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BlackThorn Page 25

by DeWayne Kunkel

  “We cannot count on them guarding our border,” Gaelan said. “The wild men have no love of us.” Gaelan touched a small tower drawn on a line of low hills. “What keep is that?” he asked somewhat embarrassed by his lack of knowledge of the southern borders of his father’s kingdom.

  “Ruins,” Burcott answered. “ A curtain wall and the broken foundations of a tower. It stands on the highest point of the Bal’Trae hills, a grim reminder of a war we fought with the forest men four hundred years ago. It is known as Fro’Hadume.”

  “Tower of the Damned?” Gaelan asked translating the name from the old language once used by all men.

  “Aye,” Burcott confirmed. “Not many men will even approach it during the full light of day. It is said that those who died there still man the walls.”

  “Our position is precarious at best,” Gaelan looked away from the map. “Our strength grows daily and if we are to have any chance at disposing of Goliad and Vernal we cannot allow him to build his as well.”

  “What of your kin in Kesh?” Burcott reminded Gaelan. “The armies of the spire may yet come to our aid.”

  Gaelan shook his head. “I do not think my uncle will come. We have sent three messengers to Kesh and none have returned with word for good or ill. Goliad is no fool, the way to Kesh may be blocked by Morne.”

  “Or your Uncle has decided against you.” Burcott added finishing Gaelan’s thought. “Then we must assume no aid is coming.”

  Gaelan nodded, “I need that border sealed.”

  “Then I will lead an expedition south and see that it is done.” Burcott volunteered.

  “I would rather send someone else and have you at my side.”

  “We have no other option,” Burcott answered. “I know those lands better than anyone. I have spent many months hunting Val Stags with my father in those hills.”

  Gaelan could see no other way. He knew Burcott would stay if he so ordered, but in doing so he would stain the old warriors honor. “Very well,” he said reluctantly. “Take as many men as you deem necessary.”

  Burcott smiled, “Six hundred on horse, if we travel light and ride hard we can make it in three weeks time.”

  “Six hundred men will not be enough to hold those hills.”

  “We will travel through my lands, Gaelan. I will gather more men on the ride.” Burcott folded his arms across his chest and tugged at his beard in thought. “More supplies will be needed than we can carry.”

  “I will send wagons south after you,” Gaelan reassured him. “I would still rather send another in your place,” he added.

  “Duty to friends must always give way to your duty to Trondhiem. Ordering those closest to you to take great risk is part of the cost you must be willing to pay to wear the crown.” Burcott tapped his forehead with his index finger to emphasize the point. “The crown you wear is a heavy thing. The weight of gold pales when compared to the weight of lives spent to defend it.

  “Your father once said it was an anchor upon a kings soul, keeping his feet on the ground when his ego would have him soar across the heavens.”

  “My father also once said, tread lightly into the halls of war.” Gaelan responded.

  “Do not hold back,” Burcott advised. “Men will die, a soldier knows this and accepts it. With the crown on Goliad’s head our people will suffer. Men, women, and children will die at the hands of the Morne. There is no mercy in those cold-blooded hearts.

  “There are tough choices to be made Gaelan, choices that will scar your very soul. Choose now what we are to do but choose for the right reason. If you choose to fight this war for nothing more than vengeance and the crown, then to hell with you, for you will be no better than Goliad.

  Gaelan blinked, surprised by Burcott’s candor. “I have no wish to wear the crown,” he protested.

  “I know.” Burcott said with a smile. “You have two options before you. Leave Trondhiem and forsake your people and birthright, or stay and fight. There are no other paths to be followed.”

  “We will stay and fight,” Gaelan replied. “I will not leave these lands to that murderous viper.”

  “Then lock your heart away,” Burcott said forcefully. “There are evil times ahead, and you cannot afford the luxury of grief.” Burcott smiled brightly. “Besides I’m an old warrior and will not go down easily.”

  Gaelan smiled in return, “Go gather your men and gear. Tomorrow you will ride with the rising sun.”

  Burcott saluted and left the hall, there was a renewed spring to his step and a deeply rooted smile across his craggy features.

  Gaelan spent most of the night in the hall studying the maps. Sleep would not come easily to him, and it was no surprise when the first light of the rising sun brightened the parchment he was reading.

