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Whizz Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s hard to listen to.” She voiced her earlier thoughts.

  “Yeah, they’re going through some problems.”

  “He had an affair. I heard her accusations. It was a long time ago though, right?”

  Whizz nodded. “Yeah, before I was part of the club.”

  “She’s a little older than me?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know how you’re going to feel about this, but Prue would like to meet you. She doesn’t like me keeping you in my room.” He was rubbing the back of his head.

  “I’m really sorry for kneeing you in the balls.” She’d spent most of the afternoon thinking about his lips. Lacey regretted lashing out like that. It probably didn’t improve Lash’s opinion of her.

  “I deserved it.”

  “Not really. You were only speaking the truth. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It’s just hard.” She licked her lips as her mouth suddenly went dry. He kept staring back at her, and she liked the way his gaze was on her. She held the knot in her towel so she would stay covered. They’d never been naked together. The irony of their relationship—they’d fucked without a condom, and yet she didn’t have the first clue as to what he looked like without his clothes on.

  “I don’t want to keep you locked up in my bedroom, nor do I want to keep fighting you.” Whizz gazed down her body.

  “If you want I can leave as soon as you’re happy.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Whizz said.

  “What do you mean?”

  She watched him grit his teeth. He didn’t look happy about something. Lacey didn’t know if she wanted to find out what was upsetting him. Whizz always confused her. He took her well-ordered mind and turned it on its axis. She didn’t know how to make herself think clearly around him.

  “You can’t go anywhere. I had a deal with Tiny that I’d claim you as mine. You leave one of the brothers could come after you.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she tilted her head back not wanting them to spill. “So, I’m stuck here.”

  Lacey didn’t mind providing she was with Whizz.

  “I don’t want to keep you locked in this room, but you’ve got to promise me you won’t try to run off or hurt anyone.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt anyone,” she protested.

  “I saw you with the knife and Gonzalez. You’re capable of hurting people.”

  “But I wouldn’t hurt anyone. I give you my word.”

  He really didn’t know her. Gonzalez was the first man she’d ever killed. She hadn’t been the one to kill the men who attacked and raped her. Dalton, Danny, and the rest of the Savage Brothers had killed the men. She’d learned to fight, to fire a gun, and to use a knife, yet she’d never attacked or murdered a man or woman.

  “I won’t hurt anyone,” she said again, instead of arguing her innocence.

  “Okay. Tomorrow I won’t lock you in the room, but you’ve got to promise me now that you won’t try to run.”

  “I won’t run or try to kill anyone.” She looked down at the floor wondering if being killed was a lot better than her sudden future.

  “I’ll go and wait for our food.”

  He walked out of the room without locking the door. She didn’t try to open it or to leave. Lacey didn’t want to leave the club. There was nothing out there for her. She was all alone in the world. The only person she had was Whizz. Going toward his wardrobe, she found one of his long shirts along with a pair of boxer shorts. Sitting on his bed, she picked up the brush he’d left for her and started to brush her damp hair.

  It wouldn’t be long before the blue hair dye faded.

  She didn’t know what she’d do when her hair finally went to her natural color. Dalton always dyed it for her. Pushing those thoughts aside along with the pain of Dalton’s words, she picked the remote up and started to flick through the channels.

  Staring down the length of her arm she saw the faded marks that were hidden by the ink she’d gotten to cover the scars. The first and only attempt to take her own life had been a huge failure. Dalton stopped her from trying again. He stayed by her side. His warning was always at the forefront of her mind whenever she wanted it to end. When she was alone she’d always think about taking her own life. Dalton deserved to be free of her, yet the thought of causing him to die always stopped her. Did he have peace now that he was no longer with them?

  You’ve got to stop thinking about him.

  Her thoughts about Dalton were not productive. He was gone, and thinking about him didn’t help her situation. Whizz was right. They’d been a bunch of idiots to think they could take their revenge in another MC’s territory. The Skulls were the real deal while the Savage Brothers were not.

