Just His Type (Part One)

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Just His Type (Part One) Page 5

by June, Victoria

  "We have to lie down," I gasped as Adam switched his attention to my other breast.

  Adam nodded. "Be right back," he promised softly, and he scrambled up the bluff back to where we'd left the bike. He returned moments later with our coats and spread them at the base of the bluff where we were more sheltered and the waves couldn't reach us. He held out his hand and wordlessly I allowed him to lay me down. Adam stripped off his t-shirt to reveal the broad expanse of his chest. In the sunlight his tattoos looked darker than they had the night before; fiercer, but no less sexy. I eyed him greedily as he lay out beside me.

  "Cold?" he asked with concern. I shook my head, it was warmer in the shelter of the bluff and Adam's bare chest was scalding hot against me. The sunlight was warm and the heat radiating off the red sand rose up through the coats I laid on; all-in-all I'd never been more content.

  Adam watched me silently and it took my lust-hazed brain a minute to realize I was supposed to be directing the show. With a small smile I reached up and pulled Adam down to me, wrapping one small hand around his tattooed neck. I kissed him feverishly, and he moaned enthusiastically and let me set the pace. It was new for me to be the aggressor but, I had to admit, very sexy to be the one to find the heat of his erection beneath his jeans, to trace out a trail down his abdomen to his fly and start releasing buttons.

  "Take them off," I whispered, watching Adam through heavily lidded eyes. He smiled crookedly and complied without argument. Underneath his jeans were a pair of black boxer-briefs which clung to his thighs wonderfully and did nothing to hide the long length of his arousal.

  I touched him through the fabric, laughing as he twitched beneath my fingers. His sharp intake of breath was all the invitation I needed. "Off," I said hoarsely; Adam obeyed.

  He stretched out naked beside me with no regard for the cool air blowing in off the sea. I watched hungrily as he lay supine before me; I was completely in awe of every inch of him and a little uncertain of what to do with it all.

  "Can I touch you?" Adam asked huskily, ignoring my giggle as I nodded. His hand found my breast immediately and I moaned appreciatively. It didn't take long for me to wiggle out of my own jeans so that we were both naked, lying side by side in the shadow of the bluff.

  Adam's concentration on my nipples was quite lovely, but the fiery heat further down was clamoring for attention too. "Lower," I sighed. Adam propped himself up on an elbow to watch as his fingers trailed down the length of my torso.

  He stopped at my belly button and circled it teasingly. "Here?" he asked with a chuckle.

  I shook my head, trying not to betray just how ticklish I was. "Lower."

  His caress was feather-light and if I hadn't been watching his progress I might not have felt his touch at all. Adam skimmed right past my auburn curls and continued down my thigh, ignoring my cry of protest. "Not that low!" I laughed as he stopped just above my knee.

  "You didn't specify," Adam laughed. "I'm just following orders."

  I reached up and wrapped my hand around the back of Adam's neck again, pulling him down for another kiss. He laughed against my lips and then got down to the serious business of making my head spin.

  By the time he'd come up for air, I was so frantic I couldn't lie still. Adam's hand was still resting against my thigh, but that was most definitely not where I wanted it to be. Not able to say the words, I moved his hand until we found my wetness and both moaned. Adam teased and tormented me, alternating between circling my clit with determined strokes and using two fingers to plunge deeply into me. My own hand dropped away and Adam carried on alone, bringing me quickly to the brink of a wonderful rush of light and sound. The smile on his face as I came was smug.

  "What?" I asked with trepidation as soon as I was able to breathe again.

  "You are gorgeous when you do that," Adam smiled sexily.

  I ran a finger over the swirling lines of his tattoo as they twined up his forearm; his skin was hot. "Do what?" I inquired with mock innocence.

  "When you come for me," he murmured, leaning in to kiss the swell of my breast. "I could watch you do it all day."

  "I could do it all day," I quipped. "So I guess we're even."

  "Guess so," Adam purred into the softness he'd pillowed his head against.

  "Is it your turn now?" I asked with a laugh. Adam's tongue swept swiftly across my nipple and I gasped as the cool sea breeze met with the dampened skin he left behind.

  He shrugged. "This is your show, Lilly. If you say it's my turn, it's my turn."

  My head spun with the multitude of possibilities before me. I could be completely selfish and have Adam continue his touching, or better yet I could have him use his talented tongue lower down and give my poor nipple a rest, but as I watched the burning heat in his bright green flash with expectancy I knew there was only one place that I wanted him to be.

  "I don't want to wait," I whispered huskily.

  Adam grinned. "Then I won't make you wait." He moved to brace himself above me, every line painted on his body flexed with the shifting weight of his body; Adam's entry into me was as smooth and effortless as everything else he did and I cried out happily as he hit home.

  "Oh God," Adam moaned lowly. "You are so wet." He drew back only to plunge more slowly, dragging another wail of pleasure from me.

  Adam continued to speak but I could hardly hear him; if the pounding surf hadn't drowned out his words, the rushing throb of my heartbeat certainly did. The rough grasp of Adam's fingers on my thighs was sure to leave bruises and I knew I didn't care. Every sensation seemed magnified: the chilly air against my almost painfully hard nipples, the musky smell of the leather jackets beneath me, the hot, relentless drive of Adam's cock into me. I didn't want it to end, but the rising current of feeling in my gut spoke otherwise.

