She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

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She's Mine (A Bad Boy MC Romance) Page 14

by Sara Crest

  I picked up my t-shirt and put in on, I really didn’t want to get involved in all of this but something made me believe that if I didn’t sort it out I’d have to deal with this girl some more. I didn’t know how long I would be staying in this shit shack but I did not want to deal with her the entire time.

  “So will you let me do it? I can suck your dick now for 20 and then maybe do it again later for-”

  “Hoooly shit will you stop fucking asking I already told you the answer is no.” I rubbed my eyes with my hand out of frustration.

  “Look, if I pay your dealer off and free your boyfriend will you leave this house and leave me alone?”

  “Yes, please I promise I’ll leave you alone just save my Nikolai.”

  Nikolai? Just what I needed, more fucking Russians.

  “Alright where’s your dealer? I’ll sort out your fucking mess.” I couldn’t believe I was about to do this I had shit to do and decisions to make. I shouldn’t be wasting my time helping out this girl when I had plans of my own.

  “He’s in this neighborhood, it’s why I’m here I had some of the money to give to him but I… I spent it on a hit. I thought I could come up with a way to make even more money if I had just a little bit in my system.”

  “Fucking addicts man” I said getting my money out from underneath the couch cushion before walking past her and down the stairs of the house.

  I walked outside, the light of the early morning sun blinded me, couldn’t have been later than 6am. I began walking to the only house in the neighborhood that could have been the dealer’s; the one with all the cars parked out front. As I got closer I realized that the heavy metal music was still blaring, guess when you’re on one continuous high you don’t need to sleep.

  I checked my pocket to make sure I still had Chuck’s revolver and then banged on their front door. After a few seconds I heard a series of bolts and locks being unlocked before the door was opened by a skinny guy with tattoos.

  “Yeah-yeah what the fuck do you want?” he stuttered out, he was blasted out of his mind. I just wanted to get this over with so I could actually figure out what to do with my own situation.

  “You’re keeping a man inside there who didn’t pay his debts, I’m here to sort things out.”

  “Nope, can’t let you in. I’ve seen some of those tattoos before on Iron Horses members, I know what you guys do to people squatting on your territory. If I let you in we’re all dead.”

  “I don’t ride with them anymore, I’m just here to pay a debt and leave. Now are you gonna let me in or not?”

  He looked at me up and down then began staring at my neck bandage. He reached out and before I could do anything he grabbed it and ripped it off of me, revealing my cut that was already beginning to scar.

  He stared at it for a few seconds before mumbling “ok I believe you, but don’t you dare try anything.” He opened the door and motioning me inside, I was hesitant but I stepped in. I was hoping I could just pay at the door and get the guy out of there but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen.

  When I walked inside there were at least half a dozen people lounging around. A couple was shooting up heroin on the couch while some guy that looked old enough to be everyone’s father lay passed out on the coffee table they had in the center of the room.

  The music was even louder inside, but even through all the noise I could hear the distinct sound of a three way happening upstairs. Two men moaning as loud as fucking donkeys with some girl screaming “yes” again and again while the sound of their bed hitting the wall rang out.

  “Reggie is in the kitchen, you want to pay off a debt you gotta give it to the big guy himself” the guy said pointing to the kitchen for me.

  I went to where he pointed, accidentally making eye contact with one of the girls that was laying on the floor. She licked her lip seductively and tried to wave me over with her finger but I ignored her. Before I met Viktoria I probably would have hopped on that, and even taken the other girl back at my place up for her offer. I used to be the guy who saw a quick fuck as worthwhile but after what I experienced with Viktoria I didn’t think there was another woman for me. Guess that’s what made it hard about possibly letting her go, knowing that I was never gonna find a woman that blew my mind the same way she did. Once you make a connection like what I had with Viktoria you start wanting more than just drugged out whores and the girls the MC would pass around for everyone to use.