  The door opened, and Whizz entered. The scent of Chinese filled the room. Her mouth watered, but she didn’t move as he kicked the door closed.

  “I had to fight Steven for this food. Cheeky fucker thought he could have at it.”

  “You ordered enough to share.” She sat back, leaving enough room for him. On one of her thighs was the ink of a rose, the thorns spiking out. Getting ink became a hobby for her. Whenever the pain got too much for her she’d go and get some fresh ink or have some designs changed.

  “I didn’t know what you liked. I got everything I liked then ordered enough for you.” He set the box down.

  She picked up the chopsticks and opened up the first carton of food. Inside were shrimp balls. Picking one up, she took a bite as Whizz offered her a pot of sauce.

  “Thank you.”

  “I just realized I didn’t even ask you if you liked Chinese.”

  “Good for you I do happen to love Chinese food.” She took another shrimp ball, biting into it after she slathered it with sauce.

  Whizz ate the egg rolls, and together they started to eat the rest of the food. She’d left a movie on that looked like an action adventure. Looking over Whizz’s head, she watched the movie. Every now and then she was aware of his gaze on her.

  When she could eat no more, she settled away from the food.

  “Are you done?”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll be back.”

  Lacey watched him walk away. Lying down on the bed she rubbed at her stomach, finally full.

  He came back minutes later. “There’s going to be no leftovers.”

  She chuckled, thinking about the club attacking the fridge where their food was.

  “There’s nothing you can do about that.”

  Whizz stared at her for several seconds. She couldn’t look away. Her body heated remembering the way his lips felt on top of hers. She wanted him. Lacey missed the feel of his rock hard cock sliding deep inside her.

  You shouldn’t feel that way about the man responsible for killing your club.

  “I’m going to get washed.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  It didn’t matter how much her head told her she shouldn’t be wanting. Her body had completely other ideas.

  Her pussy was slick with her cream. She closed her eyes remembering the way he’d held her in the graveyard, the thrust of his hips as he drove inside her. Whizz didn’t hold her like she would break. He gripped her hips, pounding inside her as if she was a woman. She’d not been desired once. Dalton had loved her, but he’d not desired her. At least she didn’t think he did. In his gaze she had seen the pity whenever Dalton looked her way. She grew to hate that pity, despise it even. What happened to her shouldn’t define what people thought about her.

  The shower stopped running, and she listened to Whizz move around. The movie had long lost any appeal it had once had. The only interest she had was in Whizz.

  He entered the bedroom going to his drawers. Seconds later he dropped the towel showing off his fine ass. His body was covered in scars and muscle. Where she had gone under the ink pen to try to hide her scars, Whizz picked up weights. His body was rock hard and his strength unlike anything she’d ever known.

  In between his thighs she saw the length of his cock dang
ling down. This was strangely intimate. She hadn’t seen him naked during their time together, yet this was intimacy.

  Whizz walked back to the bed, climbing in beside her. She didn’t even think to protest, not even that first morning when she woke up beside him.

  He started out at the end of the bed and slowly moved in behind her. She kept her gaze on the television even though the movie made no sense.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Looking behind her, she frowned. “What are you sorry about?”

  Whizz ran his hand over her stomach, rubbing in circular motions. Her stomach tightened as another flood of arousal swamped her. She wished she could stop feeling the pleasure, but nothing happened.

  “Your club. I knew you’d follow me that day, Lacey. I know the club meant a great deal to you. They were your family. I’m sorry for hurting you that way.”

  “You’re not sorry for killing them?” she asked, staring up at him.

  “I hope one day you’ll forgive me for my part in what I did.”

  “Why are you saying this?” The way he’d spoken to her that afternoon left her feeling he was angry at her feelings toward the Savage Brothers.

  “You’ve lost your family. I’m sorry about hurting you. I’m not sorry for what had to happen. Before Gonzalez tore your family apart you were part a club. You know the workings even if you argue with me.”

