Aron: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Shifter Force)

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Aron: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Shifter Force) Page 6

by Maya Kane

  He leaped off the bed, never once taking his eyes off her. Athena watched, transfixed. How could such a huge being move with such grace? His ruined spacesuit fell away, leaving him completely naked.

  Athena knew it was rude to stare, but she couldn’t help it. She had seen him naked before, but not like this. His shaft was rock hard and the ridges that lined it pulsated. She shook her head. It looked like some sort of high-tech sex toy designed for maximum pleasure.

  “Athena,” he growled, pulling her close to him.

  His hardness pressed against her belly, making her squirm with pleasure. She squealed in surprise as he flipped her over and leaned her over the bed. He pulled her hips toward him until her legs were straight and she was standing on tiptoes.

  Athena groaned. Her nipples were hard as bullets and her clit ached to be touched. Her arousal was only heightened by the fact that she was sprawled over his bed, presenting herself to him.

  She reached around her back and grabbed his hand, guiding it between her legs. She sucked in a breath as his huge fingers landed on her swollen bud.

  “What is this?” he murmured, fingers exploring the delicate skin with a rhythm that made her curse from the unbearable pleasure of it.

  “Doesn’t matter,” she gasped. “Just keep doing that.”

  She steadied herself against the bed with one hand and closed her eyes. Despite his size, his touch was gentle. Too gentle. By now, Athena was delirious with need. She reached back and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, groaning with the discovery that her fingertips didn’t meet on the other side. It wasn’t just long, it was thick. And the way those ridges pulsated against her palm made her even slicker. Just thinking about what they could do threatened to send her over the edge.

  Aron groaned as she guided him to her entrance, unable to wait anymore. She backed against him and bit her bottom lip as he pushed inside. Butterflies took off inside her at that first contact. Just the tip of him stretched her out, but she was greedy for more. She had to feel those ridges.

  Athena backed against him rapidly and was surprised when he clamped his huge hands around her hips and slowed her progress.

  “Too fast,” he muttered.

  Athena shook her head. So the guy was a fan of taking it slow, was he? She felt like she must have died and gone to heaven.

  “I like it slow too,” she said, panting. “But not this time. Please. I want to feel you. All of you.”

  He grunted. “Your words. It’s enough to overpower me.”

  “Then let them,” she gasped, relishing the feeling of him pushing inside her and filling her up. “Come on. Let go, Aron. Lose yourself.”

  He gripped her hips, but this time it was so he could push further inside her. Athena cried out as he filled her to the hilt. The slight pain of his size was more than offset by the sensation that he was massaging every inch of her.

  The ridges pulsed harder. Aron’s fingers found her clit again and Athena threw out her other hand just in time to stop herself from falling against the bed.

  Aron pulled out slowly and thrust back into her again, sending shooting stars through her brain. She had never felt pleasure like it.


  He growled. “Are you okay?”

  “More than okay,” she managed to gasp. She clenched around him involuntarily. Her stomach muscles ached from exhaustion, but she couldn’t stop it.

  Her whole body was on edge; the pleasure was almost unbearable.

  He thrust inside her again and Athena gripped the covers. She realized she was screaming now, but she couldn’t help it. She had zero control over her body anymore. His ridges massaged her mercilessly, driving her to the brink of madness.

  “Oh, Aron,” she whispered, as she finally succumbed and lost all control, bucking wildly against him as her climax overtook her and she came harder than she ever had before.


  Athena opened her eyes. Her brain was clouded and calm. She blinked. That was strange. Usually, her mind worked a hundred miles an hour from the moment she awoke.

  There was a soft sound beside her and she remembered. Aron. No wonder she felt calm. Any anxiety or fear had been well and truly worked out of her system by his huge, rough hands.

  She rolled over and stared at his sleeping face. The ridges had calmed now. They no longer throbbed angrily. Athena reached over and stroked them, intrigued by her sleeping Dreon.

