Knowledge Quickening (The Nememiah Chronicles Book 2)

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Knowledge Quickening (The Nememiah Chronicles Book 2) Page 15

by D. S. Williams

  Gwynn spoke up. “You're part of our family, now. We want to be sure you can protect yourself if the need arises.”

  “They're right, my friend. You must continue and learn to use your ability as protection,” Acenith added. She was standing with Rafe at her side, his hand still linked with hers.

  “We're all pretty tough, Lottie,” Rafe agreed. “It takes a lot to injure us.”

  “Some more than others,” Ripley added snidely. I glanced at him and saw him staring grimly at Rafe. Perhaps he did feel more for Acenith than he'd let on?

  “What's that supposed to mean?” Rafe asked.

  Lucas glanced from Rafe to Ripley, his expression questioning. Ripley shrugged and smoothed his face back into a neutral expression. “Nothing. My apologies, Rafe.”

  Rowena breached the awkward silence that ensued. “I think you must try again, Charlotte. We're vampire; we'll heal from any injury quickly.”

  “Okay.” As soon as I agreed, Striker bounced back down the stairs, certainly looking no worse for wear after his meeting with Conal's grandfather.

  “Why don't we try something different?” Ben suggested. “See if you can ask the spirits to restrain Striker.”

  I appreciated him giving me something less violent to attempt and I drew Conal's grandfather back to the fore.

  On the first attempt, he captured Striker's arms, pinning them behind the powerful man's back. Striker did his utmost to fight against Conal's grandfather, but to no avail – he could not release his arms from the tight grip in which they were being held.

  “Remarkable,” Lucas breathed. “And quite bizarre.”

  I asked Conal's grandfather to release Striker and he did so, fading away before I turned to Lucas. “What's bizarre?”

  “You can see the spirits, Charlotte. We can't. To our eyes, Striker is struggling against some invisible force.”

  Striker ran towards us, his eyes bright with approval, still rubbing his wrists where Conal's grandfather had grabbed them. “That was awesome, Lott.” He turned to Lucas. “It was immensely powerful. Didn't matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't get free.”

  Lucas smiled warmly, his expression filled with pride. “It seems Charlotte has found a way to protect herself.”

  “I wasn't really my idea,” I admitted. “Armstrong put the thought in my head. If he could use the spirits to attack people, why couldn't I use them to protect myself?”

  “How about we try something else?” Ripley suggested smoothly, apparently over his snit about Acenith and Rafe. “Do you think you can attempt two of us at once?”

  “I guess so.” Confidence in my own ability had increased after two successful attempts.

  William stepped forward from beside Gwynn. “I'll volunteer.”

  “Perhaps Rafe should be the one to volunteer?” Ripley announced and this time there was no questioning the emotion in his voice – it was clearly animosity.

  Rafe didn't seem bothered and ignored him, whilst Acenith stared at Ripley as if he'd done something surprising. I wondered if she was shielding her thoughts, stopping him from reading her and if she was genuinely interested in Rafe. Or was she baiting Ripley? If it was the latter, I hoped she could shield enough so Ripley wouldn't see through the ruse.

  Lucas glanced from Ripley to Acenith and a flicker of some emotion appeared in his expression but I couldn't decide what it was. It had disappeared before he spoke. “William offered first. Let him go.”

  “Good,” Ben agreed. “William has a lot of experience with hand-to-hand combat; it'll be interesting to see how he fares against your spirits.”

  Striker and William ran down into the garden and I decided to experiment, using one of the vampire spirits and a werewolf spirit. It took a little extra focus to deal with them both simultaneously and I frowned, working to bring them into the grassed area of the garden. Once again, I instructed them, the werewolf attacking Striker, the vampire taking on William. Striker was knocked halfway down the garden and William stayed exactly where he'd been standing.

  “What happened, Charlotte?” Ben asked curiously.

  “It was an experiment.” I watched as Striker flipped himself back onto his feet and he looked across to me with an encouraging smile. “I need to try it once more before I can give you a firm answer. Can I try that again?” I called to the two men.

