Magic, New Mexico: Touch of Deceit (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Magic Mirror Book 2)

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Magic, New Mexico: Touch of Deceit (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Magic Mirror Book 2) Page 10

by Sylvia McDaniel

  Stryhn smiled and winked at Jaqarg.

  And with those words, he knew who had killed the healer. The dagger. Only he and Stryhn had knowledge of the murder weapon. No one else, except the actual killer. The small sword had been in his family for generations. The urge to charge Taqrok and beat him senseless overwhelmed him, but he waited to see what would happen before he took the man out.

  Petunia stepped between the aliens. "Wait! Let me cast a truth spell that will reveal the killer. Each of you will tell what happened that night and your lips will only speak the truth."

  "Why should I believe in your witchcraft. Who are you?" Taqrok demanded.

  "Petunia Blanchet, warrior witch," she said and Jaqarg had never felt more pride.

  He hated putting her in danger, but her fighting skills were top notch. Pain filled his chest and he wondered how he would ever be able to leave her. But his duty was back on Bierilla.

  "Don't question my magic or you will find yourself hopping down the street with green scales on your back," Petunia warned him. "And frankly, I'm just itching to see you as the slime you are."

  Taqrok growled. "Cast your spell. It won't matter. Jaqarg must return with me to Bierilla where he will pay for his crimes."

  Petunia spun around, chanting the magic. Then she looked at Stryhn. "Tell what you saw that day."

  Stryhn winked at Petunia. "That morning our orders were to take the High Priestess to the planet Dravrah where her sister would graduate. Jaqarg who is always there before any of us, checking the latest reports, making certain the details for travel are all cleared and setting up the advance security team was missing."

  Pausing, he smiled at his friend. "It seemed odd he wasn't there, so I went in search of him. When I arrived at his chambers, he was fast asleep, facing away from the High Priestess who lay on his bed, dead. Jaqarg's dagger protruded from her chest. Her blood pooled on the bed and was splattered across the room, yet Jaqarg slept on, oblivious to the carnage around him."

  "This is nonsense," Taqrok said. "We don't need to listen to this."

  Jaqarg stood watching, clenching his fists, knowing the truth and wanting to end this, but he had to let this play out, confident they weren't the only ones hearing this tragedy.

  "Continue," Petunia commanded.

  "Waking Jaqarg, he was dazed and confused. He had no clue where he was or what time of day. Obviously under the influence of some drug, when he saw the High Priestess, he became ill. They were friends. Jaqarg was too upset to have murdered the healer. At this point, I realized Jaqarg had been framed and urged him to leave. Let me find who did this.

  “On the way out the door, he pulled the family heirloom from her body. Until now, only he and I knew about the knife and yet Taqrok mentioned the weapon. The investigation revealed she'd been stabbed, but not the exact knife."

  Taqrok opened his mouth and shut it, his face turning red as he tried to restrain his lips from moving, his muscles spasming.

  Stryhn grinned. "We left his chambers and I managed to put Jaqarg in a pod and send him away."

  Taqrok strode over to Stryhn. "You're a traitor. You helped a..."

  Gasping, he stuttered, unable to say the word murderer. Taqrok moved his lips, but no words would form. His eyes widened and he stared in disbelief at Petunia. Finally, he gasped. "Release me from this wretched hocus pocus."

  "Not until we've heard everyone's story. It's your turn," Petunia said in a commanding tone. "Tell us what you saw."

  "There's nothing to say," he said crossing his arms across his chest. "We must get the criminal to the ship."

  Petunia smiled, that all-knowing grin that Jaqarg knew meant she had this handled. With a snap of her fingers she said, "Oh, truth enlighten us. Tell us of this day we question, impart Taqrok actions to us now."

  Taqrok bit down on his mouth, but his jaws moved and the words poured from between his lips.

  "At dinner, I put a few drops of XP in both Jaqarg's and the High Priestess’s drinks. Afterwards, they went to their separate chambers. Then I went to her quarters and wheeled her drugged body down to Jaqarg's. Once she was laid out on his bed, I took his dagger and plunged it into her body over and over. Her blood flowed and her life ended.”

