
Home > Romance > Whizz > Page 13
Whizz Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes, I want that. I need your tongue on my pussy, Whizz.”

  He smiled. This was what he wanted. He wanted to see her losing herself in pleasure, giving herself to him through trust, and love.

  Sliding his fingers up the inside of her thighs, he gathered the wet fabric covering her pussy, and dragged it aside to reveal her cream soaked lips. His mouth watered for a taste of her sweet juice.

  “Touch yourself, Lacey. Let me see how wet you are.”

  Her slick fingers moved over her slit, stroking her swollen clit. The wet sounds were heady to hear. She moaned with each stroke over her nub.

  “Now show me how wet you are.”

  She moved down to her entrance, circling her hole. He couldn’t wait to get his cock inside her tight pussy. She pumped one finger inside her, adding a second at his request.

  “Show me,” he said, when he could no longer stand to see how turned on she was.


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I need you. I need your cock.”

  “You’ll get my cock when I’m good and ready to give it to you.” Pre-cum was leaking out of the tip in copious amounts. He ignored his own need. This was about more than a fuck. This was about need and desire. He’d been wanting to do this with her since the first moment they were together.


  “Stop fighting me and show me that creamy cunt.”

  She removed her fingers, presenting them for him.

  Taking the digits into his mouth, he licked her cream from them.

  “Get me more,” he said.

  For several minutes he licked her cream off her fingers, driving her wild as she got closer to orgasm.

  “Touch your pussy, Lacey. Bring yourself to orgasm.”

  She didn’t argue with him.

  He kept his gaze on her pussy, watching her fingers as she worked her clit. She cried out as her orgasm washed over her. He saw the cream leaking out of her pussy. Whizz didn’t touch her, simply watching the way she shuddered, losing herself in her release.

  His cock was unbearably hard, but he forced himself to remain where he was.

  “You didn’t touch me with your lips,” she said, seconds later when she came down from her high.

  Whizz smiled. “I’m going to be using my lips on you in a moment. I just wanted to see what your pussy looks like when you lose control.”

  “I can’t come again.”

  “You’re going to come again, baby. I want to taste your cunt, and I’m not going to fuck you until you come in my mouth.”

  She groaned. Her body shook. “You did that on purpose.”

  “No, I did what I wanted because I want your body to only want what I need.” He bit down on her inner thigh, caressing the outside of her thighs. “You’re going to give me what I want, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I hate you.”

  “No, you don’t. If you wanted a man to give you what you wanted, then you picked the wrong man to fuck.” He kissed up to her pussy. The scent of her was driving him crazy. She was so wet and juicy like a nice ripe peach.

  In response she released a little growl that sounded like it came out of a cub rather than an angry lioness.

  The sound was cute and adorable.

  He wanted her badly. Sliding his tongue through her slit, he circled her sensitive clit. She screamed in response. Whizz smiled as her fingers sank into his hair, tugging on the length. He wasn’t going to move or fuck her until she came on his tongue for him to drink her up.

  He tongued her clit, sliding down to fuck inside her tight pussy.

  “Please,” she said.

  Her entire body shook under his ministrations. Caressing up her body, he cupped her breasts, squeezing the mounds in his hands. He loved the way they filled his palms. Tweaking the nipples with his fingers, he sucked her clit into his mouth, drinking her down.

  “I can’t think,” she said, moaning.

  “Then don’t.” He muttered the response against her clit.

  Moving down, he tongued the entrance of her cunt, plunging his tongue inside her. He felt her walls tighten around him.

  Her cream slid over his tongue, and he drank her up.

  Releasing her tits, he gripped her hips and dragged her to the edge of the bed. He glided his fingers through the cream from her cunt and slid the coated digits to her tight little asshole. Whizz worked his fingers around her tight ass, getting her nice and slick ready for his fingers. He was going to fuck her ass one day, not tonight, but it didn’t stop him from getting her ready for his cock.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m playing.” He saw her clit between his teeth, quieting any of her protests. Whizz made sure there was plenty of lubrication around her ass before he started to work his finger inside. The tight ring of muscles around her anus kept him out. He tongued her pussy, going from her clit to her cunt, taking his time in drinking down her come. Driving her wild with his tongue, Whizz worked the tip of one finger inside her. He moved inside her, going to the knuckle.

  Lacey screamed, trying to buck off the bed. He wouldn’t let her move, using his free hand to hold her down on the bed. Attacking her pussy, he flicked her clit, not diverting his attention away from her nub. He started to work a second finger into her ass, getting her used to feel of him.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, yelling the words.

  “Then come, baby.” He stopped long enough to speak before going back to flicking her clit.

  “Whizz.” She repeated his name over and over again.

  He didn’t let up, licking her pussy. Pumping two fingers inside her ass, he stretched her ass wide, waiting for her to come.

  Within seconds she screamed as her second orgasm took over. He drank her down, prolonging her orgasm for as long as possible.

  “I can’t take much more,” she said, crying out.

  He smiled, sucking her clit into his mouth. She jerked up in bed, tugging on his hair. Whizz liked the small pain from her grip.

