At First Sight (Persephonii Waters Book 1)

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At First Sight (Persephonii Waters Book 1) Page 18

by Melanie Brown

  "A retribution killing?" Talia seemed impressed with the thought.

  "More than that... What if his death was not the initial result?...What if...What if his political stance and media prowess was the target?" The thought popped into her head, like a light bulb going off. She held Sebastian's gaze, determined to follow this line of thinking to the end.

  "What kind of Maker, would not just take out his biggest rival, but literally Turn them to his cause?" She spoke softly as if to herself, a chilling revelation at the thought process of the Rogue Maker. So softly that had the two Vampyres not had enhanced hearing, they might have missed it. In an instant Sebastian was beside her, reaching forward to grip her arm in a firm but light hold.

  "Say that again." It was more a demand than a request.

  Thinking about the sensation of 'truth' behind her conclusion, she repeated her statement, a sense of connection and rightness about it. Familiar in its intensity that told her, she had made the right connections. "What kind of Maker would not just take out his biggest rival, but literally Turn them to his cause?" It was clear by their expressions that they understood the double meaning and implications of the term, Turn, capital T. Several intense looks were exchanged between the two Vampyres, a series of silent communication that held years of familiarity and trust.

  Finally nodding in unison, the two returned their focus to the now perplexed Paranormal Consultant.

  "There is no official formula or design for creating a Kiss. It is merely the power and knowledge, the whims of the Maker and the direction to their Chyldren and those they invite into the Kiss. As they choose to grow stronger, or increase in number the Archon, may accept or deny entry into their factions." Hearing this Persephonii wondered about those denied the protection and power of a Kiss.

  "The term Archon was from the days of ancient Greece, but to become one is a sign of power, or Mastery. The Maker becomes something more when forming a Kiss, becomes both parent and ruler. And if they achieve House status, they are only subject to the House Council. IF they then, became part of the House Council, subject to only their fellows, and then only those more powerful." Talia's explanation made sense and followed what she had learned throughout the years. To start a Kiss was a large venture, but to ensure their survival, the Maker had to then expand. Not all of the Kiss could be his Chyldren, some had to be adopted in. It also meant achieving the highest form of security, House Status and from there working their way up to a seat on the Council.

  "Is there a precedent for those denied entrance into a House to start their own Kiss in retaliation?" Talia seemed startled at the question as if the idea had not occurred to her before, a scowl settling onto her brow.

  "The usual premises for denial is that the Vampyre seeking entrance into the Kiss is not powerful enough or cannot contribute to the Kiss or its goals." Talia's voice was even, monotone really, which momentarily gave Persephonii pause.

  "It sounds like a business agreement, where the interview has gone bad." The statement was out of her mouth before she could filter it.

  "For your modern sensibilities it would seem like something so trivial... But to be denied entrance to any Kiss is a stain upon your record. A Vampyre's memory is long, they do not forgive and they do not forget." Gavril stepped into the living area his expression closed, far from the amenable man she had met earlier. From their body language alone, Persephonii could tell there was some tension and history to the subject, personal history for all three of them.

  "I am sorry if my offhanded comment upset you. I meant no disrespect. But..perhaps....Perhaps... that is where this mess begins?" Gavril took a seat next to Talia his steady focus, lasered in on her as she spoke.

  "We can all agree that the evidence points to a younger male, 20-30 years of age and Turned within the last few decades...." Talia's expression showed clear signs of protest to the male category, Persephonii continued. "Physiological evidence and experience shows that men use violence and blatant shows of power and superiority to achieve their goals. Let's face it, if it was a woman she would have found an easier more effective way to meet her ends." At this Talia' conceded to Persephonii's point, if just for pride's sake. "Including the use of technology, suggests a more modern physiological view of Vampyrism. But perhaps so does this new premise?" Taking their silence as agreement to continue, she carried this emerging train of thought to its finish.