  He gritted his teeth together, trying not to continue. "Dead, the healer can no longer deny me, and her favorite commander would be accused of the crime. When I left his chambers, I went into the control room and erased the footage showing how she got in his room. After that, I sounded the alarm she was missing. Soon we were all looking for the High Priestess and Jaqarg."

  Closing his eyes, Jaqarg thought back to his friend. Smart and beautiful, she didn't deserve to die like this. Hate filled him as he stared at her killer. "Why, Taqrok? Why would you end her life? Why would you frame me?"

  "I should be commander. I should be in charge and she chose you."

  "You killed her because she wouldn't choose you? That's heinous," Jaqarg said, his heart aching for the woman he'd protected.

  With a shrug, he smiled. "Maybe so, but from the time we went to the air fleet school together, I've always been one step behind you. You were the favored one. With you out of the picture, I would be the next commander and be over the security detail.

  “But she told me in no uncertain terms that she would never put me in the command position. So I decided to get rid of both of you. This way, I could help place the High Priestess in office that I wanted and take control of Bierilla."

  Stryhn's telecommunication at his waist crackled. "Arrest Taqrok."

  "Your telecommunicator has been on this entire time?" he asked, his eyes wide, his face turning red.

  "Yes," Stryhn said, grinning. "The head of the investigation, Gevras, has been recording our statements. Jaqarg would never make it back to the ship alive. I'm here to stop you."

  Taqrok whipped out the gun at his side and Jaqarg yanked on Petunia's arm, pushing her down behind the couch. "What are you doing? I can defend myself."

  "Not against a laser, you can't," he said.

  Stryhn beamed his gun at Taqrok who kicked it from his hand, sending it sliding across the floor. Jaqarg picked it up and aimed at Taqrok's head who dove to the side at the last moment. Then turned his gun on Stryhn who jumped, flipping the kitchen table, on its side, everything on top scattering.

  Jaqarg tried to reason with Taqrok. "Put your weapon down and we'll take you back where you'll stand trial," he said. "It's better to live and face your actions than to die."

  Taqrok fired the laser in his direction and Jaqarg moved away from Petunia, hoping to place distance between them and keep her safe. He wanted Taqrok coming after him and not her.

  "I will kill you both and erase the recording of today," he screamed.

  "Won't help," Stryhn said. "The crew is listening. You just confessed you're the killer in front of everyone. Petunia's spell opened your lips to the truth."

  Jaqarg watched as Taqrok realized Petunia was the reason his actions had been revealed. "Where is that witch. I'll kill her."

  Jaqarg's heart stopped. He made his way around the other side of the room, trying to maneuver so he and Stryhn could get on either side of him and take him down.

  A large flame filled the room where Taqrok had fired his laser and Petunia started coughing from the smoke. She quickly used magic to extinguish the blaze.

  "Witch, I'm coming for you."

  "Here I am," she said standing. She glanced at Jaqarg and with startling clarity, he realized what she was going to do. The move they had practiced over and over while working together. The flip she struggled learning and never really gotten the hang of. He prayed this time she would get it right.

  Behind Taqrok, Stryhn stood to the side of the killer.

  "You're evil," he hissed and raised his laser pointer at her. "For making me speak the truth, I'm going to silence you forever."

  "Your fight is not with me," she said, "and you killed the High Priestess. You should stand trial for her death."

Jaqarg and Stryhn rushed the murderer and Petunia flipped over the top of him, landing cleanly on the other side. While they forced him down on his stomach, Petunia took his laser weapon from him. "Guess I finally got that move right."

  Jaqarg shook his head. "Witch, you scare me. Thank goodness you're a quick learner."

  She smiled as Stryhn's communicator crackled loudly with cheering and clapping. He took it off his belt. "Suspect is in custody. We'll be heading back to the ship. We're free to return to Bierilla."

  Jaqarg felt his chest tighten and he gazed at Petunia who stared at him, her big green eyes filled with fear.