  “Sure, that one was easy,” William called back.

  This time, I selected two werewolf spirits. To my intense satisfaction, it was more successful and both Striker and William found themselves airborne and soaring backwards across the grass, landing in messy heaps on the ground.

  “This is fun,” Marianne announced with a grin. “It's not often Striker and William find something that's a challenge to them.”

  The two men ran back across the grass, arriving before my naked eye could distinguish their movements.

  “What was the difference between the first attempt and the second?” Striker asked. He ran his fingers through his long hair, neatening it after the wild flights across the garden.

  “I asked a werewolf to attack you and a vampire to attack William the first time. The second time, I used two werewolf spirits.”

  Ben nodded thoughtfully. “So vampire spirits won't attack other vampires? Is that the conclusion?”

  “I think so. At least, that's how it seems to me.”

  Nick stepped forward. “Well, let's give that theory a test. I'll give it a go.”

  “Do you want to take on three of us?” Striker asked. He was a bundle of enthusiasm, obviously geared up for another round.

  “Okay.” Again, I called to the spirits and as suspected, my theory was proven correct. The trick was to choose the right… species. Vampires would attack shape shifters and presumably werewolves. Werewolves would attack vampires and shape shifters. And shape shifters would attack vampires and in all probability werewolves, although there was no way to prove it as we were fresh out of werewolves. It seemed a creature would not attack one of its own kind and after a number of attempts; I clarified this to Lucas and Ben.

  We continued the trial through the afternoon, Lucas and Ben making a number of suggestions of configurations they wanted me to attempt. The session was very successful, but I had increasing difficulty with more than three people. Anymore and it became problematic as I struggled to divert my attention and the spirits to different combatants. When Rafe joined the group on the lawn, my head ached severely with the effort of trying to bring four spirits into being and Lucas insisted I focus on three. Lucas, Ben and even an apparently sulking Ripley all seemed greatly impressed with the progress I'd made and Lucas called a halt to the proceedings after another half dozen attacks. Striker, William and Nick ran back to the patio, covered in dirt and grass stains, but otherwise unharmed.

  “Would you like to stay for dinner?” Rowena offered to Nick and his friends as the skies began to darken. “I can order pizza.”

  “Not for me, thanks. I'm taking Acenith to the movies,” Rafe announced.

  I peeked at Ripley and he'd apparently lost the battle to hide his emotions behind vampire calm. He was positively seething as he stared at Rafe and Acenith, as though he would bore a hole through them if he concentrated hard enough.

  “Sure, thanks Rowena,” Nick agreed after conferring with Marco.

  I'd sunk onto a chair with Lucas, my head still aching mildly after the mental exertions of the afternoon.

  “Are you okay?” Lucas asked softly, playing with the curls on my shoulders.

  “Fine,” I agreed.

  “Would you like to go out?” he questioned casually.

  “Okay.” Lucas's desire to 'court' me was fresh in my mind and it didn't seem a good idea to decline his first invitation. Curiosity got the better of me. “Where are we going?”

  He smiled teasingly. “It's a surprise.” Standing up, he drew me to my feet. “You'll want to shower and change.”

  Lucas turned to Rowena. “We'll make our excuses, Rowena. I'm taking Charl
otte out on a date.”

  Chapter 19: First Date

  Lucas drove into a parking space off Main Street, striding around the car to open my door. It was a chivalrous action, which I found charming. We'd driven to Puckhaber in his Jeep, rather than the fancy blue car and I realized why when we entered town. Puckhaber Falls was celebrating the commencement of spring with its annual Festival and the town was literally bursting at the seams with visitors attending the event.

  Lucas took my hand and we walked towards Main Street, following other visitors towards Puckhaber Park, a large recreational area, which lay near the center of town in a large square. From this distance, I could pick up the sounds, sights and smells of the fair-like atmosphere and I squeezed Lucas's fingers eagerly.

  “This was a great idea,” I announced happily.

  “I thought you might like it.” Lucas released my hand and draped his arm around my waist as a group of people walked by on the narrow pavement. “What would you like to do first?”