  Before the sun had fully crossed the horizon the bailey was filled with men and horses. As to which group was protesting louder none could guess.

  Through the milling mass stormed Burcott, his deep voice barking orders. Slowly the throng grew silent and order was restored.

  Gaelan stepped out of the tower and pulled his cloak tighter. Damn its cold he thought. He could recall no other spring when the air had such a vile bite to it.

  Burcott crossed the courtyard, his breath clearly visible in the crisp air. His cheeks were ruddy with the cold. “I see your awake early this morning sire,” he said with a grin.

  “As if a man could sleep with all this racket,” Gaelan answered sarcastically.

  Burcott grasped the Prince’s hand firmly his face growing serious. “Trust your instincts,” he said. “There is much of your father in you.”

  Gaelan ducked his head at the compliment. “Look after yourself you old warhorse.”

  “Bah!” Burcott grunted climbing into his saddle. “You’ll be taking all the risk while I waste my time waiting for an attack that will never come in the south.” The old veteran pulled on a tarnished steel helm adorned with outstretched raven wings on each side. “It’s been a long time since I wore the helm of my father in service to the crown.”

  “Teach these Morne to fear it as had others in the past.” Gaelan drew his sword and raised it high. The blade shone brightly, reflecting the light of the rising sun.

  “Tel’lav an Amos!” he shouted. His voice echoing from the cold stonewalls.

  The men raised their own blades and shouted in response, “For Trondhiem!”

  At a nod from Burcott his herald placed a bronze horn to his lips and blew two sharp notes. The horns call was still echoing from the walls as Burcott led the long column of men out of the keep.

  Burcott Fullvie rode to war taking nearly half of the keeps strength with him.

  Gaelan stood in the empty Bailey, and watched as the portcullis was lowered and the gates sealed. He sheathed his sword and made his way back into the warmth of the hall.

  On the afternoon of the second day since leaving Carich, Burcott’s men entered the town of Galtor. The rumor of war had spread and a nervous populace lined the streets and watched in awe as the force of men rode past.

  At the columns head rode Lord Burcott, a powerful figure in gleaming armor wearing the winged helm of legend. Behind him came the standard bearers, the deep blue pennant of the house of Fullvie and the black and gold of Trondhiem’s king snapped in the fitful breeze.

  Burcott waved and the crowd began to cheer. Few people in Trondhiem had never heard of Burcott. He was a living legend whose prowess in battle had earned him much fame. Once across the span he quickened the pace. They had a formidable ride ahead and time was not on their side.

  So ends Blackthorn.

  Book one in the Chronicles of the Dark Sword.

  The Saga continues in Aethir, and concludes in Blackthorn’s Doom.



  Aenos: Small city south of Graystone in Lakarra.

  Aderis Rendir: Hero of lost Thelikor, slayer of the serpent Ysrex.

  Ahalm Iban: Herald of the Sahri.

  Ahmed: No
mads of the Gaul-Tyrian waste.

  Ahmed Kai: Nomadic name for the Gaul-Tyrian waste.

  Aethir: Greatest of the four swords forged by Ma’Rail also known as Blackthorn. Wielded by Thoron’Gil, lost following the breaking.

  Aikinor: Ancient god of the sea, patron deity of the Cytheran Raiders.

  Aithas: Warrior of the Mahjie.

  Alagond: Storm biter, sword forged by Ma’Rail. Carried into battle by Caen, Captain of the armies of man.

  Alcedoria: Island nation north of Ao'dan.

  Amberoth: City in the land of Morne.

  Ameldor Plain: Low lands in Kesh surrounding Red spire.

  Amil Gallas: Rock of the south watch, southern entry into the land of the Mahjie.

  Amothteir: Bell that is rung in Red Spire to welcome home a returning hero.

  Amthur: Evil King who once ruled Kesh.

  Anatha Di: Area of sand within the Gaul Tyrian waste that pulls anything that walks upon it down into the earth.

  Anthail: Warrior of the Mahjie.

  Anghor: Mountainous kingdom of fabled warriors. Its exact location a closely guarded secret, it lies west of the Gaul-Tyrian wastes.

  Anghor Shok: Warrior from Anghor, sworn guardians of the Tal’shear warders.

