Thief of Hearts: A Rogue Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance

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Thief of Hearts: A Rogue Billionaire Fake Fiance Romance Page 64

by Carter Blake

  “Do you think you can break it? If you can do that, Katy, then we’ll have the upper hand,” I say.

  “I don’t know,” she says. “But I think I might’ve found a weakness in their chat room. I think I can get in and out pretty quickly without them realizing I was there. But the method that I need to use to do it is kind of shady.”

  “Shady?” I ask.

  “As in…breaking the law,” she says.

  “I think you should do whatever you need to do. This is more important than the law.”

  “Okay,” she breathes. “Here I go,” she says as she engineers her plan.

  I’m looking over her shoulder, waiting for any information to pop up on the screen.

  Finally, we see others in the chat room. The conversation is right before us. She and I are able to read every message exchanged about the bomb. We get every detail that we need.

  “You got it?” she asks. “Because they’re gonna know we’re here in a second. If they learn that we saw all the details they might change the location and the day of the bomb. I have to get out.”

  I’m writing down every last detail on my phone.

  Then I say to her, “Shut it down.”

  She does so, and we’re out of the chat room. But we got all the information we needed. Hopefully, the hackers will never have realized that we were there. Katy must really be good at her job to hack into a chat room with that many blocks.

  I’m on the phone immediately with my contacts relating to them all the new information.

  The FBI is absolutely pleased with it. I tell them not to ask where it came from. They don’t.


  Katy is a nervous wreck.

  She’s pacing around the apartment, and I can tell that the waiting game is doing more to make her uneasy than if she had a job to do, like hacking into a system.

  Suddenly our hands are tied. All the authorities have been informed of the location of the bomb and any of the other details that we know. All we can do is sit back and wait. It’s torturous for me, but I think it’s worse for her because she feels responsible or involved in this somehow.

  “Katy, you know this isn’t your fault. You had nothing to do with planting the bomb. In fact, as soon as you found out about it, you did the right thing by contacting me and the authorities. Please don’t blame yourself,” I say, but it falls upon deaf ears.

  She’s obviously not gonna believe me. She’s too much into her self-loathing.

  After finding out she’s been a part of something so sinister, I can only imagine the torment she must feel. I wish I could take it all away from her. I wish I could take her pain because I would.

  “What can I do?” I ask.

  “Nothing. There’s nothing you can do. I already blame myself. I just want this to all be over. I hope it turns out right, or I’ll be devastated for the rest of my life.”

  Now it’s more important to me than ever that they stop this bomb from going off. The thought of Katy being haunted by this situation is too much for me to bear.

  I want them to find the bomb so that those people will be safe and Katy will be off the hook. She doesn’t need to feel guilt over this. That’s my hope.

  I get up and try to hold her, but she’s wrestling out of my arms.

  “I can’t. I just can’t be held right now. I’m too upset,” she says.

  I try again to hold her. Maybe the feeling of my arms around her will do something to relax her strained body, but she pushes me off again and again. Finally, I give up.

  All we can do now is wait for news. All I can do is watch Katy freak out.

  Minutes tick by, but they feel like hours. I know I have my guys on the situation. I’m receiving text message after text message with updates. But nothing concrete yet.

  That is, until the FBI agent calls me back.

  He says, “We did it, Marcus. Everything is under control. The bomb squad caught two guys in action while trying to plant a bomb in the building that your source provided. We were able to dismantle the bomb and put the two guys in custody. We’ll make sure they give up the other people involved.”

  “That’s great.” I breathe a sigh of relief. “I couldn’t have received better news. Thank you so much. Thank you to your team and to everybody who was on the project.”

  Katy’s looking at me hopefully, and I don’t wait to tell her the good news.

  “They did it. The bomb’s been found, the guys have been found, and everybody else that was a part of it are about to be found. There’s no longer anything for you to worry about, Katy.”

  Now I don’t have to try to put my arms around her because she comes over to me with a big hug of celebration. She’s elated, and I can see that the torment of having any part of this is fading away. She’s back to being the old Katy.

  She’s crying still, and I ask her why.

  “They’re tears of happiness. I was so worried that people were gonna get hurt. I’ve never felt such fear and panic like that before,” she says, hugging me. “And it was all because of you. If you hadn’t been here, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

  I stroke her hair and try to reassure her with my loving arms. Things with Katy have reached a new level, especially since she’s confided in me about her truth.

  That was the only thing standing in our way before. I couldn’t deal with the fact that she was lying about her lifestyle.

  Granted, it took a bomb scare for her to admit it, but still.

  “I told you it would be okay,” I say. “You can always trust me, Katy. I’ll always be there for you.”

  This makes her cry more, and I don’t know why. Soft tears roll down her face.

  “Baby, don’t cry. It’s all over.” I try to calm her.

  “It’s not just that. It’s what you just said, about being there for me. All my life I’ve had no one to depend on besides myself. I’ve always had to take care of everything. And then I found you and everything changed.”

  “You really feel that way?” I say, looking into her beautiful eyes.