  "Adam," I sighed, loving the way his named sounded and his body felt. Supremely, perfectly happy, that's what I was.

  "Lilly," Adam growled, lowering his head to nip roughly at my neck. "You drive me crazy." He flexed his hips, grinding his pelvis against my own, driving all thought straight from my head as I came loudly.

  Adam ground his teeth, breathing heavily in my ear, and muttering my name over and over; it was the sexiest noise I'd ever heard. My muscles continued to contract as my orgasm lengthened, rippling around Adam's generous girth with renewed tenacity. Every movement he made, every thrust, sent another spasm of pleasure through me. I could hear the noises I was making, but didn't seem able to stop them.

  Adam's own finish came on the back of another of my own, the tremor of his release causing me to cry out again with satisfaction. Wearily, Adam rested his head in the crook of my neck, my mussed auburn waves clung sweatily to us both.

  The moments after felt just as nice, the hollow ache between my thighs filled so pleasantly by Adam, the frenzied rhythm of our hearts synchronizing as they slowed. Beyond us the surf continued its relentless thrashing against the shore, completely unaware of our bliss.

  "My ass is getting cold," Adam mumbled into my ear after a while.

  Laughing, the pushed him off of me and threw his discarded jeans at him. "Yeah, well mine's asleep," I replied, massaging it as I rose slowly from my fairly uncomfortable position on the beach.

  We dressed and joked and brushed sand off of each other while we made plans to take a long shower together when we got back to the city. The two of us climbed back up the bluff, hand-in-hand, laughing as I tried to negotiate the sandy bank with impractical boots on. Giving in, Adam cupped my ass and all but heaved me over the edge to the end of the road where we'd parked the bike before scrambling up behind me.

  Idling beside Adam's beautiful motorcycle was a beat-up old truck which had been dark green at one point but was so covered in rust and red earth it was difficult to tell where one began and the other ended. Leaning against it with both arms crossed menacingly across his very broad chest was a very angry man I recognized well. He glared at Adam and me with undisgui
sed dislike.

  Immediately Adam tried to take a step in front of me and I placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "Hello, Joe," I sighed; the large man glared harder.

  "What the hell are you doing here Lilly? And who the fuck is that?"

  I could feel Adam's muscles flex beneath my hand, but wisely he remained silent. My blood was pounding furiously in my ears, and the happy, carefree girl who'd just had a romantic interlude on a deserted beach faded away to reveal the old me, the one who didn't quite know what to say or what to do.

  "Adam's new to the Island, so I was just showing him around," I offered weakly, ignoring the look on Joe's face which suggested he knew just what we'd been up to and he was less than impressed by it. I wondered how much he'd been able to overhear above the noise of the crashing surf. I doubted he'd attempted to look over the edge of the bluff to the beach below; I didn't think the dune would support his weight and I knew he would have interrupted had he known it was me down there.

  Joe continued to glare and look menacing, which was easy for him since he more than topped six feet and had the impressively large physique typical of Island farmers, or at least the ones I knew. "Joe, I'd like you to meet Adam…" I attempted politely, floundering when I realized I couldn't finish the introduction properly as I didn't know Adam's last name. There was a small flicker of fear which burnt through me as Joe picked up on the same fact.

  "And Adam," I continued quickly, rushing forward and bringing him with me; he hesitated slightly and I had to pull on his arm until we came within hand-shaking distance of Joe and his ominous scowl. "T-this is Joe." The two men glowered threateningly at each other. I wondered if Adam had ever met anyone taller than himself, never mind anyone who would dream of challenging him. I had no doubt Joe was capable of it. "Adam," I Mombled frantically, "Joe's my big brother.”

  Chapter Four

  Joe grunted non-committedly at my introduction. The angry look on his face dissipated somewhat and he gave me a little smirk, which on him passed for a smile. "It's Sunday and Mom's cookin' a big dinner. You'd better come. She'll be pissed to know you were here and didn't stop in."

  I hesitated. I hadn't been to Sunday night supper at my parents' in a long time, much too long of a time actually, and the prospect did appeal to me, except that I had Adam with me, and subjecting him to such an ordeal seemed a little precipitous to say the least.

  "Bring him too," Joe grumbled, nodding in Adam's direction. "She always cooks enough for twenty. I'll tell her you're comin'." Joe climbed back in his truck before I could argue or decline and he'd pulled away before I could really figure out what had just happened.

  "Brooks," Adam whispered in my ear.

  I shook my whirling head confusedly. "Pardon?"

  Adam chucked, holding out his hand. I gave him a questioning look but took it. He shook my hand firmly, politely. "Adam Brooks. Pleased to meet you."

  I broke off into a peal of laughter, feeling a little of myself come back from the numbness and shock of seeing Joe. "Lilly Tanner. We really don't have to go to my parents," I explained quickly. Adam still held my hand and his flesh was warm against my palm, his fingers so long they snaked up my wrist.