  “You’re ready for more? It’s only been a few moments.”

  Athena laughed, feeling a stab of protectiveness at the sight of his sleepy face. “Actually it’s been several hours. You must have tired yourself out.”

  Quick as a flash, he leaped on top of her, pinning her wrists to the bed. “I’m not tired out.”

  Athena swallowed, overcome by desire. “You know, you’re incredibly agile and strong for such a geek.”

  “Maybe,” he said without batting an eyelid. “Or maybe it’s just the effect you have on me.”

  Athena bit her lip remembering what their lovemaking now meant. “Do you feel weaker? You said sleeping with me would take away the new strength.”

  He shook his head. “No. I don’t feel any different.”

  “Good.” She stroked the side of his face.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so relaxed. Being around him was like being wrapped up in their own little cocoon far away from the outside world. She was aware on some level that they were totally screwed, but somehow the pleasure of being with Aron overrode that.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

  She smiled. “Just that being with you makes me forget about all of the craziness that’s going on around us.”

  His expression turned grave. Athena immediately regretted bringing it up. It was like she had broken the spell that hung over them.

  “Stupid, huh?” she said with regret.

  Aron shook his head. “No, not stupid in any way,” he murmured, rolling off her onto his side and pulling her close. “I feel the same way as you do. But Athena. I hate to say it but we can’t hide out here forever.”

  She nodded, biting her lip. The sense of loss surprised her, but it shouldn’t have. After all, this might be the last moment they ever shared—the first and last.

  “It might be different if we weren’t the only two who can speak Uniton.”

  Athena pushed herself up. He moved with her and wrapped his strong arms around her.

  She sighed. “You’re not making it easy to leave your company,” she said with a sad smile.

  Aron laughed and nuzzled the back of her neck. “I’m being selfish, you see,” he whispered, kissing the sensitive skin. “I want this night to be burned into your memory so you never forget it. Just like I won’t.”

  She turned and stared into his golden eyes. “You think we’ll ever get to—”

  He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe what she was saying. “Of course we will. Athena, every chance we get I’ll be looking for ways to get you alone. You know, it could be the best weapon we’ve got yet. I want to track down these invaders and destroy them as fast as I can. Because then I’ll be able to focus all my attention on you.”

  She smiled. “That’s as good an incentive as any I can think of.”

  “Come on,” Aron said. “Let’s go. We’ve got a long day ahead of us. Remember what I said: fight hard. It’ll be all the sweeter when we can finally be together.”


  Everyone was collected in the rec room by the time Athena and Aron managed to tear themselves away from his cabin and each other. Athena expected a grilling from Kate but she soon saw that Kate had other things distracting her.

  “Danni,” she screamed when she saw the petite redhead huddled on the couch. She rushed forward and hugged her tight. “You’re back.”

  Danni smiled dreamily. “Yeah.”

  Dread and fear rose up within Athena. The others had all been back for hours. Kate and Redon had attacked one of the alien
ships. She and Aron had found a whole alien base. She glanced at her watch. It was now almost a full day since they had returned.

  That meant Danni and Zalon must have found something dreadful.

  “Oh gosh,” Athena said, collapsing on the couch. She looked around the room feeling all of the lightness of the past several hours leave her. “What did you find?”

  Danni shrugged.

  “Tell us,” Athena urged, panic rising within her. “Please.”

  Danni still didn’t say anything. Instead, she looked at Zalon and grinned. Athena stood and stormed across the room to where Kate sat, looking just as concerned as Athena felt.

  “When did they get back?” Athena hissed.

  Kate sighed. “About an hour ago? I looked her over as best I could. No injuries. Redon says Zalon is fine too. Kadan and Yeden just stormed on out of here. I don’t know what happened out there, but whatever it was, they’re rattled. I’m worried, Athena. I mean, we could just about handle the base you found, but if there are more of them out there…” she trailed off.