  Lucas rolled his eyes heavenward and smiled sardonically. “And yet again, you fail to surprise me.”

  We strolled across Main Street and entered the park, where delicious smells assaulted my senses as we wandered amongst the brightly colored stalls. Vendors were selling roasted turkey legs, corn dogs, hamburgers, and steaming hot bowls of chili. I decided on a turkey leg and Lucas purchased it, handing it over doubtfully. “That looks hideous.”

  I took a big bite and swallowed blissfully. “Very tasty.”

  He shook his head and caught my hand in his, leading me through the crowds as we wandered amongst the stalls and exhibits. I marveled at how comfortable Lucas was; in amongst a veritable smorgasbord of scents, he was relaxed and happy, not showing the slightest sign of discomfort.

  “Do you know what was up with Ripley and Acenith this afternoon?”

  I swallowed the mouthful of turkey I'd been enjoying and glanced up at Lucas. “Acenith is in love with Ripley and he doesn't want her. She's decided to date and it seems that she's dating Rafe.”

  “And how do you know all these details, my love?” Lucas questioned with a tiny smile of amusement playing on his lips.

  “When you went out a few days ago and Acenith was sitting with me, she kind of blurted out the whole history of her life. She was angry because Ripley had taken Jennifer down to the stables and she told me how she's loved him for a long time.”

  “She told you of her past?” Lucas queried, his gaze holding mine.

  “Yes. Some of it she kind of glossed over, but most of it she explained.”

  Lucas stopped walking and stared down at me. “Acenith never tells anyone of her past, never speaks of it.”

  I shrugged, picking a piece of turkey from the leg and chewing it thoughtfully. “She said something like that, but she must have felt comfortable because we talked for a long time. She was trying to decide what to do about the Ripley situation.”

  Lucas raised an eyebrow. “The Ripley situation?”

  “Yeah. He doesn't want her, and it was driving her nuts. So she's decided to start dating other people.”

  “She's dated before.”

  “She told me that, but she says she's never dated when she's been living with Ripley in the same house. Now she is.”

  “Did you have anything to do with this change in strategy?”

  I chewed my lip, looking up at Lucas cautiously. “Would it be bad if I did?”

  Lucas chuckled. “Not at all. I've been trying to convince Ripley to act on his feelings for years.”

  I was my turn to raise a surprised eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  Lucas shook his head. “Ripley has loved Acenith from the moment he saw her. He's denied it to himself for years, convinced himself it would be wrong for him to begin a relationship with her, when she was so young and he was… responsible for her condition,” he finished cautiously, throwing a watchful glance towards the crowds milling around us.

  “Considering how long she's had this… condition, I would have thought he could have gotten around to doing something well before now,” I retorted softly. “So if this forces him to make a move, surely that would be a good thing.”

  Lucas grinned. “Yes, it would be a good thing. But no more matchmaking from you, my love. Ripley and Acenith have danced around one another for a very long time. I believe they must sort this out for themselves, without any help from you, my little cupid.”

  “But I want to help Acenith,” I protested.

  “You've done enough, Charlotte. You have let Acenith see that perhaps going about this in another way could be beneficial. Now they must sort it out for themselves—”


  Lucas leaned down, pressing a mind-numbing kiss against my lips. “No more, my love. Please, let Ripley and Acenith sort out their issues for themselves. Do not pressure them into making a rash decision.”

  “Is that even possible after this length of time?”

  Lucas brushed another kiss against my ear, whispering to me. “I am the leader of their Kiss, Charlotte. Whilst I can give advice and encouragement, I cannot pressure them into something that I have no way of knowing will be of benefit to them both. Love is something we cannot guarantee and I would ask that you leave them to their own devices, to decide for themselves how this pans out. It would be a bad thing if they are pushed into something and it doesn't work out. Disruptive both to themselves and the other members of our group.”

  I sighed heavily, knowing he was right. “Okay. I promise I'll leave them to it.”