  Ansell: Village on the coast of Lakarra near the Copper hills.

  Ao'dan: Nation on eastern edge of continent.

  Arkett: Guardian of Amberoth’s well.

  Armon’oth: Bells of the Mahjie forged to herald the selection of the sword bearer.

  Arn: Island lying between Kale and Cythera.

  Ash’Kelon: Marcos’s real name among the Tal’shear.

  Asua Tuell: Mother of all trees, lies within the heart of the Nallen Forest.

  Aytor, Stone of: Artifact given to the Kings of man by the Tal’shear. It has the power to reveal all falsehoods with its light.


  Balar: Younger brother of Burcott Fullvie

  Balhain: Servants of Sur’kar, Tal’shear warders enslaved by his power.

  Baln Longwyrm: Lord of Kale and Founder of New Hope.

  Bal’Trae Hills: Low group of hills rising above the fork where the Evtor Wash and the Songart River meet.

  Bel’Lendil: North wind, sword forged by Ma’Rail. Carried into battle by Ce’Loth, Warrior of the Tal’shear.

  Bel’Vir: General who slew king Amthur.

  Bjorn Ironfist: Lord of Cythera also known as the Raider king.

  Blackthorn: Sword also known as Aethir.

  Blackwatch: Mountain range forming the eastern barrier to Tarok nor.

  Black Trumpet: Flower from which a powerful narcotic is made.

  Braelin Wood: Forest bordering the fields near Graystone.

  Bri’Amor: Lake to the west of Rodderdam.

  Brymir: Scarcely populated land east of Trondhiem.

  Burcott Fullvie: Veteran warrior of Trondhiem and lord of the largest house in the Landsmarch.


  Cal’Arev: Hill upon which the city of Rodderdam was built.

  Caleph: Small area of land on Lakarra’s western coast.

  Carec Mountains: Chain of mountains that run west from the Copper hills forming the northern wall of the Varsus valley. Also known as the Carec mounds.

  Calriss: Warrior of the Mahjie.

  Carich: Fortress that wards the Tro’marg pass leading into Brymir.

  Carl Dunburrow: Farmer who lives near Ansell.

  Carthos: Sparsely populated land south of Trondhiem on the shores of the Southern Sea.

  C’arl Finnerson: Keeper of the bridge across the Koran.

  Casius Rhaine: Son of Urold Rhaine ship thane of Kale.

  Cewyn Rhaine: Mother of Casius, Urold’s Wife.

  Chaobol: Legendary land in the far west, reputed to be the home of Warlocks.

  Cias: Stone Mason of Carich Keep.

  Connell Malkor: Prince and heir to the throne of Kesh. Superb swordsman unsurpassed by even his legendary father. Known as the eagle, for a brand he gave himself as a child.

  Creators hammer: large asteroid that nearly destroyed Sur’kar during the war of the breaking.

  Copper hills: chain of low mountains on the eastern coast of Lakarra. Named for the rich veins of copper found there.

  Cyndra: Capital of Lakarra, located on the north east coast.

  Cythera: Island, home of the Raiders. A nation ruled by Ruthless cutthroats. They patrol the seas ransacking coastal villages and merchant ships.


  Dal’Entor: Fields south of the town of Tor on the edge of the Nallen wood.

  Darkling Sea: The void between worlds, space.

  Darkwater River: River that flows out of the copper hills into the sea, water is dark with sediments from the Mountains.

  Dar’lea: Death’s blooms, small golden flowers that grow only in Trondhiem. They can only be found on the graves of the honored dead.

  Delin’ Tor hills: Heavily forested outcrop of the Rahlcrag Mountains laying to the south of Timosh.

  Demilion: Statue before the entry into Red Spire.

  Dragord: King of Ril’Gambor.

  Dulrich: Cytheran Raider, member of G’relg’s crew.

  D’Yana: Man hunter and consort of Connell, Nicknamed Dy by him.


  Easterling Marsh: Swamp that lies between Trondhiem and Carthos, fed by the Waters of the Evtor Wash River.

  Edwall: Son of Lord Eyahn of Whiten.

  Elain: Wife of Gayn.

  Elkrun: City on the shores of the Darkwater River.

  El’radrien: Sacred hill in the center of the isle of Eol.

  Elrendil: Queen of Kesh, Mother of Connell.

