Blood Proxy

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Blood Proxy Page 3

by Viola Grace

  "She set me up!" Hands grabbed hers and held them as she lunged to smash the com.

  "This is not about you now Eleanor. Naccar has a decision to make." She stilled immediately and turned with stricken eyes to Naccar.

  "I am so sorry, Naccar. I forgot about what you have to think about." She looked at him, pale and alone on the other side of the room, weighing his future.

  She stood and went to him, offering her hands to him. It was a formal greeting. As he took her hands she sank to the floor, kneeling gracefully. "You are the last of the true line of Hala. You have a choice to make, and I offer my blood to help you."

  He kissed both her hands and drew her to her feet. "I accept your offer of blood. Commander Matias, will you act as my second?"

  The Commander gave him a smart salute, "I will indeed, my king. It will be my honour."

  Naccar's face was bleak. "Then I guess the only things we need to start, Eleanor, are a knife, a goblet and your arm."

  Chapter Five

  "Naccar will not drink from your flesh, as it is reserved for lovers or emergencies. You will cut your arm, bleed into the goblet, and when it is full, I will seal the wound." Herun explained it to her quietly as they knelt in the family room. "His body will transform your blood directly into muscle mass, and we will repeat this over the course of weeks so that he can adjust gradually to the changes of his body."

  "You will need to drink from me regularly to replace a portion of what you are losing. Your body is still Terran on a fundamental level and this will be traumatic for you. We will also increase your food intake. It will help." He stroked his hands down her arms and she firmed up her resolve. Naccar's eyes met hers, the goblet between them.

  She picked up the dagger and raised her left wrist. With a smooth stroke she drew it along her flesh and winced at the pain. Blood welled and dripped into the goblet, with a grimace she set the dagger aside and took her bleeding wrist in her hand, opening the wound to increase the flow.

  The goblet filled and she took it in her right hand and proffered it to Naccar. His teeth extended as his lips drew back in anticipation. He took the goblet and began to drink.

  She felt lips on her wrist and looked to see Herun on his back, drinking at the still running blood and slowly closing the wound with his tongue. Bolts of lust ran through her as she closed her eyes to focus on the sensations. She was almost shuddering with arousal when he pulled his mouth from her arm. She saw a thin line of scarring and the blood around his mouth. It was all she could do to keep herself from crawling over him to lick his mouth clean.

  Naccar was dealing with a blood problem all his own. His head was thrown back and the muscles of his body were rippling in reaction to the blood of Terran origin.

  "Herun, take him out and start working out now. He needs it." She caressed his face, loving the look of intensity that he had taken on. She watched disappointment flick across his features and she couldn't help but smile. "I will be here when you get back."

  He took her mouth in a savage claiming, "Be in our room, and be naked." He left her on the floor with her mouth swollen and her body wailing in hunger.

  With shaking hands she fixed herself a meal, knowing that they wouldn't be back in for hours. The burst of energy that Naccar had received would take a while to work off.

  She ate quietly, then with the clashing of practice swords ringing outside the house, she went to bed. Naked, as ordered.

  She didn't know how long she slept, only that there was a fire on her breast that was burning between her thighs and causing a slick reaction. Her cunt wept in desperation for possession and her legs shifted together in agitation.

  Herun's dark head was at her breast, his teeth teasing at her and his mouth engaging in a strong sucking. She let out a moan and her hands threaded through that dark hair, holding him to her. At the sign of her waking, he rolled her to her back and switched from breast to breast. She felt the prickle of his teeth and sighed, arching into his mouth. She could feel those full lips twisting in a smile and he trailed his mouth lower.

  He crossed her ribs, using his nails for gentle irritation and sensation, nipping and licking his way down. He shifted to her navel and used his tongue to sport with her, chuckling as her body flexed at the gentle stimulation. He blew a stream of air across her dampened skin and then began to move lower.

  He pulled her thighs apart with gentle insistence and she trembled in anticipation as his tongue began to trail up and down the delicate skin on the inside of her thighs. She shifted restlessly under the delicate touches and teasing strokes.

  When a strong stroke of his tongue parted her damp clinging folds, she bit her lip. Her breath held as he lapped at her with slow and deliberate strokes. Her heat built in her core until it was pounding in her bloodstream. His lips fastened onto her clit and he sucked deliberately while inserting two fingers into her and stroking slowly. Her body was weeping openly at his touch, a damp heat that spread with every plunge of his fingers.

  His mouth left her clit and moved to the inside of one of her thighs, "Oh hells!" was all she had time to say before he had bitten into the soft skin and was drawing her blood from the punctures with a strong suction that echoed his fingers in rhythm.

  Her orgasm swept through her in a fiery wave, arching her body against his mouth and hands. She sobbed, twisted and then finally relaxed, until the next wave twisted her body. Five times she fought his hands, and five times he hung on, using his strength and teeth.

