Thabo (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates)

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Thabo (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galactic Mates) Page 11

by Luna Hunter

  “I’m not sure if I’m going back, sir. Riley took quite a hit when she defeated Yo’x, and I want to stay here for her recovery. I owe her my life.”

  Vinz nods. “It sounds like you have more on your mind than that.”

  “You are right, sir. The human and I… it’s…we…”

  I’ve never been a poet, but I am usually capable of forming coherent sentences. However, describing my feelings for Riley to my leader is more difficult than I imagined. How can you capture so many feelings in only a few words?

  A wide smile spreads across Vinz’s silver lips. “You mated with the human?!”

  “Not… yet…”

  “Ha! I know I sent you on this mission to learn that humans are a valuable ally, but I didn’t expect you to take that bull by the horns!”

  I almost feel embarrassed. Imagine that. Thabo, a Zoran General, fabled warrior, embarrassed. “I’m glad my predicament amuses you, sir,” I say with a smirk.

  “It more than amuses me – it pleases me,” Vinz says. “After all, I myself know the wonders a human mate can bring. Don’t worry. Take as much time as you need.”

  I square my shoulders. “What if I don’t intend to return at all, sir? I know I have a duty to the Zoran, but I also feel strongly that I belong by Riley’s side.”

  Vinz nods. “I see that you are serious. Losing you as a general will be a blow to our military, but one we can take. Others will have to step up. With your actions, you have more than proved your loyalty and your worth. There will always be a place for you here.”

  I snap to attention. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Please,” my king says. “I am no longer your commander-in-chief. Call me Vinz.”



  Michelle applies the finishing touches on my make-up.

  “Come on, smile,” she says. “You look gorgeous! This is your big day, what’s the matter?”

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  It’s been one whole week since I woke up with Thabo by my side, and today the Alliance is holding a ceremony in my honor. Not only that, but they’re officially accepting humanity into the Alliance as well!

  I should be elated, but instead, I’m a mess.

  I avoided Thabo as much as I could. I told him that I needed rest and asked to be left alone. I spent most of the week sleeping and crying. Yo’x mean, spiteful words have made themselves at home in my brain. I’ve always had my insecurities, but now they’re out of control.

  What if Yo’x was right? What if Thabo only considers me a prize? What if he only wants one for the road? Will be he be gone the moment I give in to my desire?

  Nobody’s ever loved me before… why would he be any different? His father was a monster, and the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree…

  Are these my own thoughts, or has Yo’x cursed me? I can’t be sure.

  “Riley? I asked you something.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say as I smoothen the ruffle on my dress with my hands. “What was it?”

  Michelle rolls her eyes at me. “You’re spacing out more than usual. Are you sure you really recovered?”

  “I’m fine,” I lie again.

  “I asked you if you and Thabo practiced your dance.”

  “My what now?”

  “Your dance,” Michelle says. “You know? As we’re going to a ball and such?”

  “A b-ball?”

  “Did you not read the invitation to your own ceremony?”

  “I-I…” I did not. I skimmed it, and figured I’d just have to wave at the crowd or something.

  Michelle stops dead in her tracks. “You’re doing the first dance, honey. Everyone’s going to be there.”

  My face turns as white as a sheet. I’m in no way ready for any of this!

  “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Michelle says, changing her tune when she sees the shock registering on my face. “I’m sure Thabo is an excellent dancer.”

  I’ve seen his grace and fluidity on the battle field, but I’m not sure if those skills translate to the ballroom. I’m paralyzed by fear the rest of the day. I barely notice the view from the shuttle that takes us towards the surface of Xia V. The sloping mountains, the wide, teal lakes – they’re lost on me. We arrive at a majestic palace that belongs to the Tyk’ix Emperor, but I stare right through it’s grandeur.

  It is only when I am face-to-face with Thabo that I snap out of my paralysis.

  He looks stunning. He swapped his usual armor for a sharp tuxedo that looks like it was poured onto his towering frame. It matches his fire-red skin perfectly. He strides towards me and takes me into his arms, sweeping me off my feet.

