The Faerie Glen

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The Faerie Glen Page 10

by A. B Lee

  I damn well meant it.

  “What news?” Finlay asked.

  “We have vampires in the local. I’m not sure how many or which realm they plan to attack, they were kind of cagey, even under duress,” he looked as if he were caught in a wicked memory.

  “Duress?” Finlay asked.

  “Torture, mainly,” he offered back with a shrug off his shoulders. I had to roll my eyes, damn vampires, even if this one was on our side. “Is he mated yet?”

  Jacob nodded his head towards me and I growled long and hard. I was certain that the man had overheard my conversation with Robert, especially judging by the look of amusement within his eyes.

  “No,” I answered for myself.

  “Hmm,” was his only reply, before he turned his attention back to the alpha.

  “How many, estimated?” Finlay asked.

  “I definitely know of about fourteen in the area, could be more, could be they are going to harvest at the Faerie Falls, or the Bridge…”

  “Could be they are all heading here,” I didn’t like it. So many damn vampires in one location. “Fin,” I started and he held up a hand and cut me off.

  “I know what you’re going to say, but this is the packs fight, not just yours,” he growled along with his words to emphasise the point that this wasn’t up for debate, again.

  “Your pack and the Fae side by side going up against so many vamps,” Jacob mused. “Hmm, bad odds, especially when you consider the Fae have no magic when the realm is exposed.”

  “State the obvious,” I growled.

  “Just did,” he shot back. “Just in case you were distracted counting your fingers.”

  I took a step towards him and Finlay was back between us again. I know this man was a friend to our pack, but he always managed to rile me up the wrong way.

  “Robert, say something stupid as usual that will make your brother want to hunt you down and kill you,” Finlay growled.

  “Not so easy when he’s distracted by his mating inadequacies…” Robert chuckled and that was the motivation that I needed to want to kill him again.

  I stalked towards him and he took off once more, but this time I didn’t follow- I guess the thought of getting my fangs into Jacob was an anchor to the spot.

  “Fetch,” Jacob shoed me away, and I could practically taste his blood on my fangs.

  “Do not rile him up, the mating pull is getting to his beast,” Finlay growled.

  I hadn’t realised it until that moment. What my alpha had been hinting at, worrying about, until he actually pointed it out.

  Damn. What if I couldn’t contain my needs, my urges, and my desire for Jazz?

  “Fin,” I brought my eyes up to his and he shook his head.

  I felt relief, just enough to calm my pulse. If my eyes had started to turn, colour, red rimmed around the outside, then I was as good as lost to the rogue within me.

  “Still normal, for now,” Finlay offered back.

  I nodded. Turning away from Jacob and putting a little distance between us.

  I wanted to kill him because of who he was and what he represented- Jazz’s downfall, her peoples fear, harvesting and hunting the Fae for their blood.

  Those emotions within me were getting stronger as the rogue inside pulled on me to let go of my humanity. If I gave into the impulse to kill him then it wouldn’t end there.

  My pack wouldn’t just be hunting vampires tomorrow night- they would be hunting me too.




  With thoughts of the feast far behind me, I stepped out of the realm and into the early evening sunshine of the last day that I would just me and not us. I still had reservations about what I was about to do, but everyone else couldn’t possibly be wrong, could they?

  I had allowed Bree and Piper to have their wicked way with my hair and my coverings, like this was a real hand-fasting. The dress that had been made of magic was lilac, and it actually did a fine job of not allowing my girls to be the centre of everyone’s attention for once. My long hair was allowed to flow freely at the will of the summer breeze, and although the colour of my wings was fading- a little magic dust had done wonders to pep them up.

  I sparkled on the outside, but inside I still had a clenched knot deep within my stomach, and an awful feeling of doom that I just couldn’t seem to shake.

  That doomed feeling didn’t get any better as my eyes took in the surroundings of the place that had been picked, by my mate, for all to gather, my community and his pack, as we joined our hands, and what was supposed to be our lives together for a year and a day.

