Spirits Shared

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Spirits Shared Page 11

by Jory Strong

  The kiss deepened and he couldn't contain the moan or the shiver of need. Tekoa jerked the borrowed sweats to his thighs and visions of Tekoa going down on him had Clay struggling to keep from coming.

  "Fuck," he panted and Tekoa grinned.

  "We will. You have my word on that."

  Tekoa's hand moved to his balls, fingertips prodding the skin behind them, glancing over Clay's hole.

  His ass might have clamped like a virgin's but his hips jerked upward. And he shoved Tekoa's sweats down like he was in a hurry to be fucked by a dick as thick and wet and ready as his own.

  Tekoa lay more heavily on top of him and the press of Tekoa's cock to his nearly blew him up. Jesus. He thrust upward. Couldn't care that he was on the bottom humping against a cock instead of gripping it while he fucked.

  He wanted it that bad. Needed it. Panted, "I'm not going to last."

  Tekoa rolled to his feet and stripped out of his sweats. His cock jerked away from abs that didn't come from sitting behind a desk or in the driver's seat of a patrol car.

  He'd never felt such raw lust for another man. Yeah, he'd gotten hard-ons and been attracted, but this was different. This was intense, extreme, something that went deep, the same as what he felt for Jessica went—except different, rougher.

  Another day, another time, maybe he and Tekoa would slow down, use a softer touch as they explored each other's bodies. Or maybe not. Somehow he didn't see them cuddling unless Jess was between them, gentling them.

  Clay sat, shed the borrowed sweats. He leaned forward, wrapped his hand around Tekoa's shaft and that move put his mouth close to Tekoa's dick, close enough he wasn't going to say no.

  He used his other hand to cup Tekoa's balls and Tekoa's head went back on a groan. It was a sight to memorize, the rigid muscles, Tekoa's chest rising and falling in short pants, his fists balled like he was fighting to keep from begging to have his dick sucked.

  Do it. Beg. The words were right there but Clay flashed to those sublime moments when Jessica had gone down on him, clearing the way for that first kiss between him and Tekoa.

  "Fair's fair," he murmured. Making Tekoa beg could wait.

  He slid from the couch to his knees and took Tekoa into his mouth.

  Tekoa nearly passed out from the rush of pleasure that whipped from his cock to his brain. He gripped Clay's hair. Thrust in an effort to drive all the way to the back of Clay's throat.

  Clay blocked the move with the tightening of his hand, but ratcheted up the need to thrust with the squeeze of Tekoa's balls and a stroke of fingertips across the pucker of his ass.

  A fingertip pushed inside and Tekoa's hips jerked. He fought against closing his eyes. Fought to continue watching as his shaft slid past Clay's lips.

  He lasted one heartbeat, two—until Clay took his cock all the way to the back of his throat and swallowed.

  Ecstasy ripped and splintered through him like a lightning strike. He came and it was a discharge of electric energy so raw and violent it took him to his knees and then to his back.

  He ended up on the rug in front of the fireplace with Clay's body covering his, with Clay's rigid cock rubbing and sliding against his softened one. Clay's mouth came down on his and he met Clay's tongue and tasted himself. He yielded to the pressure of Clay's thighs against his own and spread his legs.

  They both moaned as their sacs touched more intimately. "My turn to come," Clay said, his face taut, his body slick with sweat, his breathing as rushed and rough as Tekoa's.

  "There's lubricant under the couch cushion at this end."

  Clay laughed despite an overwhelming need to fuck. "You planned ahead?"

  "It pays to be prepared."

  Clay levered himself to his knees and retrieved the lubricant. He wasn't sure he needed the lube but he squeezed the bottle and coated every hard inch.

  Tekoa's face tightened and his eyes darkened. Clay's mouth quirked upward in a cocky smile and a hurry-up message flashed in Tekoa's eyes like lightning before a wild storm.

  He circled the pucker of Tekoa's ass with lubricant-coated fingers, pushed into that tight, dark hole. He'd been willing to let Tekoa take him first. They were equals with Jess. They were equals in this too and he always gave as good as he got. But this was better. This was closer to the fantasy that'd been riding him.