  She licked her lips averting her gaze.

  “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Lacey turned her back to him, watching the movie. Whizz didn’t move his hand away. He kept stroking her stomach.

  She kept her thighs together, wishing she’d stop reacting to his touch.

  “I want you, Lacey.”

  Closing her eyes, she took in a breath. His fingertips moved from her stomach to travel up. She didn’t stop even though she knew she should. He cupped her breast in his palm. Her nipple budded into his hand.

  “Tell me you want me,” he said.

  Opening her eyes, she stared opposite the room. The hand on her breasts started to move down. She didn’t tell him to stop, nor did she tell him to keep going. Lacey stayed quiet, and when his fingers stroked over the band of the boxers, she let out a breath.

  “I’m not going to go any further until you tell me you’re with me all the way.” He kissed her shoulder. “Tell me what you want, Lacey.”

  She loved the way he said her name. His voice was dark, filled with the promise of sin. Lacey wanted to tell him to stop, but she wanted his touch a hell of a lot more.

  “It means nothing,” she said.

  “You’re lying, Lacey. You’re lying to yourself and to me.” His palm stayed still against her stomach. The tips of his fingers still rested in the boxer briefs.

  “You helped, Whizz.” She closed her eyes, hoping she’d see him as the enemy. Lacey couldn’t do it. All she saw when she closed her eyes was Whizz, but not as the enemy. No, she saw him as her friend, her lover, and something a hell of a lot more. She saw him as a hope of a future.

  “Tell me what you want me to do.” There was no apology for what he did. He wanted her to tell him no or to let him continue.

  If he stops will he go find pleasure elsewhere?

  She didn’t know what bothered her more, if he found pleasure elsewhere or if he stopped, rolled over, and ignored her. What would she do if he took his pleasure in a young, slimmer woman? No, she couldn’t handle that.

  “I want you, Whizz. I want you to continue.” The truth spilled from her lips. She expected to feel shame for giving into him. In truth, all she felt was relief that she’d finally given into him.

  His hand moved past the boxer shorts, sliding down to cup her pussy.

  “This is mine, Lacey. I’m not going to let another man touch what’s mine.”

  Chapter Four

  The answer Whizz got to his statement was her feminine moan. The lips of her pussy were slick with cream. Sliding a finger through her slit, he circled the hard bud of her clit. She moaned, her legs falling open a little wider, making the band of the briefs tight against his hand.

  Sitting up on the bed, he threw the blanket out of view. He no longer wanted to hide beneath the covers or for her to pretend they were no longer together.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I want to see you, Lacey. No more hiding.”

  He leaned over her to put the light on. Nothing would obstruct his view of her body, not darkness, not clothing, not even her embarrassment. Whizz wanted to see all of her, soak all of her inside.

  She sat up in bed, pressing a palm to his chest. “If you get to see all of me then I want to see all of you.” Her breathing was long and deep.

  “Fine.” Whizz stepped off the bed, pushing the sweatpants over his swelling erection. Whenever he was close to her he was always in a state of arousal.

  Cupping his cock, he ran his hand over the length, watching her. “I’m naked, baby. I’m naked and open. It’s time for you to stop hiding.”

  Her blue hair fell down her back. The color was growing out from the blue dye. He wondered if she’d try another color or if that was it for her.

  She went to her knees on the center of the bed. To him, Lacey was the best thing to ever be kneeling on his bed. He watched her finger the bottom of the shirt she wore.

  Come on, baby, I’m dying here. I need you.

  Whizz didn’t know what it was about her that left him feeling like himself. While he was with Lacey, he didn’t have to hurt or to try to be someone different. With her, he could be himself.

  Lacey lifted the shirt revealing more of the ink that covered her body. She climbed off the bed revealing her back where he saw two angel wings on either side. The ink didn’t disgust him or make him feel less about her. This was how she handled her scars.

