The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches)

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The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches) Page 15

by Lauren McMinn

  “Excuse me?” The fireball went out.

  “You're a very powerful witch. I believe you can do a lot more than summon a fireball.”

  He went into a closet off the main gym area and came back with a target. Skylar watched as he set it up then cast a protection spell to keep any flames in the limited area they were working in.

  “Did you see the protection spell?”


  “Now I want you to cast one as well. Remember, particularly with fire magic, you can't just go casting spells. You need to ensure that the spell doesn't go awry and do something you didn't want it to do. So before we throw fireballs, we protect the surroundings.”

  It took a few tries, but she got it pretty quickly. Timothy dropped his and threw a fireball right at her shield. The fireball was exterminated, and he smiled.

  “Good work. Now, summon your fireball.” She did as requested. “Then, using a projection of your will onto your magic, throw the fireball at the target.”

  They spent the rest of the lesson working on aiming and sizing the fireball. By five, she could get any reasonable size of fireball at the center of the target every time.

  “You're a fast learner,” Timothy remarked.

  “Thank you. I've come to understand that now my complete protection shields on my magic are gone, I have to be careful. I don't want to accidentally ignite something or otherwise get into trouble with my magic. So I keep my new shields up, and I try hard at these lessons.”

  “It shows. But really, no matter how hard you worked, you couldn't master these skills so quickly if you weren't really powerful. So I'd like you to take down your shields for a minute. Just for my own curiosity, I want to assess just how powerful you really are.”


  She lowered her shields and felt Timothy's magic probe hers, testing it. It almost tickled and made her skin crawl at the same time. Then he withdrew.

  “Put your shields back up.”

  “So what's the verdict?”

  He sighed. “I've told you I don't like to inflate egos.”

  “Yes, you've said that.”

  “But based on sheer potential power, I don't think I've met a more powerful fire witch. Training wise, yes. But on the amount of magic you have accessible to you, no one else.”

  She stopped, stunned. “Really?”

  “Yes. I look forward to seeing how far your ability propels you. Just keep in mind that with that amount of power comes a greater need for shields and protective spells. Don't let it rule you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Some witches will get too addicted to their magic. Some will tap their power source so hard that they will burn out all of their ability. Others will want more and more and turn to blood magic.”

  “I haven't heard anyone talk about blood magic.”

  “I'm not surprised. I know you've heard of the Dark Order.”


  “One of the key differences that sets them apart from us is that they believe it's alright to use blood magic, and we do not. Blood magic is addictive, and while it may start with a little blood to enhance a spell, it spirals. It doesn't take too long before the witch's natural ability is gone, replaced by the ability to gain more magic through blood. Eventually that blood will need to come from a sacrifice of a live person, though there are many steps before that.”

  “When Leo and Seb collapsed from feeling someone else's pain a week ago, do you think that was a sacrifice?”

  “Yes, I do. But don't let that information leave the room. Justin believes the same thing, but others in Coven Protection and the Coven administration don't agree. I'm afraid that it will keep happening until we find a way to stop it. But if we can't even agree on the source, I don't know how we'll work together to stop the next sacrifice.”

  “There's a reason you're telling me this, isn't there?”

  “You're very smart. I have two reasons. One, Justin and I believe that there is someone, and possibly more than one someone, inside the Coven who is also part of the Dark Order or aiding them. They've been keeping one step ahead of us all this time, and that can't be coincidence. Two, I want you to keep your eye out and be careful. The more powerful the sacrifice, the more power the blood magic will be. Therefore, you're a big target as soon as others realize what kind of raw power you have. Three, if Leo has another spell, I want you to try to get any information out of him that you can. Anything might help our case.”

  “I'll try. But if you're so convinced that someone in the Coven is helping the Dark Order, why did you trust me with this?”

  “Again, I have a few reasons. If a witch uses blood magic, they lose their ability to bond with someone like you've bonded with Leo. Plus, Leo and Seb are both strong air witches. I'm sure that they've both checked you out for any kind of malevolent thought.” Skylar remembered Leo's check of her in the hospital. “If they trust you, then I can trust you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Now I know I keep interrupting your training schedule, but Justin and Seb want to have a meeting tomorrow during the day to prepare for the monthly Coven meeting in the evening.”

  “So no lessons tomorrow?”

  “No. But work on your shields at home. I want you to get it to where you show only an average amount of fire magic. Shield yourself so that any probe will not find how much raw power you have. Basically, try to make yourself look like less of a target to any black magic user who might run into you tomorrow evening.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow evening at the meeting.”

  That evening, she brought up Timothy's concerns with Leo and Dymphna.

  “He has a good point on the shielding,” Dymphna responded. “If they're right about the sacrifices, it'll be safer if you don't stand out as a good candidate to steal power from.”

  “I like his idea of trying to get information out of me if it happens again,” Leo added. “I'll try to remember anything I can, but the last time, I remembered very little. But perhaps, I would be able to tell you something while it's going on that would help Justin's investigation.”