  She finally felt him licking the wounds closed, and she relaxed in the sweaty sheets. He moved in a catlike manner, rising up onto hands and knees to stalk her. With slow and deliberate movements, he covered her body with his, and bringing his throbbing flesh into her slick channel with one smooth thrust.

  He leaned down for her kiss, and it was a sweet meeting of the lips that rapidly turned savage as he took control. His body rocked against hers in a frenzy, the slapping of flesh a sharp retort in the room. Her voice gave way to sighs and grunts as he rutted within her, driving for his release. Her body was much slower to climb the heights this time, and it was only when he rolled to his back and let her impale herself on him, while digging her eager fangs into his neck that she shuddered and came again as the blood ran across her palate. She drank deep, sucking hard and felt him groan and shoot within her in a distant manner. All that mattered was the blood.

  His cock remained hard within her and she continued to feed until the source of her snack closed up. Licking her lips in satisfaction she looked at him once again, then leaned down for his kiss.

  He regretfully lifted her off him and held her, spoon-fashion against him. A little manoeuvring and he had slid into her from behind. "Naccar did well. He is in control of his mind as his body. Tomorrow will be easier."

  She felt completely sated, and yet cherished at the same time, with Herun's body around hers. "Not if we have to fuck like bunnies after every blood sharing."

  "Oh, we don't have to." He gave a wicked chuckle. "I just like it. You could take my blood the same way that Naccar takes yours, but I enjoy this much more."

  Giggles took her over. Typical male. Give them a chance to get laid, and they jumped at it. He gave her a sharp slap on the thigh and her body flexed around him. He groaned and she sighed.

  Having him passive inside her was more intimate than even the sharing of blood, and ever so slowly she nodded off. Her body exhausted from bed sport and blood loss.

  * * * *

  A slow movement within her woke her in the dark of the night. He had spilled her onto her stomach and was slowly riding her from behind. She moaned and widened her thighs to allow for greater depth and he continued his steady pace until she shivered and bucked against him, moaning lightly at the waves of sensation that lapped over her. His own groan of satisfaction followed a few minutes later and again he tucked her against him to sleep.

  Herun was yawning over breakfast and Eleanor was smug. She had woken him at dawn with her mouth on his cock, coaxing
it to life, sucking and swirling her tongue over him until he spilled his semen into her mouth. She had sat up and dodged out of his embrace, getting into the shower before him and trying to work the soreness of the night's unaccustomed activity out of her muscles.

  He was waiting impatiently for her when she left the sanitary chamber, but she dodged him, explaining that someone had to make breakfast while he showered.

  Naccar met her in the family room and her wistful gaze took in the physical changes that had already taken place. His shoulders were broader and his jaw line heavier. He looked more like his father than she would have imagined. Chars had been devastatingly handsome and had never lacked for bed partners, even when he blackmailed the women into his bed.

  His streak of cruelty had been one of his most obvious attributes. He had enjoyed forcing families to send their daughters to court where he could pick and choose the freshest faces to debauch. Not even arranged marriages or engagements could slow his rampant appetites and many of the nobility were forced to either take his discarded bed mates, or to find women who had never been to court.

  Naccar had always had a sweet gentility toward women that Eleanor had found charming and worth encouraging. That is when the dance and etiquette lessons had begun.

  She walked to him and hugged him. A chaste embrace from a mother to a son. He hugged her back and they both mourned the loss of the boy he had been, and shared the hope for the man he would become. They separated and she dashed tears away.

  "Silly to cry. I know. But I never wished this for you." She turned away and started to assemble food packs and re-hydrated a selection that would normally have fed her for three days. The guys would go through it in one sitting, and she was a bit peckish herself.

  "I know. Eleanor, you have always been a true and honest friend, and if my mother had survived, I wish that she would have been something like you." He filled water glasses and set the table and she brushed away more tears.

  By the time Herun had finished his shower and gotten dressed, they were both cheerful and in better spirits, having said what needed to be said.

  As Herun yawned for the fourth time Naccar looked at him and laughed. "Didn't you sleep at all? What were you doing all night?"

  Eleanor froze and a blush ran up her cheeks and across her chest, Herun merely looked placidly at the younger man who looked from one to the other and burst out laughing. "Not nearly as much as I wanted to."

  Chuckling, Naccar took the plates and washed them as Herun reached out to take her hand and ran his thumb across her palm.

  "If I am up for it, can I join you later for combat practice?" Her voice was huskier than she would have liked, that small contact between hands was doing strange things to her hormones.

  "Yes, as long as you take it easy and rest when you feel fatigued." He dropped a kiss into her palm, then helped her rise for the blood sharing.

  It proceeded as it had before, with Naccar across from her and Herun licking the wound closed. Her entire body was focused on the wet heat of his mouth as he sucked and licked at her, it was as if he lay between her thighs again, his mouth over the aching heart of her.

  Naccar had an easier time of it this time. They immediately rose to their feet and left her sitting, aching and exhausted on the floor. She crawled to a nearby couch and had a nap, then rose and headed outside where the grunting, sweating and swearing was still going strong.

