Watercolor Kisses

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Watercolor Kisses Page 3

by Needa Warrant

  “If I had a costume, I could show you how I dance. Damn, I wish I had one. Are you ready? Your guys don’t seem to be coming upstairs.”

  Her voice was music to his ears, and he grabbed two brain buckets and handed her the smaller one of the helmets. She grabbed her hobo bag, untied a bandanna, and tied it over her head, exactly the way he did and grabbed the helmet in her hand by the strap. She opened the door and walked down the stairs and waited for him to lock up. Not until he was by her side, did she move or look at any of his club brothers.

  Lucifer grabbed her hand and pulled her over to his bike. She put the helmet on her head, and he made a big deal of checking to make sure the strap was adjusted tightly. It also gave him time to claim her lips in front of his brothers, making sure they knew just who she belonged to for now. He revved the engine, and she climbed on behind him, her bag worn like a backpack and her legs tightened against him, as she lightly touched his sides. He turned the bike and led them out of the parking lot onto the side road before they hit the main highway. He went faster, and her knees tightened against his body as he slipped his hand on her leg. It felt fucking damn good to have a chick that knew how to ride behind him. It was clear that she enjoyed riding and wasn’t clutching at him like a scared rabbit. It was turning out to be an excellent night.

  Chapter Three

  Lucifer pulled into the club he owned, Hot Tramps, which featured barely dressed dancers and catered to hardcore bikers and weekend warriors with lots of spending money. It was not a dive, but an upscale bar that usually had a waiting line to get in on the weekend. It was busy during the day and night through the week too. He pulled to the back of the club where parking was reserved for his club only. His parking space was close to the back door, and he stopped to let Aries off before backing his bike into his spot.

  Aries took off her helmet and looked around. She’d heard of Hot Tramps; it was a hard place to get a job dancing at and here she was with the owner himself. Dancers she knew, claimed you only had to work one weekend night to make what she made in four nights in some of the other bars she danced. This might be her ticket out of her Aunt Helene’s house if she danced well enough for Lucian. She took off her helmet and freed her hair from the braid. The other bikers were parking, and Lucifer came up next to her.

  “You ride well. No grabbing at me or worse tossing your arms around my neck.” He sounded impressed.

  “I enjoy riding, and I wasn’t scared riding with you, so I was relaxed and looking around. You never mentioned you owned Hot Tramps. I heard it’s very hard to get an audition to dance here.” Aries looked at Lucian and gave him a sexy smile.

  “Yeah it is, we want the best for our customers. We have some men that toss their cash around and expect the best we can offer them. You’ve got an ‘in’ though with the owner, huh?” He kidded her. “We’re gonna go inside and right into my office. There’s a bathroom you can use to fix your hair, and I want you to wait there for me until I come and get you. Aries, I mean it, stay in my office until I come and get you.” He guided her toward the door, and it opened as soon as he hit a button. A huge mean looking biker was standing there looking at them and grinned at Lucifer.

  “Bout time you got here Lucifer, people been asking for you. Who’s this sweet thang?” He quirked his eyebrow at Aries.

  “Aries, this is Dozer, one of the guys who helps run the bar, he’ll be taking you to my office. Dozer, this is the chick I called ya about earlier. Make sure nobody bothers her on the way into the office.” Lucifer dropped a quick kiss on Aries’ lips and headed off with the other bikers toward the bar.

  Dozer was huge, bald and wore some mean looking rings on his fingers. He put his hand on her shoulder gently and walked her toward Lucifer’s office. He opened the door and flipped on the overhead lights.

  “Here you go, do you want the television on while you wait for Lucifer to get back?” He inquired, giving her another once over look. No wonder his president was so taken in by this girl. She was hot, young, and sexy as sin with an alluring look of innocence to her. “He won’t be too long, has a few dancers to settle shit with and the bathroom is behind that door.” He pointed to a door and got up to leave. He paused, “It’s good to meet you, Aries.” He stopped and put the television on for her.

