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Lucky (No Prisoners MC Book 4)

Page 24

by Lilly Atlas

  It was then she noticed the pistol dangling from Lucky’s right hand. This was it. Savage was a dead man. Kori’s stomach rolled over. “Lucky!” she cried. “Help me sit up,” she ordered Acer. Teeth gritted against the pain in her side and back, she muscled her way to a sitting position with Acer’s help. The world wobbled in front of her, but pushed through the pain and remained upright.

  When Lucky turned, she shook her head. “Don’t kill him. Not over me. He’s not worth the energy to pull the trigger.”

  His face was impassive. Did her words register? Was he too far gone into his rage to heed her advice? It wouldn’t be his first kill; he’d been a sniper for Christ’s sake. But that was different. That was for a purpose, to serve his country, defend freedoms. This would be straight up revenge, outside, in broad daylight. Sure, they were on the No Prisoners’ compound, but that didn’t guarantee immunity.

  He nodded once then turned back to Savage who started laughing like a hyena when Kori asked Lucky to spare his life. Lucky hit Savage’s face in an open palmed slap that knocked the laughter out of him. Then he leaned in and said something Kori couldn’t hear.

  Savage however didn’t miss a word and his bloody face paled. He ceased struggling and finally lost some of the overconfident swagger he always employed. It was as though the gravity of his situation just sunk in.

  “Bring him around back and toss him in the van with Rebel. We’ll deal with them both in a few minutes,” Acer told the men holding Savage.

  Good. Maybe it was wrong and a bit sadistic, but she preferred him to suffer a little rather than escape with a quick death.

  Now that she’d laid eyes on Lucky, knew he was okay, everything that happened in the previous five minutes bubbled up inside of her and the emotional trauma came pouring out of her eyes.

  Lucky spun around and started in her direction. Savage was hauled around the side of the clubhouse. Whatever his fate, Kori could wait until later to learn it. What she needed right now was Lucky. To touch him, kiss him, hold him. To cement with her mind and body that he was alive and planned to stay that way.

  “Angel,” he whispered as he knelt next to her. He cupped her face between his battered hands and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

  She wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him and sob in his strong grip until there was nothing left inside her. But her ribs hurt so bad breathing was becoming a challenge. Instead, she settled for nuzzling her face into his palm.

  “We need to get you to the hospital,” Lucky said as he rested his forehead against hers.

  She shook her head, rocking it against his. “No. I’m okay.”

  “Your back is ripped to shreds. It needs to be cleaned and bandaged.” When she didn’t answer right away, he brushed his nose against hers. “Please,” he whispered.

  The soft plea was her undoing. She’d endangered her life, walked straight into danger, ignored his orders. Anger, yelling, perhaps even the silent treatment was what she expected from him. Not the sad, devastation that shone from his eyes. There was nothing she’d deny him in that moment. “Okay. But you need to go too.”

  “Baby, I’m not leaving your side for a second. Maybe not ever.”

  Despite everything that happened, happiness bloomed inside her. She was a fool for doubting Lucky’s feelings and worrying over the three little words he’d yet to say. They were just words. He showed her everyday just how very important she was to him.

  “I meant you need to go checked out too.”

  “Well if I’m going to be there anyway…” He shrugged.

  Lucky and Acer helped her to her feet as the blaring siren of an ambulance entered the lot. No way was she going through the humiliation of being scooped off the ground by paramedics. Despite how hard she tried to suppress any outward show of pain, a small gasp escaped as she rose. The rib pain was truly excruciating.

  “Random attack,” Lucky muttered as he slid an arm across her lower back and helped her hobble toward the ambulance.


  “We were attacked by an unknown assailant, right outside the clubhouse,” he said.

  Oh, right. Jesus, she hadn’t even thought of the need for a cover story. There was a high chance the paramedics would alert the police after questioning them, if they weren’t on their way already. “Got it.”

  She peered over her shoulder and found no sign of Savage. Most of the other guys retreated to the clubhouse and there was no evidence of the violence that went down just moments before.