  It wasn’t where exactly, although beside the river where we had first kissed was not only a thoughtful touch, but a beautiful one, and I admit I did have to wonder if he had been the one to suggest it- it was what my friend’s had done to the space- it was just so… sparkly, with lights, butterflies and fireflies dancing around the garlands of flowers that had been magically hung, and it reminded me that this- right here- was both Seth’s and my only real chance to stay ourselves.

  I freaked out inside…

  What if this didn’t work?

  What if halfway through the ceremony my wings dropped off?

  What if halfway through the ceremony he turned rogue, got all fangs and claws and ate half of the gathered?

  Bree nudged me in the back and I went flying forward. My mind was spinning, my breathing was less than adequate for my human size, and just before I face planted the ground- my mate swooped in to save my blushes and catch me within those strong, muscled arms of his- as people gasped and chattered like geese…

  I could have killed Bree with one look…

  “I have you.” Seth gave a small exasperated chuckle at my misfortune.

  “He certainly does.” I heard Bree say behind me and my head snapped around as I glared at her until she almost swallowed her tongue whole. “Sorry.”

  “I know you’re mad,” Seth whispered against my ear and centred my attention fully on him, “but do not kick me in the balls in front of all of these people.”

  I felt the rush of amusement go through me, and had to stifle the giggles that threatened to explode from my lips. I brought my eyes up to his and was lost in them once more. This man was certainly better than sticky, gooey, layered chocolate cake any day of the week.

  “No promises.” I offered on a whisper, and he gave me those dimpled cheek, sunbeam smile, and a giant weight seemed to lift from off of my shoulders as that knot shifted within me- right to the heart of my femininity.

  “That was one hell of an entrance.” Piper hissed at Bree and Bree giggled into her hand. “Just don’t do that when it’s my turn.”

  “What can I say? She needed a little nudge in the right direction.” Bree hissed back.

  I rolled my eyes, finally managing to drag mine away from Seth’s.

  “Let’s get… hand-fasted.” Seth chuckled. For his people it was bite, bond, and job done. For mine, it was a little bit more complicated than that.

  The most respected of us, my queen, would perform the ceremony, and as Seth offered me the much needed solidity of his arm to hold onto, as I forced my weak legs to take me one step, then another, then another towards where Mirahbel was standing- waiting for us- I was grateful for it, for him.

  “Seth- Jasmine…” Mirahbel smiled serenely.

  “Jasmine?” Seth whispered in surprise in my direction and I frowned.

  “It’s my name.” I hissed back and when my eyes flicked up to his face- well, he was grinning like a lunatic, and those puppy dog eyes were shining brightly at me.

  I took a breath and held it in.

  “We gather here, family, friends, and new friends together as one- to bear witness to the joining of our loved ones for a year and a day.”

  I shuffled my feet and frowned some more. Seth leaned towards me as Mirahbel carried on talking to those gathered.

  “What’s wrong?” He whispered.

eems like a long time…” I offered back.

  “A year?” He chuckled.

  “And a day!” I hissed.

  “If we were bonding this would be for life.”

  “If we were bonding there had better not be a damn crowd.”

  Seth’s chuckle, so deep and growly, caused Mirahbel to stumble with her words. I couldn’t help the near hysterical giggle that tore from my lips. Bree nudged me in the back again and I cleared my throat. Mirahbel started talking again.

  “Shhh!” Bree hissed over my right shoulder, and both I and Seth were startled. We both shot her a quick look and her head was twisted to one side as she glared at us- both.

  “Whoops!” Seth hissed.

  “You upset the happiness Faerie, that’s hard to do.” I whispered back.

  “It wasn’t me…” he offered and Bree nudged me again.

  “Bree…” I leant back slightly as she leaned in towards me. “Remember my anger issues.” The look on her face told me that I’d made my point.

