Watercolor Kisses

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Watercolor Kisses Page 10

by Needa Warrant

  “Here, I’m loaning this to you, it looks fake but its sharp as hell. Pigs can’t say it’s a real weapon but it sure as hell is one. You stab anyone that isn’t in our club right in the eye with it. I don’t want you helpless up there. And if you like it, I can get you one. But you can’t keep that one cause it's my lucky dagger necklace.” He carefully put it over her head. “It’s on a breakaway cord. Just tug it hard and it will be right in your hand. Remember it is mine, though. Bring it back safely.” He kissed her cheek and grinned at her. His eyes weren’t as crazy now. “You remind me of my sister. She doesn’t talk to me anymore.” He sounded sad, and he went to turn away from her.

  Aries was amazed by his act of kindness. “Hey Charlie, thank you very much. If you’d like, I can be your new sister. I have no family except for my aunt and daughter.” She laid her hand on his arm.

  Charlie smiled at her, “I’d like that very much. I ain't as crazy as people think. It’s a good cover, though. I ain't saying I’m all here.” He tapped his head. “I got my demons, and I’m trying to work em out. It will be good to have a family again. Remember you’ve gotta constantly watch your back.” He advised her again before he disappeared into the crowd.

  Lucifer came up to her. “I see you and Charlie are finally getting along, that’s good, he doesn’t really like many people. After his sister got murdered when he was doing time, he kinda snapped and hasn’t been himself since. You ready to go?” He handed her helmet to her and got on his motorcycle.

  “Charlie loaned me his lucky dagger, that was sweet of him. He’s going to be my brother now.” Aries showed him the necklace before tucking it under her tee shirt.

  “Yeah? Well, Charlie musta took to you because he’s never without that dagger, his sister gave it to him.” Lucifer sounded impressed.

  Aries waited until he was out into the street before swinging her leg over the side of it and sitting her ass down on the seat. She got herself comfortable and watched as bikers were revving their engines. Two bikes shot ahead, and Lucifer followed them. She turned her head and saw more motorcycles than she’d ever seen before following behind them. Lucifer put his hand on her leg, and she relaxed. She was going to have a great time, and she had Charlie’s lucky necklace. Her sunglasses slipped a bit, and she pushed them up again. The sun felt good, she loved being a part of this club, and all was right in her world.


  The air was sweet with the smell of honeysuckle and freshly mowed grass by the time they hit Pennsylvania. They’d stopped quite a few times to meet up with other chapters of the Devious Jokers MC. Aries was impressed; she had no idea the club was this big. They were in the front of a line that she imagined stretched for miles. It was a sea of hot looking bikers and motorcycles as they pulled into the hill climb area. Charlie had been correct. She saw names of clubs she had only heard existed. She was sweating and glad she had more sunscreen in her bag. She tanned pretty well, but she didn’t want any sunburn today. They pulled through the gates, and she wondered who paid the admission fee. It wasn’t her concern, so she looked around at all the motorcycles and bikers. Her eyes widened at the sight of everything but were well hidden behind her sunglasses. This hill climb was unlike anything she’d ever seen before.

  Lucifer pulled into the area designated for his club and looked around. No Devil’s Grime MC seemed to be around the area. Satan’s Attitude MC, Bound for Hell MC, and Nefarious MC had made sure to keep a spot open for them. They were all sister clubs and got along decently for the most part. He nodded at Veiko Finn in thanks and patted Aries' leg. She got off the motorcycle and moved away from him slightly as she took off her helmet. He watched as his brothers were all parked and got off their bikes. The roar of revving motorcycle engines filled the air competing with the band that was playing. Food trucks lined up across from the beer trucks, and he looked around wondering where those fuckers, Devil’s Grime MC were. Veiko had told him they were sistering up with the Filthy Fiends MC. He hated those bastards too. He hadn’t planned to take Aries to this hill climb; he’d totally forgotten about it until a call came from Juba, the national president. It was either leave her home or take her, and he was done hiding her. He watched her as she unbraided her hair and brushed her hair out. She was sexy with an innocent look about her, and he watched men looking at her. They’d notice her ‘property of’ patch and look away, though, and he smiled. Nobody had the balls to go up against him. She took off her sunglasses and looked at him; he motioned to her to come to him.

