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Whizz Page 18

by Sam Crescent

  “Whizz?” she said, speaking his name on a groan.

  “What, baby?”

  “I need you, please.”

  “You’ll get all of me, Lacey. Always and forever.”

  As suddenly as he started touching her, he stopped. He moved his hand away, leaving her empty inside. She growled in frustration.

  “What does my woman want?”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  He chuckled. “We’ll get washed and then your ass is mine.”

  She wanted to slap him for the way he teased her. His teasing didn’t do anything other than to drive her crazy. “You’re not playing fair, you know that right?”

  “I’ve not played fair in a long time, baby. You’ve got to learn that there’s no getting away from that. I’ll do what it takes to get what I want.” He picked up the soap.

  Lacey didn’t have much time to protest as he even used washing her to add to the sensuality of his actions.

  “You’re not fair. Not fair at all.”

  When he put the soap aside, Lacey snagged the bar and started to work on his body. She soaped her hands, using them to clean his body. Lacey watched his rock hard body as she started to wash away the day’s grime.

  “Are you being thorough, baby?”

  Glancing up at him, she slid her hands down to cup his cock and balls. “I better make sure you’re completely clean. I can’t leave any inch unturned.” She moved closer, whispering the words against his skin. He smelled so good. The arousal grew thicker between them. Lacey moaned. “Whizz, I need you.”

  He didn’t say anything else, washing her hair as she flicked the tip of his cock. His ministrations didn’t stop once.

  She fingered his balls, feeling them tighten as his cock got harder.

  Within seconds he had the soap washed from her hair. Lacey didn’t get a chance to wash him further. Whizz turned off the shower, opened the door, and stepped out. He picked her back up in his arms.

  The bed hit her back, but Whizz didn’t stop there. He flipped her onto her stomach, drawing her up to her knees. She glanced behind her body to see him staring down at her.

  His cock stood out long, thick, and proud. They were still wet from the shower.

  She tightened her hands into fists, gathering up the blanket as he rubbed the tip of his cock at her entrance.

  There were no words. Whizz gripped her hips with only the tip of his cock inside her. She tensed up as he plunged inside her. He went so deep that he hit the top of her cervix. Lacey cried out as he didn’t stop there.

  His hands moved down to her ass, spreading her cheeks wide.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass, Lacey.” His cock left her pussy to be replaced by his fingers. She rested her head on the sheets, knowing there was no point in fighting him. Whizz knew what he was doing. His slick fingers moved back to her ass going over the puckered hole. The sensation of him pressing his fingers against her anus felt strange to Lacey. She’d never been fucked in the ass before. If Whizz wanted it, she’d give into him.

  The last thing she wanted to do was deny her man what he wanted.

  He gathered more of her cream, getting her ass nice and wet.

  “I’m going to use my fingers first. Tell me if it hurts too much.”

  She kept her eyes closed as one finger pressed a little more firmly at the center of her ass. Lacey cried out as he got past her tight ring of muscles to slide in. Whizz pumped one finger in her ass until she started to push back against him, wanting more.

  When she started to beg him for more, he added a second finger. Once she was accustomed to the feel of his two fingers, he pulled them out.

  Lacey whimpered, wanting a little more from him.

  “You’re ready to take my cock now, Lacey. I’ll take it easy for you.”

  She nodded. What words were necessary in that moment? “Aye, aye, captain,” seemed completely out of place.

  The rounded tip of his cock pressed to her anus. She breathed out as his cock was a lot bigger than his fingers.

  “Push out, Lacey.”

  She did as he asked, pushing out, and the rounded tip of his cock pressed inside her. There was a split second of pain, and she cried out from the pressure. Whizz stroked a hand down her back, soothing her. “That’s always the hardest part. It’ll be better now.”

  “It’s easier for you to say. You don’t have a cock in your ass.”

  Lacey regretted the words instantly, but Whizz chuckled. “Your ass is nice and tight. Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make sure you get used to having me inside you.”