  Unfortunately, it still wasn’t over.

  Rebel had been MIA since she arrived. Acer said something about him being in a van out back. Would they get out before the cops came?

  The real question was, what did they plan to do with Rebel and Savage now?

  Chapter Forty-One

  “All right, sir, the nurse will be in with your discharge papers in the next few minutes.” The fresh-faced intern slung his stethoscope around his neck and held out a hand to Lucky.

  Sir. Jesus, after the ruckus he caused demanding to be in the same curtained off room as Kori, it was a surprise the physician didn’t tell him to fuck off and good luck with his battered face.

  Lucky caught Kori’s eye as he grasped the doctor’s outstretched hand. Her bottom lip was between her teeth as though warding off giggles and her gaze was unfocused from the pain medication. Stubborn woman had tried to be stoic, but didn’t stand a chance at hiding the severity of the pain from him.

  “Sorry for all the trouble I caused,” he said to the doc. He didn’t do apologies, but he had been a bit over the top when they first brought him in. Worry for Kori mixed with a healthy dose of anger that she hadn’t stayed in the motel room found an easy target in the medical staff. Now that she was more comfortable and he had a chance to cool down, he felt bad for being such a dick.

  “No worries, man,” the doctor answered. He winked at Kori, earning himself another scowl from Lucky. “I’d act the same way if she were mine.”

  Lucky frowned. Was this asshole hitting on his woman? He was just about to take back his apology and blast the young doctor when Kori jumped in.

  “Thank you, Doctor Coleman. We appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  “My pleasure. You two should be out of here in fifteen minutes tops.” The doc tossed her a smile then left the room.

  The hospital really had gone out of their way to accommodate them. While they weren’t willing to break policy and keep him and Kori in the same cubicle, they had given them adjoining rooms and kept the center divider open so it became one big room with two separate plinths. While Lucky regretted not being able to touch her while they examined and cleaned her wounds, he supposed he should be grateful they allowed him to be a witness.

  The moment the curtain swished closed, Lucky was off the plinth and across the room. He wasted no time gathering Kori into his arms and pressing soft kisses to her face. She sagged against him, a hitch in her breath the only indication that this was anything more than a hug between lovers.

  “How you feeling, angel? And don’t give me that fine bullshit. How are you really feeling?” He was careful to keep his hands low on her back. The burning hot asphalt had done quite a number on the skin over her shoulder blades. She’d required extensive and delicate cleaning to care for the road-rash type abrasions and second degree burns that covered her upper back. She also had a fractured rib and quite the colorful array of bruising, including on her beautiful face.

  When his work was finished, the physician had rattled off ten minutes’ worth of aftercare instructions and bandaging techniques. Lucky had paid close attention, but planned to hand the responsibility off to Lila as soon as they got back to Arizona. Best to leave it to a professional. He wasn’t taking any chances that the wounds would become infected.

  “Well,” she said with a sigh as she drew back and gave him a soft smile. “I’m sore all over, but whatever it was they gave me for the pain really seems to have helped. I’m not too exci
ted about how I’ll feel when it wears off.”

  He swallowed, hard. Part of him itched to be back at the clubhouse doling out punishment to Rebel and Savage. If Kori hadn’t needed medical attention, there wouldn’t have been a chance in hell he’d have gone to the emergency room. As he suspected, all he had was a busted-up face, mangled knuckles, and a mild knock to the head. He was divided in his desire to be with Kori and his need for revenge. Hearing her admit to being in pain made it all that much harder to resist charging out of the hospital and wrapping his hands around Savage’s throat until the man’s eyes rolled back in death.

  Then he’d move on to Rebel…

  “How about you?” she asked in a soothing voice. With one fingertip, she traced the purple swelling under his right eye. Her touch was soft, exploratory. He’d give his left nut to be alone with her and have them both uninjured. There was only one thing that would truly calm the raging waters inside of him and that would have to wait until Kori was feeling better. Looked like he’d have to settle for a little vengeance for now.