  “If he's right about a Dark Order sympathizer within the Coven, you need to be even more careful about who you're alone with tomorrow,” Dymphna observed. “You need to stay safe.”

  “I've got it. So if there's a rebellion against Seb, who are the key players?”

  “A woman named Stephanie believes she should be Duchess. But since the Duchess has to be married to the Duke, that would mean Seb would need to step aside for her husband Dustin. They say that he's not progressive enough. The contention is that witches should be treated as different and better than other humans. Seb wants to keep mostly obscure, keeping the eye of the public away from the witch community. He thinks that if we don't make a splash, people won't be as active in prejudice and suspicion against us. Many of Stephanie's supporters won't publicly proclaim their sympathies. It feels like a lot of the Coven is just waiting and watching to see what will happen.”

  “That can't be good.”

  “It doesn't help that Stephanie's a powerful air witch. I can tell that she's using her magic to unfairly influence minds, but I can't prove it to the others,” Leo added. “She's implanting seeds of doubt where there were none.”

  “Can you counter her spell?”

  “It's my policy, as with many other air witches, to not interfere with people's thoughts. So we, by which I mean Seb and I, are loath to fall into her tricks to win what shouldn't be an issue in the first place.”

  “I see.”

  “It's like how I don't read minds unless I need to or have permission to.”

  “Funny how morals can be so inconvenient,” Dymphna quipped.

  “Do you think it'll work out?” Skylar asked.

  “I just have to believe that Seb will stay Duke. He has the Coven's best interest at heart. Stephanie's motivated by her ambition. Besides, if we start behaving as though we're better th
an non-witches, it'll just stir up trouble. There's more of them than there are us, and we don't want to have a popular uprising against witches. It's best if we can all live in relative harmony,” Leo said.

  “What's Seb doing about the situation?”

  “He's trying to prove that his way is better. He isn't going to take an active stance on it until Stephanie and Dustin actively challenge him. Until then, he'll keep doing what needs to be done as if there's no problem,” Leo explained.

  “But don't think Justin's not working on it,” Dymphna added. “He keeps track of Stephanie and everyone he sees talking to her. He and the others in Coven Protection are worried about both an insurrection and a direct attack on Seb. They're worried that Stephanie or one of her followers will try to take Seb out of the situation in a more permanent manner.”

  “Do you think it'll happen?”

  “I think Justin will do everything he can to stop it. And I know that Justin believes that if something happens to Seb, it will be his responsibility to step up and be Duke. He doesn't want to be Duke, which gives him extra reason to keep Seb alive.”

  “Justin would rather mess around with any woman he comes across than have to lead a Coven.” Dymphna laughed. “But let's discuss something more pleasant. How are your lessons coming?”

  A few hours later, Leo watched Dymphna as she headed off to bed. Some case she was working on was really troubling her, and he worried. He was her closest friend and lifeline, and she wasn't even talking to him about what was really bothering her. He'd have to address that later. But for now, he had important things to talk about with Skylar.

  “Do you want to watch another?” She asked, watching the credits roll from the last movie.

  “In a minute. First, I've got a question for you.” His tone was serious, and she looked slightly worried. “It's nothing to be anxious about, my sweet.” He grabbed her hand, running his finger over her wedding ring. “But I know you don't have a job right now beyond training. Timothy has told me that your formal training won't last six months. He says that it's getting close to the point where you'll have to experiment on your own because you're getting close to the end of his ability to teach you.”

  Her eyes widened. “He didn't say as much to me.”

  “He wouldn't have. He's very proud of your progress, though. My question is about what you want to do when your training is over.” She opened her mouth to speak, but he stopped her. “Frankly, I make enough money, and I have enough stowed away, that you don't need to work. If you want to stay at home and be a housewife or something, I'm fine with that. Or if you want to go be a chef again, I'd be fine with that. I want you to be happy, though, in whatever you do.”

  “I appreciate that,” Skylar said, smiling. “I've never really had a time when I didn't have to work to make sure I could make rent. But to be honest, I do have a project I've been thinking of.”

  “Go on,” he said as she stopped for a moment.

  “I've always wanted to write a cookbook. Since I've been working on my magic, I can't help wondering if magic use would make a difference in cooking. Basically, I want to experiment with cooking with magic, and then write a cookbook on how to do it.”

  Leo grinned. “That sounds like a great idea. There's nothing like that that I know of, for sure. It would help develop your powers as well while you do your experiments. If there's anything I can do to help you, make sure you ask.”

  “Thank you. I'm glad you like the idea.”

  “I do indeed. Plus, that will give you some flexibility in your schedule. I haven't brought it up to Seb directly, but he could really use a hostess for Coven events. I was hoping to suggest you as a hostess until he meets his bond-mate and she can take over.”

  “I'd like that. Plus I could feel like I'm contributing to the family that's been so good to me.”