  I couldn’t deny it anymore, I didn’t just want Viktoria I fucking needed her. I was beginning to realize that I’d rather spend a day on the run with her from her dad then a lifetime of knowing that I had lost her. I had to figure out a way to get her back, I had to find her again, even if I had to fucking kidnap one of the Iron Horses that took me and interrogate them until they break I would find her. If I had to go through every Russian in Chicago until someone told me where Petrov’s new place was I’d find her.

  I stepped over the girl trying to get me to come to her and walked into the kitchen where there was a shirtless man with tattoos all over his body packaging cocaine on a table. His head was shaved on the sides and back with only a messy mop of blonde hair coming out of the top, draping down close to his shoulders.

  He turned to me and smiled, he had a gold grill on his teeth along with a tattoo of a pistol on each cheek. I thought I was tatted out, this guy had so many you could barely see his pasty skin.

  “You Reggie?” I asked walking to the other side of the table.

  “Heyyy buddy” he barked out in a raspy voice “you want a hit of this?”

  He held up a large knife with a line of coke going across the entire blade.

  “I don’t have time for that, I’m just here to pay the debts for some dumbass named Nikolai.”

  Reggie snorted the line off of the knife, shaking his head back and forth quickly before slamming the knife down on the table.

  “Hahaha, you ain’t got the money to get him out of here” he said, smiling wide and showing his grill. “You’re a fucking Iron Horse, I can tell by some of those tats, I know about that incident when one of your guys ran off with the daughter of the mafia boss or some shit. I wish I had those kind of balls, mafia daughter is probably an amazing fuck… Y’all don’t make enough money to pay off Nikolai’s debt I can tell you that RIGHT fucking now. Hell I should shoot you on sight for all the bullshit your gang has put my dealers through.”

  The girl that was waving me over walked into the room and draped herself over Reggie, running her fingers through his hair. She reached down and took the knife from the table, scooping up some coke and snorting it off the blade.

  I sighed and pulled the money out of my pocket, counting $40 and throwing it on the table in front of him. I was hesitant to even show I had a wad of cash, I just didn’t want to leave back at my place with the girl after she clearly said she wanted it.

  “And for the record I’m not in the Horses anymore.”

  He picked the money up and threw it right back at me “You’re about 7 grand short.”

  “Seven fucking grand? The man’s girlfriend told me he owed you $40.”

  “No see she misheard me, I said that she could suck 40 dicks and still not have the money to pay me. Nik’s been taking free hits and bumps off of me on and off for at least a year now and I’m sick of his shit so he’s gotta pay up.”

  The girl spoke up “Reggie maybe he could do a little something for me for Nik’s freedom.” She licked her lips and looked at me, practically undressing me with her eyes.

  “No fucking cock is worth 7 grand Mary!” he barked back immediately. His voice sounded like someone took some sandpaper to his throat.

  “How would you know you’ve never even felt one!” She screamed grabbing his hair.

  I couldn’t fucking believe this. Just three days ago I was on top of the fucking world with the most beautiful girl I had ever met in my arms, the girl that I knew I had to do anything I could to win back. Now I was listening to these two
dumbasses high out of their mind arguing about if I could repay them through a fucking sexual favor.

  If this went on any longer I’d have to fucking end this argument myself.

  “Alright so here’s the deal” Reggie said breaking me out of my train of thought. “You’re gonna take my sister upstairs and fuck the shit out of her for the next 24 hours, if you do a good job then I’ll let your buddy Nikolai go.”

  I looked at Reggie, then to his sister, then back to him.

  “Is this a fucking joke?”

  “Does it look like I’m fucking joking buddy? Either get the money or give my big sis a good time, most guys would kill for an offer like that.”

  “I ain’t fucking anyone” I said calmly. ‘Now are you gonna give me Nikolai or am I gonna have to take him myself?”