  "If the Rogue Maker is creating a Kiss, a family of his own, from which he hopes to operate, why not look at it like a opportunities to amass skills, personnel.... financial backing?" Persephonii thought it sounded both logical and yet..very cold. Could the Rogue's mental state be affecting how he perceived the two, merging the need for a family with the need for skilled Chyldren?

  "So you are saying the Rogue is choosing victims for the skills they possess and the value they have to his goals?" Sebastian sounded impressed with the conclusion.

  "But this teacher and artist..." Talia still sounded unconvinced.

  "I did mention that these were theories. Look at it from my point of view. Someone who has a more contemporary take on Vampyrism, who knows slightly more than the basic facts that the media presents..." She was cut off before she could finish.

  "I would say a good deal more than that." A slight smile lifted the corner of Sebastian's mouth as he spoke, bringing Persephonii's focus to his square chin and chiseled, traditional features that momentarily captured her imagination. Suddenly feeling as if her thoughts were running away from her control, at the least definitely getting out of hand, she focused on Talia whom might just be coming to see her point of view.

  "For the sake of conjecture, let's set up a scenario... We can all agree that the Rogue Maker has some sort of aspirations, for media attention, creating his own Kiss or what have you. He has decided to Turn these people, the majority seemingly against their will...then what? Left them to flounder on their own? To create mass hysteria?" Persephonii's derisive tone clearly stated her opinion on the matter. "From what I know about Turning, the process is long and hard, a drain on both Maker and Chylde. With no little amount of learning curve." Confirmation of this assessment came in slow nods from the group.

  "Would you put in all that work, all that effort, to simply kill them a few weeks later? No. Let's say instead, that my proposition is more accurate. The violence and subsequent death, often at the hands of authorities, is some sort of flaw in the process this Rogue Maker is trying to prefect. There is the Turning side, and then the mentality of running the Kiss like a business or organization, familial but with a purpose outside of itself." Starting with the ground work and logical side of the puzzle, she laid a foundation for this new theory.

  "We have yet to nail down a solid time line but for our sake will go in order of discovery." She counted off on her fingers.

  "Which begins with Mr. Fischer, a leader, Politian and media man whose influence and reach can open doors. Turning him not only eliminates a large threat to Vampyres but gains a strong well known ally." The first death presented the clearest 'role' for her theory, but the others would need more study to convince the Vampyres of their roles in the Rogue Kiss.

  "But wouldn't the change in stance be too much of a switch to believe?" This from Kaleb, who came in with Nadia behind him. It looked like someone had called in the troops to the meeting.

  "Mr. Fischer's appearance from the videos alone showed he had been under stress and some sort of trauma. Perhaps he had broken free from the Maker and wandered into the rally?" Perhaps after a good hiatus the Rogue would have reintroduce Fisher, slowly having him change his views and effect politics.

  "Or escaped and was drawn to the large crowd? Perhaps emotional and mental instability drove him to seek out those who supported his abusers?" Encouraged by Sebastian's participation in the exercise, she gave him a grateful smile and continued.

  "Mr. Freedman, a retired school teacher, is not just about teaching but learning. Education, experience, he is the role of Logicia
n. I'm still looking for connections between him and past students. So far, the only two with any connections are Mr. Freedman and Ms. Kunhe. She was one of his students, who graduated a decade or so ago. Ms. Kunhe as the artist completes a sort of ideal triumvirate, the Governor, the Philosopher, the Creator." If she followed this line of thinking then...

  "Mr. Blake, if he is in this circle, would be the financial baking, the Merchant, the means to support the Kiss. With perhaps the added bonus of stealing away a large player in the House of Thane's resources. So what else does a business need to succeed?... Access to funding they have in Mr. Blake."

  Kaleb too appeared to be warming to the theory. "Access to markets... using technology against Thane would be easy. They could simply take over any markets, trade, and media by simply out maneuvering them all from the comfort of their headquarters."