  He lay on Tekoa, the tip of his cock lined up and ready to go. "Be prepared, huh? Somehow you're not reminding me of a Boy Scout."

  Tekoa's laugh was swallowed in a kiss that became more carnal as Clay worked his cock into Tekoa's tight ass. Christ. He was about to go off as fast as he had when he was thirteen and doing the striker on his soccer team.

  He loved anal sex with Jess but it wasn't the same as this. It couldn't fill the need this filled.

  She didn't have a cock that would rub against his abs and coat him with come when he took a partner from the top. She didn't have a cock that he could stroke until it jerked in release as he fucked a partner from behind.

  Clay thrust. He tried to slow it down, to savor it. That lasted all of five strokes. The need was too raw and Tekoa didn't help things by clamping down on his dick like he was demanding to have his ass filled with come.

  His tongue thrust against Tekoa's tongue. His hips pistoned, his abs sliding over Tekoa's cock.

  Fuck. Damn. Fuck. He needed this. His movements quickened and fierce, dark satisfaction filled him as Tekoa's hot semen struck his chest.

  Yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about. Now it was no holds barred.

  His thrusting became frenzied, pressure building in his balls. Pleasure building in his dick and Yeah! Rushing through his cock in a blast of come that sent shockwaves of heat to his head.

  He collapsed and rolled off onto his back, lay there for long moments panting, finally mumbled, "Shower next," but didn't have the strength to get to his feet.

  "First one there controls the temperature," Tekoa said though he couldn't summon the energy to make it a race.

  Clay grunted and said, "That's assuming I'll share it with you."

  "You'll share Jessica but not the shower?"

  Clay smiled. "With Jessica I don't have to worry about bending over if I drop the soap."

  Tekoa laughed. "It's a legitimate worry."

  "You happen to have a hot tub?"


  Thunder rumbled in the distance. Rain hit the cabin roof in a hard, steady beat.

  "We should build one," Clay said. "We could put it under a gazebo. Then on days like this we'd be able to use it. We could even make the gazebo portable so we could move it and sit under the stars on good nights."

  "Sounds like a plan," Tekoa said, easily imagining the two of them working together on the project, then rewarding themselves with a hot soak and an equally hot woman. "Jessica like hot tubs?"

  "I've never been in one with her." Clay turned his head and their eyes met. "But we've camped places where there was shallow water and privacy. I think it's safe to say she'd enjoy a hot tub and we'd enjoy having her in it."

  Tekoa's cock stirred. His spirit reached for Jessica's and he frowned at how far she'd traveled. She was beyond the range where he could tell her exact location, at least while he remained tied to his human form.

  A shiver of uneasiness rippled outward from his heart. He'd expected her to go to Hohoq and pass time at the diner owned by his great-aunt or at the general store run by his father and grandfather.

  He hadn't worried when Jessica left because as soon as his relatives saw her driving his truck and felt the Thunderbird's touch on her, they wouldn't let her out of their sight. The truth was they'd pump her for information and then when she mentioned her intention to make a celebratory meal, they'd fill the car with food.

  He rubbed his chest and Clay picked up on his disquiet. "Something wrong?"

  Tekoa shook his head. "Don't think so."

  She'd probably gone to Pinion or Oakdale. Maybe assumed she'd find a better selection of stores and goods or figured a longer trip w
ould mean he and Clay would have more time alone. But…

  He rolled to his side and lifted onto an elbow so he could catch Clay's reaction. "You think Jessica would panic and bolt?"

  "Hell no. Not a chance."

  The worry eased. Nothing about her departure supported the fear that she'd run.

  Tekoa leaned closer to Clay. The lust that had been satisfied only moments earlier flared.

  Clay pulled him down so he lay on top of him. Their lips met. Their kisses were less a battle and more an exploration. The rub of tongue against tongue wasn't a test for dominance and submission but the parry and thrust of two equally matched opponents.

  They swallowed each other's moans of pleasure. Their hands roamed, this time seeking out nipples and sliding over muscled arms and backs.

  The flames in the fireplace flickered and danced. In the recesses of Tekoa's soul, the ancient song poised, ready to begin. With the single beat of the drum his heart would be commanded by Thunderbird spirit and there'd be no stopping until Clay and he were bound together more permanently than any human law or custom could ever dictate.