  She huffed but didn’t complain as he started to work another inch of his shaft within her.

  “That’s it, baby. Push me out.”

  Each time she tried to push him out all it did was make it easier for him to slide inside.


  “Don’t worry. I’m almost all the way inside.”

  She opened her eyes, and tried to look at him. He was watching his cock where he was moving inside her.

  “Fuck, Lacey. You don’t have a clue how beautiful this looks,” he said.

  Gritting her teeth, she pressed back against him, wanting all of his cock.

  “Do you want it all?”


  He gripped her hips a little tighter and started to work his cock deep inside her. In one thrust he embedded himself inside her ass.

  Lacey screamed as he stretched her in ways she didn’t think she was supposed to. She held the blanket in a death grip.

  “You’ve got all of me, Lacey. It’ll be much better now.”

  Whizz stayed still inside her for her to get used to the feel of him. He crooned, caressing her back at the same time.

  “When are you going to move?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “Are you ready for me to move?”

  “Yes. Please, move.”

  The pain had turned to a pleasurable ache that she couldn’t control. Whizz slowly started to work his cock out of her ass until only the tip remained. She whimpered, not wanting him to leave her. There was no need for her to whimper as he thrust back inside.

  For the first couple of thrusts he took his time allowing her to get accustomed to the size of his cock. Lacey didn’t think it was possible, but she started to cry out in pleasure, begging him to go a little harder, a little faster.

  “Okay, baby.” Whizz gave her everything, starting to go harder and faster within her ass.

  “Yes, please, don’t stop.”

  “Touch yourself, baby. Let me feel you come.”

  Releasing her hold on the blanket, she slid her hand down between her thighs, and started to stroke her nub. The pleasure intensified as she touched her clit.

  “Fuck, your ass just got tight. Touch yourself. Let yourself come.”

  Lacey groaned, fingering her swollen nub.

  It didn’t take much before she was screaming out her release. Whizz pounded inside her ass until he groaned, and his cock jerked inside her. With his hard cock within her ass she felt the flood of his arousal filling her. Blowing out a breath, she groaned at the feeling of him being inside her.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking amazing.” He kept cursing, and it only made her chuckle. The sudden movement made her groan as Whizz was still inside her body. “I’m going to pull out. Stay where you are.”

  She held her breath as he worked his now flaccid cock from out of her ass. Lacey heard him moving away. In the next second a cool cloth landed over her ass.


  “Lacey, I’m trying to stay in control right now. My cum was leaking from your ass, and I wanted inside you once again.”

  “I was only going to tell you that I love you.”

  He wiped her ass, cleaning her up. When he left her, she collapsed to the bed, waiting for him to climb inside. He turned the light out as she settled in bed beside her. “We’re going to have to head back home tomorrow.”

  “I don’t mind. Today has been wonderful.” She res
ted her head on his chest, knowing she’d love being around him more than anything else. “When we go home, can I go and visit Butch?”

  “Yeah. He’ll be home in a day or two. I’m hoping to get the club to agree to vote him back in.”

  She nodded. “I’d hate for him to lose the family. It’ll take him time to earn back their trust. I’m not going to lie, he may never do it.”

  “It will work. He won’t be alone, Lacey. I promise you I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ve even got Cheryl working Alex.”

  Lacey tucked some hair behind her ear. “It must be hard for her.”

  “It is, but she’s got leverage that I don’t have. She’s got her son, Michael.”

  “Do you think it’s wise doing that?” she asked.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Butch within the club. Gonzalez and over the years other men have come and destroyed parts of the club. We’re no longer friends with the Chaos Bleeds crew. Devil and Tiny are no longer talking. Eva and Lexie are talking, but it’s not the same. It hasn’t been the same in a long time.”

  She looked up at him. “I hope I can help you bring the club back together.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll get you a ring when we get home. I didn’t want to tell Killer that I was engaged. I want us both to tell the club that we’re going to get married.”

  Heat filled her cheeks as she thought about confronting the club.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m not used to being the center of attention. The Skulls is your club, your family. I’m nervous.”

