Aeromancist: The Beginning

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Aeromancist: The Beginning Page 6

by Charmaine Pauls

  Too baffled to make anything of the gesture, Kat didn’t reply. She spread her fingers and stared at the gemstone that sparkled in the light. No man had ever given her a ring. It shouldn’t have warmed her heart the way it did, but the female in her couldn’t help but love the possessiveness of the act.

  “You can never take it off, under any circumstances, until our time together is up,” he said. “Understand?”

  Until their time together was up. At that thought, a painful prick pierced her ecstatic bubble. With an effort, she put it out of her mind. It was just sex. She would remember that.

  “Not even in the shower?” she said, thinking that she badly needed one.

  “No.” His voice was stern.

  The request was strange, but Lann wasn’t your average man. Since she couldn’t see the harm in wearing a ring for him, she simply nodded.

  “Good,” he purred, sending a hot shiver down her spine.

  “Would you like to have a swim before dinner?” he said, suddenly sounding formal. “I need to take care of some business before I can join you in,” he checked his watch, “say twenty minutes?”

  As welcome as a dip in the pool sounded, she needed to get cleaned up first.

  “I’d like to have a shower,” she said.

  His eyes went to her thighs, as if he could read her mind, and she felt herself flush. Again, she saw that trace of familiar male pride in his smile. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the ring he had just slipped onto her finger.

  “I’ll show you,” he said.

  He took her back to her room and showed her a dressing room and a bathroom. The dressing room was stocked with towels and a bathrobe, as well as matching slippers.

  “You’ll find all the products you may need in the bathroom,” Lann said. “And if there’s anything you need, just give me a shout and I’ll send for it.” He drew her to him and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Come downstairs when you’re ready. I’ll wait by the pool. We can eat on the patio. Unless you prefer indoors?”

  He seemed all business now, distant, as if he was trying to put space between them.

  She shook her head. “Patio’s fine.”

  He turned and left, closing the door of the bathroom behind him.

  So much for pillow talk.

  After a shower, not feeling like wearing her crumpled dress, Kat put on the bathrobe. Lann waited at the same table where they had shared their first dinner. His hair was wet and he had changed clothes. He wore a Moroccan style tunic, linen pants and Repetto moccasins. He was reading something, and put the file aside when she approached. His eyes traveled over her, lingering on the front of the robe, where her breasts were concealed, but then Alfonso appeared, as if from thin air, to pull the chair out for her.

  Kat sat down, keeping her gaze on the table. What Alfonso had to be thinking, seeing her here dressed in a robe... Maybe he had even heard her screams. She felt blood rise to her face.

  Lann waited until Alfonso left and said, “He’s been in my service for years.”

  Kat looked up to see him studying her.

  “What we did was natural, and beautiful,” he said. “No need to feel embarrassed.”

  She cleared her throat. “I guess I need to go home to get my things.”

  “We’ll go after dinner. First, you need to eat.”

  Her appetite was lacking, diminished by the emotional rush that followed in the wake of their lovemaking, but Lann seemed unaffected. Or maybe for him it was the opposite. Maybe the large amount of energy he had expended had to be replaced. He obviously needed plenty of food to fuel his body. Eating with abandon, he polished off a large quantity of grilled vegetables and fish, and then a fruit salad.

  Kat only managed to peck at her food, drinking more wine than what was good for her. After the fruit salad, Alfonso served her a bowl of her favorite ice cream–vanilla drowned in chocolate sauce. She dipped the spoon into the dessert, but lacked her usual enthusiasm.

  “Not hungry?” Lann said, concern lacing his voice.

  “Um ... not when I’m...” She wasn’t going to tell him she felt emotional. That was the kind of information guys didn’t want to hear.

  He frowned.

  She fumbled with the spoon. “It’s all a bit sudden.”

  “Katherine,” his said gently, “I made love to you before dinner so you could relax and enjoy your meal.”

