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Protector Page 6

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Belle took my arm, pulling me clear of the others. “Davio, I take it Faith is to come with us. There are six bedrooms.”

  I frowned. What was Belle implying?

  “She stays with us.” He took a quick look at Silvie. “You, too, if you wish. I’ve seen how much you care for your friend. You are welcome.”

  I gasped. “Just a second. You can’t think to completely reorganize my life. I have a perfectly secure home right here, thank you.”

  “No.” Davio’s tone was adamant. “In this decision, you have no choice. When it comes to your safety–my orders take precedence. You will pack a bag and stay at Belle’s where the rest of us will be close enough to protect you.” To Belle he said, “Stay at her side. Until we remove the threat, a protector will watch over her.”

  I opened my mouth to strenuously object, only Davio wavered into thin air and disappeared. I kicked the space where he’d been. “Damn, that’s annoying.” Zac and Viv chuckled and followed directly in his wake.

  “Annoying, annoying, annoying,” I blustered.

  “Come on. I’m not missing any of this. I’ll stay with you.” Silvie jumped to my side and snagged my other arm–the one Belle wasn’t fiercely gripping. “We have groceries.”

  I scowled at one then the other. “I can walk to the kitchen by myself.”

  Belle’s grip tightened. “Our protectors do not question orders, and neither should you.”

  I tried to jerk my arm free. “What I’m questioning is this sudden imprisonment.” Next time I’d make absolutely certain Davio didn’t poof away without more time on my side to argue my point. I groaned, recognizing I was going to Belle’s whether I wanted to or not.

  At the distinctive sound of rustling grocery bags in the kitchen, my attention turned. My mother was already inside.

  “Let go.” I twisted free, shooting off down the hallway and into the kitchen.

  It was a large, homey space, and my mother’s favorite room. The kitchen cabinets were built in, the pale blue doors trimmed with pine to match the varnished wooden floor and a u-shaped window ran the length of the kitchen. Outside, the last of the sun’s rays beamed in over top of the tall boundary fence between us and our neighbors.

  I skidded to a stop. Belle bumped into my back as she obviously took Davio’s protection orders to the very exact point. “Oomph.” I caught myself. “Hey, Mum.”

  She popped out from inside the pantry. “Faith. Oh.” Her gaze alighted on Belle and Silvie either side of me. “Girls, hello. I didn’t realize you’d all be here. I thought you were leaving Te Pukē, Belle?”

  I strode to the counter. “No, she decided she loves the place.” I opened the bags and removed several packages, passing them across. “In fact Belle’s invited me to stay at her place. Is that all right?”

  Mum took the items, reaching to stack the goods on the top shelf. Half turning, she smiled lightly. “Yes, you can sleepover. That’s never a problem.”

  “Actually, Kate.” Belle breezed into the gap between my mother and me. “I’m hoping to have Faith come for a few days, not just a sleepover. Silvie’s coming, too, so it’ll be us girls until I have other houseguests arriving. I’d appreciate the female company.”

  Well, whoever knew Belle could–

  Silvie stepped forward, clearing her throat. “My mother knows Belle’s houseguests.” She scratched her ear. “Ah, Davio Loveria is one of them, and he’s very respectable. So are Viv and Zac.”

  I crossed my arms, frowning. Okay, was there a conspiracy here? Why would Silvie lie so blatantly? There was no way Seriah Carver knew these protectors.

  Silvie snuck closer to whisper in my ear. “Sorry, you got hit on the head, and I want those protectors around.”

  I squished up my mouth, taking care as I eased past a crowding Belle to pass my mother a bag of vegetables. “Actually, there was talk that Davio and the others may turn up today, but regardless, Silvie and I know the rules around other men. We’ll be good.” There, that was better, less of a lie.

  My mother opened the refrigerator door and stacked the carrots into the lower cooler. “You know the rules, do you?” Standing back her gaze became intent. “Just run them by me again, hmm.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Very funny,” I moaned.

  My mother tried to hide her slight smile, but I still saw it. “Well, you are eighteen and it’s not like I haven’t taught you the rules of being responsible.”