  When he knew she had enough he released her pussy, pulling his fingers from her ass. He wiped his digits on the sheets, then stood up. Whizz was about to tell her to lean back on the bed, but the way she stared at his rock hard cocked made him pause.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length, he stared into her eyes. “Do you want my cock in your mouth?”

  She nodded, looking up at him. Her tongue peeked out, licking across her plump lips. There was nothing more erotic in the world than seeing the absolute need in Lacey’s eyes.

  Fuck, he couldn’t deny her, and he really wanted her mouth around his shaft.

  “Yes,” she said, speaking aloud.

  “Then open those lips.” He stepped closer so the head of his cock was only a few inches away from her lips.

  She opened her mouth, and he slid the tip between her lush lips.

  “Fuck, baby,” he said.

  Lacey sucked him deep into her mouth, moaning around the tip. She swallowed down the pre-cum, taking more of his cock into her mouth.

  He groaned, sinking his fingers into her hair. Tightening his fist in her hair, he pumped his hips into her waiting mouth. “You look so fucking beautiful taking my cock.”

  She moaned. The sound vibrated up his length.

  Whizz gritted his teeth as the pleasure became almost unbearable. She was the first woman to suck his cock in a long time. Closing his eyes, he worked his cock into her mouth. He took his time, sliding in then out, getting her to take more of him. When he hit the back of her throat, he withdrew from her mouth.

  Lacey wrapped her fingers around his length from the root working up to the tip. She licked the head, and he watched the trail coat her tongue as she swallowed down his pre-cum. Fuck, he didn’t know how long he was going to last with her wicked tongue. He wanted to be inside her before the end of the night. Whizz had a lot of plans when it came to her body.


  He tasted salty and clean. Lacey had never been one
to want to taste a man’s dick before. Whizz was different. On every part of her life, he was testing her, making her want things she didn’t think were possible. When she was with him, he made her want to start over. Whizz made her believe it was possible to start over.

  Flicking the tip, she stared up to see his eyes were closed. The rapture on his face let her know she was doing something right. He was soft yet hard beneath her grip. She was fascinated by all of him.

  Lacey tightened her grip around him, squeezing.

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  His hand tightened in her hair. The slight pain only added to her pleasure. She took him deeper into her mouth, sucking on the tip. His pre-cum slid over her tongue, and she swallowed him down, loving the exquisite taste of him. She sucked him in deep until he was far enough that she wouldn’t gag, and then she pulled off. Licking along the root of him, she cupped his balls to add to his pleasure. She wanted to taste his cum on her tongue. To do to him what he’d done to her.

  “Fuck, Lacey, your mouth is like heaven.”

  She smiled, licking the tip of his cock.

  “You keep doing that I’m not going to last.”

  Staring up the length of her body, she released his cock. “Then don’t last.”

  “You want my cum in this mouth?” he asked, touching her lips.

  Lacey flicked her tongue out to touch his fingers. “I want it all.”

  “You’re going to send me to an early grave.”

  “I’ll join you.” She was so turned on. He’d already given her two orgasms, and she really wanted a third at his hands.

  “I see that look in your eye, Lacey. You want my cock, don’t you?”


  She didn’t give him a chance to respond. Gripping his cock, she took him back to her mouth, licking and sucking.

  “Fuck,” he said. He stroked her hair then fisted the length.

  Lacey gave herself up to the pleasure of sucking him off. She cupped his balls with one hand and stroked his length with the other.

  “I’m going to come, Lacey.”

  She wanted his cum. He drank her cum, licked her as if he was a starving man and she was a morsel. She wanted to do the same to him, to give him the same kind of pleasure. This was not a take kind of relationship. The relationship she wanted with him was that of equals, both of them taking and giving.

  He tensed beneath her touch, and she withdrew until only the tip of his cock was inside her mouth.

  “Fuck, Lacey. I’m going to come.”

  Before he finished his moan, his cum splashed the back of her throat. She had no choice but to swallow him down. Moaning, she sucked the cum from him, milking his cock for as much as she could get. Only when there was no more to take did she release him.

  Whizz bent down and picked her up in his arms. He placed her on the center of the bed, following her down. For several minutes neither of them spoke. She stared at him as he looked at her.

  He grabbed her hand, locking their fingers together.

  “I’m not going to give you up,” he said.

  She chuckled. “I just swallowed your cum. I doubt any man is giving a woman up after that.”

  He tightened his hand over hers. “It’s different with you. It has always been different. From the moment you entered the coffee shop our lives have been different.”

  Lacey knew exactly what he was talking about. She hadn’t been the same since she met him. Something about Whizz pulled her in, drawing her away from everything she knew to see him.

  “I thought about that day. The one where I came here.” She licked her lips. The pain was there, but it wasn’t as debilitating as it used to be. She was getting over her own guilt. It was hard at times, but she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life hating herself.

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  “I do have to say something.” She stared at their linked hands. “I didn’t know what was happening or what your club had planned. I thought if I knew I’d have gone back to warn them.” Here was where the guilt reared its ugly head. “I know I wouldn’t have gone back to them, Whizz. If I was given a choice between seeing you once more or bringing them back and warning them, I know I wouldn’t pick them. I wouldn’t pick Dalton even though I should.”

