Sapphyre_Burden to Bare

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Sapphyre_Burden to Bare Page 24

by Felicia Leibenguth

  Usually, they will turn to fight, but I’m kind of glad he didn’t, he recently fed, but I knew I couldn’t take him down alone, they’re too strong.

  It sent chills up my spine just thinking about it.

  “No,” He said in his final tone.

  “I’m going to be there Zach, one way or-”

  “No! I’m not going to have you in danger! It’s out of the question,” he roared.

  That wasn’t our last discussion about it. Every chance I had alone with him I was telling him I was going to be there. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be left out of this while my best friend, my boyfriend and his parents risk their lives. I’m not having it. I’m going to be there no matter what. I just have to figure out how.

  I’m shocked not hearing Mya’s mouth running the entire time we’re in the cafeteria. Maybe she can tell Zach and I aren’t up for much conversation. I don’t know, nor do I care right now. I’m worried about getting into Katrina’s room tonight.


  After I got home, my prayers were answered. Ms. Morrison left a message on our machine. She was being mandated to work tonight and Katrina was going to be left alone. She asked if I would be willing to spend the night with Katrina and keep an eye on her. This is my chance, my way in. I called her back immediately and told her I would be there. Zach was going to be furious with me, but I didn’t care. I have to be there.

  I arrived at Katrina’s just as Ms. Morrison is leaving for work. Katrina looks relieved that I’m here. It’s good to see her home, up and walking around. Just from being home for a few hours she looks better and happier. I know she doesn’t like hospitals, so I know she’s happy to be home.

  “Hi, Lexi. My number is on the fridge if you need to get a hold of me and don’t worry, the house is being watched so you will both be safe.” Ms. Morrison smiled and got in her car.

  Katrina glanced across the street with worry crossing her face. I looked too. Parked right across from her house is a police cruiser. I thought they were supposed to stay inconspicuous, but apparently not. They’re in plain sight with the words Dansville Police written down the side of the car and not to mention the light bar on top. Two officers smiled at Katrina and I. I tried to smile back, but I know it looked unsure. From what I can see, they’re both in uniforms with badges that shine in the light of the street lamps. They both look young, maybe late twenties early thirties. I would have to get a closer look to be sure. One wears glasses, and the other has a mustache. That’s all I can really see in the dim light.

  The police are supposed to be guarding her house in case the man who attacked Katrina returns, but Katrina and I know he is no man, and that the police would never stand a chance against him. So, I don’t worry about our safety as much as I do for the two young police officers out front. They don’t know they’re up against a losing battle and they also don’t know there is going to be a battle here shortly, that’s if the Vamp shows. Zach and even Katrina seem sure he’s going to show tonight. I’m sure we will find out soon enough.

  Katrina and I went into the house and shut the door. There are about six different locks on it now. There are two chains, and two sliding blots, the deadbolt and also the lock on the doorknob. Katrina only turned the doorknob lock and walked away.

  “Don’t you want to lock the others?” I asked nervously.

  She gave me a mocking look. “Do you seriously think those locks will stop him if he wants in here?”

  Blushing from my moment of stupidity, I said, “Guess not.”


  “Yeah. A little.” I tried to smile.

  She shook her head. “Come on.” She motioned for me to follow her upstairs where ultimately the plan is going to take place. “I’m sure Zach doesn’t know you’re here, but he’ll soon find out.” She smiled.

  “Yeah, thanks for the reminder. He’ll probably kill me for being here.”

  “Nah,” she laughed a little then stopped abruptly.

  “Ribs still-”

  “Lexi! I told you not to come here!” Zach growled at me from the top of the stairs.

  “Maybe I’m wrong.” Katrina looked at me sympathetically.

  “Yeah. Make sure you tell my family I love them, will ya?” I sighed.

  Katrina nodded with a smile.

  “What are you doing here!?” Zach demanded.

  “I came to be with my friend and help her! What do you think I’m doing here!?” I almost yelled. “I told you earlier I was going to be here one way or another, and here I am!”