  I grinned and snatched an apple, rubbing it against the arm of my shirt. “I’ll just go and pack a bag then.” I took a big bite. “Don’t worry about dinner for me.”

  Heading to my bedroom with Belle and Silvie one step behind, I threw a couple pairs of blue jeans, some comfy t-shirts and my all-time favorite violet-checkered shirt into a bag. Belle tossed in two pairs of shoes, and Silvie nabbed my pajamas.

  Next came toiletries.

  And Belle standing sentry in the doorway of my white-tiled bathroom. Talk about protection city.

  I threw my hands up. “Okay, this is just ridiculous, Belle. It’s not like I’m going to be accosted in my own home. Take a step back.” I scooped up my toothbrush and toothpaste.

  She tapped her head. “Yeah, okay, but only because Davio’s on his way.”

  I turned my wrist to check the time.

  “Faith.” A low male tone came from the direction of my bedroom.

  I scowled. He was back.

  I dumped the toiletries in my overnighter and threw the bag over my shoulder. “I’m coming.” Only I stopped dead at the renewed sight of him in the center of my bedroom. Wow. Talk about a man who could halt traffic with just how good he looked. His blue jeans fit him to perfection, rounding a tight butt with adorable precision. On top of that, he wore a tan t-shirt which hugged his broad chest.

  I remembered to breathe. Then I remembered what I should be thinking as I sternly crossed my arms. “You can’t come and go from my bedroom as you please. We have a front door, and I insist on you using it.” Yeah, none of this poofing in and out stuff.

  He studied me, his brows slanting. “I do not care for your antagonistic behavior, so merge your mind with mine. Now. It is as necessary for me as it is for you.”

  He drew closer, firing my blood.

  I merged, sinking into my spot as I moved to follow any possible train of thought. I hit the jackpot as he remained unblocked. Focusing, I saw that away from me his mind had replayed what had happened–my attack, why now and was it related to him? He was certain the small and closely tied group who knew about me would never tell another of our bond. Included were his parents, Genevy and Everio, his grandfather and just moments ago, his cousin and right-hand man, Silas.

  My heart hitched. It hurt he’d told so many when I clearly could not.

  He grasped my arm as he stepped up. “Clearly you’ve read my thoughts. What concerns you?”

  With the slow lifting of my chin, I answered. “A million things.” Not to mention the fact the one who’d attacked me was a warrior and Davio’s enemy. “Except we need to discuss this elsewhere. My Mum–” I stopped, my gaze swinging to the door as I heard her footsteps. “Oh no.”

  A whoosh of air, and my hair blew into my face as Davio dived past me and into my bathroom, disappearing around the corner.

  Flinging strands of blond from my gaping mouth, I stared as Mum poked her head in. “Faith, I’m going to take a bath and relax.” She glanced at Belle and Silvie who smiled ever so sweetly. “I’ll see you all later.”

  I lifted a hand, shakily waving. “Yep. Bye.”

  Belle slid in front of the door as my mother left. Shutting it firmly, she pressed her back to it and eyed me. “Okay, that was too close. We should all get out of here. I’ll go with Silvie and help her collect some belongings. You all right, Faith?”

  “I’m good.” And I was as Davio eased in behind me, setting his hands on my waist.

  “Thanks, Belle.” His deep voice rumbled near my ear, and his close touch soothed me. “I’ll meet you
across the road. I’ll bring Faith.”

  I turned, my brows lifting. “Ah, you will?”

  He grinned. “Yes. Now hold on.” His fingers pressed in and we disappeared and reappeared within the blink of an eye, arriving inside Belle’s open and airy living room a moment later.

  Such a sprawling, six-bedroom home. The living room was long and angular with soft couches pressed to three of the four walls which gave the space an even wider appeal. There were two stunning pieces of framed artwork on the walls, one of a sparkling emerald sea with a striking white lighthouse jutting out over a stony point. The other was of a rustic cottage teetering on the edge of a magnificent rock cliff-face, where massive white-capped breakers rolled in sharply to slap hard and spray high. Both pieces displayed the force of nature, battling against life, and my interest had always been taken by them. “Are those images from Peacio?” I swayed a little as I found my feet.