  “What do you think my sister is ugly or something?” He pulled out a handgun from his jeans and pointed it right at me “you insulting her? Because if you’re insulting her you’re insulting me fuckboy!”

  I couldn’t believe this shit, how did my life turn to shit this fucking quickly?

  “Reggie please put it down you don’t have to kill another one!” his sister screamed.

  “Will you shut the fuck up!?” he turned and screamed back at her.

  Fuck this.

  I pulled out Chuck’s gun and with two clean shots hit Reggie; once in the hand that was holding the gun and another in his thigh. The weapon shattered and he fell to the ground holding his hand and leg in shock while his sister began screaming.

  I grabbed his sister by the back of her shirt and pulled her out of the kitchen. “You’re gonna fucking take me to wherever it is you’re keeping this guy I don’t have time for this bullshit!”

  I pushed her forward and pointed the gun at her and she began to lead me upstairs while everyone in the room watched me like I was the fucking crazy one.

  The skinny guy that let me in came around the corner holding a shotgun, I didn’t hesitate and put a shot right in his shoulder. I was sick of killing these kinds of people with the Iron Horses, even if the bullet did fuck them up I only wanted to injure them.

  As Reggie’s sister led me upstairs the music got louder and louder to the point where it was nearly unbearable. She led me to a bathroom and opened the door, I wanted to cover my ears because of how unbearably the loud music was but I didn’t want to take the gun off of her.

  There in the bathtub of the bathroom was a man bound by his hands and feet laying face down in an empty tub with a pillow sack over his head.The speakers stood on a step stool just feet away from his face blasting the music, I couldn’t imagine how long her’s been like this. I pulled the speaker’s plug out and the music fell silent, letting me clearly hear the three way that was still going on in the room next door.

  I picked the guy up and pulled him out of the bathtub, slinging him over my shoulder. Reggie’s sister tried to jump at me but a simple shove knocked her off balance and she fell backwards into the tub, hitting her head against the wall. I carried Nik downstairs over my shoulder, keeping my pistol pointed towards everyone in the room to make sure nobody tried anything.

  Before I left the house I turned back to everyone in the room and announced “If anyone comes after me or Nikolai my next shot won’t be to mame, you stay away from us and I’ll stay away from you.” It was a bluff but I hoped they wouldn’t call it, with all that was going through in my mind the last thing I wanted to do was deal with taking someone’s life.

  I slammed the door behind me and dropped the guy on the ground. Leaning down to untie his feet, it sounded like he was trying to say something to me but I think they had gagged him underneath the pillow case.

  Once I freed his legs I quickly stood him up and began to lead him towards my place, making sure to try and get him out of distance from the house just in case Reggie decided to take a shot at us with his good hand. Thank god they didn’t know I was staying right down the street, it would probably be too dangerous for me to stay there long term now though. The whole fucking reason I even saved this guy was so that I could stay in the house for a while, looks like I just wasted my time.

  I sat the guy down on one of the chairs inside my place and his girlfriend immediately rushed down the stairs and gave him a big hug, kissing him through the pillow case.

  Even though she had tried to fuck me just an hour ago her kissing him reminded me of the way Viktoria used to give me small kisses all over my back as I was riding. I had to get Vik back, I couldn’t let this end with her thinking I was dead and me riding off into the sunset alone while she’s left to suffer.

  Nikolai’s girlfriend lifted the pillowcase off of his face and I couldn’t believe my fucking eyes. This is who I just saved? I risked my life to try and get this guy out of there?

  I pulled out my gun and pointed it right at his face, his girlfriend immediately stepped in front to shield him. Had to admire the girl.

  “Move” I ordered.

  “You spent all that time to save him and now you want to kill him? I’m not going to le-”

  “If you don’t move right now I’ll blow a hole through you as well.”

  “Whoa what is the issue?” Nikolai said from behind his girlfriend, his Russian accent was just as deep as I remembered. Now I had a name to attach to his face.