  “You look good enough to eat,” he growls.

  I lose myself in his gorgeous, orange eyes. I’ve thought about him, and us, for every waking moment this past week. I want nothing more than to throw myself at him, to get lost between the sheets with that seven-feet tall warrior, but something’s holding me back.

  Fear. Anxiety.

  I need to be sure he feels the same way. Yo’x cruel words have fanned the flames of my uncertainty, a last fuck you from that horrible being. I know what I need to do. I need to have a honest, mature conversation with Thabo about our feelings.

  Hell, I’d rather have that first dance!

  Thabo drags me to the center of the opulent ballroom. All around us are the elite of the Alliance – both Tyj’ix, Falur and Melek, among other species. They’re all dressed to the nines, and smiling at me.

  Everyone here is so happy for me – why can’t I find that inner peace, then?

  Narek steps forward and gives a small speech about how humanity’s a valuable ally, they thank me and Thabo for our service to the Alliance, yada yada yada. Honestly, I’m not paying attention. All of my attention is focused on Thabo’s hand that is resting on my ass. I feel the heat radiating from his body, and it’s driving me insane.

  I wish I could just ignore my hang-ups for a moment and enjoy this moment we’re having together.

  “Do you know how to dance?” I whisper.

  Thabo smirks at me, that same cocky grin I hated at first but now makes my heart throb faster.

  “Let’s find out.”

  The room erupts into applause and slow, sensual music starts playing. Oh crap, this is it. I’m going to make an intergalactic fool out of myself.

  Thabo grabs my hand and leads me across the room. He guides me through the motions expertly, as if he was born to do this. He has the same grace and fluidity in his movements as he did on the battlefield.

  I wonder if he’s as flexible in the bedroom…

  All the while, his eyes don’t leave mine. He studies my every feature, his radiant eyes making the heat pool in my lap. He leans in, and I feel his breath on my lips. I close my eyes and…

  He pulls back. I open my eyes, dazed and flustered, and notice everyone is clapping for us. I do a quick bow, angry at myself for letting myself get swept away in Thabo’s current like that.

  “I need a drink,” I whisper.

  “On it.”

  The rest of the party joins us on the dancefloor, and I use this moment to find the nearest wall to lean against. I’ve had enough attention for one day. Thabo finds me and hands me a champagne glass filled with a radiant, purple liquid that fizzes softly.

  “Cheers,” he says as he downs his drink. It tastes like blueberry, with just a hint of melon.

  Michelle comes running towards me on her heels, a Falur warrior in tow.

  “Come on,” she says. “Join us!”

  “I don’t feel like dancing anymore,” I say. “I’m a bit tired, to be honest.”

  “Oh come on,” Michelle whines. “How many balls have you been to?”

  “She doesn’t want to, Michelle,” Thabo says. “Leave her be.”

  “Pff, fine,” Michelle says. “I tried!” She wanders off, dragging the Falur along, his eyes glued to her backside.

  “What do you want to do?” Thabo asks me. “It’s your party

  “Honestly? I want to go home.”

  “And where is home for you? Earth? The Observer? My vessel?”

  “I don’t know.” Earth… back home, in Seattle, besides my father – that’s where my home is. But that’s a place without Thabo, and I don’t know if that’s something I can accept. “What does home mean to you?”

  “To me, home is wherever you are.”

  I am stunned. I look up at Thabo, and my face must scream surprised, because he can’t stifle a laugh.

  “Why do you look so surprised? I think I’ve been forthcoming. Straightforward.”

  “Y-yes,” I say. “You have.”

  We’re interrupted by Narek. “Wonderful dance,” he says, as he shakes my hand. The Melek ambassador has swapped his loincloth and leather armor for a striking gown. I had no idea long-haired, bearded man could pull that look off, but he’s doing it. “We’ll get DuPont, I have my best men on the job. He won’t get away.”