  Stryhn handed him the communicator. "The captain wants to speak to you."

  "Jaqarg, here," he said, his eyes on Petunia. How did he leave her after everything they'd shared? His boss was speaking to him, but he only wanted to lose himself in her gaze.

  "All charges against you have been dropped. Return to the command center and your old job. You've been missed."

  Cleared, he could go home to his planet and resume his life and job, but was that what he wanted?

  "I apologize for running and not facing the charges."

  "Our investigators assumed the worst. You were better off leaving," the captain said. "Return as soon as possible."

  "Will do," he said, and handed the communicator back to Stryhn.

  Staring at her, he wondered again, how could he go off and leave her? He'd worked so hard to return to his planet and the job he loved.

  Petunia heard the words and her heart splintered into a thousand pieces. She held up her head and swallowed the tears filling her throat. He was leaving. Returning to the planet he loved.

  All her fears were being realized and she stood in shock rooted to the ground. After helping him prove his innocence, there was no longer a reason for him to remain here and that hurt worst of all.

  Walking to her, his hand reached out and caressed her cheek. "It's time for me to go. Will you be all right?"

  She nodded. "I'll be fine. We both knew this would happen."

  "But we didn't plan on--"

  Placing her hand over his mouth, she interrupted him unable to hear him say the words that would crush her. Now was not the time to confess to falling in love with her when he was getting on that damn ship.

  Ripping his communicator off his belt he handed it to her. "Here call me on this communicator. Someone will find me."

  Shaking her head, she wanted him to go. "No, we need a clean break."

  "What if...what if you're expecting? Earth women get pregnant, I researched it on the Internet. What if you're with child. I want to know."

  "I thought you were going to say you learned about it on the big box, television," she said, trying to ease the tension, knowing she was doing a lousy job.

  What could she say? Part of her knew she would never tell him if she was expecting. Why would she confide since he was her mate? There was a good chance, even now, their child grew inside her. Their worlds were so far apart. It wasn't like he could pick up their child every other weekend.

  With reluctance, she took the communicator from him, knowing she would never notify him, but wanting him to believe she would. Never happening. Never.

  "I'll contact you only if I'm expecting."

  His eyes glowed with an iciness as he stared at her. "If you're having my child, I want to know. Promise you will summon me."

  Aching inside, she reached out and touched his cheek knowing this was the last time she would caress him. Wishing she'd known this morning they would never be together again.

  "I will. Now Stryhn is waiting for you. Your planet needs you," she said, her tears gathering like a storm. Soon she would break down.

  Pulling her to him, his mouth covered hers and he ravaged her lips consuming her. Knowing at any moment she was going to start sobbing, she pushed away.

  Unable to meet his gaze, she said gruffly, "You must go."

  "Thank you, Petunia," he said.

  "For what?"

  "For showing me what was missing from my life on Bierilla."

  Swallowing, she glanced at him. "Be careful," she whispered. "Remember me. I will remember you as a gray wolf. You are my alpha, my only."

  Walking backwards, he left the house.

  When the door shut behind him, tears flooded her eyes and she collapsed. Her mother shimmered into the room.

  "Petunia," she said.

  "Not now, Mother, please leave me in peace," she said, choking on the tears flowing down her cheeks.

  "Absolutely not. Go after him. Go to his planet. He's your mate. That's where you're supposed to be."

  Biting her lip, she considered her words, but it all appeared impossible. He never invited her to come visit, never said he loved her, and the odds seemed hopeless for them to overcome.

  "He didn't ask me to follow him."

  "Maybe he thinks you have to be here for me."

  "I do. I can't go off and leave you and Ianthe. I can't go off and abandon Magic and the children. My life is here and his is on Bierilla."

  "There is a good chance you're expecting."

  She held up her hand. "Not now. Let me accept his leaving before I have to face the consequences."

  Her mother shook her head. "You're free to go after him. You should."

  "No, Mother, he didn't ask me and he left. I belong here."

  "Well, at least let's go outside and watch his ship depart."