  Shyly, she replied, “It’s so great to meet you too, Dozer.” She walked to the bathroom door with her bag and flipped on the light as she heard him shut the door. Looking in the mirror, Aries saw she needed to touch up her lips and needed to add some lotion to her shoulders, some of the glitter had stuck to the hoodie. She opened her hobo bag and grabbed a small bottle of lotion she always had and tapped some on her fingers. She stroked it over her skin and sat it on the counter. She had her glitter tube and uncapped it and sprinkled it lightly over her skin. She didn’t want it to be too heavy, less was more anyway, she thought. She brushed her hair and flipped her head over and brushed the hair underneath before tossing her head back. Her hair had that just so tousled look, and that was what she wanted. She went to the sink and washed her hands before adding a touch of lipstick to her lips. Her bottom lip was fuller and pouty looking. And her top lip was a bit thinner; it was one of the faults she hated about her face. She tried to make it look a bit fuller but gave up and decided this was the best she was going to look. A touch of mascara to her lashes and she finished up in the bathroom. She opened the door and walked out, surprised to see Lucian sitting with a bottle of Cristal champagne and two champagne flutes.

  As she walked toward him, he popped the cork and poured the bubbly into the glasses. His dark eyes roamed over her body possessively, and he knew he was going to make her his. There was no way in hell; he could let Aries go. He thought of that song “Somebody’s Baby” and decided right then she was going to be his baby. He wasn’t sure if he’d let her dance, he thought as he handed her the champagne glass. She sat next to him and took the glass from him, her eyes raking over his body.

  “Aries, I gotta tell ya, I want you. I don’t usually feel such a strong connection so fast to a chick, but everything about you turns me the fuck on and makes me hot for you. I might be going a little fast for you, but I wanted you to know before I take you out to my bar, you’re gonna be mine. One way or another. And trust me, I always get what I want.” Lucifer’s voice was hard and demanding.

  She sipped the Cristal as she considered the sexy man sitting next to her. She knew of men like him. They did get what they wanted, but she still wasn’t sure she wanted him. He was hot, he was very nice, and she was getting very interested in him. She took another sip, looked at him with her eyes wide and replied, “Lucifer, I’ve got a child, I don’t fit into your world. Are you going to be good to my baby girl? I don’t understand what you’re asking of me.”

  Lucifer ran his hands through his long dark hair, he had thought of the child, and he had spare bedrooms. He’d let her make a beautiful bedroom for Jewel. Babysitters were easy to find. He liked kids and wanted some of his own someday, maybe with Aries.

  “I’d treat Jewel as if she is my own. You said you wanted to move out and with your ex’s club possibly looking for you, moving in with me is the wise thing to do. You can take whatever spare bedroom you want, and you could work at the shop or dance here occasionally. I don’t like that idea, but if it makes you happy, I’ll deal with it.”

  He leaned over and sucked on her bottom lip. He took the glass out of her hand and placed it on the coffee table. Aries was slightly shaking as he pulled her toward him, she was on his lap suddenly, and his lips were claiming hers. His mouth was hot as his tongue thrust into her mouth, and she pushed her tongue into his. She put her hands around his neck and let him take charge. It was one of the most passionate kisses Aries had ever experienced. God, there was something about this man that she couldn’t say ‘no’ to for some damn reason.

  “I think you need to meet my daughter and we need a little bit of time to get to know each other. I don’t know about moving into your apartment so fa
st Lucian; we barely know each other.” She tried hard to be sensible, but he made her head spin.

  Lucifer grinned at her, “Jewel will love me, and I’ll love her. It’s all going to work out fine, trust me. I’ve got this gut feeling about you. I always trust my gut feelings, and you wanna move out of your aunt’s house. This way you can do it now rather than wait until you save up enough money. Now finish that, and I’ll introduce you to my boys.”

  Aries just nodded and sipped the rest of the Cristal as she looked at this man who was trying to give her a new life. A life she never would find elsewhere. She didn’t give him an answer, but she knew she was going to agree with whatever he wanted if her daughter liked him. And she knew in her heart Juliette would adore this man, he’d give into her every whim. She stood up, and Lucifer grabbed her hand as they walked out of the office.