  He started to laugh. “You’ve got nothing to be nervous about. The women already adore you. You’ll fit right in.”

  Whizz wrapped his arms around her. For once, she actually believed him when he said it was going to be okay. She didn’t really have a choice. There was no future for her without him.


  Alex entered the clubhouse to hear nonstop arguing.

  “I’m not having any of your fucking fighters near my fucking woman,” Tiny said, yelling.

  “You can’t take care of my girl. You’ve put her in danger more than anyone I know. I can’t believe you even think you’ve got what it takes to take care of her.”

  “Dad, stop it.”

  “No, I won’t stop. I’m sick and tired of having to listen to the shit that goes down. I’m doing what that fuck-face should do to take care of you,” Ned said, growling each word out.

  Alex took a deep breath and rounded the corner to enter the club house. Eva clocked him first, and she shook her head. This is what he’d been doing his whole life, talking with Tiny. He was the one who’d brought Ned into his life through the drug runs. All of them knew other people that knew other people that kept them in contact with others. It was an insane scheme of things but one that worked.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked.

  Eva shook her head, turning to walk away.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Eva. I want to see those grandbabies that have been kept from me.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Dad, you’re not being fair. Shit went down, but that’s no need to leave men here to take care of me.”

  “No one hurts my girl, Eva. You’ve got to understand that. I for one am not happy with what went down with this fucker, Gonzalez.”

  The three fighters were standing there, not making a sound. Alex stared at each one, recognizing them. They were fierce bastards, hard as rock. He’d put money on them winning and earned a killing back for it. One was known as Jimmy, who could take a man down with one punch. The other, Pat, no one gave him shit about his name as he was a mean motherfucker who wasn’t afraid to use his teeth. The last one was Black. No one knew his real name. His eyes were that dark they appeared almost black. He didn’t speak to anyone. Just glancing over at him gave Alex the chills.

  “What’s with the fighters?” Alex moved behind the bar pouring himself a generous shot of whiskey. After the meeting with Cheryl, he needed something strong.

  “They’re here to protect my girl.”

  “You think a bunch of fighters would have stopped Gonzalez?”

  “It would have stopped my girl getting hurt.”

  Alex pointed across the room toward Baker. “He’s the one who stopped Eva getting hurt. We’ve got the protection covered.”

  “You need to step down, Tiny. You’ve not got what it takes to take on the world.”


  “What about you, old man? You’ve got a few years on me. Are you going to be stepping down from your fighters?”

  “My boys don’t get into trouble. You, however, can’t keep anyone in fucking check.”

  Tiny stepped closer, about to raise his fist.

  “Stop!” Eva screamed the word. The high pitch made Alex cover his ears. “Daddy, I thought this visit was to see me and the kids. Not to bring men here to leave. This is not how it works. You know this. I don’t want men I don’t know hanging around my house. It’s bad enough getting a life as it is. I don’t want your men here.” She circled her arm through Tiny’s. “He takes care of me. He loves me, Dad.”

  “No, he almost got you killed.”

  “I’m still here. I’m still alive to tell all kinds of tales. Please, don’t do this.”

  Alex didn’t know why he bothered coming. The only person who could talk Ned down was his little girl.

  “This isn’t over,” Ned said, pointing a finger at Tiny.

  “Stop with your fucking threats. They get old real fucking fast.”

  Alex watched as Eva rolled her eyes. “You can’t do it, can you?” She released Tiny’s arm. “You’re my husband, and you’re my dad. I love you both. For once can you just try and get along?”

  She turned and walked away, leaving two men looking a little sheepish.

  “That was your fault.”

  “We need to talk about Butch,” Alex said, interrupting their talk. He wasn’t interested in listening to them bicker about whose fault it was or not. There were far more interesting things going on in the world than that. He couldn’t let anything happen to his son. If supporting Butch back into the club was what kept his son close to him, he’d do it.

  “What?” Tiny asked, turning back to face him.