  "The Maker has shown he knows how to use technology, he has ensnared these people with little effort and Turned them with none the wiser. But perhaps additional resources? The F.B.I team is looking for a highly skilled doctor and any resources they might use to Turn these victims. So we have technology and medical knowledge..." Writing furiously in her notebook, Persephonii paused to look up as Toma joined in.

  "Access to human capital..." With Toma's soft cultured statement, the room fell silent. With a heavy sigh Persephonii took this statement to its conclusion.

  "Both access and skill in those fields means they have a wide pool of victims to choose from. Once this procedure is perfected, which in time, will play out if they are not caught... Means that anyone and everyone could be offered their version of immortality." On the surface, it seemed like a dream come true for those seeking to outsmart death. But if this process could be patented, would the Rogue form a monopoly or release his findings out into the world? The repercussions were staggering.

  "Vampyre numbers would soar, and the world would soon forget the people whose lives were taken to fulfill some sick plan of retribution and power." The immense weight of the truth bore down on her in that moment. Though a dire and perhaps exaggerated ending, it was no less plausible given the lengths this Rogue had proven he would go to meet his ends. Raising her head from her thoughts, she was met with inscrutable looks from all but a few members of the Investigation Kiss.

  "So... where does that leave us?" Alin, one of the few Kiss members she had yet to really see or talk with, spoke up.

  "My thoughts exactly...Is there any way to get a hold of a list of people that the House of Thane has rejected lately? Do they keep some sort of watch list? With the majority of the House Seats gone for the season, do we start with the heads of the local Kiss? Perhaps starting near Mr. Fischer's last whereabouts and working outwards?"

  Sebastian and the other's talked over their local contacts and started calling together a meeting of the local Archons. Persephonii imagined that the list of undesirables was rather long. A lone Vampyre might be pray for any number of characters; Human Hunters, Extremist, even the occasional confrontation with other, stronger Paras. Being part of a Kiss meant safety, people to call when trouble arose and the resources of both Kiss and House affiliations. If the Rogue had neither, that raised a few more questions.

  Why not make a Kiss from those already denied entrance? A banding of outcasts so to speak. What sort of resources where available to those outside the social norms? Could there be more than one Rogue Maker? A team choosing victims and Turning them in well....turns? At this point speculation could run rampant and they had no time to be running in circles.

  With things decided, roles and tasks assigned, the others began to depart having the majority of the night left to them. Raising her head from writing thoughts and questions in her note book, she found Sebastian standing to her side, reading her notes.

  "Over coming Ms. Vaughn's influence? Polite even to those who would call you rival?" Once again he seemed amused at her manners, but she didn't rise to the bait.

  "Her position in the scheme of things is rather troublesome for me. As a second Consultant I'm relegated to the periphery cases, surprisingly they all seem to have a connection back to the Maker. However, my position leaves little room to move and less power to try and direct things. It's been a rather frustrating couple of weeks."

  "Not used to being pushed to the side lines?" His question was so informal that is surprised her. About as much as it stuck close to the truth of the matter and her feelings.

  "That and not having enough clout to get what needs to be done, done. The F.B.I has brought in some fabulous resources, but I can't get anywhere near them." It wasn't like her to complain, but she was feeling the strain of trying to do so much on her own. Especially when the resources she needed where already within reach, but seemed to be off limits.

  "What about your P.P.D? Do they not have these resources?" From Sebastian's question she wondered when he had last worked closely with the human detectives. Obviously, not very recently.

  "Our P.P.D is overworked, understaffed and trying to save lives and solve crimes on little pay and less sleep. the moment the resources are being used for high profile cases, with what's left as a first come- first serve basis. They do what they can, but with limited assets, there is just not enough to go around." The same could be said for the F.B.I agents themselves, it was mostly due to the high level of media coverage that the resources and backing had arrived with them.

  "Which is also why you use your own time and money to help them solve these cases?" Subtly slide in, the question was more a statement, but Persephonii noted he had some curiosity behind it.