  “Oh no, you’re not! You are going home right now!” He growled furiously.

  “The hell I’m not!” I yelled back defiantly.

  “The hell you are! Now go!” His eyes flashed black fire.

  “Make me!” I growled. He’s not going to intimidate me.

  “Damn it, Lexi! Go!” He snarled.

  Katrina decided to sit on the steps where she was once standing. I guess she doesn’t want to go deaf from being in the middle of our screaming match.

  I crossed my arms in defiance and waited, not saying a word. I just glared at him. If he wants me to leave he’s literally going to have to make me, and with the police out front, that’s going to be difficult.

  Zach jumped down the stairs without touching a step and landed in front of me with ease. He grabbed my arm and spun me around as he pulled me behind him, down the last remaining steps. As soon as we’re off the steps and heading toward the front door, I tried to pull free of his iron grip. Honestly, it’s hurting the harder I pulled.

  I never got free.

  “Zach, STOP it!” Katrina’s voice rang through the air.

  Zach stopped, and we both turned to stare at her. She spoke. She sounded like herself again. Shock crossed our faces, even Katrina’s. After a second, she grabbed her throat and looks in pain.

  “K? You alright?” I asked in a soft voice.

  She shook her head. She looked directly at Zach with determined eyes. “She stays,” she demanded with her hands.

  Zach reluctantly let go of my hand and looks defeated.

  “Why don’t you want me here?” I kept my voice low, calm.

  “Do you seriously think I would let you be in this kind of danger!? If something happens to you, I will never forgive myself! I love you, Lexi, that’s why!” His dark eyes pierced through my soul. My eyes welled up with tears.

  “And do you think I could stay home safe, while my human best friend risks her life once again and while my Shape-Shifter risks his life? I don’t think so! If anything happened to you while I was home…” I can’t finish. The tears spilled over and my throat became tight.

  He hugged me tightly to his chest, and I squeezed him back.

  I sobbed. “I love you damn it! You’re just going to have to live with it!”

  “I’ll try,” he sounds a bit cocky. “But I don’t like this Lex,” he said softly.

  We went upstairs and Zach went over the plan one more time.

  “Katrina’s going to stay in her room and act… normal I guess. I’m going to be outside her bedroom door waiting until he comes. My parents are stationed outside and when he comes in, I’m going to barge in and surprise him. Before he can bolt out the window, my parents are going to block his way. Lexi,” he eyed me doubtfully. “you… are going to be in Katrina’s closet and you are going to stay there. I mean it!” He said before I can interrupt. “Once my parents and I are in the room, Katrina is going into the closet with you. You are not to open the door for any reason. Do I make myself clear?” He demanded.

  Katrina and I nodded. If I don’t agree, I’m sure he will be sending me home real fast and I know the whole U.S. Army can’t stop him this time.

  It’s going on 12:30 a.m. and Katrina said he comes about 1 a.m., so everyone’s in their positions. Zach is outside Katrina’s bedroom door with it slightly cracked, Zach’s parents are somewhere out in the night, Katrina is sitting on her bed nervously, and I’m in her closet.

er closet is small and full of clothes. Many of them are the ones I gave her a while ago. She took to wearing them which made me smile. I was glad to give her some clothes and I would never admit this to anyone, but she was in desperate need of them. She didn’t have very many shirts or pants, but now she has a closet full of stuff. Her closet’s a very small walk-in. There’s barely enough room for two people to sit on the floor with the shoe racks and shelves. I’m sure we’ll manage… somehow.

  It seems like an eternity that I’ve been sitting in here. I purposefully wore a watch just for this occasion. I looked down at it and it’s going on 1:15 a.m., and I’m beginning to wonder if he is going to show up when I hear Katrina gasp.


  I want to swing open the door and protect Katrina. It takes all my willpower not to move. I locked my muscles to keep myself in place. I know Zach and his parents are not going to let anything happen to Katrina, but that thought doesn’t help either. They might get hurt too and that scares me more than jumping out of this closet to confront a Vampire.