  Closing the small distance between them, he gripped her waist, drawing her back against him. The length of his cock pressed against her butt.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. Do you even know what you’re doing to me?” He slid his hands around to her stomach, rubbing his pelvis against her ass. She released a groan. “You’re the first woman I’ve been with since I was taken by Alan.”

  She turned her head to look toward him. “That can’t be true.”

  “It’s true. I’ve not wanted any other woman but you. You’re the first woman I’ve ever been hard for. I want you, Lacey, only you.” He cupped her cheek, drawing her closer. The angle was odd, but he wanted those lips and he intended to have them.

  Sliding his fingers into her hair, he caressed his tongue over the first plump lip before going inside her mouth. She moaned, opening her lips for his invasion.

  He tasted the spices on her tongue from the food they had eaten. Releasing her hair, he glided his hand down to the boxer briefs she wore, touching her. When he saw them on Lacey, boxer briefs looked sexy.

  Whizz pushed them off her hips until they fell to the floor, leaving her completely naked.

  Lacey turned within his arms, staring up at him. She touched his cheek, caressing the backs of her fingers over his skin. “You’re the first man I’ve wanted to be whole for. I tried to be with other men, but I just couldn’t. Being with you makes me different, it makes me better.” She rested her head against his chest. “And that scares me. I don’t know what to do or how to react. It scares me. Everything scares me now. I’m not used to being alone.”

  “You’re not alone, baby. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere, and I’d never leave you.”

  Taking hold of her hand he led her back to the bed. “Get on.”

  She sat down and started to pull herself onto the center. He was shocked she didn’t start arguing with him. Whizz stopped her from going any further onto the bed. Going to his knees, he opened her thighs wide. Staring down at her pretty pussy, his mouth watered. He’d never been one to lick a woman out, but scenting Lacey and seeing her made him feel like a starving man. Drawing her closer to him, he stared down at the perfection of her pr
etty pussy. Above her mound, where the boxer briefs originally lay, was a single red rose tattoo. The red of the petals stood out in contrast to her skin. She loved roses, he suddenly realized. The ink on her skin was what she loved the most, roses. They were beautiful plants, yet grab too hard and you were at risk of getting hurt. The roses were like his woman, prickly if handled wrongly.

  Fine hairs covered the lips of her pussy. It was a light dusting of hair that didn’t hide the plumpness of the lips of her sex. They were slightly parted to tease him with the view of her swollen clit. In the light he saw the evidence of her arousal glinting at him. Using his thumbs, he opened her pussy lips wider to view her clit. He’d touched her before, brought her to an earth-shattering orgasm, yet he’d never seen her. Whizz wanted to see her. He wanted videos, reminders that she was with him at every turn.


  “Sh, it’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.” He wouldn’t take pictures until he had her permission, which he’d get very soon.

  His gaze wandered down to look at her cunt. Returning his grip to her waist, he dragged her back until she was hanging off the bed. He stared at the puckered hole of her anus. Whizz wanted to claim all of her and not leave a part of her unnoticed. She wouldn’t ever remember anyone else but him. He’d claim her thoroughly.

  “I’m going to claim this pussy and this ass, Lacey. I’m going to possess you all.” She didn’t argue or fight with him. He pushed her back on the bed to make her comfortable. Tonight he’d be tasting her pussy and feeling her wrapped around his cock. Without tearing his gaze away, he circled her clit before sliding down to slide into her tight cunt. His finger disappeared within her tightness.

  Lacey groaned, thrusting her hips up against his finger. He added a second finger watching her fuck up to him. Sawing his fingers inside her, he spread the digits open in the hope of opening her up a little. She was so tight. He couldn’t wait to get inside her.

  Removing his fingers, he brought them to his lips to suck the cream off each one. “You’re so fucking tasty.” He groaned, pushing his fingers back inside her, needing her to take more of him. “I’m going to lick this sweet pussy now, baby. I don’t want you to move.”


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