  “Thank you,” I say. He makes some small talk with Thabo, and I notice from the corner of my eye that more people are lining up for their chance to talk to me. I’m flattered all these politicians want to converse with me, and I do feel like the belle of the ball, but honestly, I just want to get out of here.

  “Rescue me,” I whisper.

  “Say no more.”

  Thabo lifts me up, cradling me in his giant arms and he carries me off, paving a way straight through the bewildered crowd. Michelle waves at me as I go, and I can’t help but laugh as we make our exit.

  The Zoran warrior takes us to a shuttle and punches in the co-ordinates for the Observer. As we rise into the air, he turns to me. His radiant eyes stare into mine, his shoulders squared.

  “You’ve been avoiding me,” he says. “Why?”

  Straight to the point, as always. I look away, avoiding his gaze. “I…” My voice trails off. I don’t have a suitable answer. I try to explain it, but finding the right words seems impossible.

  “Yo’x… took more out of me than I thought.”

  Thabo nods. “I don’t know what happened, but I can only imagine the horror of having to share your mind with such a monster. I understand if you need time, but there’s something I have to tell you.”

  I suck in air through my teeth, waiting for the blow to land. I’m sure he’s going to tell me he’s fed up with waiting, and is leaving for Exon Prime right away. I’ve given him every reason to be fed up, in fact.

  “I gave up my command.”

  And there it… wait, what?


  “I talked to my king, and I told him I quit, effective immediately. I owe you my life, and I intend to stay by your side as long as it takes you to heal… and long after that, as well, if you’ll have me.”

  I’m flabbergasted. Here I was absolutely convinced that he was afraid of commitment, and that his feelings were only skin-deep… and it turns out that if anyone’s afraid of commitment, it’s me!

  “Are you sure?” I stammer. “Th-that’s quite a decision.”

  Thabo nods decisively. “It’s what I want. I’m absolutely certain of that. I’ve never felt more alive than when I’m with you. I want to stay by your side… forever.”

  His fingers interlock with mine, and my heart melts. This warrior, this towering mass of muscle has just opened his heart to me in a way that I’d be scared to do, even though I feel the same way.

  I’ve acted like such an idiot.

  “What about your legacy?” I ask.

  “Fuck my legacy,” Thabo says. “I’ve never wanted this life. It was forced on me. I’ll tell you the whole story. You remember my father, right?”

  I nod, hanging on his every word.

  “He was a legendary warrior, and a total asshole. He wanted me and my brother Mirko to cement our clan’s name in Zoran history. Mirko was better than me; faster, stronger. He got all of my father’s attention, and at the time, I resented my brother for it. My father made us spar with staves, and the only way I could compete is to find my inner rage.”

  He stares out the window, his hand holding mine tightly. His lips form a tight line, and his shoulders are tense.

  “It helped. At first. But it didn’t last. Mirko was simply better than me, and my father urged me on to channel more and more of my rage until I completely lost myself. My vision went red… and when I regained my senses, Mirko was dead. I’d struck him against his temple with the staff.”

  My heart breaks. I can’t even begin to fathom the pain such an accident must have caused. “It’s not your fault,” I say.

  Thabo nods. “I know that now. My father, however, had a different view. He blamed me for it, and I believed him, at first. I became a warrior, a general, in an attempt to wash that shame away, but it’s haunted me my entire life. Until now.”

  He turns to me. “When I’m with you, I feel at peace, for the first time in my life. I feel like you accept me for who I am. You don’t need me to be the strongest warrior in the universe, the nimblest fighter, the most cunning general. You make me feel like it’s alright to just be me.”

  I can’t take anymore. I burst out into tears, covering my face with my hands. I’ve pushed Thabo away this week, with all those negative thoughts taking up space in my mind, and none of it has been true. He’s a kind soul, a gentle warrior, and he’s so good to me, I don’t even deserve it.

  “Did I say something wrong?” Thabo asks.

  “No, no, not at all,” I sniffle. “It’s not you, it’s me. When Yo’x was in my head, he could see all of my thoughts, all of my fears and he… he filled my head with doubts. He made me believe that you didn’t love me, that you didn’t care about me, and I was stupid enough to believe him. I’m sorry.”