  Athena looked helplessly at Aron. “Has Zalon said anything?”

  Aron shook his head. “No. He’s not making much sense. I’m going to go and find the others. Maybe they’ll explain what they found.”

  Athena turned her attention back to Danni. Her mind raced with all kinds of terrifying scenarios. What did you see? she wondered.

  The only mitigating factor she could think of was that Danni wasn’t as tough as Kate. Sure, she was tough—she couldn’t have made it into the United Earth Force without having guts. But she was softer than the rest.

  Athena hunkered down in front of her and tried to present a calm front. “Danni. Please. Tell us. I know you’re scared, but you’re safe now. We’ll fight this thing. We’re all in it together. But you need to tell us what you found so that we can prepare for it.”

  But Danni just bit her lip.

  “Danni, come on,” Kate said, joining in. “Please. You need to tell us. This affects us all.”

  Danni looked up at her listlessly. “It…”

  “Yes,” Athena said, doing her best to sound encouraging.

  Danni shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to be sorry,” Athena whispered. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.”

  “Yes I do,” she said in a small voice.

  “You don’t. Whatever happened, you were hopelessly outnumbered. You have to remember that. Aron and I were just lucky we weren’t detected.” A thought struck her. “Did they follow you here? Did you lose them?” She buried her head in her hands as she went through the possibilities. If Danni and Zalon had been followed, then the enemy could be hovering overhead right now waiting to pounce.

  Kate looked at her gravely. The color had left her face. Athena shuddered. If Kate was terrified, it didn’t leave much hope for the rest of them.

  “Danni, please—”

  “I didn’t see anything,” Danni blurted.

  “What do you mean?” Athena asked. “Their ships were empty? Is that what you’re saying? You got close enough so that—”

  “No,” Danni said, still refusing to look at them. “What I mean is, I saw nothing. No ships; no aliens.”

  Athena’s mouth fell open. “Why did it take so long to…” she shook her head as realization dawned. “You and Zalon.”

  Danni nodded. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I guess it was all the panic that we were about to get vaporized. We flew all the way to Seattle and didn’t see a thing. And then one thing led to another when we stopped and—”

  Kate held her hand up. “Stop. We get it. I don’t need the details.”

  Athena couldn’t help but snort. Maybe it was the relief of knowing that the Northwest was clear. “You’ve changed your tune since the other day when you couldn’t stop telling us about your thing with Redon.”

  “You know how it is,” Danni said in a small voice, shifting in her seat. Athena thought she saw the smallest flicker of a smile cross her face.

  Kate punched Athena’s arm. “Sure she does,” she laughed. “She and Aron sure spent a lot of time checking the diagnostic whatnots in the control room.”

  Athena tried to keep the smile off her own face at the memory of Aron’s touch. “Okay, okay. So Danni had a good time on her mission. I’m happy for you but we do need to get our heads together and figure this out.”

  “Agreed,” Danni said, sighing with relief.

  Athena shook her head. “Seriously. Do you remember last week? We were on the Pelagon and talking about what we were going to eat when we got back. Now we’re all gaga over a bunch of aliens and it falls to us to save the world.”

  Kate shrugged. “I’d expect it from me. But you? Little Miss Procedure?”

  “I know,” Athena said, chewing her bottom lip. “It’s bothering me too. I should be one hundred percent focused on the mission. But I’m not.”

  Kate slapped her on the back. “Don’t beat yourself up. I know what it’s like. You’d have to be a saint to be able to resist a Dreon.”

  Athena couldn’t disagree with that. She closed her eyes and images of Aron’s powerful body came flooding back to her. “Okay,” she said, standing. “Let’s go find the others and tell them you guys didn’t find anything.”

  “I’m sorry I freaked you out like that,” Danni said, shaking her head.

  “It’s fine,” Athena said. But it wasn’t fine. They were all acting like horny teenagers even though this was the biggest challenge any of them had ever faced.