  I hear Katrina whisper, “Come to finish me off?” It’s so low I can barely make it out. I pressed my ear to the closet door to hear better.

  “You’re okay.” I know that voice. It would be hard to mistake that voice though I only heard it once. I hear a sigh of relief.


  “Leave me alone and get out of here,” Katrina said with strain in her voice.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t do that,” the Vampire said in a soft relaxing voice as a floorboard creaked. He’s stepping closer to her.

  Again, I have to lock myself in place. I feel fire go through me and I want to fight.

  “Well, I can make you!” Zach said coolly as he finally came into Katrina’s room.

  I quickly opened the door for Katrina so she can join me in the closet.

  The door swung open and Katrina came stumbling in so fast, she tripped over me. I shut the door quickly and looked at her. My leg throbbed from where her foot kicked me on the way in. I’m going to have a bruise, that’s for sure.

  Katrina practically curled into a ball in the corner. I can see tears dripping off her face from under her hands and I quickly grabbed her and hugged her tightly. I know this is hard for her and I’m glad I’m here to comfort her, even against Zach’s adamant protests.

  “It’ll be okay,” I whispered to her.

  She shook her head. “It won’t,” she whispered back hoarsely.

  I was going to say something else, but become distracted by the voices on the other side of the door.

  “What is this!?” The Vamp demanded.

  “What’s it look like you leach! You almost killed her and you think we’re going to let you finish her off this time? I don’t think so!” Zach took on a deadly tone to his voice. It sent shivers up my spine.

  Garcia spoke next. Not quite as deadly as Zach, but harsh. “Why would you do this? She has done nothing to deserve this!”

  “She did! You don’t understand!” The Vamp growled.

  “Then please enlighten us,” Thatch said calmly at the same time Garcia screeched, “She’s but a child!”

  “I have to explain nothing to you!” The Vamp yelled.

  Katrina let out a sob at the Vamps words. I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed. It suddenly became hard to breathe, but I’m determined to deal with it.

  “You’re nothing but a bloodsucking leech and you need to die, today!” Zach growled.

  “Then kill me so this torture can end!” The Vamp said surrendering.

  “I’d be happy to oblige,” Zach said.

  Something heavy dropped to the floor with a thump. I felt it vibrate through the floor. A bright white light showed under the closet door and is instantly gone. Growling replaced the light.

  Katrina looked at me terrified, with wide eyes that seem to be pleading.

  Something never sat right with me that day I found Katrina in the parking lot and it’s bugged me ever since. Why didn’t he finish killing her and why hadn’t he tried to silence my screams? When he saw her tonight, he sounded relieved and now… he isn’t even going to fight, he’s giving up.

  I know the answer.

  “You stay here. I’ll be right back,” I said to Katrina lightly.

  “What are you doing?” She sounds scared, but… thankful. “Zach said-”

  “I know what Zach said, now stay!” I told her as I turned toward the door.

  The growling grew as I put my hand on the doorknob. I heard heavy panting and pads of feet moving across the floor. I’m terrified myself, but I pushed that aside. I’m on a mission.

  I turned the knob and went to push the door open when Katrina grabbed my hand. She isn’t restraining me, it’s a soft touch. I quickly glanced at her and she mouthed the words Thank you. It’s then I know I’m doing the right thing. I smiled at her quickly as I finished pushing the door open and stepped into the bedroom.

  Zach’s the first one I see. He’s in wolf form right in front of me, a few feet away. He looks larger than before which is odd. He used to be up to my waist when he was wolf, now he’s up to my ribs. Zach doesn’t even notice me standing here. He’s too focused on the Vampire kneeling in the middle of the room. The Vamp is still wearing the same thing I saw him in before, all black right down to his shoes. He looks like he has given up on everything. I’m so focused on him that I hadn’t realized the growling coming from behind him. There are Garcia and Thatch in their animal forms as well. Thatch looks at the Vamp with uncertain eyes, but Garcia gives the death look. She’s ready to attack.