  Thabo rubs my back. In front of us, through the window, the magnificent landscape of Xia V looms up, but I can’t see it through the tears.

  “It’s not your fault,” he says. “He messed with your mind. You were the only one strong enough to fight him in the first place – none of us were able to resist him, except you. It’s only natural that there are some after effects. I don’t blame you in the slightest.”

  What did I ever do to deserve him? Besides his stunning good looks, incredible dancing skills and unquestionable loyalty, Thabo’s also understanding?

  “You are amazing,” I say through my tears. No doubt my make-up is now ruined, and I’m afraid I look like a panda, but I don’t care. “You know how I was able to resist Yo’x?”


  “The thought of you,” I admit. “I focused on your name… and that gave me the strength I needed.”

  Thabo breaks into a wide smile. “You feel the same way.”

  I nod, a blush forming on my cheeks. “Yes.” I climb onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his waist. He holds me, his hands travelling down my back. I feel the warmth of his breath on my neck, and it feels like home. I close my eyes, letting all of my emotions pour out. All my doubts, my fears – I let them go.

  Right now, there’s nothing but me and him. He’s a Zoran warrior, and I’m a human diplomat – there will be hurdles to overcome, but I know that we can survive everything if we stick together. Our adventure has proven that.

  Right now, I want to add a new chapter to that story…

  I rest my hands on his cheeks. I take one deep, long look into those radiant, bright, orange eyes of his. They remind me of a sunset, and it’s the most beautiful sight in the universe, as far as I’m concerned. If I would look behind me I could see a sweeping vista of Xia V as the shuttle leaves its atmosphere, but I don’t care about that view.

  Thabo’s the only thing I have eyes for.

  I press my lips against his. I pour everything into that kiss, all my love, my emotions, everything. His thick, bottom lip slides into my mouth, and I drag my teeth across it. Thabo growls, his tongue finding mine, as his large hands slide up my puffy dress.

  His hands feel perfect on the naked skin of my legs. I’m parked in his lap, and wi
th every passing second I feel his arousal grow. I’ve fantasized about it for so long – ever since I dropped those papers in front of him, all the way back on the Vonnegut. I kneeled down and was suddenly face-to-face with the biggest damn bulge I’ve ever seen.

  At the time, I was scared and flustered. I wanted nothing more than to run away as fast as possible.

  And now? Now I’m parked right on that big thing, and I can’t wait to feel it inside of me.

  One of his hands cup the back of my neck, his fingers grabbing a tight hold of my hair. He kisses me intensely, not letting me go, not allowing me to move an inch if I wanted to. His other hand slides further up my leg, all the way up to my ass. He groans as he touches my soft, smooth skin, his fingers taking a tight hold of me.

  I press my body closer against him, my hips bucking slightly of their own accord as the heat in my lap becomes nearly unbearable. We’ve barely started – we’re both fully dressed still – but our lust can’t be contained.

  “I need you,” he growls, his voice dripping with arousal.

  “Then take me,” I respond.

  He stops kissing me for a fraction of a second to catch the look in my eye. When he sees I’m as serious as he is, he unleashes the beast inside of him. Both of his hands fly to my ass, squeezing my behind roughly, mashing our bodies together.

  I moan into his neck, my fingers running down his collarbone and resting on his huge, fit chest.

  In one smooth motion he lifts me from my lap, grabs the bottom of my dress and pulls it over my head. In only a second I’m left standing in the middle of this shuttle in nothing but my lingerie. I put on a matching black, lacy set – just in case – and I’m glad I did.

  Thabo’s eyes scour my body hungrily, his tongue wetting his bottom lip. For the first time in my life, a man’s eyes are drinking in the sight of my body. I’m self-conscious about it, but luckily, my own arousal wins out over my fear. I’m no longer letting my worries take charge of me – I’m past that.

  This massive Zoran is going to be my first, and I’m going to savor every second of it.

  “You’re next,” I say, my finger playing with the strap of my bra.


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