Sun Touched (Diamara Book 1)

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Sun Touched (Diamara Book 1) Page 20

by J. C. Hart

  "It was communicating with me, though no words passed between us. I didn't realize you'd be able to hear them."

  "Makes me even more pleased I can't see them," Rickard said.

  "Yet. You can't see them yet. There is no way you've escaped exposure." Madea shrugged. "It might sound weird, but it's amazing. You'll find out soon enough."

  "Look, let's not talk about this right now. Let's get back to safety, and worry about everything else later."

  "Fine by me." Madea reached out for Janae, who grabbed her hand, then set off in the direction the creatures had shown to her.

  There were a few times she needed to stop and tap into the memories of the ether creatures—the one who had gifted her some strength seemed to be following them closely, like a new friend. Others trailed behind. Their tendrils had become familiar and she almost welcomed the soft brush of their presence. They seemed to avoid Janae, as though they could sense her wariness.

  Of course she would be wary. The first time she had seen them, she had harmed members of her own family, maybe killed someone. The thought made Madea stop in her tracks. She dropped Janae's hand and turned towards her companions. Her mouth fell open, but she didn't know what to say.

  "Are we there?" Rickard asked, the lines of exhaustion on his face dropping away briefly as he gained some hope.

  "No, not quite. I just..." She stalled again, unable to process her thoughts as much as she wanted to. Logically, she knew that Janae wasn't a killer, knew that the other girl thought these creatures had been attacking her family, or friends, but that didn't change the fact that she had, at the very least, hurt someone badly enough to be Hollowed. Madea wished she had asked for all the facts. Wished she could broach the topic with the other girl. Did she remember what she had done? "Nothing, I just wanted to say that we're close, and make sure you're ready. It can be a bit strange being beneath the ground."

  "As long as I can get something to eat and drink, and find somewhere to lie down, I'll be happy." Rickard addressed Madea, almost ignoring Janae's presence. He'd barely spoken to her since Madea had reclaimed her, though at some point the two of them would have to talk.

  "What about you, Janae? Are you feeling okay?"

  "I feel...I'm okay. I just...I'm still trying to figure everything out. It's hard to describe. I have all these feelings and memories, but it's almost as though they didn't happen to me."

  "It'll be okay." Madea grabbed her hand again and squeezed. "I bet once you see Jaxon you'll start feeling better."

  Janae smiled at her, a genuine smile that lit her eyes. "He's the only thing that matters. I know that. He was the only thing that ever mattered."

  "Right then, let's go and see him." Madea nodded, feeling like her fears had been allayed a little. She couldn't hold what had happened against this girl. Under other circumstances, Madea could easily have been a killer, too. Yet another thing she had to thank Garrett for.

  It only took them another ten minutes to make it to the hatch. Once she was in the right area she could spot it easily, and pulled it open. The coolness of the tunnels seeped out into the bright day, drawing them all in. Madea closed the hatch behind them, letting her eyes adjust to the dimmer light as a feeling of peace crept over her.

  Janae's hand snaked out to grasp Madea's. "Where did they go?" she whispered.

  "The creatures? They don't like coming under the earth. I don't know why."

  "It's strange not to have them around now."

  "You're right." Madea smiled. "I hope we can live outside soon enough. I just have a few things to work out first."

  "What do you mean?" Rickard asked.

  "Let's find the others," Madea said, moving down the hallway. It would take far too long to explain everything to him, and right now, she didn't have the time.

  Two corridors down, they were met by Sturm. "Your mother is expecting you," he said curtly. "She's in her office. I can escort you there."

  "Escort?" Rickard raised an eyebrow.

  "That would be great, thanks," Madea said. Janae still clung to her, and without the ether creatures to grant her extra strength, Madea was finding it difficult to move, let alone think. She let her mind wander as they followed their guide through the tunnels, ignoring Rickard's constant questions, and Janae's occasional whimpers.

  Their escort opened the door for them, and Madea moved directly to the couch.

