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TNT Page 7

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “I know, I know. Everyone says that, but it’s not true. I have to bring something to the table too. And men really like sex, right?”

  He shook his head and started picking up glass. “Of course they do.”

  “So, I want to be at my best. Jenny suggested I read Fifty Shades of Grey, so I’ve been taking pointers from that.”

  “What the hell is that?”

  “I don’t know. It’s some book about sex. Lots of sex. Something about vanilla and BDSM.”

  He snatched the phone out of my hand before I finished my sentence and started scrolling through my phone. I was guessing he was reading my book. “Molls, what the hell are you looking at this shit for?”

  “Maybe you can help me out.”

  “How could I help you out?” he snapped.

  “Well, you’re a guy. Do you like blow jobs?”

  He flushed red and shook his head. “I’m not talking about this with you.”

  I couldn’t help but needle him. This big guy was a hard ass to most everyone, but with me, he couldn’t resist. And knowing that, I just had to take a few jabs.

  “Come on,” I pleaded. “I need a guy to talk to about this stuff, and the only other guy besides Tony that I know is my daddy, and I’m pretty sure that would be an awkward conversation.”

  “This is an awkward conversation. Damn, Molls, you don’t just go around asking guys if they like blowjobs.”

  “But I’ve known you for years. It’s not like I’m asking if you want me to give you one.”

  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yes, guys like blowjobs.”

  “What about tongue action?” He groaned, but I continued. “How do I know how much is enough or too much? I mean, I don’t want to just slobber all over him.”

  “What about that Tommy guy? Didn’t you ever do this stuff with him?”

  “Well, yeah, but I was young and neither of us was very good at the whole sex thing.”

  “Talk to Tony about it.”

  “I don’t want to have to ask him. I want to impress him. What about deep throating?”

  “What about it?”

  “Is it good? I mean, do guys like that stuff? And how deep are we talking, because if I shove a spoon too far down my throat, I just start gagging. I mean, this one time I almost-”

  “Molls, enough. If you have a gag reflex, don’t do that shit.”

  “Okay, well, what about-” I glanced down at my phone to find the word that Christian used. “A flogger. Ever used one?”

  “No,” he groaned, covering his eyes.

  “What about a butt plug? That sounds very uncomfortable.”

  “I’ve never used one,” he sighed.

  “For yourself or on someone else?”

  “Do we really need to do this?”

  “What about spanking a girl’s pussy? Have you ever done that?”

  “First of all, don’t ever say girl and pussy in the same sentence. It’s wrong on so many levels. Second, if you want to know if a woman likes that, ask your friend.”

  “But have you done it?” I pushed.

  “Yes!” he shouted. “Yes, I’ve spanked pussy before and I liked it!”

  Shocked that he responded so forcefully, I just stood there for a second and took in the mix of lust and rage on his face. Damn, I guess this was a hard subject for a man to talk about.

  “Just one last question and I swear I’ll stop talking.”

  “Fine. One question.”

  “Do men like vocal women in the bedroom?”

  “Most do. I mean, it depends on the guy, but most guys don’t just want their women to lay there like logs the whole time.”

  “Hmm. Interesting. You know,” I laughed. “I should have taken notes. I feel like I missed some of your answers.”

  “Molls, let me make one thing very clear to you,” he said, leaning his hulking body over mine. “We will never, ever have any kind of conversation like this again. You will never mention pussies or floggers to me again. I’m going to go in the back room and grab the rest of the liquor for tonight, and when I come out, you will be cleaning up for the next shift and we’ll pretend like this never happened. Am I clear?”

  “Yes,” I said, biting back a smile. He nodded and headed to the backroom. I did one last scroll through the section I was reading and bit my lip. He was going to kill me when he came out, but there was just one more thing I needed to know. He walked out with a box of liquor and I raised my eyebrow. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me, knowing I was about to say something.

  “Do girls really like to be fucked in the ass?”

  He dropped the box and stormed out.



  “Calm down,” Storm said as we drove to The Pub.

  “No. I’m not ending up in that shitty apartment, eating her crappy food while she plans out my future with her momma. And I’m not hiring a fucking cook!”