  Aries had seen the bikes trying to go up the hill and decided Charlie was right; it was boring. There was so much more to look at around her. When Lucifer beckoned her to come to him, she didn’t hesitate and went right over to him. He slung a sweaty arm around her neck and pulled her in close to him.

  “Babe, these clubs around us, they’re friends, but you don’t mingle with them. They know you belong to me and if they need to protect you, they will. You stick to my brothers and their bitches. You need to pee you better tell me now. I’m gonna be talking to some people, and I want you by my bike with Leigh and Ria. They’ll get your food and drinks. Stay in that spot, and you’ll be safe. You got me?”

  “I understand, but I don’t see Leigh and Ria. I need to pee, and we may as well go together.” Her heart was beating a bit faster as he made a show of making sure everyone saw she was his property. She had never liked it when Gunner had made a big deal of showing her off, but Lucifer was his polar opposite. She reached up and lovingly stroked his face.

  Lucifer was surprised, yet pleased when she stroked his face. Her eyes were hidden by her sunglasses again, but he’d bet his favorite bike, they showed her love for him. He dropped a kiss on her head and noticed Siggy and Sleaze leading Leigh and Ria over to them.

  “Your girls are coming over so see if they need to pee. Those porta-potties get gross fast. So try to avoid em later on. If I gotta take ya to the woods to pee, I will.”

  She looked at the porta-potties and wrinkled up her nose. “I hate those things. Can we avoid them and just go over to the woods over there?” She pointed to a nearby wooded area. “I brought tissues. I don’t want to catch crabs or get my boots dirty.”

  Lucifer busted out a laugh. “Yeah, I need to take a leak too. Ask them if they need to go.” He eyes didn’t leave her as she walked up to her friends.

  Siggy reached him first, “They’re here, and they’re with the Filthy Fiends as we expected. Most are over by the stage, but there's a few wandering around with walking sticks. It looks like they came prepared for trouble or to make some.” He spit on the grass disgustedly. “I ran into Vee, and they’ve made some bull shit comments to the clubs. He wants to talk to you and Juba next week.”

  Sleaze kept his eyes on the women and didn’t do more than nod. He hated the Filthy Fiends with a passion. It had never been proven they’d killed Charlie’s little sister but everyone knew they did. The cops had done a piss poor job investigating that case. He’d promised to keep an eye on her and Della had been buying drugs from the fuckers. Once they’d found out, she was Charlie’s sister, that had signed her death warrant. He was as upset as his bro, but he didn’t snap. He was all for getting even. He looked at his Leigh. She didn’t understand his fear of asking her to be his ol lady stemmed from Della’s death. He wasn't going to endanger her by tying himself to her. He shook his head, trying to get in a better mood. Something was in the air, he felt it and wondered if Lucifer did. They should have never brought their chicks up here. He’d voiced his opinion but had been told to let it go.

  “You want to go to the woods and pee with me? Lucifer is taking me, and I’m not setting foot in one of those nasty porta-potty things. I've got tissues, and I know what poison ivy looks like.” Aries was determined to avoid those things at all cost. She recalled Gunner telling her about somebody being inside, and the guys had knocked it over. That would not be happening to her.

  Leigh and Ria agreed and Aries headed back to tell Lucifer they were ready. S
he waited back a little as he was talking to Siggy. Sleaze was staring off into the distance, and she wondered what he was thinking about, he didn’t look as happy as the other bikers seemed to be.

  Lucifer finally noticed her, and they all headed toward the woods, different bikers stopped them to bump fists with the men, and Aries had to pee badly. She was glad when Lucifer got them to the woods and found a place for her to pee. She was adept at squatting to pee and laughed at Leigh and Ria who were trying to copy her.

  She was still laughing as she handed out tissues to Leigh and Ria.

  “You two aren’t used to the woods, are you? I grew up in them, hunting and fishing. I come prepared.” She informed them.

  Ria shook her head, “At least I didn’t piss on myself. I’m holding my pee in until we leave here and can find a gas station.”