  Hot Tramps was pumping, and bikers came up to Lucifer and clapped him on the back or bumped fists with him. Some looked at her but caught a hard look from him or Dozer and stopped immediately. Women looked at Lucifer longingly, saw her and gave her a dirty look. It was always like that, women didn’t like her, and she was used to it. She stared back at them, her eyes glaring and they would look away.

  Lucifer noticed and pulled her closer to him. He spoke to Dozer who headed over to the DJ’s booth. The Jackson Brown song, “Somebody’s Baby” suddenly blasted through the speakers. She leaned backward into him slightly as he whispered into her ear, “You’re going to be my baby.” He held her as they swayed to the music. His lips nibbled up and down her neck softly until the song ended.

  She had no words for him, and Dozer handed her more of the Cristal. This bar was upscale, and the Devious Jokers MC were so unlike Devil’s Grime MC. His apartment was so beautiful, much better than what she’d ever be able to afford. She watched how the men respected Lucifer, and she liked it. Was the champagne going to her head or was she genuinely considering moving in with Lucian? If she did, she was going to dance and save her money. Men weren’t to be trusted, and he seemed too good to be true. Suddenly, she was tired, and her tattoo was annoying her. It seemed like Lucian knew because he spoke to her, his voice low.

  “A few more minutes and we’ll be leaving and don’t worry, I’m not going to hit on you. I told you’d I’d be a gentleman and I keep my word.” He was very convincing, and she believed him

  Aries nodded and hoped it would only be a few minutes.

  He was true to his word, and they were on the bike and heading back toward his apartment with an entourage of bikers following them. They pulled to the front of the tattoo shop and parked as Lucifer turned off into the side street.

  Once he pulled into the back lot and chained up his bike, he escorted her upstairs. He took her into his bedroom and handed her a big clean tee shirt.

  “I’ve got to do a few tats. I’ve got some members from another chapter here, and I do a lot of the ink for the club. You can go to bed, or take a shower. I’m sorry, but you won’t see me for a few hours. I’ll come up and check on you if I can. You good with that?” He looked at her and saw how tired she was. She just nodded at him.

  Taking control, he said, “Aries, take off the shirt so we can get this tape off you.”

  She didn’t protest or make a sound as he ripped it off her skin. “Go take a shower and wash that glitter off you. If you want anything to eat or drink, you’ve got an idea where I keep stuff.” Lucian was in charge, and she was glad he was, she was too exhausted to think straight.

  Finally, she spoke. “I’ll take a fast shower and thank you for tonight; I had a very good time.” She smiled at him and padded off to the bathroom. Lucian kissed the top of her head gently as she passed by him.

  “Go on, grab a hot shower, and I’ll be up as soon as I can be, Aries.” He closed the bedroom door as he left.

  She took a shower and was shocked that he was so sweet to her. She combed out her hair and laid her head on his pillow and her eyes closed and she was sleeping better than she had in years.

  Chapter Four

  Lucifer was in full party mode as he snorted a few lines and tattooed brothers. He knew who was waiting upstairs for him and his cock hardened. Just the thought of Aries in his bed, on his black silk sheets, made him horny. He had said he wouldn’t touch her tonight and he was making sure she’d be the one that begged him to fuck her.

  Gina, a chick who sometimes blew him wandered into the shop and paused beside him. It annoyed him when he was doing a tattoo and was interrupted.

  “What the fuck do ya want, Gina? You know I’m working.” He didn’t bother to look at her because she wasn’t worth his time. She was just one of many mouths that had sucked him off when he wanted a quick fix.

  “I heard Lisa left when I got off work, and that you already have a new chick. What the fuck, Lucifer? I thought I was going to be your next.” Her voice was shrill and loud enough it was heard over the tattoo gun and the partying bikers.