  “You shouldn't think like that. I believe that if you asked any member of my family, they would agree with what I'm about to tell you. You've made me happier in the last few weeks than I can ever remember being. That alone is a major contribution, and priceless to me and my family.”

  “Really?” Skylar asked, hopeful.

  “Really. I love you, and I'm glad to have you in my life.”

  She squealed happily and launched herself into his arms, kissing him passionately. “Thank you. I've always hoped to matter like that to someone. I thought I mattered like that to Jeremy, and I thought I mattered like that to Selby, but you make me believe it like no one ever has before. I love you too, Leo.”

  “Then write that cookbook, and write it well. I'll make sure that every witch I can find reads it too.”

  She laughed merrily, and it did Leo's heart good. “I've got surgery tomorrow, and it's starting early. You don't need to wake up to see me off.”

  “But I'd like to. I'll make you breakfast.”

  “No. I don't like eating too early in the morning. But if you'd like, I'll wake you up for a good morning kiss before I leave.”

  “That'll do.”

  Leo knew that all day tomorrow he'd have Skylar's radiant smile to get him through a long day of surgery and hospital rounds.



  The next morning, after waking up for the second time, Skylar fired up her computer to write out ideas for the cookbook. In between bouts at the computer, she worked on degrees of shields until she felt that her power was well obscured from the casual probe.

  Next she headed out to the grocery store and bought a bunch of raw meat. She figured that the best way to start would be on some of her favorite recipes. She wanted to try to recreate them without using traditional cooking appliances.

  When Leo got home later, much later, he saw piles of cooked meat filling the refrigerator.

  “I guess you started on your recipes?”

  “I did!” Skylar was glad to show him what she had been doing. “I've managed to find a way to cook a steak in less than a minute. Rare, medium well, well done, you name it, I've got it, and fast.”



  “Excellent. Congratulations.”


  “So what here can I eat?”

  She laughed. “Any of it's good to eat. Tell me what you want and I'll reheat it really fast and we'll get it going for you.”

  “I'll take one of those medium well steaks, if you don't mind.”

  “Coming right up. But let's get you a salad first. Got to keep the good doctor healthy, right?”

  “Right.” He grinned. “But let's get the salad out of the way so I can eat steak.”

  Dymphna came in as he was finishing up and asked for one medium rare.

  “Watch out there, D,” Leo said, “What you're about to eat is an awfully tasty magic experiment.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Leo asked me what I wanted to do when my training was over, and I decided that I want to write a cookbook on how to cook with magic. Today's experiment was steaks, to any level of doneness, in less than a minute with no traditional cooking appliances,” Skylar explained.

  “And they're awfully good too.”

  “Why thank you.”

  Dymphna ate in silence. When Leo asked how her day was, she only shrugged. Skylar could see how concerned he was for his twin, but neither of them knew what to do for her.

  When Dymphna finished up, she looked up at Leo. “Would you mind if I had a word with Skylar in private?”

  Leo looked worried, but he nodded. “Sure. I'm going to go prepare for the Coven meeting. Make sure you two aren't late.”

  “Thank you. We won't be.” Dymphna waited until Leo was out of earshot, then turned to Skylar. “I hope you don't mind, but I needed someone to talk to.”

  “Sure. I'll help in any way I can. I know Leo's been really concerned about you.”

  “I know that too. I hate keeping him in the dark, but he worries enough already. It's like he forgets that I'm a grown woman.”

  “I thin
k that's just his way of showing you that he loves you.”

  “Yeah, well it can be rough at times.”

  “What's on your mind?”

  “I've got a case right now that's really getting to me. I can't give you any details, but basically it's about workplace sexual harassment. The boss has been going way over the line, and she's let him get away with it for years. Then, when I thought she finally had gotten up the courage to call him out on it, she's been starting to withdraw her arguments. She's been saying things like 'Maybe it wasn't as bad as all that,' and so forth. And it's not that I haven't seen women do that before as well. Just something about her made me care.”

  “That shows that you're human. You didn't get into the kind of law you do because you're in it for the money. You care, and that's good in most situations. You're a good person, Dymphna.”

  “But I can't make the world better. As soon as I get one person some recompense, another one pops up. I'm not making any progress.”

  “You do more than you think. Think about it: every time you win a case, you win a victory for a victim. You may only help one person, but you made a difference to them. People like you hopefully make predators think twice before preying on someone. They may do it anyway, but you've made them think. You should be proud of what you do.” Skylar paused. “If you'll remember where I was before I came here, I was working at a diner where the boss didn't know the line of sexual harassment, or didn't care. I endured because I thought I had to if I wanted to make my rent and my bills. I thought I needed to put up with him to have a job.”

  “I don't think I fully realized that.”

  “I know some of what your clients are facing. She's probably worried that she won't be able to do what she needs to do, and pay what she needs to pay, if she goes forward with this. You may not be able to convince this woman that she'll be better off without that asshole as a boss, but you'll convince others. You'll make other women stronger for being able to get out of being victimized.” By the end of her monologue, Skylar was feeling passionate and agitated.


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