  Petunia wiped the tears from her eyes. This would be her last chance to catch a glimpse of him. A reminder of how he'd departed for her to tell his child.

  "Come on, let's go," her mother said.

  "All right, if it will make you happy," she responded, thinking she just wanted to be alone. Watching him leave, would only make it harder.

  "Oh, I think it will," her mother said shimmering until she disappeared.

  Jaqarg stepped on to the familiar spaceship and the crew applauded.

  "Welcome back, Commander," they called.

  Back in his element, he gazed at his fellow soldiers and sensed a part of him was missing. The ship seemed cold, authoritarian, sterile. Nothing like Petunia's home. With startling clarity, he realized he no longer fit in his world. She'd changed him for the better.

  Glancing around, he smiled, his friend slapping him on the back. "I've missed you. Taqrok was a suspect all along, but when he mentioned the dagger, he convicted himself."

  "Let's hope we never have to prove each other's innocence again. It's a wonder we aren't both in prison after they learned you put me in the pod," Jaqarg said with a sigh. "Never again will I run, but if I never left I wouldn't have met Petunia."

  A sense of uneasiness overcame Jaqarg. This didn't feel right. At the thought of his little, warrior witch, his heart clenched, his chest ached and again he wondered how he could leave her. Was he running from the emotions she evoked?

  In their weeks together, even under the suspicion of murder, he'd never been happier. Never felt more accepted and surrounded by her love. Working side by side, they accomplished so much. And he was willing to give it all up for what?

  His chest ripped apart and he knew he loved her. Had fallen in love with her the night she'd tried to make him feel better after he'd blown up the space pod. How had he missed the fact his emotions had been reawakened with the sight of that evil warlock as he tried to kill Petunia.

  After everything, why would he return to Bierilla without Petunia. Yet, she'd made it clear she belonged here on earth.

  Stryhn smiled. "In earth words, she's a hot witch."

  "Watch yourself," Jaqarg said. "I'm her mate."

  The word just popped out of his mouth like a common, ordinary thing. From the way Stryhn stared at him, he got a puzzled expression on the non-emotional warrior's face he didn't understand.

  His friend stared at him in confusion. "Like you and I are first mates on our ship?"

  Jaqarg frowned. "I don’t know this planet’s meaning of the word. Research the definition of mate in t
he earth language."

  Stryhn glanced at his communicator and then back at Jaqarg. "It means partner or spouse."

  For a moment, Jaqarg stared, realizing her grandmother had told Petunia who ever appeared in the glass was her mate.

  I cannot copulate with any man except my chosen mate.

  Even Petunia warned him she could only have sex with the person in the mirror. As far as he knew, his face was the only reflection she'd seen.

  He was her chosen mate. She was the second half of him, probably the better half; why would he leave her behind? Having a mate on earth meant spouse and he was flying off without her.

  "Jaqarg," Stryhn said, his voice sounding odd. "I looked up gray wolf. According to their Internet, it's a canine species known as a timber wolf. They travel in packs. The alpha male is the leader and he mates with his female for life."

  Her last words echoed in his brain. Remember me. I will remember you as a gray wolf. You are my alpha, my only.

  Subtly, she had been telling him he was her mate for life. Though she hadn't said the words, her eyes had filled with tears at his leaving. She must love him, like he loved her and she would forever, even though he was walking away from her.

  "Wait," he cried, his mind knowing with certainty he made the wrong choice.

  Time here on this planet where emotions ran rampant, his path had changed and his life had taken a new direction. Nothing on Bierilla mattered anymore. With his name cleared of all wrong doing, he had nothing to return to except his job as commander. But here on earth, he had Petunia.

  The hatch was closed; they were preparing to take off.

  Clarity hit him and he shook his head at Stryhn then sighed. "I can't go back. My life is with Petunia."

  "Are you certain?"

  Hugging his friend. "Take care, Stryhn. When you're in the area, stop by and see us."

  "You're really staying?"

  "Yes, I'm her mate, her alpha, her only,” he said, smiling, no longer doubting his decision. "Open the hatch."

  The crew all stared at him in shock as the door slowly rose.


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