  "Where have you been?" Tahra demanded as she crossed the room.

  Madea closed her eyes and pulled a cushion over her face. "There were complications," she said through the fabric, though she wasn't sure her mother would understand. Thankfully, Rickard seemed willing to take the lead.

  "Mum!" he declared, just like he used to when they were younger. Madea grinned to herself, glad her mother couldn't see her face right now. "It's been too long."

  "Rickard," Tahra said tersely. "Would you mind telling me what's going on? And who is this woman?"

  Madea sighed, she knew she should gather herself enough to fill her mother in, but she just didn't have the energy.

  "This is Janae. Jaxon's mother. We found her out in the fields and I don't know what Madea did, but she's been...un-Hollowed. Or something." The rest of Rickard's explanation faded out as Madea let herself succumb to sleep.


  Madea woke to firm arms cradling her. She opened her eyes to see Garrett's face as he carried her down the hallway. She tried to push her way upright, but he held her tight.

  "You're on bed-rest, missy," he said, his lips quirking into a grin. "I'll enforce it if I have to."

  "But I haven't seen Jaxon, and I need to talk to Tahra—"

  "And all of that can wait. Jaxon is with his mother, which no one really knows how to explain. Thanks for that," he added wryly.

  "I'm not sure I know how to explain it either. But he's happy, isn't he?"

  "Happy, yes, but worried about you. We told him you needed some sleep, you've been very busy."

  "How are you strong enough to carry me?" She frowned, the fog of sleep finally slipping from her mind.

  "We have a great medic here," he explained. "Though I'll need to rest once I get you in bed. You're heavier than you look."

  "I'm pregnant!" She struggled in his arms, pushing against him to no avail.

  "And I'm joking." He laughed. "I wanted to make sure you did rest, because I think I know you well enough to say that given the slightest opportunity, you'd just keep going."

  "But that wouldn't be good for Anya." Madea finished his thought for him.

  "Anya? That's a good name." He nodded in approval.

  Madea relaxed into his arms, content that despite his teasing, he did have her best interests at heart. "What did I miss?"

  "Oh you know, family reunion stuff. Tears, and smiles, and hugs and reaffirmations of love."

  "I like that stuff." She pouted, but he shook his head at her.

  "I've had some food sent ahead. You're going to sit in bed and eat until you're ready to pop, and then you're going to sleep for another ten hours. Got it?" He placed her gently on her feet, pushed open the door to her unit and ushered her inside, closing the door behind them.

  "And what are you going to do?"

  "I'm going to sit beside you and make sure you do as you're told." He softened his glare with a smile. Then he scooped her back into his arms and carried her to the bedroom, dumping her unceremoniously on the mattress.

  Madea grabbed his arm and pulled him down beside her, her heart thudding heavily in her chest.

  "What's up?" he asked. His eyes narrowed and she found herself unable to hold the façade any longer. Her walls cracked and tears flowed silently down her face. She licked one off her top lip, the salty tang biting at her tongue.

  "I need you to kiss me." She bit her lip, feeling stupid for asking, but needing nothing more than escape. Or maybe more than that, but it was a good beginning. She wasn't ready to talk, wasn't ready to confess that as far as she was concerned her whole world had been
shattered, but she was ready for more of Garrett.

  He dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers, gently at first, then he deepened the kiss and crushed her against the pillows with the weight of his body. He pulled back, breathing heavily. "You're meant to be eating something," he murmured.

  "I'll eat soon, I promise." Madea pulled him close again, savouring the taste of his mouth and the feel of his hands as they slid under her shirt and across the skin of her belly. She felt a kick from Anya and broke the kiss, looking at Garrett. "It doesn't bother you, does it?"

  "Does what?" He looked genuinely confused.


  "She's a part of you. If I was bothered, I wouldn't be here, making sure you're getting bed rest." He smiled, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  "Rest?" Madea raised an eyebrow, a grin crossing her own lips as he moved forward, taking full advantage of their current location.