  Davio lent me a steadying hand. “Yes, they are. The second picture is of Belle’s family home on the cliffs of Barndon. The Benners have held that piece of land for several generations.”

  “Really?” My curiosity was piqued. “Tell me about it.”

  “Barndon is a day’s ride from Loveria Castle, although Belle moved away from her parents and younger siblings two years ago. She has a place in the village, some twenty minutes by horse from the castle. We prefer our protectors to remain close.”

  “Did you say two years?” That surprised me. “I take it Belle isn’t eighteen?” I’d presumed she was–only now I knew no one physically aged.

  He shook his head. “She’s twenty, although Zac and Viv are eighteen as Silas and I am. But you are evading the last question I asked before your mother’s untimely arrival. We need to discuss any recollections you have of your attack. Your safety must be secured.”

  “Hmm, right.” I ambled over to one of the forest green couches, sighing as I sank down. Pulling my knees to my chest, I tucked myself into a smaller bundle as Davio dropped in beside me and took my hand.

  Idly, he traced my fingers with his. “You have such soft skin.”

  I would have smiled but I couldn’t. My mind was on the warrior.

  “What worries you?” Davio ran his fingers over my brow, smoothing out the lines.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, I eased into his comforting touch. “There’s certain haziness, yet I do recall enough of what he said.” I drew in a breath, easing away to look him in the eye. It was time he knew what I knew. “And by he, I mean a warrior. A warrior who seemed aware of you, and who most definitely knew you’d been with me. He said the protectors were our enemy.”

  “You should have said this. Only a warrior can come and go from Dralion because of the dome. Donaldo would never cease their movements of spying on our land and taking what does not belong to him.”

  Davio got to his feet and paced across the room. After a moment of staring out the window, he spun to face me, raking one hand deep into his thick golden-brown hair. “Battles are often fought between his elite and ours, and that will never change. But it does make sense that the earlier attack on you is because of me.” He inhaled sharply. “Although, I wasn’t expecting any warrior attack to be for such a tactical reason, and certainly not so far from home shores.”

  “And now?” I hoisted myself to my feet.

  His brow furrowed. “As I said it’s likely tactical. Dralion’s warriors are smart and calculating. Hence his use of words, including you as my enemy.”

  I shifted from foot to foot, considering his words.

  A low growl sounded as he watched me. “Or that better be the case, because you are my mate and I will not tolerate any trickery between us.”

  “There’s no deceit. Although you need to consider the gene pool for my unknown father is now much wider than you first thought. You believe me descended from Peacio, but clearly a warrior from Dralion could be another possibility.”

  “It could, but it is unlikely.” He sounded so certain.

  Hearing the loud throttle of Silvie’s car, I glanced to the window. There was a flash of white through the partially turned cream blinds.

  I stepped up to him, for they would soon be inside. “There’s more. The warrior threatened he would pick up our disrupted meeting at another time. I’ve no doubt he’ll return.”

  Davio stiffened, his gaze focusing on me so intently that I retreated a hasty step. “Is there anything else you’ve conveniently forgotten to tell me?”

  I retaliated, “Hey, what else did you expect me to do Mr. Prince I’m-never-returning Davio? Last time I saw you, you were adamantly giving me up. Call me crazy,” I blustered on. “But the first thought in my fuzzy head after being struck down by a massive man throwing about an equally colossal baton, was not to blurt out all my rising problems. I happened to need you at that point in time.”

  Anger surged through me, nothing halting my driven spiel. “As I still seem to do now for some mind-boggling reason.” Go figure.

  Now, after all that lecturing, he simply cocked one arrogant brow. “As I need you.” Then he was there, returning to pull me against him. “Just so you’re clear, nothing between us changes. To that end, I’ll have Zac and Viv join you at school for further protection. Belle will also be resuming classes as if she’d never left. This warrior who is coming will not take what is mine. Not all is yet known, and until it is, I will do my duty as your mate to protect.”