  " did you...? You really have been researching me haven't you?" She didn't mean to sound so incredulous, it was something that she, herself had done upon agreeing to their Liaison arrangement.

  "But of course. I wanted only the best as my... Liaison; it was only luck that Agent Savage had not scooped you up." For a moment there, she was sure he had been about to say something... other than liaison.

  Starting to pack up her things, she remained quiet thinking about that phrase, 'only the best.' Having to admit that in this instance, she might not be up to the task felt like admitting defeat before the fight had even begun. She was not prone to nihilistic thinking, that along with the flashes of fascination for the dark investigator, made her feel like she barely knew herself. She felt realistic enough to admit, her biggest worry.

  "Well, with my hands tied, I'm afraid I'm not very useful it seems." Her attempt to make light of the situation fell flat quickly.

  Sebastian gave her a wicked looking smile, shape and all teeth. "Then, perhaps it's time we officially met with this Studwick and Fox of yours."

  Despite the ground work laid in preparation for such an event, the call to Studwick was tense, another pressure added to the overall menagerie that was the situation. She felt a great deal of remorse adding to his troubles, but assured him that the Investigator and his team would be an asset to the case, especially when it came to hunting the Rogue Maker down.

  Given that the Kiss had left for the night on assignments of their own, the Official meeting would be in a few days. Apparently Agent Savage and Ms. Vaughn where taking another sweep around Mr. Fischer's home and grounds, trying to locate the site for his Turning. It was nice to hear that they were on the same bandwagon as Persephonii and Fox, but they were expected to be back in a few days. Studwick got some satisfaction in being the one to tell the F.B.I agent that the House Council Representative and Investigator had arrived and would be taking a lead role in the case. Even Studwick mentioned Sebastian being 'Welcome to him,' when referring to the hard headed Agent.

  Persephonii was somewhat reassured that others were coming to the same conclusions, though the evidence was limited, it was backing up her theory. She had support from several sides, now the House Investigator could be added to the list too. At this point in the investigation, she needed to find more evidence linking the victims together. After all, what were the chances that every case Agent Fox received
and then called her in on was related to the Rogue?

  Preparation for the meeting wouldn't be just introductions, it was the perfect chance to move the investigation into the right direction, instead of focusing on Mr. Fischer. However, current evidence and time was limited, she worried that her theory would need another episode to cement the evidence as fact. Something Persephonii prayed wouldn't happen despite the need to catch this killer. Mr. Blake's paperwork seemed more and more important as things progressed. It couldn't get finished soon enough.

  Chapter 16: Blood Substitute:

  The artificial, often engineered plasma that is sold as a substitute for Vampyres who wish to forgo feeding from Humans.

  Current market has one main Blood Sub. RED, Rumors of competitors have arisen, with another improved version, in the works, called Crimson Tide.

  The Warehouse, Study. Lakewood, WA. 10:13pm PST.

  The trek back up to the warehouse revealed a quiet living area. Straightening up her desk in the study, she was contemplating calling it an early night, perhaps a good night's rest would clear her head of odd emotions and periphery thoughts. Standing in the middle of the large study-work area come library, she heard slight noises coming from the den above. From what she could make out, it was somewhat dramatic music, an orchestra unfolding action and adventure with their skill.

  Tired legs climbed the back stairs and made their way around the catwalks to the back double doors leading into the den. The door was open a crack, just enough to let the sound escape out and down to Persephonii's ears. Peaking through the door, she smiled at the sight revealed to her. Slipping inside, she made her way around the edges of the room, and her pile of company. All seven of her guests were asleep in a haphazard mess around the couches and floor. Empty bowls, kernels still in the bottom attested to the huge amounts of popcorn they had consumed. From the looks of it, they had eaten the large quantities, Lindsey had insisted they buy while grocery shopping, in one go and were now in a Popcorn induced food coma. Even North was quietly snoring away in the large overstuffed armchair.


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