  Madea was surprised that Garrett was still beside her in the morning. Soft snores escaped from his parted lips and she muffled them with a kiss. He startled, eyes flashing open before he returned her kiss with fervour.

  "I forgot where I was," he said when they parted. "I don't think I've ever been woken up like that."

  "You poor, deprived man." Madea patted his shoulder mockingly.

  "Is that an everyday thing for those lucky enough to share your bed?" He quirked an eyebrow, though his almost ever present smirk was absent.

  "To be honest, it's been a rare thing for a man to share my bed, if that's what you're asking," Madea said. "I could, perhaps, make an exception for you."

  "I'd like that." He was all seriousness as he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss against her brow, then ducked his head to lay one in her belly. "Do you think she minds?"

  "I think she's doing her very best to ignore everything that happened last night. I haven't heard a peep from her in hours."

  "Something to be said for having a super-child, huh?" He laughed, then swung his legs off the bed and pulled on pants. "I'm getting food. You stay here, and then we need to talk."

  "Sounds serious."

  "It is." Garrett tried to hide a frown as he left the room.

  Madea scanned the room for her clothes, but wrinkled her nose when she lifted her shirt from the ground. There was no way she was putting that back on. She tossed it on the floor and made her way to the bathroom, flicking the shower on and stepping beneath the water.

  She let out a groan of pleasure as the jets struck her body, washing the dirt and grime from her skin. How long had it been since she was last clean? Did she really want to know?

  "I thought I told you to stay in bed?"

  Madea jumped at the sound of his voice, instinctually crossing her arms over her breasts. "I needed to get clean. I can't believe we had— Not in that state."

  "I didn't realize you were so keen on cleanliness." He smiled as he slipped into the shower with her.

  "I used to work in a lab. I like things to be clean." She half-shrugged and dropped her arms, pressing against him. "So what did you want to talk about?"

  "You think I'm capable of having an intelligent conversation with you naked, in the shower?" He raised an eyebrow and let out a soft chuckle.

  "What if I promise to do terrible, terrible things to you?" She leaned into him then stood on tip toes to nibble his earlobe.

  "I'm not sure you'll want to, after."

  He flicked his tongue across his lips, as though the heated water running down his face wasn't enough to hydrate his flesh. She pulled back and looked up at him. "Just tell me. And I promise I won't do anything nasty."

  Garrett closed his eyes for a moment then opened them, all traces of humour wiped from his features. "Your mother was worried about you when you were gone so long. She thought that something must have happened and she was gathering her forces."

  "Her forces? I had a tracker on. She could have come for me anytime."

  "She was going to, but then you were moving again, and outside the domes. She wasn't sure how to interpret that." He glanced away, not looking back until she caught his chin in her hand and made him. This was probably the most shame-faced she had seen him, and considering the things he'd done...her stomach clenched at the thought of what this might be about.

  "What has she done?"

  "Nothing. Yet. But she's going to blow the domes."

  "What?" Madea pushed her hair back from her face, pulling at it as she did. "I made a deal with Father, and she's just going to blow the domes and my arrangement with it?"

  Garrett cupped her chin with his hand. "Can you honestly tell me that the deal hasn't been compromised? I heard what happened."

  "When? When did you possibly have time to hear about that?" She waved her arms in the air, taking a step away from him so that her back hit the cool tile wall of the shower.

  "After I left you this morning. Tahra left a message for me."

  Madea ground her teeth together so hard she could hear it over the sound of the water. "She hasn't done it yet, has she? Garrett, tell me the truth."

  "Not yet, but she will soon—"

  "I have to go." She pushed past him, grabbing a towel and roughly drying her body before reaching for the clothes on the floor. Another whiff and she dropped them, turning to the drawers and clean gear. It didn't matter how she looked, she had to get to her mother.

  "Wait," Garrett called as he followed, drying himself more slowly. "Do you really think we should honour the deal you made? He tried to capture you, Madea. He doesn't care what happens to you, to us. He just wants to win."