  “This dagger…” Mirahbel unsheathed a six inch blade that caught the sunlight and bounced it back into my eyes. Both Seth and I instantly shut up. “Will draw the blood that will seal them together.”

  “You know about this?” Seth whispered.

  “Der.” I shot back.

  “Ok, but I might just get my wolf on if she hurts you.”

  “What?” I shot him a look of disbelief and he shrugged his big shoulders as if it was out of his control. “If you eat the queen I will kill you.” I hissed back.

  “Me too.” Bree offered leaning in between us.

  “I’m in.” Piper added from somewhere over my left shoulder.

  “That’s harsh,” Seth teased me.

  “So is eating the queen.” I hissed back, but the sight of those dimples in his cheeks drew my eyes.

  “What if I just chew her a little?” Seth whispered and Bree stifled a giggle.

  “No eating, chewing or biting.” I snapped back.

  “No promises.” He shot me another beaming smile. Smug little…

  “Your hands…” Mirahbel asked, and I hesitated long enough for Bree to nudge me again.

  “Give her your damn hand.” Bree hissed quietly, but it was loud enough for the gathering to hear. Giggles and chuckles ensued and I wanted to kill her again.

  My hand shot out and my eyes shot towards Bree as I gave her another frosty glare. She turned her nose up at me, and I have to admit that I didn’t even really feel the razor sharp blade as it sliced across the palm of my hand- it was only Seth’s deep, warning growl that alerted me to the fact that I’d been injured.

  “Seth!” I hissed.

  “Give me a moment,” he growled out as his eyes turned jet black.

  “Easy, brother…” Finlay ordered him from over his right shoulder, and I watched him settle, saw his eyes start to turn a warm brown, and relaxed in knowing that my queen was safe and I wouldn’t have to kick my mate in the balls for a third time to get his attention.

  “I’ve got it.” Seth growled out as he lifted his hand and allowed Mirahbel to slice open the skin of his palm. “Make it quick, I heal real fast.”

  Mirahbel sheathed the knife and grabbed our hands, pressing our palms together, cut to cut. I felt the heat of his skin and the dampness of our blood mixing in our palms. Then she reached for the sash that would bind our hands together as she recited more words that I wasn’t even listening to.

  “Bound together as one for one year and one day…”

  I heard that and groaned accordingly. Seth chuckled beside me, his big shoulders moving up and down as he laughed.

  “Shut up.” I giggled.

  “My way is so much more fun,” he leaned in and whispered.

  “For you- you’re not the one who gets bitten.” I hissed back.

  “I’d rather you bite than knee me.”

  “Congratulations, Seth and Jasmine.” Mirahbel’s words sent the gathering into chaos with clapping and congratulations coming from everyone there.

  I wanted to find that rock and crawl beneath it. Seth seemed to be enjoying my embarrassment- how typically male.

  “Kiss her then!” Bree demanded, and I went to say something about punching her in the face, when Seth’s arm came around me and he yanked me against the length of him, bringing his warm, soft lips down on mine, and sweeping away every sound, every sight from around us as I was lost in that kiss.

  When he finally let me go, I was breathless, speechless, and felt as if someone had reached up and brought the sun right down over my head.




  Seth’s pack mingled with my clan, and even I had to make small talk with everyone that he knew. It was hell on earth, especially as our hands were still bound together, and he kept me at his side the whole time.

  No escaping him or the heat of his body. No escaping what the feeling of our joined palms did to me. No escaping the smiles, the hungry looks, or the small growls that came from my mate. Special torture.

  Suddenly we were alone on the edge of the riverbank when I noticed that everyone else was a good twenty feet away, and Seth was leaning down towards me with a hungry look in his eye and dimpled cheeks from smiling so damn hard.

  “Are you going to your celebration feast?” His free hand brushed against my cheek and I caught my breath as a jolt of something wonderful hit my womb.