  “Butch made a mistake. You can’t risk losing him. He was loyal to the club for so long. I can’t agree with the decision to lose him.”

  “Since when have you been about team Butch?” Lash asked.

  “We’ll lose Whizz in the process. Both of them are great members, loyal members.” He’d not really thought about what to say in defense of Whizz.

  “We’re going to take a vote on it when Whizz gets back. The fucker took off because this bastard had come to town.” Tiny glared at Ned. “I can’t believe you brought your fighters with you. Fucking prick.”

  “Go ahead, Tiny, make your threats. I may be old, but I can still shoot a fucking gun.”

  The threats went on but neither man acting on them. Eva had them both gripped by the balls.

  Chapter Twelve

  Whizz parked up outside of the clubhouse late the following afternoon. He didn’t want his time with Lacey to end, but from the three men he didn’t recognize standing outside, it was a good time to be back.

  Lacey climbed off the back of the bike, handing him the helmet he’d given her to wear.

  “They’re probably Ned’s fighters. He’s got a thing where he doesn’t like Eva to be put in danger.”

  “It’s a bit late with her dating a biker.”

  “Ned was never normal.”

  He pocketed his keys, grabbing Lacey’s hand and making his way toward the noise. Eva was screaming at Tiny and Ned as they fought in the center of the room.

  “Why are Ned’s fighters outside?” Lacey asked.

  Even he didn’t know why the fighters were outside. He saw Nash and Lash standing at the bar looking pissed off.

  “What’s going on?” Whizz asked, putting Lacey in front
of him in the seat. He stood behind her so that she’d be protected from the mess.

  “They’re fighting to prove they’re not old. Ned sent his fighters out as Tiny challenged him. They’re being fucking ridiculous,” Lash said.

  “You were acting like an immature bastard not long ago because you don’t want to be taking over. Now you’re complaining about them acting like it.”

  “It’s fucking different. Tiny should know better. This is not solving problems like Butch.”

  Whizz tensed. “What about Butch?” He massaged Lacey’s shoulders feeling her tense up in front of him.

  “Alex shouted for Butch to be let back in. I don’t know if it’s right,” Lash said.

  “I’ll give Butch a third chance. I know why he left the first time. It can be scary taking on a woman in the club. Look what has happened to all the women. They’ve all suffered at some point. I think it makes sense to give him a chance,” Nash said. “I was given that same chance to be let back in. Personally, I think Alex has had too much of a say in the club. I agree with Devil about that. Alex’s is not a real biker, not in the heart of it.”

  Whizz locked his fingers inside Lacey’s.

  “Is it true you’ll walk if Butch doesn’t get voted back in?” Lash asked.

  “Shit, I don’t know. When you say it like that it sounds so damn bad. It is damn bad. We’re a family. Don’t you think we’ve lost enough with Gonzalez, man? Butch fucked up, and it cost us. We’ve all done shit, including your brother. Butch helped us deal with the Savage Brothers.” He leaned down and kissed her head, trying to show her the love he felt for her. “We’re not going to let anything like that happen again.”

  A gun went off, and curses filled the air. Whizz covered Lacey’s body, protecting her from any damage. Glancing behind him he saw Eva aiming the gun at the far wall. Outside was clear as it led to the yard.

  Most of the brothers had hit the deck, prepared to fire. Several guns were aimed at her as she raised the weapon.

  “Now, I don’t give a fuck how old either of you are. You’re behaving like goddamn babies. You’re supposed to be grown-ass men, not assholes. Daddy, when your visit is over you’re going back to Vegas and you’re taking your three fighters with you.” She held her finger up to stop Ned from interrupting. “Tiny, you’re going to treat my father with some respect while he’s here. I don’t care what shit is going on in your head. He’s my dad, and you’re both fucking old. I will not have you fighting anymore in my club, and this is part of my club. Tiny, you didn’t get me to sign a pre-nup, so half of your shit is mine. Deal with your problems, but stop fucking fighting. Miles and Tabitha deserve better from the both of you.”


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