  The sight that greeted her should not have surprised her, but it did. A variety of males from the ship, including Tival, Selna, and an Avari contingent were all watching the combat with intense faces.

  As Herun disarmed him again, Naccar stepped aside and another young male took his place. Herun was apparently teaching swordsmanship to these males and as Naccar stepped aside, he received his own opponent. Two matches continued until both of the foreign males were disarmed, then Herun and Naccar faced off against each other again.

  Wearing a loose tunic and trousers with her boots was comfortable enough for her purposes, and she stepped toward the line of young males eager to take their turn with one of the combatants.

  "May I cut in?" She spoke to the young Selna male. That his parents had come here spoke to their good sense. If he had remained in the Alliance proper, they would have pressed him into Companion service the instant that he was of age.

  The male was startled and handed over his weapons to her with a graceful bow. "Of course, lady. But what will you do with them?"

  At that instant Herun and Naccar separated and she strode forward with the two short swords it her hands. Herun was startled by her appearance, but as she took a fighters stance, he matched her.

  The instant that her blunted weapons contacted his the fire of battle was in his eyes. They feinted, struck, twisted and struck again for what seemed like hours.

  Eleanor's arms were leaden as she made a final defence with both swords. His strong blow knocked her weapons out of her numbed hands. His blade rested against her neck and she simply looked up at him with exhausted eyes.

  The crowd broke into howls and applause as Herun cursed, picked her up and flipped her over his shoulder. "Naccar, continue to practice. You have plenty of partners."

  He strode into the cool dimness of their home with the hoots of lewd amusement following them every step.

  Chapter Six

  He took her to their room and dropped her into bed, then went to get a cloth and a bowl of water. He had her stripped down in seconds and was sponging the sweat off her with a brusque and efficient manner. He cleaned the sweat off his own neck and pulled her to him roughly.

  "Drink, Eleanor."

  His hand held her head in place as she was shaking to hard to support it herself. Grunting, he rolled to his back and waited for her to bite him. It was slow in coming as she shifted her nude body against his armour, getting comfortable.

  He pinched her buttock and repeated, "Drink, Eleanor." Holding her mouth against him until he felt the prick of her teeth, followed by a strong pressure and suction as her instincts took over.

  It wasn't only her instinct to feed that was woken by her proximity to Herun, her nipples had hardened against the cold steel of his armour and her thighs now straddled his hips as she drank.

  Her body flexed against his in a parody of mating and his hoarse groan at the scent of her rising arousal fanned the flames higher. His hands clutched her hips as she ground herself against the hard planes of metal that encased him. She rocked faster and faster as she fed, seeking more and more stimulation as her body climbed to orgasm.

  She screamed, her mouth breaking from his sealing wounds as her body found satisfaction. She twisted and arched against him, his blood marking her mouth a heady scarlet. As it stilled, she returned and continued to lick at his throat until the punctures that she had made were completely sealed. She then cleaned off all traces of blood. It took some time and a lot of tongue work, but she did it.

  She collapsed on his armour and just lay there, letting the cool metal reduce the residual heat in her body.

  "I told you not to tire yourself." His hands ran through her hair absently.

  "It looked like such fun, and I haven't fought someone like you in a long time."

  "You put up a good fight. Even Naccar wasn't that fast when we started."

  "I am a feeble girl, I have to be fast." She snorted against his neck and licked at his skin absently. He tasted so good.

  "A few weeks of training and you will have a lot more stamina. But first, you have to do everything that I say." He was using his Commander tone of voice. The one that meant he was planning to train her.

  "If you agree to help me train, then I will do whatever you say. I promise."

  He chuckled deeply. "First, carefully climb off me. I don't want to snag you on anything."

  With a heavy groan she pushed herself up and dismounted from her comfortable resting place. With a flare of self-consciousness, she grabbed the cloth he had used on her and started to wipe her juices from his armour. H
is hand caught at hers and raised it to his lips which were twitching with amusement. "Don't worry about it. It is the most enjoyable stain that I have ever had on the armour."

  Her face heated, "I am sorry, it just took me over. I started to feed and my body started to throb."

  "It is a normal reaction, when you have taken a mate. The more intimate we become, the more intimate the feeding." He stroked his hand down her body and asked, "How did it feel when I bit you here?" His fingers touched the tender flesh inside her thigh.

  "It felt amazing, each time you sucked, it was as if you were pulling a string of desire ever tighter."

  His pupils flared, "That is what it was supposed to feel like, for me, the taste of your blood is reminiscent of your wet heat. The damp honey that even now wells from you at my touch." His fingers moved lightly on her and she shivered again, her body tingling in reaction.

  She was just leaning up to kiss him when he withdrew his hand and scooted off the bed.

  "You, my dear, need your rest. You over did it today and I am ordering you to spend the rest of the day in bed. I will fetch you a meal and I will check on you in two hours. You had better be asleep."

  Her jaw dropped open as he was a good as his word. He prepared a meal for her, cold rations, and tucked her between the sheets, then left.


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