  Belle slid the living room’s glass ranch-slider open and entered. Silvie was right behind her with one large suitcase in hand. Spying us, they both halted.

  I glared at Davio. “Look, for starters, I’m not your duty. I’m strong in my own right and my forethought is developing. Secondly, I’m certainly not used to hearing men spout such words as you’re mine, and duty and protection. You see in my country, a girl is not helpless, she’s–”

  Silvie let out the mother of all sighs. “Oh, puh-lease. Can’t we just leave the two of you alone for half an hour without any more arguing?”

  I fixed a narrowed glare at her. “No, not after a warrior told me that Peacio’s protectors were my enemy.”

  Silvie spluttered and gaped, her face turning white. “I-I beg your pardon? When did this happen?”

  Belle stared at me as if I’d grown horns. “Yes, when?”

  “It makes no difference when,” Davio snarled. “As my mate, her needs fall to me, and her most necessary one of protection still stands–Dralion warrior included.”

  “Well, now don’t I feel all special,” I grumped, trying to pull myself free of him. “One needful mate instead of one wanted one. Boy,” I rallied. “You sure have a ton to learn about Earth relationships and women in particular I might add.”

  I pushed away from him and bent to pick up my bag, only he inserted himself, nimbly taking it from my fingers and shooting me a look. “Allow me. This will be going to the twin bedroom you and Silvie will be sharing. For your information, relationships work this way on Magio. After a man gives his promise of protection, it does not falter. Ever.”

  I scowled at him. “You are such a pest.”

  His chest expanded as he inhaled. “It is not necessary for you to state the obvious, just as this is not a conversation of which the outcome will change.” Then he dumbfounded me by reaching and placing the gentlest palm to my cheek. “Not after you already touch a part of me where your presence is needed. No one will take that away from me, neither you by your harsh words or by your declaration there is an enemy warrior loose. You will therefore accept my aid and give me what no other can.”

  I gulped and found myself strangely melting at his sincere words. It seemed I secretly liked a “take charge” man. I cleared my throat and found my voice. “Well, when you put it that way...”

  “I do. So you will settle yourself in Belle’s spare bedroom with Silvie, where you will rest. Fast-healing or not, you still took a very hard blow to the head.” He twirled me around, retrieving Silvie’s bag from her before directing us both do
wn a wide hallway. Davio selected the third white painted door on the right and strode inside. There were two twin beds with burgundy covers and a pretty, white painted intricate iron high-table in between them. It was a large room with lemon painted walls and square-cut windows which overlooked the front road. Very nice.

  Silvie took one of the two pristinely made beds and extended a hand to take her bag from Davio. “Thanks,” she said. “I hope this means you two have sorted yourselves.”

  His breath whooshed out. “I have a feeling we’ve only just begun, but regardless, I would request that you not allow my mate to think too deeply on what has gone down today. If you can, remind her she’s important to me. I would greatly appreciate it.”

  “Hello,” I snapped, flicking my fingers. “I’m in the room here.” Irritated without his physical touch, my blood once again bubbled with renewed tension.

  Recognizing it, I closed the gap and took his hand, sighing with relief as the internal pressure thankfully melted away. I felt like an emotional lunatic with the ups and downs of this new relationship.

  Raising my hand, he brought it to his chest. “I must remember too. The strain intensifies for us both if we do not touch.”

  I stared at his chest, at where he now pressed my hand against his heavily beating heart. It seemed we both had a lot to learn.

  Frowning, I drew in a deep breath. “Davio, does this soul match feel just as strange and difficult to you as it does to me?”

  Then another shock. My hand, the one he still held pressed to his chest, heated. A second later, my pulse jumped.

  I swore my heart now beat in time to his, that the rhythm was in sync.

  My hand trembled where he continued to grasp it to his warm skin. “Do not fear the change.”

  “You felt that too?” My skin rippled with goosebumps.

  “It is the bond strengthening.” His voice was raspy and hard. Deliciously hard.

  I swung my gaze to Silvie’s demanding some much needed help with just one shooting look. Only she was no help at all–she grinned broadly, looking ready to laugh her socks off.


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