  Leigh started to laugh. “The last thing I expected was to be pissing in these woods, to be honest. I think it was smart of you to think of it. Those porta-potties fill up fast.”

  They walked over to where their men were standing. Sleaze still had an angry look on his face, and they were talking low as the women approached them. They stopped talking altogether as they reached them.

  Lucifer pulled a baggie out of his pocket, and Siggy handed him his buck knife, he dipped the tip of the blade into the white speed. He sniffed a mound into his nose before offering it to his brothers. Each of the men dipped the blade into the baggie and followed suit. Finally, Lucifer had the baggie back.

  “Babe, come do some of this speed before we get back. Pigs will bust us if they can, so doing it here is safer.” He wiped Siggy’s buck knife on his leg and stuck it into the bag as Aries looked at him wide eyed. He offered her a mound and noticed her looking nervously at the blade. “Honey, I’m not going to cut ya. I’ll be extra careful.”

  Aries hated to see the tip of the knife so close to her face. It brought back bad memories of a crazy Gunner. She recalled what Lucifer had said about being judged and forced herself to do two bumps.

  “It’s so hot; you can take off the support tee shirt. I want everyone to see how sexy my ol lady is.” Lucifer smiled at her with a look of encouragement. He’d seen the look of fear in her eyes.

  He held her ‘property of’ vest as she pulled the tee shirt off and stuffed into her pocketbook. The other two girls snorted speed and Ria took off her tee shirt. Leigh was starting to pull off her shirt, but Sleaze grabbed her arm.

  “Leigh, leave it on, I don’t want you showing off your body here.” Sleaze shook his head as he looked at Aries and Ria. “Not the place, bros. I don't want anybody getting the wrong idea about my Leigh.” He tucked her hand into his protectively.

  Siggy frowned at him and looked at Ria’s tube top. “Shit, Ria has a great body. And she loves showing it off, don't ya, baby?”

  Ria nodded and went to stand by him. She let him grab her tit as he laughed at Sleaze.

  Lucifer held Aries’ hand tightly as they walked back to his motorcycle. The three couples were high and intent on enjoying themselves on this beautiful day.

  Chapter Thirteen

  None of them noticed the two men watching them; both wore Devil’s Grime MC patches on their backs. They watched the three couples without saying a word as they blended into the crowd.

  “That was fucking Bella, Gunner’s bitch, wasn’t it and with a president of the fucking Devious Jokers. Fucking bitch left and went with him while our bro is sitting in jail.” His bulging eyes were hot with anger. He pounded his thick walking stick into the ground with rage. He looked like a squat, fat frog, and that was how he’d gotten his club name.

  The other biker was still staring into the crowd. “Froggy, I ain't sure. We didn’t get that close a look, and Bella wasn’t willingly with Gunner. Unless you can get close enough to prove it’s Bella, we ain't doing shit about it. You wanna take it to Grease, do it. But I ain't getting closer to find out and get into a war with Lucifer, of all men. Gunner didn’t treat her good. You just want her and are pissed she got the hell away before you got to her.” He wiped his face with a dirty bandana.

  “Clutch, fuck you. If you want to pussy out while the property of a jailed brother is with the enemy, fine. But I’m not standing for it! I’m taking this to Grease.”

  Both walked down the field to where their president Grease was holding court. Bikers gathered around and began to talk about the issue of Gunner’s runaway ol lady and how they would get her back.


  The sun was hot, and Aries was uncomfortable. It seemed like she had been sitting by Lucifer’s bike for hours while he talked to his brothers. Leigh and Ria had gotten her lemonade, and somebody had dumped vodka into it for her. But the other girls had been here before, and they had friends they wanted to talk to and had wandered away. A few times Lucifer had beckoned her to meet some biker or another. He kept his eye on her, but this wasn’t much fun at all. She couldn’t wait until it was time to go home. She tried to watch the bikers going up the hill but had to stand to see them, and it was boring. She watched bikes tumble down the hill and try again to go up it, over and over. There was a band playing she wanted to check out, but she was stuck next to Lucifer’s motorcycle. There would be no more hill climbs for her. She looked longingly at the vendors that had set up stands with all sorts of stuff for sale.