  "I don't mind, although if you have any more brothers like that, I'd like to know now." Adam grinned sheepishly and I apologized.

  "Joe and I have never really gotten along," I said slowly, unsure how to explain the situation. "He likes playing the tough big brother and I've always resented that. He's never approved of a single thing I've done."

  Adam smiled softly. "I'm sure he's more proud of you than you know. Brothers are like that, protective of their sisters."

  I shook my head woefully. "Yeah, and I have three."

  "Are they all that big?" Adam asked.

  I laughed. "Pretty much. Joe's the oldest and the biggest. He helps Dad run the farm. I'm next in age. Then comes Matt, he's 25 and is a mechanic. Chuck's 23, he's just graduated university and is home for the summer. And then there's Vi, she's the youngest and is almost done high school."

  "That's a lot of kids, your parents must have been busy," Adam laughed. There was a twinkle of laughter in his green eyes which made me smile.

  "I'm still not sure how Mom managed to keep us all in line. Don't you have any siblings?" I zipped my leather jacket up and watched hungrily as Adam did the same, hiding his sexy, t-shirt clad chest from view.

  "Just one sister; Kat's a tattoo artist in Montreal."

  "Well that explains a lot," I said brightly, leaning in to kiss Adam quickly before I pulled my helmet on. "You can just drop me off at the end of the lane if you want and I'll get Matt to drive me back to the city. My family can be a little much and that's not fair to you."

  "And it's not fair to you if I just abandon you," Adam said with a grim expression. "I'd like to meet your family, unless you don't want me to meet them."

  He looked so hurt it damn near broke my heart. "It's not you Adam, trust me. It's just; well... they can be a little over-whelming. I stopped bringing guys home years ago. You're liable to get the third-degree and God knows what else."

  Adam slid his own helmet on, obscuring most of his handsome face; I could still see his eyes though and they were laughing at me. "I think I can handle it, Lil. Can't be any worse than meeting Joe." He climbed on the bike and waited expectantly as I did the same before starting it up with a roar.

  "You're just saying that because you haven't met my Dad yet," I said, but I don't think he heard me over the sound of the bike.


  Mom was waiting on the porch of the little, yellow farmhouse when we pulled in. She eyed the bike with thinly veiled trepidation, but smiled welcomingly as we dismounted, shedding our helmets.

  I couldn't have stopped her from rushing forward and hugging me tightly even if I wanted to. She enveloped me in a hug which smelled wonderfully of freshly baked pie and good, clean Island air. I smiled widely and hugged her back, just as hard.

  "Lilly," she crooned, stepping back and holding me at arms' length. She studied me intently for a moment. "You're getting too skinny."

  I laughed loudly, hugging her motherly form again. "You always say that." Mom thought anyone who didn't weigh 200 pounds was skinny, and although I didn't weigh that much, I was certainly far from what I would consider to be skinny.

  "And it's always true. Good thing I've a mind to fatten you up today. Now who's your young man?" Mom looked over my shoulder and gave Adam her biggest smile. His face lit up in return. I couldn't help but wonder what he thought of my short, stout, red-haired mother. I'm sure his mother was perfectly manicured and coiffed and in my mind she was a glamorous 'desperate housewife' type with which my own farm-wife Mom could never compete.

  Adam stepped forward and I watched in shock as Mom hugged him too, just as hard as she'd hugged me. She didn't even come up to his shoulder. Adam looked surprised for a moment and then laughed heartily. "I'm Adam Brooks, Mrs. Tanner."

  Mom held Adam out at arms length just the same as she had me and studied him too, just as intently. I was blushing furiously and Adam shot me a sheepish look. "You're too skinny too," Mom concluded. "Cute as hell, but too skinny. Looks like I'll have to fatten this one up too."

  "Mom!" I cried in disbelief, my ears were burning. Adam patted my shoulder, still laughing.

  "And now you know why she never brings any of her fellows home," Mom said with a conspiratorial wink in Adam's direction. "You must be special."

  "I hope so," Adam said gruffly, smiling down at my Mother. She positively beamed back up at him and I knew that despite her embarrassing me, she liked him.

  "Well I'm sure you are," Mom said, taking Adam's arm. "Come in and I'll get you fixed up with a cold drink." She opened the door and Adam held it for her, motioning her through with a broad gesture. Mom laughed and giggled like a teenager. I stood speechless on the bottom step of the porch as Adam laughed right back. Was he flirting with her?

  "Violet!" Mom scr
eeched when the screen-door slammed shut behind me. "Violet! Lilly's here!"

  From upstairs the booming music ceased and then there was a clatter of footsteps as my kid sister gamboled gracefully down the stairs. I smiled up at her, knowing my grin was identical to hers, only ten years older. Adam watched the two of us, smiling broadly. Lilly's jaw dropped when she saw him.

  Adam cocked his pierced eyebrow and grinned. "Lilly and Violet? That's sweet."

  Adam introduced himself to her and Vi stared at him with all the brazenness only a teenager can possess before she shot him her most winning smile. "Yeah, Mom has a thing for flowers, she's a gardening nut," she explained with a coy giggle. I rolled my eyes.


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