  He settled more of his weight on Clay. His tongue forged deeper.

  Clay moaned and Tekoa answered it with a moan of his own. The hunger built, becoming a howling spirit wind, a primal urge to position Clay onto his hands and knees.

  Tekoa lifted his mouth from Clay's. He rose to his elbows. But before he could speak thunder filled the air and was followed by the telephone's ominous ring.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8

  "Fuck," Clay said.

  Tekoa rolled to his feet. The sense of uneasiness returned and grew with each step toward the phone.

  He answered and Tenino said, "A kid in Tioga got home and found his father in the kitchen. Beaten pretty badly. Ankles and wrists bound, his mouth taped shut. Their car was stolen along with a gun."

  "The convict that's still on the loose."

  "Yep. Dean Keast. Boy's father made a positive ID. I sent you his picture."

  Tekoa turned on his cell, tapped the screen until the picture showed up. "Got it."

  Keast was Caucasian, wide-faced and thick-necked, a thug with hair cropped to leave stubble and a neck covered with prison tats.

  "The stolen car was found a few minutes ago," Tenino said. "Over near Pike's Turn. An old man was in the trunk. He's still unconscious. His wife said he went off to visit friends and then was going to stop by the grocery store. He was driving a 2011 silver Lincoln Continental. Mack's guys are trying to nail down the timing. Chances are Keast might have already jacked another car."

  "Do the elders still think he's on our land?"

  "Mixed opinion. Could be he's weaving in and out of our territory. Mack already ordered roadblocks. If Keast is still in the area and stays on the asphalt they'll catch him. If he goes off-road he's likely to get stuck in mud and abandon the car. We'll find him if he's on our land and takes off on foot. We've got it covered, no need for you to get involved."

  "Not yet, anyway." Most likely Keast would get stopped at a roadblock. If he didn't, then one of The People would find him. The storm called to them and they rode the winds in spirit form.

  They weren't all that they'd once been in the days before foreign ships brought physical and spiritual and cultural death. But his people could still sense evil when it walked on Thunderbird lands.

  A crack of thunder drew Tekoa's attention to the window, then to Clay up on his feet and heading toward him. And despite the news about the convict and his uneasiness that Jessica was out in the storm, Tekoa's cock stiffened.

  He needed to finish this. If he was lucky they'd make it out of the shower before his Thunderbird spirit dominated.

  On the other end of the phone a bell chimed as a door opened and closed. In the background someone ordered coffee.

  "Keep me posted," Tekoa said.

  "Will do."

  Clay reached him, lifted the cellphone off the desk. "This the last escaped convict?"

  "That's him. Dean Keast."

  "Your guys close to catching him?"

  "On alert. Last sighting was in Mack Van Deusen's territory."

  Clay set the phone down. Did an eye sweep across Tekoa's desk and had his heart ripped from his body.

  Jessica's engagement ring was next to the carved family of grizzly bears.

  His hand went to his chest, pressed hard and painfully against the aching, hollowed out place where his heart had been. Christ. Not this. Anything but this. Marriage was one of his brass rings, it'd always been something he wanted, not that he'd been in a rush until Jess.

  His throat was too clogged to ask but Tekoa caught the frozen stare, probably read the burn taking place in his eyes and said, "You still think Jess didn't panic and bolt?"

  All he could manage was the shake of his head no. He closed his eyes, willed himself to take a deep breath to clear his throat.

  "She say anything when she took the ring off?" His voice came out in a croak.

  Tekoa's hand cupped the back of his neck and fuck if he didn't feel it in his cock. The traitorous bastard bobbed and licked across his abs, wanting what it wanted because the ring, the wedding, the vows didn't impact his dick's desire for Jess and Tekoa.

  "She took it off before the two of us made love," Tekoa said, pulling him in so their shafts touched, and fuck if he didn't shiver and moan and desperately grab onto the heat like it'd fill the gaping place where his heart used to be.

  "Did you ask her why?"

  "I didn't see the ring until later." Tekoa's arm went around his waist, holding their lower bodies together. "You want to go after her?"