  Athena knew it was time to make a decision. She could barely stomach it—especially after her earth-shattering experience with Aron—but she couldn’t avoid the truth.


  “We need to find out what they want,” Athena said, pacing the room.

  Aron didn’t blame her for being agitated. It was now more than a day since their return and Salen and Heran still hadn’t shown up at the ship. Tensions were running high among their dwindling group. They’d been cooped up in there trying to form a plan while they waited for the others to return.

  To make matters worse, Athena was barely acknowledging him. He couldn’t figure her out. And it wasn’t like he had the luxury of time to do so.

  “Where are they?” he muttered under his breath.

  Redon nodded. “It’s not like they’ve been distracted by the humans like we were,” he laughed, elbowing Aron in the side as if it was all just a big joke. “Still. You got it out of your system and you don’t seem to have suffered any ill effects.”

  Aron tried to keep his reaction in check.

  “Yes,” he said.

  They were Dreon warriors—the most elite force his planet had ever produced. He wasn’t going to start telling his commander about his feelings for the human. No matter how strong they were or how much they threatened to steal his attention away from the mission.

  “Where are they?” he repeated, more to change the subject that anything else.

  “I don’t know,” Redon said. “They should be back by now. It’s been days. If the other humans won’t align themselves with us, we at least need a full crew in order to carry out the first wave of attacks.”

  “I agree,” Aron said, nodding. “But we do need to think of the worst.”

  Redon sighed. “Perhaps the prophecy was wrong.”

  Aron balked. “No. How can you say such a thing? It was handed to the elders centuries ago.”

  Redon waved his huge arms around. “Sure they were. But we’re standing right here and seeing it with our own eyes. They’ve destroyed this planet. They’ve wiped out the population.”

  “The population, yes. But we have to assume the precious gift is still intact.”

  Redon’s next words chilled him. “What if they’re after it too? What if that’s why they’re here?”

  It set Aron’s teeth on edge. He’d been thinking along the same lines, but it was one thing to have a wild notion. It was quite another to hav
e his commander voice the same fear. He wanted to deny it, but the truth was he had no way of knowing. He didn’t even know where these aliens had come from—he’d never seen ships like it before. It certainly wasn’t the Collective like they had first thought.

  He closed his eyes and tried to summon up a mental image of the ships. In Drayon form, his eyesight was perfect. It was his perception that was the problem. He became 100% animal and didn’t have the abstract skills in his other form to reason or make judgments. But he was sure of it—he’d never seen ships like it before.

  What if the enemy’s wise elders had seen the same prophecies? What then? Was it even possible that there was another unknown species hunting for the same precious resource as the Dreon? And why? According to the prophecy, there were still decades to go before the great Dreon warriors would find it.

  Aron shook his head. It was starting to hurt his brain to even try and contemplate what this meant for his planet.

  He leaned forward and eyed Redon gravely. “We have no way of knowing that. The only thing we know is.” He looked around the room and lowered his voice. “The prophecy hinges on earth. In twenty years, a great fleet of warriors will go to earth and return triumphantly with the greatest gift the universe has ever known. With that treasure, the Dreon will rise up and defeat the Collective. Now, if these invaders destroy earth… we can’t let that happen. There must be another element; one the elders didn’t share with us.”

  Redon shook his head, looking as mystified as Aron felt.

  “Don’t you see?” Aron said, feeling a growing excitement mount within him. Because the more he thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. “Our being here is no accident. We’ve got to protect it.”

  “No,” Redon countered. “It can’t be. They would have told us.”

  “Who knows? They must have their reasons.”

  “What if you’re wrong?” Aron saw fear in his leader’s face for the first time ever. Strangely, it didn’t rattle him. His faith in the prophecies was so great that even this new development didn’t shake his conviction. It was odd, though—why wouldn’t the elders have shared news of the competing species if they had seen it? And if they hadn’t seen it—well, why hadn’t they?


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