  Lucifer shut off the gun and laid it on the table. He slowly pulled off his gloves as he stared up at her. Once he tossed the gloves away, he stood up. The shop was quiet except for music playing in another room. He looked at the dark-haired girl who stared up at him defiantly, her anger blazing at him. This stupid bitch thought a few blow jobs was going to earn her the title of his ol lady? Was she outta of her mind? He took a few deep breaths to calm down. He didn’t want Aries to hear him yelling and walk downstairs. He grabbed Gina’s arm and yanked her toward the front door. Once they were close to it, he finally spoke to her.

  “A few lousy blow jobs and you think you’re gonna be my ol lady? Did I ever give you that impression, Gina? Did I ever mention the word ol lady to you?” He snarled into her face.

  Gina tried to step back, but Lucifer had a firm grip on her arm. “No, but I thought since you seemed to favor me, that I would be.” Her voice cracked, and she didn’t see the ugly look Lucifer was giving her. “I didn’t know you had some new bitch already.” She looked at him with contempt and decided to grind it a bit further. “I heard she is pretty young and thinks she’s all that. She won’t last, bitches like her, who don’t know shit about bikers, never do. I don’t see her, so do you want me to go down on you?” She figured it wouldn’t hurt to offer him her skills and remind him of how good she got him off. She tugged on his jeans and tried to unzip them.

  Lucian rarely hit women. He didn’t like to, and usually, a look or a snarl got his point across. His pulled his hand back and gave her a full slap to her face. Her head jerked back as she cried out. She tried to twist away from him, but his grip was too tight. She knew now that she’d said the wrong thing to him as she saw the hate in his eyes. She was truly scared now and wondered what would happen to her.

  “Gina, you’re done here, you don’t dance in my bar, you don’t come near my club, and you never enter my shop. If I set eyes on your skanky face, I’ll smack it harder. I don’t know who you think you are but you’re done hanging around this club. I don’t like your attitude and if I ever hear you talk about my ol lady again, it ain’t gonna go well for you. I’m spreading the word you’re not to be trusted. So good luck dancing around here. Do you understand me?” He pulled her close, and she could feel his breath hot on her face.

  “I’m sorry I said anything, where am I supposed to work if you blacklist me?” She whined.

  “The point is you aren’t. It would be best for you to get outta here now and tell your friends what I did and said. Any of my boys see you after tomorrow night, I don’t care what they do to you. You get what I mean? They can sell your ass, fuck your ass, but you’ll never be welcome around here. You know how that sucks right? Be wise of you to head back wherever you once came from, Gina. I’m gonna have Sleaze follow you home and make sure you tell those skank roommates of yours that you fucked up. Gina, you’re done hanging around here, and they will be too if they act like you.” He turned and yelled out for Sleaze.

  Gina stood frozen on the spot where she was s
tanding. When Lucifer tossed a girl away if she stayed, the MC made her life living hell. Shit! Why had she thought she could demand anything of a man like him, her friends had told her to confront him and look where it got her. She was terrified of Sleaze too. He had the reputation of doing Lucifer’s dirty work. She was going to go back to the house she rented with a few girls and get everything she owned into her car, she’d head south and pray she never ran into any of the Devious Jokers MC again. Her face ached, and she hoped she didn’t have a black eye.

  Sleaze wandered over to Lucifer and Gina; he’d seen and heard what his president had said. He’d never liked this bitch anyway.

  “Yeah boss, what’s up?” Sleaze looked Gina up and down and grinned at her discomfort. “You need me to take the trash out?”

  Lucifer gave Gina a hard look. “Something like that, Gina is banned from this club and area. Follow her home and make sure she tells her story to her friends. I’m sure you heard what was said. If she lies, smack the other side of her face, and use her any way you want. If she leaves tonight, we don’t have an issue with her, unless she comes back. I’ll be making calls to our sister clubs, so she better be staying away from bikers, unless she can find a weekend warrior. You understand what I’m saying, Gina?” His voice was cold, hard, and unforgiving.

  “I’m to tell them I disrespected you and your new ol lady and now I’m banned from all the clubs associated with your MC. It would be in my best interest to go as far away as I can and not come back here.” She looked down as she spoke and Sleaze pinched her sore cheek hard. She flinched and cried out softly in pain. She didn’t want to make either of them mad at her for making noise.


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