  “You wanna go check out the stuff for sale, babe?” Lucifer had noticed she seemed miserable.

  Aries jumped up and smiled at him. “Yeah, I do. Can I just shove my money and ID in my pocket and leave this bag under your bike?” She was busy trying to get her wallet when he pulled her arm.

  “Leave it all here; it's safe. Whatever you want, I’ll buy it for you. Dozer will watch it.” He turned and motioned to Dozer to come to him. The big man ambled over to them. “Watch Aries’ stuff while I take her shopping.”

  Dozer nodded. “Pres, who's going with you? Unless you plan to shop these nearby stands, you need protection.”

  Lucifer looked at Aries’ happy face and yelled for Siggy and Sleaze to come with them.

  Walking around with Lucifer and his bros’ was slow, Aries wanted to shop faster. But Lucifer was stopped by many bikers who wanted to pump fists and shoot the shit with him. She found a belt she liked, and she found leather pants she wanted. She wasn’t sure if they’d fit her, though. The vendor didn’t want to lose a sale, so she offered to let her try them on in her van. Lucifer was talking to another biker. She told him about trying the pants on, and he agreed to let her go to the van after looking around. He didn’t see any danger, and the bikers here were all friends.

  Aries opened the van door and slipped off her jeans. The leather pants glided onto her body like butter, and she couldn’t wait to see what Lucifer thought of them. She walked toward him and watched his reaction to her dressed all in black leather. She giggled as she saw him move his hand over his crotch. That was just what she’d expected him to do.

  “Do you think I should get these?” She asked innocently.

  “Have you seen yourself in them? You look hot. See if she has a corset top, I like them.” He turned to resume his conversation.

  Aries happily talked with the vendor about more clothing and had a few tops to try on. She wished Lucifer would have come back to the van with her. She tried on a corset top, but she couldn't pull the laces together. However, it fit her, and she wanted it. She liked all of the clothes and planned to let Lucifer decide what he liked best. Once she dressed in her clothes and had her ‘property of Lucifer’ vest on, she opened the van door and stepped out. She had an armful of clothing as she got out of the van. She never noticed the bikers standing behind her. Suddenly her hair was yanked by the roots, and she was being pulled backward away from Lucifer. The woman selling the clothes started to yell, and Aries dropped everything as her hand went up for Charlie’s dagger.

  She turned and gasped as she saw Frog, one of Gunner’s disgusting brothers. He’d always creeped her out, and now he was hurting her. Hell no, s
he wasn’t going to go without a fight.

  “Bitch, we got your ass now,” he snarled as he tried to pull her toward the waiting members of Devil’s Grime MC.

  Aries knew she had little time unless Lucifer heard the vendor yelling.

  She went limp all of a sudden and Frog looked at her with confusion. Charlie had said to use the dagger. She ripped it off her neck and hid it in her hand. He was right in her face yelling curses at her.

  “Hey Frog, I always thought you were a scumbag, so I don’t feel bad about doing this.” Her voice hissed, filled with rage. She opened her hand and let her fingers grab the handle of the dagger. She thrust it up and into his face aiming for his bloodshot eye. She jabbed it into the area of his eye as hard as she could and pulled the sharp weapon back, curling her fingers around the handle.

  Frog let go of her hair and screamed in pain, blood running down his face. “She cut me, and I can’t see,” he howled. “Get that bitch!”

  Aries backed up as far as she could as she stared at the members of Devil’s Grime MC. None moved toward her, and she wasn’t going to turn her back on those bastards. She heard herself screaming for Lucifer over and over. Bikers came running, and Aries felt the dagger cut into her hand as she hid it, but she was not going to let them take her. Siggy and Sleaze chased Frog, and more of the Devious Jokers bikers were surrounding the area around her.

  Lucifer felt something wet on his hand; he looked down and saw the blood dripping between her fingers. Aries was shaking uncontrollably. He tried to pry her hand open; he realized she had the dagger, but he wasn’t sure if she’d been cut by it or by the biker that had grabbed her.


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