  “Been worse, baby. Much worse. Don’t give it a second of your thought.”

  She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Tough guy.”

  “Damn straight.” He winked and kissed her. “Where’s that damn nurse?”

  “Hey, what did you say to Savage? At the end. When I asked you not to…you know.”

  Kori was quick, not much got by her. She was smart enough to recognize an admission of murderous intentions wasn’t a smart move in a bustling city hospital.

  “I just let him know how things were now. How his reign was over. No drugs, no money, no club, no friends. Just enemies. Enemies who weren’t the type to forgive or forget.” He held her gaze, not about to apologize for his vicious statement.

  “I want to see him, Lucky.”

  No point in pretending he didn’t understand. She meant Rebel, not Savage. His stomach clenched as his body literally rejected the idea.

  “It was part of the deal.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “The deal? Oh, you mean the deal where you were supposed to wait in the motel room until it was safe for you to come to the clubhouse? That deal?”

  A red flush stole across her face. “You’re mad.”

  “Fucking pissed is more like it. But I’m way more worried about you being hurt, so you’re off the hook for now. Later though?” He cocked his head and slid his hands down until he cupped her ass. “Let’s just say we may revisit the topic when you’re feeling better.” He gave her cheeks a squeeze then backed away as the nurse entered the room.

  Five minutes later, armed with pain medication and a bag full of ointment for Kori’s back, they walked out into the hot Vegas sun. Acer waited, resting against the side of a black mustang convertible. Lucky had no idea whose car it was, but he was grateful for it. Kori was in no shape to be on the back of a bike.

  “Ready to rock and roll?” Acer asked.

  Lucky nodded. “Get us the fuck out of here. I hate hospitals.”

  “Are we going to see him?” Kori asked.

  Lucky lifted their joined hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. He studied her for a second. The sight of the lumpy bandages under the scrub top they’d given her after cutting away her shredded tank top made him want to wrap her up and hide her away.

  But this was her father they were talking about. A man she never knew existed until a few months ago. A man who’d given her hope for a family then ripped it away in the most ruthless way possible. A man who almost got her killed.

  She deserved to confront him, to say whatever was on her mind and to see him pay for his crimes. No, she’d never know exactly what the club planned for him, but she’d at least have some closure. So, while it made him want to tear apart the clubhouse with his bare hands, it wasn’t about him, and he’d take her to see her father.

  His heart broke a little for her and the loss of her family. But he understood it, having no blood family of his own. This was the first time in his life he was putting a woman’s needs before his own and he was good with it. Better than good. Seeing to her needs felt right.

  “Yeah, angel, we’re going to see him.” He glanced at Acer who nodded and moved around to the driver’s side of the mustang.

  “Thank you,” Kori said when Acer was out of earshot. “I know you don’t want to do this so I want you to know how much it means to me.”

  He kissed her, absorbing her surprising strength and sweet flavor. “I just want you to be safe, happy, unafraid. Whatever I have to do to make that happen, I’ll do.” He kissed her again. Keeping away from her was becoming impossible. They needed to hurry this along so he could take her back to the motel and show her just how grateful he was that Savage hadn’t harmed her further. He’d have to be creative due to her injuries, but he loved a challenge and a little natural painkilling chemical in the form of multiple orgasms would do wonders for Kori.

  “You two want to break it up any time soon? My woman is a few hours away. It’s cruel to get me all riled up like this.” Acer rapped his knuckles against the top of the car then disappeared inside.

  A giggle snuck out of Kori. “Thank you.” She snaked her arms around his waist and squeezed tight, too tight. It had to be straining the abused skin of her back. “I love you,” she whispered against his chest.

  The answering words burned the tip of his tongue in their struggle to break free, but still he held it back. Maybe it made him an asshole, keeping her in suspense this way, disappointing her. Soon, he’d say it soon. Right after he looked Savage in the eye and told the man who Kori really belonged to.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  The muted colors of the vast desert flew by in a blur as Acer navigated them…somewhere. They’d been driving on a two-lane highway into the nothingness for a good thirty minutes. Hopefully it wouldn’t be long before they arrived at their destination. The back of her seat pressed against her ruined skin, creating a gnawing pain she wouldn’t be able to tolerate for much longer.