  “This is just how I am. I’ve had an experience that was really intense and I won’t have an appetite for a while.”

  His expression softened. “What would you like to do tonight? Watch a movie? Go out?”

  “I think I’ll turn in early.” She lowered her lashes, and gave him a shy smile. “I’m thoroughly exhausted.”

  Immediately his demeanor changed. Desire transformed his face, darkening his eyes. “Of course,” he said, staring at her lips. “Anything you want.”

  Who was her lover? He seemed so mysterious. She knew he liked to fly, was loaded, owned a monastery, liked old books, and was even better in bed than in her wildest fantasy. She stirred sugar into the espresso that Alfonso had served, observing him silently. She wanted to know everything about him. She wanted to see his baby photos, know his dreams, his fears, where he’d gone to school, and what the future held for him.

  “You’re Russian, but your name’s not.”

  “It’s Celtic. My mother named me after the place where I was conceived. She had a hard time in Russia, and she didn’t want me to carry a name that resembled suffering for her.”

  “Do you have siblings?”

  He tensed. “No. Like you, I’m an only child.”

  “And your family, are they also in America, or do they live in Russia?”

  The heat evaporated from his gaze. “I have no family.”

  “So, your parents, they’ve passed away?” Kat probed carefully.

  “My mother died giving birth to me,” he said matter-of-factly. “My father never forgave me for her death. He abandoned me at birth.”

  Kat’s heart contracted. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be,” he said coldly. “I do not miss them. You cannot feel something for someone you never knew.”

  She reached out and took his hand, but he pulled away.

  “Did you grow up with a foster family?” she said, trying to pull him back to her.

  “I grew up in the streets, Katherine.” His face was hard. “I learned to trick and steal from a very young age. I learned to fight for what I want, and to get it. Always.”

  His words sent a shiver down her spine even as she was filled with compassion for the beautiful man facing her.

  “Come.” He got to his feet. “I’ll drive you to your flat.”

  * * * *

  Kat put on her crumpled dress and went downstairs with Lann. A black Jaguar was parked in front of the convent, idling. The driver opened and shut the passenger door for her, but it was Lann who took the wheel. During the drive, neither of them spoke. It unsettled Kat that he didn’t have to ask for her address, but then she remembered the deliveries of earlier. Of course, he knew where she lived.

  She sent Diana a text message to let her know they were on their way. She didn’t want to surprise her roommate if she was home. When they arrived at her building, Lann parked on the yellow line right in front of the main entrance. He came around to open her door, and held his hand on the small of her back, guiding her inside and into the lift. They exited on her floor, and before Kat could retrieve her keys from her purse, Diana opened the door.

  She hugged Kat briefly and peered over her shoulder at Lann. “Hi,” she said in a breathy voice. “I’m Diana.”

  Lann followed Kat inside and shook hands with Diana. Kat noticed he didn’t kiss her on the cheek, as per the customary greeting. He pulled Kat under his arm.

  “Would you like a drink?” Diana said. She had a hard time pulling her gaze from Lann.

  “Lann,” Kat looked up at him, “do you mind if I have a word with Dian
a in private?”

  “Of course not,” he said, nodding curtly. “I’ll wait outside. Let me know if you need help.”

  Once they were alone, Diana said, “Oh my God! He’s even more awesome in real life than in the blurry, stolen tabloid photos.” She pulled Kat down onto the sofa next to her. “What happened? I thought you were going to resist.”

  “Don’t give me that I-told-you-so smile. He sent me a book, a very precious book, and I went to return it and I ... well, I guess you could say I kind of realized running wasn’t going to help.”

  Diana lifted Kat’s hand and stared at the ring. “Shit. Is this what I think it is?”

  “No.” Kat shook her head. “He just wants me to wear this for the month we’re together.”


  “Yeah, it’s a thirty-day thing.”

  Diana swore. “And here I thought he wanted a one-night stand, and he wants a one-month stand.”