  “I hadn’t planned on it.”

  “Then let’s get out of here so that I can satisfy the beast within me and mark you as mine.” There was a deep rumble that went through his chest and his eyes darkened once more as I stared up at him.

  My heart hit my ribcage. My mouth went dry, and all I could do was nod my damn head. I felt like a teenager again.

  Seth started to undo the sash that joined our hands together.

  “My way or your way?” He asked and I frowned.

  “I don’t…?”

  “Your way probably involves saying goodbye to each and every person here. My way is faster…”

  “Your way!” I snapped at the chance not to have to smile at one more person or speak one more word.

  I guess I should have read the small print. A heartbeat later and I was hanging down over his shoulder looking at his backside again. I squeaked in annoyance.

  “Seriously?” I hissed and was greeted with the sound of another chuckle from his lips. “This is so not…”

  “You’ll get used to it.” He growled out, and then his legs started to move, I started to bounce, people started to cheer, but we were moving away from them, and that right there filled me with happiness.




  I had been getting more and more anxious on the build up to the hand-fasting ceremony. I’d snapped at anyone from my pack who had dared to come near me, and even the alpha had been wary of what to say around me- I could feel my beast within; pushing against the metal bars of the tightly locked cage that I had placed him inside me. He itched to be set free…

  Then I saw her- she was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on- and she was mine. In that heart stopping moment I had almost allowed my beast to push through, break free, take her as ours… I don’t know what had stopped me from doing that…

  Oh yeah, it was her eyes as they met mine. Her smile as it lit my heart. Mine… she was mine and I wouldn’t allow her to get away from me- I would woo her, totally, completely- even if it was the last thing that I would do.

  We’d hand-fasted, and I was more than grateful to have her hand in mine the whole time that we were around so many people. It had soothed the beast within, comforted my need to keep her close, closer than we’d ever been before.

  It suddenly felt real- like there was hope that she would choose me for her mate, and my beast had settled back and allowed me to function normally, but now as I stalked across the land with Jasmine draped over my shoulder in an act so primitive, so natural- I felt the beast knocking
at the door to my soul again.

  “Where are you taking me?” Her voice brought me back from my musings.

  “My land.” I could hear the deep growl in my voice- the almost possessive tone, and I wondered if she could hear that too.

  “Pack land? Why?” She was squirming and I should have let her down once we’d gotten far enough away from the gathering that nobody would bother us again, but I liked this act of claiming her, carrying her off to be mine.

  “There’s an empty cabin on the edge of the river that my pack decided to spruce up for us to use-”

  “What?” I heard a slight squeak to her voice, maybe panic? She’d certainly tensed a little.

  “Not like that.” I rushed to reassure her.

  “Oh, no, I didn’t think that you thought that…” she cleared her throat, “I’ll shut up now.”

  I chuckled. It felt good to find some amusement in all of this. Just like at the hand-fasting- I could almost have hugged Bree for her meddling because it had relieved a lot of the pressure within me to keep it sane, keep it normal, not lose my beast and eat anyone.

  “Do you trust me, Jasmine?” I liked the way that her true name sounded on my tongue.

  “Do you have to call me, Jasmine?” She groaned. “My mother calls me that, my queen calls me that- my friends call me Jazz.”

  “Jasmine is a grown up name and it suits you- it matches your beauty. I like Jasmine.” I felt her soften once more against my body.

  “Oh, well… when you put it like that.” She muttered.

  I saw the cabin in the near distance. The lights were already on- a welcoming sight, especially as the sun was close to settling for the night.

  Tomorrow would be so different to this that I truly couldn’t comprehend the magnitude of what faced us. My mate had lived through nights like that every year of her life, and now I would witness it for myself- I shuddered to think what it would be like for the Fae.

  Guilt had played a part in Finlay’s decision to help the Faerie realm, I know it had, I could see it in his eyes, feel it in his very soul.


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