  “You think I don’t remember who you are?” I said pushing the girl out of the way and sticking the barrel of the gun against his forehead.

  He looked up at me for a few seconds with his hands in the air, judging from the way he looked at me he couldn’t remember who I was. Slowly I saw the look in his eyes change from confusion to absolute panic.

  He remembered, I don’t know how he could have forgotten the night him and his buddy tried to kill Viktoria in the bathroom of the club. If I hadn’t been there he would have been successful.

  “Wait wait wait Yankee doodle there’s no need for unnecessary hostility, you saved me so we are all friends, yes?”

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t finish you right now, not only did you try to kill the woman I love but you just wasted my damn time.”

  “I didn’t want to kill her I was hired to kill her! I needed the money and he needed someone who was potentially disposable!”

  “He? Who’s he? Who the fuck hired you?” I said as I cocked the revolver.

  Nikolai remained silent.

  “You have 5 seconds” I said pressing the gun harder against his forehead.

  “Four seconds.” Still wouldn’t talk.

  “Three seconds.” Still nothing.

  “Two seco-”

  “Okay! Okay! Please don’t shoot! It was her father! Her father paid me and the other guy to off her I swear on my mother’s grave in St. Petersburg that it was her father.”

  Her father? What the hell? He had to have been lying to hide the real identity, there was no fucking way.

  “And why exactly would her father hire you to kill her?”

  “He… he had it all planned from the beginning. Everything. We were supposed to kill the girl and make it look like the Italian Mafia did it so that he could justify an all out turf war with them. He needed to sacrifice her to gain more power in the city.”

  “Then why not just do it himself? Why hire someone else to do his dirty work when he could do it himself for free and just say the Mafia did it?”

  “Because the Russian mob looks into high profile deaths like this! If he did it himself then he would have been exposed. Someone like me has done this enough to the point where I can hide my actions.”

  I lowered the gun from his head and dropped it on the ground, it was starting to make sense. I knew something was wrong but I never thought it would be like this.

  “He hired you all because he thought you were supposed to be incompetent” he said. “Bikers don’t know anything about being bodyguards. He knew that his daughter would escape and he paid us to wait outside the building that night to follow her and then make a move when we thought it was right. He di
dn’t count on you actually being able to protect her. When we told him that we failed he didn’t want us to make another mistake so he made us hire an explosives expert to blow you all up in your sleep, he originally didn’t want the media attention but figured he could spin it to work even more in his favor, but even then we somehow failed. I'm sure he offered you all a ton of money, that was to make sure you stuck around and didn't run off and ruin his plan. You and your men were supposed to fail and allow her to be killed, you were disposable, he was going to use your incompetence as an excuse and say that the Italian mafia took advantage of his short staffed bodyguard force. He wanted to use his daughter’s death as a springboard to an all out gang war that he knew he could win, the other Dons wouldn’t even condone a war with the Italians unless there was a legitimate reason like his daughter being killed by them.”

  I sat down on the ground, trying to take it all in. I knew there was something twisted about her father, I could sense there was something wrong from the start. How the hell could a man try to sacrifice his own daughter?

  Viktoria, she was fucking with that madman. Her father wanted her dead and she was with him right now. What if she was dead already? What if Petrov got what he wanted?

  “I promised… I promised to protect her. I failed her before but I’m not making that mistake again. I have to get her away from that man but I don’t even know where she lives.”

  “I never found out what happened to her after you all fled the explosion because Petrov pulled us off the job, but I do have a nephew. A young boy named Roman who I was able to vouch for and is now working in Petrov’s security detail. I’d bet that he’s guarding her right now, he works the night shift so he should be getting off of work soon.”

  “We need to organize something fast. I’m not letting the only woman I’ve ever truly loved slip through my fingers permanently, do you have any way to contact your nephew?”

  “That fucker Reggie stole my phone but I know where my nephew lives, I can lead you there and we’ll wait for him to arrive.”


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