  “Lacey, you don’t know that. You don’t know what decision you would make. They were your family.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared at him. “They weren’t my family, Whizz. Dalton was my family. He was the one to stand beside me. Out of the whole of the club, he’s the one I’d call a brother. I didn’t agree with Danny, and I didn’t spend a lot of time with the others.”

  “You’re not responsible for their deaths. Danny shot at Butch. He was willing to kill us all.” Whizz let out a sigh. “You need to stop tormenting yourself. Even if you had gone with them, Lacey, we would have hunted them down and killed them. After everything that happened, we couldn’t let them escape.”

  She wiped the tears that had fallen from her face. “God, I’m so sorry.”

  “They were your family.” He didn’t say anything more, letting her have her tears.

  She didn’t want to spoil their night together. The day she’d spent with Prue and Angel had been amazing. She adored the two women and even liked Gash.

  “I didn’t want to get emotional over this. Today has been amazing. Spending time with Prue and Angel, it was strange at first, but they pulled me in. I felt part of the group.”

  “Those two have been trying to get to you for some time to spend time with you. I’m glad you went and had fun.”

  “What about you? How was Butch?”

  She heard him blow out a breath. “There’s not a lot to say about Butch. He’s healing, and he’s scared.”

  “You don’t sound happy.”

  “I’m not. Butch looked like he was waiting for one of us to off him. I don’t like that, never have.” Whizz didn’t release the hold he had on her hand. She didn’t want him to let her go. Lacey liked feeling this close to him. “When he decided to leave for Cheryl I was angry, hurt. Our women have been put in danger, and he felt his woman was better than the others, which is why he made sure she was out of the way. I got angry. When Gonzalez came out of the woodwork and shit went down, Butch came back. We voted him back in, but Tiny and Alex had other plans for him. They made him become a spy, feeding Gonzalez information.”

  Some of this she knew from listening to Danny and Dalton talk when they didn’t know she was listening in on their conversations.

  “This shit with the Savage Brothers took us all by surprise. I know why he did what he did. I spoke with Tiny before coming up here. He’s not going to let Butch back.”

  Tears filled her eyes once again. “That’s my fault, mine and the others.”

  Whizz pressed his head against hers. “If he doesn’t let Butch back, I’m walking.”

  “You can’t do that, can you?”

  “I can leave the club whenever I want, Lacey.”

  “You love it here.”

  “No, I love what the club stood for. He was trapped by the past and present, Lacey. They had Butch playing spy, and the rules had changed. He shouldn’t be pulled from the club because of that.”

  “I think you’re being a little unreasonable in making that demand. You’re going to blackmail the club?”

  “No, I just want the club to see that they’ve got to give him another chance.”

  “Don’t you think you’re being a little unfair?”

  “Butch is family. Yeah, he fucked up in trying to protect his woman and with the Savage Brothers, but I can’t let them kick him out.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “We’re a family. Family makes mistakes. We’re a lot stronger than casting them aside. We didn’t for Nash. The first time when Butch walked because of Cheryl, I was pissed at him. I didn’t know how he turned his back, but this, there’s a lot more at play here.”

  “Like what?”

��First, Alex and Tiny kept the fact he was feeding Gonzalez information from us. Butch was already in a tense fucking situation. None of us even took the time to ask him what was going on. I never asked him about the Savage Brothers. He didn’t talk, but we didn’t give him a chance either. Gonzalez was fucked up to shit. I guess with Devil and the Chaos Bleeds crew gone, I don’t want to lose another brother because of Gonzalez. He’s taken enough from all of us.”

  She wasn’t going to argue with him. “What will happen if you walk?”

  “I go out on my own. I won’t go for another club. I was with one called The Lions. They were scum. The worst thing I was ever a part of. The Skulls, they stood for something I’ve never been able to find elsewhere.” His fingers went from her cheek down to stroke her breast. She groaned as he started to play with her nipple. “Don’t blame yourself for everything that happened. It’s not your fault, not all of it.”

  The way he was touching her she couldn’t think about anything else but his touch.

  “You can’t be wanting this again?” she asked.

  “I don’t want your lips this time, Lacey. I want your pussy.” He kissed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

  She moaned, heat instantly going to her pussy. Lacey wanted his touch, his cock, and everything he offered her.

  His revelations unnerved her, but he didn’t seem concerned by the change happening in his life and she wouldn’t be. Whizz moved over her, locking their hands and pressing them on either side of her head.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Get used to it. I’m always going to want you.”

  She thought about what Gash said. Yes, she wanted Whizz and to keep him. The thought of any other woman getting him filled her with jealousy. She wouldn’t share him and would do everything to make sure he didn’t stray. Lacey was determined to be everything he needed.

  “Tell me you want my cock.”

  He always seemed determined to make her speak her mind. “I want you, Whizz. I want your cock inside me.”

  “Good girl.”

  Gazing down the length of his body, she saw him move his hips, aligning his cock to her entrance. She didn’t think it was possible for him to get inside her by moving his hips. When the tip slid inside her, she realized she was wrong. Whizz was gliding inside her.


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