  “Yes.” She sniffles. “You have no idea how lonely it’s been. I’ve never had a single person to rely on, and then suddenly you’re in my life, and you’re so in control and sweet about everything. I just can’t believe my luck.”

  I lean down to kiss her, and I pull her into me close. Heat starts to vibrate between us now that the threat of the bomb is gone. Her tears stop as she realizes what’s happening.

  “Thank you,” she says before I stop her words with my kiss.

  I kiss her long and deeply, trying to let her know without words how much I care about her. To think of this poor girl surviving on her own, without friends or family, makes me wish I met her sooner.

  I’ll be her family now. I can be the one person that she can count on in life. It would be my privilege and honor to do so, and it’s also my damn near obsession to make sure that she knows she can trust me.

  What is happening to me? I normally don’t care about the women I bed, but here I am.

  In fact, part of me gets off on the fact that I’m Katy’s one and only.

  I want her to focus on me all the time. I want to focus on her all the time. I want our lives to be so enmeshed that we’re practically one person.

  I know she feels this connection as strongly as I do. There’s no denying it now.

  What began as a simple fling has ended up being something much deeper. Something I was not prepared for.

  While it doesn’t scare me, I can tell she gets anxious around me. Right now, she’s shaking a little bit in my arms.

  I determine that I will make this better for her. I will make the world right again.

  I lay her down on the bed and begin to trail kisses along her body. It’s time to express my affection for her by fucking her brains out and making her forget that time exists.

  It’s just the two of us now, in a world of her own making. And that’s how I like it.


  I can’t belie
ve I’m back in Katy’s bed.

  The last time we had sex here was fucking incredible. In fact, I can’t stop thinking about it. I haven’t forgotten her or what it was like to make her come 1000 times. I’ve been replaying the time we spent in my head over and over again.

  And yet here I am, back at her place, about to make it a reality all over again.

  We’re both reeling from the kind of day this has been. She’s infinitely relieved that the bomb threat is over. I’m relieved that she’s finally trusted me enough to tell me about herself.

  Of course, I’ve known all along, but the fact that she’s decided to trust me with this information means something―it means that Katy has let me into her heart at least a little bit.

  And now I feel like a dog for having secrets from her. I haven’t yet revealed to her that, technically, I’ve been spying on her this entire time.

  To say the truth now will just ruin everything. If I told her what I was up to, that I’ve been watching her because I have to know her plans for my company, then she’ll never have trusted that any of this is real. I’ll look like a fake.

  Somehow I’ve really fallen for Katy. And now it seems like it’s too late to tell her the truth. I’m between a rock and a hard place, and I don’t know how to get myself out.

  But one thing’s for sure, having her this relieved and happy to be with me doesn’t make it feel like the ideal time to reveal the truth. I can’t risk losing her, not for anything.

  No, somehow I’ll have to figure out the right way and the right time to tell her the truth about me. It’s going to be a delicate process so as not to scare her off.

  For now, I hold her lovingly in my arms. She seems so happy and relieved that it makes my heart swell. I would never want to do anything that could possibly undo her happiness.

  Instead, I hold her and a stroke her hair. Then I pull her face up to my own and deliver her the most tender of kisses.

  “Baby, we did it. Because of you, we were able to deactivate the bomb,” I say.

  “No. It was you, and I will be forever grateful. You saved so many lives, and you have to be proud of that. I’m sorry that I ever got involved with that group to begin with.”

  I could sit like this forever, with her on my lap. But she gets up and finds a bottle of wine from somewhere. She opens it and takes a swig straight from the bottle. I’m guessing Katy doesn’t have wine glasses.

  She walks over to me and hands me the bottle. I chug down the mediocre wine and again wonder what Katy would think of my penthouse. It would be so much more comfortable than this place, but still, the timing’s off. I can’t tell her the truth.

  The only other thing I can to do is to get her undressed as quickly as possible. I pick her up and throw her on the bed before proceeding to pull her pants off one leg at a time. She squeals with delight and pulls the T-shirt up off over her head.

  “Remove your bra,” I demand.

  She looks at me seductively and obeys my orders. She knows how good it can get when she listens to me. Somehow, I have a sixth sense, knowing what she needs and knowing what she ultimately wants. I use this gift now.

  I take off my shirt, and her eyes widen at my shredded muscles like they always do. She loves my body, but one thing’s for sure about Katy, our connection goes deeper than that.

  I arrange myself between her legs and spread her wide. I love this position. I love it when she’s so open and entirely vulnerable to me. I love going down on her and tasting her sweet nectar.

  I start to lick the sides of her pussy before circling my tongue around her clit. I tease it out so that she’s at my total mercy.

  She’s moaning and starting to breathe heavily, her hands and fingers twisting through my hair. She wants it bad. I can tell already.

  I plunge my tongue deep inside of her and then suck the juices out, making her gasp. I use my hands to find her G-spot and with a couple strokes across it, I have her coming easily into my mouth.

  “Oh my god, oh my fucking god.” She’s writhing on the bed, clutching at the sheets and grabbing on to my shoulders. “Fuck yes, Marcus, fuck yes!”