  "And so does Tahra. Don't you get it? This is a marital dispute gone to the greatest of extremes. She's so hell-bent on getting back at him that she can't see there are more important things at stake. We won't win by one-upping him. We'll only cause more pain." She shook her head. Disappointment burned in her throat. "I have to stop her." Madea headed for the door with tears in her eyes. She had thought he'd understood.

  "Wait," he said, grabbing her by the arm and turning her back. "I don't know your reasons, but I trust you, and I trust Anya." He put his palm against her belly and she could feel her baby move in response. "Let me get some clothes and I'll come with you. I want to help."

  "I have to go, now. I can't let her do anything." She pulled away, but he caught her wrist.

  "I'll catch up."

  Madea nodded then stepped towards him, kissing him softly on the lips before leaving.


  Madea raced down the halls to her mother's office and burst through the door, freezing at the sight of Tahra, Rickard and Sarai staring at a map, strewn out across the table.

  "Ah, Madea. You're just in time for the big reveal." Tahra's smile was broad but the cold gleam in her eyes made Madea nervous.

  She took a deep breath and licked her lips. "What reveal?" she asked in her calmest voice. Here was yet another occasion where her mother could lie, but would she?

  "I'm going to blow the domes," her mother said with a nod. She raised her hands when Madea opened her mouth. "I know what you're going to say, but your father has shown quite clearly that he has no intention of letting us live in peace."

  "This shouldn't be about Father." Madea glared at her mother. "It might be for you, but it's not for everyone else. No one outside of this room gives a damn about your petty feud." She crossed the room and examined the map, noting where Tahra had pushed pins into locations around the domes, centralized around Carson’s.

  "Have some respect—"

  "For the woman who played dead for most of my life?" She glanced up at her mother. "For the woman who spent years plotting ways to get back at her power-hungry husband? The two of you are ridiculous." Madea shook her head. "I'm not going to think about you, or him, for another moment. What I'm going to do is take care of the Sun-Touched, those here in the tunnels and the Hollowed working the fields. Don't you see the bigger picture? We can reclaim them, Mother. We can give them back their memories. They might not be exactly t
he same, but we can undo some of what has been done to them."

  "I don't think now is the time to talk about that," Tahra said. She pressed her lips together so tightly that Madea thought they might disappear entirely.

  "We have to talk about things before you do something that we'll all regret."


  "No. No buts. Just hear me out."

  "Fine." Tahra sighed.

  "We're listening," Sarai said. She reached a hand across the table and squeezed Madea’s hand, relief apparent in the lines of her face. Rickard nodded too and Madea licked her lips, getting her thoughts straight.

  "We can't blow all the domes. We just can't, but I think we should blow one."

  "You what?" Garrett's voice came from the door. Madea spun to see him striding towards her, a frown on his face. "I thought you wanted to do this the peaceful way?"

  "I'm not done talking yet." She smiled at him, reaching up to kiss his cheek before he took his place behind her. Her stomach churned at the possibility her mother might not agree, but Madea had to try to offer an alternative. "What I'm suggesting is that we pick one of the smaller ones, closest to Father. We can contact Sullivan and get him to clear out the people within that dome so there is as little risk as possible. I'm totally opposed to making anyone Touched who doesn't want to be." She glanced at Rickard, whose face flushed a little.

  "It was my choice, Maddy. Honest."

  She nodded at him before continuing. "Once they see that we won't back down, then we can make some solid deals. Father will have to stick to his side of the bargain, or he'll find himself one of the Touched as well."

  "I'm pleasantly surprised," Tahra said, her voice soft. She kept her eyes on the table as she spoke. "I didn't think you'd have the guts to do even that much."

  "I will do what I must to keep the Touched safe. I thought I'd been clear about that. Mother, I'm not trying to take your place, but you're not being reasonable."

  "And you are still being too reasonable." Tahra shook her head.

  "Can I trust you to stick to our plan?" Madea stared at her until Tahra looked up.


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