  Just remember, the longer you make me wait, the more I’ll make you climb 53

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  Charisma Knight

  the walls. I promise you, there will be no mercy.” Nicholai arched a dark brow before planting a kiss on her lips. He was a man who always followed through on his promises. “Come on.” Nicholai wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  Together, they exited the living room.

  * * * *

  The dining room table only contained a few dishes, which Nicholai cleared away with care. A hushed silence fell across the room.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you two again until tomorrow morning,”

  Helen cackled, allowing a wicked grin to form on her young features.

  “Ew! Helen, knock it off!” Alex wrinkled his face as he loaded the dishwasher. “I really don’t need to hear that, or picture it! Geez, I need to hurry up. Sins Of The Damned will be on soon.”

  “I thought you were watching Janna Danego with me,” Myra said as she poked out her bottom lip and crossed her arms. “No fair, Alex. You promised!”

  “Yeah, dude, I heard you tell her you would watch the premiere of Janna Danego two weeks ago,” Helen said as she began wiping the mahogany dining room table off.

  “Is this true, Alex?” A stern look masked Nicholai’s dark features.

  “Yes, sir,” Alex murmured, dropping his gaze to the floor.

  As Rebecca wiped down the stove and counter tops, she politely reminded Alex about certain expectations. “You need to keep your promise to your sister. You should never make promises you can’t keep.”

  “I agree, young man,” Nicholai said as he rushed to help with the dishes.

  “Just record your show and watch it later. How long is the show, little one?”

  Nicholai asked Myra before kissing her on top of the head.

  “Only for an hour.” Rebecca watched with love as Myra bit her lip. It filled her heart with joy at the tenderness and concern Nicholai showed for Myra. He always acted in that manner toward all the children. Each one was treated with fairness and loving care.


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  “All right. You’re right, Dad.” Alex turned towards Myra. “I’m so sorry.

  Come on, help me program my show and we’ll watch Janna in your room.”

  “Okay!” Myra beamed with happiness as she followed her big brother upstairs.

  “Well, I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Helen walked over toward Nicholai and Rebecca, planting kisses on their cheeks.

  “What are your plans for the evening?” Rebecca completed the last stages of the kitchen as Nicholai looked on in anticipation.

  “I’m watching the Desert Rose Band in concert,” Helen replied with a twinkle in her eye. “Love you both, night-night.” She exited the dining roo
m with a bounce in her walk, leaving her parents alone in the kitchen.

  “Well, shall we retire for the evening?” Nicholai winked at her.

  Rebecca interpreted his words and his actions. She knew in her heart they would not be sleeping anytime soon. Heat flushed her face as Nicholai reached out, brushing the back of his hand against her cheek. Her lips parted, releasing a gasp as his other hand cupped one of her breasts. Nicholai pursued her, backing her against the kitchen sink. Rebecca sighed as his lips discovered her neck.

  “I love you so much,” Nicholai murmured as his kisses sent bolts of electricity throughout her body.

  “Uh!” She shuddered as the heated arousal flooded her silk panties. He bent down, allowing Rebecca to feel his hard cock against her abdomen.

  “I love you, too, with all my heart.” She barely noticed as the words abandoned her lips because she was so lost in her husband’s obsidian eyes.

  Sometimes it felt as though he cast a spell over her.

  “Mmm. You smell so good.” Nicholai inhaled Rebecca’s scent, shifting her emotions into overdrive. His hands descended to her buttocks, forcing her breath from her as he squeezed her derriere.

  “Oh, Nicholai.” Rebecca squirmed against his body as his greedy tongue slipped past his lips. Her hands traveled to the button of his jeans, the need to feel the length of his bare cock in her hands consuming her. Her body burned with intense longing for him to fill her.

  Nicholai’s tongue dueled with hers as his large hands explored her body.


  My Serbian Wolf

  Charisma Knight

  With hunger, she sucked on his tongue as the throbbing sensation between her legs heightened. Her pussy clenched with desire as his moans filtered through her ears. Damn, his voice was so husky, and tinged with underlying sexual tones. Wasting no time, Rebecca unzipped his blue jeans. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as her hand discovered its way inside Nicholai’s zipper. He moaned when she squeezed his engorged organ.


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