  She’d tried to sit toward the edge of the seat, but every time they hit a pothole on the poorly maintained road, she’d fall against the backrest. The sharp jolt of discomfort had been so shocking, she’d inadvertently cried out. The resulting panic in Lucky’s eyes kept her from trying that position again.

  “You sure you don’t want to lie down? You can try to lie on your stomach with your head in my lap.”

  Acer barked out a laugh and Kori giggled as well. The moment of levity felt great, but didn’t do anything to wipe the scowl off Lucky’s face.

  “What the hell’s so funny?”

  “Dude, she was just discharged from the hospital a half hour ago. Maybe you could give her another twenty minutes or so before you start demanding she shove her face in your lap?”

  Kori’s giggles turned into a full blown laugh. She couldn’t help it. The look on Lucky’s face was priceless. It was clear, a blowjob was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. Okay, maybe it was never that far from his mind, but he certainly hadn’t been requesting one.

  “That’s not what I meant, dipshit.” Lucky smacked the back of Acer’s head. The car swerved into the oncoming lane before Acer had it back under control.

  “Hey! Don’t you think we’ve had enough drama for one day? You looking to roll the car as well?”

  “No. I’m trying to offer my injured woman a way to relax in this rattletrap while you hit every fucking bump in the road. That okay by you? And for the record, I’m telling Fia what an insensitive prick you’re being toward an injured woman.”

  Acer’s eyes flashed in the rearview mirror. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Fuck yeah I would.”

  “Oh, ow! Stop!” Kori clutched her left side as the muscles around her ribs spasmed and tightened. “Don’t make me laugh anymore, please.”

  “See what you did, asshole? Take a deep breath, angel. Ignore this moron. He’s just the driver,” Lucky said as he ran a hand over her hair.

  Both men shut up, allowi
ng Kori time to take a few deep breaths to calm her protesting ribs. “I’m good, I’m good. Whew, you two always like this?”

  “Pretty much.” Acer said. “All right kids. We’re here.”

  The shenanigans of the past few minutes were the perfect diversion. She hadn’t even been aware that the car had rolled to a stop. Lucky stepped out and came around to her side. He helped her rise from the low car and guided her around a smattering of low shrubs until they reached a sandy clearing.

  It was a bewildering sight. Six or seven bikers in leather, chains, and heavy boots stood in the sand. Now that she was here, her stomach and her courage took a nose dive. Was she really ready to face her father? Part of her wanted to forget the whole thing, dive back into the car and let the men do what they were going to do. But then she’d never know. Never know if Rebel really did care about her and was just driven off his path by greed or if he was truly an evil man.

  “How you feeling, honey?” Striker’s voice startled her from her musings. Geez, his face looked worse than hers. A white bandage stood out against the gross purple swelling of his cheek. A splatter pattern of dried blood coated his T-shirt. Lila was going to freak when she found out he didn’t get medical treatment.

  “I’m holding up, thank you.” The polite answer was all she could manage. Her focus was already on the two men bound by duct tape and kneeling about fifteen feet apart on the sandy ground. Each man’s cut lay on the ground in front of them.

  Unease snaked through Kori. They were pretty far out into the desert, not a soul in sight besides the group of bikers. No cops, no residences, not even a lone coyote to witness what was to come. It was the perfect place for a grave. Or two.

  Swallowing her fear, she ignored everyone and walked the distance toward where her father was, Lucky hot on her heels. He was on his knees in the sand, hands and feet bound by the tape. A strip of tape covered his mouth as well. Sweat ran in rivers down the sides of his face, and a deep V of moisture was visible on the front of his shirt.

  He looked old, vulnerable, defeated. Nothing remained of the man who’d threatened her a few weeks ago. The powerful and dangerous MC president had been reduced to nothing more than an old man. Her hands shook so she placed them in her pockets.


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