  And what? Beg her to put the ring back on?

  Jesus. He wanted this with Tekoa, but he wanted to be married to Jess too.

  He closed his eyes, pictured Jess going down on him, sucking his cock while he'd touched and kissed Tekoa, the acceptance in her gaze afterward, the message that she wanted to give him time alone with Tekoa.

  There was time to work out the marriage part. He hadn't talked to her about Patrick maybe doing a second ceremony if Tekoa wanted the vows.

  Clay's heart returned to his chest with a fist clamped around it. There was no guarantee Tekoa would be good with being the one who wasn't legally married to Jess.

  "You're on Thunderbird lands. It'll work out," Tekoa said, mouth coming down on his and sending need rippling down Clay's spine and through his cock like an erotic current.

  Yeah. Yeah, he had to believe it would work out.

  He answered the kiss with one of his own, the thrust of Tekoa's tongue and rub of his cock driving out the ache.

  Jess would come home and they'd make love for the first time as a threesome—not that the blowjob hadn't been making love—but next time it'd be the complete deal, them pleasuring her before pleasuring each other while she watched.

  "You still want a shower?" Tekoa asked.

  "A shower would be good."

  They got in together, soaped and rinsed, turned toward each other.

  Clay's gaze dropped to Tekoa's shaft and Tekoa took himself in hand, palmed his cock head. Between a night of intense masturbation and what he'd already done with both Jessica and Clay, he should be worn out. But if anything, he was harder, hungrier than he'd been when Clay leaned forward and took his cock into his mouth.

  Clay grinned. His hand slid between Tekoa's legs and cupped his balls. "Tempting. Maybe I'll go down on my knees in here and you'll go down on your hands and knees out there."

  Tekoa captured Clay's erection. "I don't think so."

  He stepped into Clay and crowded him against the shower wall. Their mouths met in a kiss every bit as wet and hot as the water striking them.

  Tekoa shifted his grip so one hand held both of their cocks while the other fondled Clay's balls. Clay moaned and bucked.

  The water temperature turned lukewarm in comparison to the heat they generated. Need roared through Tekoa. His mouth left Clay's. He'd intended to turn Clay toward t
he wall and fuck him but images of the first kiss they'd shared, with Jessica kneeling at Clay's feet and sucking his cock, drove Tekoa downward.

  "Christ," Clay said, driving his cock through Tekoa's closed fist as soon as Tekoa's tongue stroked the underside of his shaft.

  Tekoa looked up the line of Clay's body and licked again.

  "Put your fucking mouth on it and keep it there," Clay said, tightening his fingers in Tekoa's hair.

  Tekoa pulled back and grinned. Clay's cock jerked in protest.

  "It may have escaped your notice," Tekoa said, "but I'm not Jessica. I don't follow orders. I'm too used to giving them."

  Clay tried to force his cock through Tekoa's hand. "Get on with it already."

  "You're an addict."

  "So blow me."

  "I'm getting to that." He took the head of Clay's cock into his mouth. This time he assaulted it with his tongue as he sealed his lips around the tip and sucked.

  Clay groaned and doubled over. "Oh yeah, like that," he panted. "But take me deeper. Fuck. Take me deeper."

  Clay's neediness was the ultimate threat to Tekoa's control. He usually wasn't the one with his mouth around a cock, but with Clay he could get used to doing this. He liked Clay helpless. Loved the way he cursed and bucked—and came, filling his mouth with salty masculinity.

  Tekoa stood, redirecting the shower spray so it struck Clay.

  Clay grunted but didn't open his eyes. Stepping into Clay, his cock a steel ridge against Clay's stomach, he said, "Jessica I'd carry into the other room to fuck. You I won't. So either turn around and put your hands on the wall or give me some indication that you can make it out of the bathroom."

  Clay laughed. His eyes opened. "Man, you're a hard case."

  Tekoa thrust his cock against Clay's abs. "Tell me about it."

  Clay grinned and turned off the water. "Fair is fair. Bed?"

  Thunder boomed, loud enough to vibrate the walls. Rain pounded against the roof in a fury that had Tekoa's spirit wanting to soar.


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