  As she’s coming, I push her legs back so that they’re almost behind her head but not quite. I have perfect access and entry to her sweet pussy…and my cock is just dying for it.

  I push in, slowly at first, and then I speed up my motion because I don’t want to hold back.

  “Marcus, fuck. That’s so good. Right there,” she moans.

  I love when she admits to me how good it is, how much she really wants my cock inside of her.

  “Yes, baby, fuck, baby. I’m coming again. Oh, fuck!” she screams.

  She’s yelling so loud that she’s likely waking up the neighbors―but it’s not like we care.

  I thrust into her deeply and find a rhythm. I know she likes it this way. I know her every point of pleasure by now.

  And it’s all heightened by the fact that we’ve done this before and yet we’re both still hot for it.

  Rarely does this happen. Normally I’m never interested in a woman for more than one or two times. But with Katy, all of that’s different, all of that has shifted. She’s changed my world, and I can’t say I dislike it.

  I want more of her. I always want more. I’m never satiated, and that makes her such a fucking enigma.

  What is she doing to me?

  I think this over and over as I pump into her. She’s so tight around my cock. It’s the best I’ve ever had. I lean down to deliver a quick kiss to her lips to let her know that I care―before pulling back up and fucking her into oblivion.

  Her head and hands are hitting against the headboard. The headboard’s hitting against the wall. We’re making a fucking scene, but like I said, neither of us care. The only thing on my mind is how nice and tight and wet Katy is...for me.

  “Say you want it, baby. Say I’m the only one.”

  She looks at me, and I swear there are tears in her eyes as she says the words I’m dying to hear. “Yes, Marcus, y-you’re it. Fuck, yes, you’re the one I want to be with.”

  Another truth. In this moment, we are fully aware of how badly we want each other. And we also know that this is deeper than lust.

  No, I want her. All of her. I want to know all of her truths. And most of all, I want to know that I’m the last man she’ll ever fuck―because it is going to be just me from now on.

  She’s crying out my name, and she says, “I’m going to come. I’m coming. Fuck, it’s so good.”

  I release at the same time as she does. I love when we come together. I love to know that were both exploding into nothing and everything all at once. When we connect like this, the world seems right.

  I know that I’m falling for her. I also know that I have no idea how to say it. This is uncharted territory for me.

  I’m addicted to Katy. Of this I’m sure. But I can’t tell her yet.

  Instead, I just pump my hot load into her sweet pussy and let the moment take us both over.

  She comes maybe once or twice―it’s always hard to tell with her. I know she does that a lot with me. I know I bring it out of her.

  I fall down onto her chest and hear her beating heart. I can only hope it’s beating for me. I lie on her for a moment and just rest my head on her chest, on her beautiful tits.

  And then I roll to the side because I know my weight must be smashing her.

  Both of us are breathing hard, panting, and reliving the moment. I roll to my side, and she’s there, looking into my eyes―and I swear she sees right through me.

  It’s a nakedness like I’ve never known, and yet I understand that this is what it must be like to be in love.


  I love when Marcus fucks me like that.

  The man knows each and every one of my hot spots.

  And he loves to trigger each one, taking me into the abyss of multiple orgasms.

  We’re lying on my bed, staring at each other deeply in the eyes. I feel a renewed sense of freedom in
being with him, because at last, I was able to reveal the truth about my life.

  Yes, I was forced to reveal the truth because of the bomb situation. And I don’t know that I otherwise would have ever told him who I really am. But as it is, the fact that my group betrayed me and the fact that I needed to rely on Marcus so much...well, it turned into a good thing.

  This experience has taught me that maybe I can’t do it all on my own. He had to come rescue me, and all I feel is gratitude for that. And I feel like I can trust him, so that’s why I let him into my life a little bit more.

  He wasn’t judgmental or anything. In fact, he didn’t seem surprised to know that I’m a hacker. I wonder about this, because most people would be astonished by that. But not Marcus.

  He kept his cool, and maybe that’s just his thing. Maybe he didn’t want to appear surprised in front of me. I don’t know, but I don’t want to waste this moment wondering about that.

  “I have to thank you again,” I say. “You fixed everything. If you hadn’t been here, I hate to think about what could’ve happened.”

  Indeed, I cringe just thinking about the violence that could have ensued had Marcus not been here. I didn’t know he has the resources and the connections to make things happen in this town, but thank god he did.

  He notices that I’m upset just thinking about the bomb threat. And so he embraces me, and I snuggle in deep, close to his warm chest. I feel at last as though everything is going to be okay.

  He starts to kiss me, and I feel his passion―his cock is starting to rise. He so hard and so big. Lust and desire fill my body, and all I can think about is having his giant cock inside of me again.

  I hold it and stroke it, just enjoying the heavy weight and thickness of his manhood. He’s so well-endowed. It’s like a gift that keeps on giving.

  He’s kissing me hard, and I know I’ll never tire of his masculine taste. He always has this scent and taste of musk about him. It’s his natural flavor, and I find myself craving more of it, more of him.

  He’s kissing me with fervor, and I return his affections because suddenly being with him is the only thing that matters. I want more and more and more...


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