  “I know it’s out of character for me—”

  “It’s about time you act out of character. I’m glad for you, Kat. Jealous as hell, but glad.”

  Kat gave her a thankful smile.

  “So, getting your stuff, does that mean you’re moving in with him?” Diana said.

  “Just for the month.”

  “Okay.” Diana got to her feet. “I’d better help you pack then. Can I tell people where you are, I mean, if anyone asks?”

  “Yes, but let me tell my parents myself.”

  “Sure.” Diana smiled conspiratorially. “And is he as good in bed as they say?”

  “Diana! I’ve only been there for a couple of hours,” but even as she said it, she felt the blood rushing to her face.

  Diana gave Kat her knowing smile. “If you say so.”

  Kat got up and went for the door. “I better let him back in.”

  * * * *

  Kat took little time to change, and threw a few outfits, personal items, her laptop, notes and files in a bag. She still couldn’t believe she was doing this. Lann and Diana helped her to get her books together. Poor Diana found it hard not to stare. As Lann took her bag, she gave Diana a hug and promised to call her. A few seconds later they were gone, driving back to Lann’s place.

  At home, Alfonso took her bag up to her room while Lann guided her to the kitchen. He told her the chef had already retired for the night, and that she’d meet the rest of the kitchen and cleaning staff the following day.

  The kitchen was a long hall with a central counter all the way down the middle. Everything was white, except for the stainless steel counters and shelves. It had five eye-level ovens and three double gas stoves.

  Following her gaze, Lann said, “I’m planning on doing some entertaining. A necessary evil, sometimes.”

  She had already gathered that Lann wasn’t a social person. His statement didn’t surprise her.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto the counter. She flinched when she hit the hard surface.

  “What are you doing, Lann?”

  “Fixing you a nightcap: something to help you sleep.”

  He knew about her difficulty sleeping? She watched him heat up milk on the stove, melt dark chocolate inside and whisk it until it was frothy. He poured it into a glass mug and sprinkled cinnamon on top.

  “Drink up, krasavitsa,” he said, handing her the mug.

  His voice was deep and low, sending sensual vibrations through her body. His Russian accent made her melt.

  He watched her as she drank, standing very close to her, his palms resting on the counter on either side of her body. When the mug was empty, he took it from her without breaking eye contact, and left it somewhere at her back. Then he removed his glasses and leaned forward, his lips brushing over hers, his tongue seeking entrance. His hands went to her knees and pushed them open until he stood between them. His palms stroked up her legs and around her hips to cup her ass, lifting her slightly and pulling her into him. His erection rubbed against her clit. Kat gasped loudly. Her hands went to his hair, letting her fingers run through the long, thick strands. He groaned and she realized he enjoyed the caress. He jerked her against him again, hard, causing her body to burst into flames. Her eyes closed and her head fell back as he released her lips to kiss her neck, but a second later his body was gone, the contact lost.

  She opened her eyes, dazed.

  “Prekrasnaya,” he said softly.

  She had no idea what it meant, but it sounded tender, affectionate.

  “Go to bed, Katherine.”

  He lifted her left hand and kissed the ring, and then he walked away.

  She stared after him in confusion.

  Chapter Four

  Kat woke up in a strange room. It took her a second to recall the events of the previous day. Stretching, she remembered the taste of Lann’s lips, and the way his hands felt on her body. Her insides heated deliciously. She picked up her mobile phone and checked the time. Ten o’clock already. For once, she had slept like a baby. Even if she was embarking on the greatest sexual adventure of her life, she had a thesis to complete. It was still her main and most important task to focus on. After coffee.

  It was already hot outside. She had switched off the air conditioner in her room, not liking to sleep with it on for how her throat ached in the morning, but now she turned it back on. A cool shower helped to wake her up. The cute blue dress with the thin straps was her outfit of choice. It made her feel feminine, like her mood this morning. She applied light make-up and decided to go in search of Lann to ask where she could set herself up to work—maybe one of the reading rooms that wasn’t in use.