  Enchanter: Human who wields the Phay’ge.

  Eol: Mist shrouded island of perpetual spring. It lies in the southern sea. Adopted home of the Tal’shear and Marcos’s refuge.

  Eramat: House of Hurin located on the northern shores of Lake Valdecar.

  Evtor Wash: River that runs north to south through central Trondhiem to the southern border. Beginning in the Delin’ tor hills and ending in the expansive mire of the Easterling Marsh.

  Eyahn: Lord of the house of Whiten.


  Fa’lain wood: dense forest that surrounds the hill of Ga’ron.

  Fel’Tuin: Large bear that lives in the upper reaches of the Carec Mountains.

  Fell Hound: Huge wild dogs of the northern wastes. Not quite tamed they are often found in the company of Trolls. Used by Sur’kar as trackers they are relentless when pursuing prey.

  Forest Lord: Taur Di name for a Wood King.

  Fro’Hadume: The Tower of the Damned, a ruined Citadel in the Bal’Trae hills. The Savages of the Randorien forest destroyed it four hundred years ago.


  Gaelan: Prince and heir of Trondhiem, cousin of Connell Malkor.

  Gal’adori: Legendary home world of the Tal’shear.

  Galloglass Hall: Ceremonial chamber used by the King of Trondhiem, famous for its walls constructed of stained glass.

  Galtor: Town on the shores of the Rildrun River.

  Ganduil: Tal’shear vessel that crossed the darkling sea.

  Ganeth: Usurper of Lakarra’s crown, a Brutal tyrant who is allied with the Cytheran Raiders and a servant of Sur’kar.

  Gared: Connell’s older brother, the heir of Trondhiem who died in an accident. Thrown from his horse while on a hunt.

  Ga’ron: Hill on the isle of Eol, where the standing stones ring the well of Sa’ramir.

  Gaul-Tyrian wastes: desert lying southwest of Tarok-nor, Home of the Ahmed.

  Garoul: Also known as Naz’Haruk.

  Gayn: Nephew of Carl Dunburrow, scribe in Graystone.

  Gellan: Murdered King of Trondhiem, father of Gaelan.

  Gil’Galdov: Red spire in the days before the Tal’shear left the world.

  Glin’eress: the Lake at the heart of the Nallen Forest.

  Goliad: Usurper of Trondhiem, one of Sur’kar’s Balhain.

  Gorcrahlg: Pass through the Black Mount

  Gor Farail: Drake that plagued the Kingdom of Thral’duras, slain by Jerud.

  Graymane: Mountain from which emerges the Delin’ Tor hills, and the plateau of Delin’ Tor.

  Graystone: City in Eastern Lakarra, On the Taelus River.

  G’relg Halmfist: Cytheran Raider, leader of the attack on New Hope.

  Gre’Doth: One of the Balhain, also known as Lord Vad Goliad.

  Gre’Koth: Brother of Gre’Doth also known as Vool.

  Grel’in: Possessed heroes who serve Sur’kar.

  Gren’dour: Legendary bow of the Keshian Kings.

  G’thur: Member of the Keshian Home guard.

  Guall: Yellow leaves, mild stimulant chewed by men of Caleph.


  Haego: Small kingdom conquered by the Lakarrans.

  Haft: Keshian cavalry unit of 1500 men.

  Havoc’Mor: Forest north west of Trothgar.

  Hurin: One of the Lords of Trondhiem, Member of the Landsmarch.


  Illuminai: Metallic spheres fashioned by the Mahjie that Generate light and heat.

  Imnos: Settlement on the shores of the Evtor Wash in central Trondhiem.

  Irson Qual: One of Burcott’s trusted officers serving Gaelan.

  Isembahl: Temple in Anghor, it is where Suni was trained and tested to become Anghor Shok. Also known as the crystal palace.


  Jehnom: Warrior from the Randorien forest.

  Jerud: King of Thral’duras, a kingdom of the old world. Lost during the breaking.

  Jerudan: Son of the King of Ril’Gambor.

  Jhed Adar: Holy men of Anghor who teach the arts of combat. They are responsible for the testing leading to the selection of the Anghor Shok.


  Kadril steppes: Northern most region of Kesh, famous for the warhorses bred there.


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