  Zach took another step toward the Vamp. Garcia moved in too, but Thatch stayed in his place, close to the window.

  Zach’s getting ready to pounce when I yelled, “Wait!”

  Zach whipped his head to look at me and screamed with his mind, “Damn it, Lexi! Get in the closet NOW!”

  I ignored him and looked at the Vamp. He looks back with undeserving eyes. They have dark circles under them and it makes him look extremely tired.

  “What’s your name?” I asked softly.

  “Lexi, I said NOW!”

  I shook my head at him. I’m on a mission and I’m not about to tuck tail and run.

  The Vamp doesn’t answer as he looks at me unsure.

  “What’s your name?” I coaxed again.

  Zach raised himself up to look bigger and turned toward me. He walked over to me until he laid his head against my stomach and started to push me back toward the closet door. He’s going to force me back in there.

  That isn’t going to happen.

  “Enough!” I told him. I pushed my hand back against his head, but it didn’t work. He’s too strong.

  “I told you now!”

  “NO!” I yelled at him.

  He stopped like I electrocuted him. He looked up at me with wondering eyes that I don’t understand.


  Zach and I looked up. The Vamp looks at me with his emerald green eyes.

  “My name’s Donavon,” he spoke with anger in his eyes.

  I turned away from Zach, but he stepped in front of me a little, either to protect me from the Vamp or to keep me from moving closer.

  I sucked in a breath. “Well Donavon, you left Katrina alive on purpose, didn’t you? You drove her to the school where she would be found. You didn’t want her to die, am I right or wrong?”

  Zach looks at me questionably, so does his mother. Thatch has a knowing in his eyes. He knows where I’m going with this.

  “Well…” I prompted when Donavon didn’t answer.

  He nodded.

  “Why did you do it? You could have easily let her die. You could have even killed me before I could scream, but you didn’t.” I felt Zach stiffen, but I ignored him and went on. “You wanted her to live, but… why?” I said softly.

  Donavon looked away from me.

  I waited for his answer. I don’t want to push him. I can tell if I do,
he will recoil from my questions and become the hardened I-don’t-have-to-answer-to-you person again.

  I’m shocked at myself. I never realized it before. I always called him a Vamp or a Vampire, but now that I know his name… he became a person. He’s no longer one of the Supernatural, he isn’t a Vampire, he’s… human. It’s strange how finally knowing someone’s name can change one’s perspective about them.

  After a moment, he looked straight into my eyes, unwavering he said in a strong sure voice, “Because I love her.”

  Zach seemed to choke and Garcia took a step back not quite sure what to do. Thatch continued to stay by the window but nodded his head as if he knew it all along.

  I continued to stare at Donavon. He stared right back with saddened eyes. This man loves Katrina, but he has put her at death's door so many times. That’s something else I don’t understand.

  Movement caught my eye coming from the closet. Katrina came to stand beside me with tears running down her face. Zach stepped completely in front of me and kept Katrina from moving any farther.

  Donavon turned to look at her and his eyes seem to get darker, remorseful.

  Katrina looked at him with unforgiving eyes. “You say you love me, but why… why did you try to kill me!?” Her voice remained strong in its whisper.

  Donavon doesn’t answer right away. It’s like he’s trying to figure out how to word something. “It’s because I love you, that I tried to kill you. These Shape-Shifters here should be able to tell you that. My kind and your kind cannot be together. It’s forbidden. As hard as I tried to kill you… I couldn’t! I love you too damn much to kill you!” Donavon stood straight. He started to look like the hardened Vamp from before.

  Zach and Garcia started to move closer to Donavon, both growling. Even Thatch moved closer keeping an eye on Donavon.

  “Why didn’t you just stay away?” I asked keeping my voice low.

  “Because I couldn’t that’s why!” Donavon snapped at me without taking his eyes off Katrina.


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