  In the hallway, she bumped into Alfonso.

  “Good morning, Miss.” He surprised her with a warm smile. “Breakfast?”

  “No thanks. Just coffee. But I’ll go get some in the kitchen when I’m ready.”

  “Just ring, and one of us will bring it to you. Sir already had his breakfast.”

  “Oh. Thank you. Where is he?”

  “In his office, Miss.”

  “Thank you.” When he turned, she said, “Alfonso, you can call me Kat. I’m not one for formal titles.”

  “Yes, Miss,” he said, with a small inclination of his head.

  She sighed. Kat made her way to the other side of the square. She had put on her high heels, finding that the extra height enhanced her self-confidence, and today she wanted to show Lann she could be the confident sexual being he said she could be. Deep down, she had an inexplicable urge to please him. She paused at the office door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked and pushed it open.

  Lann sat behind his desk, his mobile phone pressed to his ear. He was pinching the bridge of his nose, massaging the mark left by his glasses. It looked like a serious discussion, and Kat hesitated. When he saw her, he lowered his hand.

  “I’ll call you back.” He hung up. His face lit up with genuine pleasure as his yellow eyes traveled over her.

  “Good morning,” she said, suddenly feeling shy, despite all her resolutions and her high heels.

  He gave her a brilliant smile. “Close the door and come here.”

  She shut the door and crossed the floor, watching him wheel his chair back. She stopped in front of his desk.

  “Here.” He pointed at the space in front of him, between his legs.

  Kat advanced slowly. She rounded his desk and halted in the V of his knees. He didn’t say anything, just looked up at her while she stared down at him, holding her breath. He grabbed hold of her waist, and lifted her onto his lap so she straddled him.

  Her legs were dangling over his, and she was aware of how high her dress had pulled up, revealing the white French-cut panties underneath.

  “Do you always wear these?” Lann said. His hands slid under her dress, over her underwear, but his eyes remained fixed on hers.

  “They’re comfortable,” she said, swallowing.

  “They’re beautiful. On you. I like the way the lace cuts up high over your ass, your cheeks peeking out bene

  She sucked in her breath at the erotic description. His hands slipped back down her thighs, over her knees and calves, until they reached her feet. He lifted one foot by gently bending back her leg, and only then did his gaze move down.

  “You don’t usually wear heels.” He looked back at her. “I like it.”

  She didn’t ask how he knew. By now, she simply accepted that Lann had means of knowing things about her, however disturbing she found the idea. Right now, she was more preoccupied with the feelings rushing through her body.

  “I’m glad you came,” he said. “I was starting to miss you.”

  She flushed. “I don’t normally sleep this late.”

  “I know.” His hands went to her breasts, cupping them. He didn’t caress them like she wanted him to. He simply kept his palms there, the warmth of his hands searing her through the fabric of her dress. Her heartbeat spiked under his hands.

  She motioned at the phone. “I didn’t want to interrupt. I need to work and I just wanted to check where I could set myself up.”

  It seemed he had heard nothing of what she said. His golden eyes moved down to where his hands were resting. He pushed her breasts up and planted a kiss on each curve. She arched her back. He liked her response because he groaned and squeezed her nipples. She bit her lip in an effort to prevent her own moan from escaping.

  His hands moved down over her hips and slipped up under her dress. She gasped when he gently cupped her sex.

  “Still sore?”

  Her flesh was tender, but if she told him so, he’d stop. It was as if her skin came alive under his touch. Her body pushed into him, and her words came out like a ragged breath. “I need you, Lann.”

  “How do you need me, krasavitsa?”

  She frowned.

  He kissed her lips. “Tell me what you need.”

  “I need you to take me.”

  He kissed her ear. “Mm. ‘Take me’ is vague, Katherine.” He planted more kisses on her neck. “Sometimes women want men to make love to them, sometimes they just want to have sex, and sometimes they want to be fucked.”

  “I just need you,” she whispered.


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