  He rewarded me with a glorious smile and another tender kiss and we returned to wandering through the exhibits.

  Finishing up the turkey leg, I wiped my face with a napkin and threw the rubbish into a nearby trashcan. “What next?”

  “How about some rides?” Lucas suggested.

  I agreed and Lucas led us towards the rides, which were located in a semicircle at the rear of the park. He bought a mountain of tickets and for the next hour or so, we delighted in ride after ride. Lucas took me on the Ferris wheel and we spun slowly around with a glorious view of Puckhaber Falls below us in the darkness. He'd had a quiet word with the operator before we got on and I'd caught sight of him handing over something, though I couldn't see what it was. I caught on when we reached the top of the ride and came to a gentle standstill, the carriage rocking gently in the breeze.

  “What did you do?” I questioned accusingly, catching sight of the tiny smile playing on Lucas's lips.

  “I wanted some time with you in privacy up here. I slipped him a fifty and he agreed to give us five minutes at the top,” Lucas admitted.

  “Wow. Ten bucks a minute. We'd better make the most of it,” I responded with a grin.

  Lucas slipped his arms around my waist and as he kissed me, I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach as his aroma surrounded me. His kisses were insistent, his lips cool and firm against mine and I ran my fingers through his dark hair, wanting to hold onto this moment forever. Five minutes later, the ride slowly began to turn again and Lucas released me reluctantly, pressing a last, lingering kiss against my cheek. “Should have given him a hundred,” he grumbled quietly.

  I was still laughing as we stepped off the ride and Lucas slipped his arm around my waist, holding me close as we went in search of a drink. We found a stand near the dance floor and Lucas ushered me to a seat before he went to purchase a soda.

  It was entertaining to sit and watch the dancing couples enjoying the music. The live music was being played by what I presumed was a local band and they were very good, playing songs which made you tap your feet. It was crowded, with dozens of people milling around in the mild spring evening. I smiled indulgently as I watched couples, both young and old, on the dance floor, with kids mingling around between them, slipping across the wooden dance floor in their socks. I caught a whisper of a voice in my head and listened to the message.

  Lucas slipped onto the wooden bench beside me a few m
inutes later, handing me a bottle of soda. “Would you like to dance after you've had a drink?”

  “I'd love to.” I twisted the cap off the soda and drank a little before replacing the cap. “I guess we need to fill in some more time before we head home, it will give Ben and the others longer to finish their discussion.”

  Lucas looked startled for a moment, one eyebrow rising sardonically as he gazed down at me. “Now what makes you think they're discussing anything? And what do you think they're talking about?”

  I twisted the cap off the soda and took another sip. “Galen told me.” I glanced around cautiously, but the people around us were busy with their own conversations. Other than a few young women eyeing Lucas with that predatory gleam in their eyes, I was certain our conversation was private. “Since we got back from New Orleans, I've done what you suggested and kept my – lines of communication open. The spirits pop in and tell me anything they think is important. Galen spoke to me while you were getting the soda, told me the others have some concerns about what happened this afternoon. He says they're discussing safety issues involved with having me around.” I lifted my gaze to Lucas's and found him staring at me wordlessly. “But I guess you already knew that.”

  Lucas leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Clasping his hands together, he thought for a minute before he spoke. “I can see it's going to be nearly impossible to keep things from you, Charlotte.”

  “So it's true,” I stated quietly. I didn't know how I felt. Hurt? Angry? I couldn't blame them for wondering if it was safe to have me around, but I'd thought they'd all accepted me. From what Galen told me, I wondered now it that was true.

  Lucas sighed, lowering his gaze to the ground below his feet. “Yes, I'm aware they are discussing you whilst we are out. I spoke with Ripley and Ben while you were in the shower. It isn't what you believe, though. They are one hundred percent behind you, and want you to live with us. That hasn't changed.” He glanced around the crowd and lowered his voice, leaning towards me so he was mere inches from my face. “What they – and myself for that matter – are worried about, is whether it's safe for you to continue living with us. It isn't our safety we are concerned about. It's yours.”


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