  “Of course not.”

  I nodded, glad he understood.

  “You’ll be living on the property and Susan will cook for you,” he smirked.

  I dove across the seat and punched him in the face. I didn’t give a shit that he was driving. I could make us swerve into the ditch and die right now and it wouldn’t fucking matter, because at least then I would be free of the crazy lady.

  “Would you relax? She’s a woman and she likes you. So, go fuck her and then dump her when you’ve had enough. Every guy does it.”

  “I don’t want to fuck her,” I said emphatically. “I don’t want to see her or go back to that dump she calls an apartment. I couldn’t even walk in there because she had so much shit on the floor.”

  “Alright, alright. So, we’ll go in there and you’ll break up with her. End of story. Although, I’m not sure why I have to be there.”

  “Because you started this whole fucking thing with that ridiculous story you told her.”

  “Yeah, because it really would have killed you to tell her I was lying.”

  “And make her look like an idiot for believing you?”

  He shrugged. “You may have a point.”

  He pulled into the parking lot and I got out, shocked at how many vehicles were here. It was the middle of the week. I hadn’t expected the whole fucking town to show up.

  Storm clapped me on the shoulder with a grimace. “This is gonna be painful.”

  “No shit. Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

  I walked inside and found a seat at the bar. The guy behind it narrowed his eyes at me and leaned forward on the bar. “So, you finally show your fucking face.”

  The guy was fucking huge. I mean, I worked out a lot and I was constantly pushing my limits, but this guy looked like a fucking body builder. His arms were at least twice the size of mine and he had a good foot on my height. Not to mention the badass tattoos that covered his body.


  “I thought you were in security,” the guy asked.

  “Uh…” How the fuck did this guy know I was in security? “Do I know you?”

  He snorted and picked up a glass, filling it with beer before sliding it in front of me.

  “There you are!” Arms wrapped around me, hugging me from behind. I grimaced, but schooled my features when the guy glared at me. Molly kissed me on the cheek and picked up a tray of drinks that the bartender set on the counter for her.

  “Table three.” He pointed off to the right to a table in the corner.

  “Thanks, Gus. Hey, this is Tony. Tony, this is Gus.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Gus said, his face a hell of a lot nicer than it had been a minute ago.

  “You too,” I nodded.

  “I know he looks totally mean, but Gus is a big teddy bear. Don’t let his bark scare you away,” Molly grinned. “Alright, I’ll be back after I deliver these.”

  She turned and walked away, but not in the direction that Gus had pointed. I watched as the customers took the drinks from her hesitantly. But when she s
miled and talked with them, everyone just smiled back.

  “Didn’t you say table three?” I asked Gus.

  He sighed and started on more drinks. “Yeah.”


  “Yeah, this happens a lot.”

  “And the customers don’t get upset?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me and leaned forward a little. “Molly is a really sweet girl. Terrible waitress and even worse cook, but no one seems to care.”

  “So, they just take drinks they didn’t order so they don’t hurt her feelings?”

  “Something like that.”

  “If she’s so terrible, why don’t you just fire her? It’s gotta be bad for business.”

  He growled and his face turned lethal. “Because she’s Molly. Nicest, sweetest person you’ll ever meet. She’s the first one to bring in soup for someone that’s sick, and she always brings in cookies to celebrate someone’s birthday. Of course, everyone does their best to never be sick.”

  “Or have a birthday,” I added.

  He smirked at me and loaded up another tray for her. “Don’t ever eat her food if you want to live.”

  “I don’t plan on it.”

  Then his face turned deadly and he leaned in for only me to hear. “But if you want to live, you’ll also do everything you can to make her happy. You understand me?”

  “We’re not-”

  He gripped onto my hand, mimicking a handshake, but he was actually trying to break my fucking hand. “I didn’t ask if you were seeing her or not. In her eyes, you’re her loving boyfriend, and if you don’t want to end up buried in my backyard, you’ll make her fucking happy. Do we understand each other?”

  I was tempted to tell him to fuck off, but then I saw a Special Forces tattoo on his wrist and decided against it. I really didn’t need this guy breathing down my neck. Hell, I could take her out a few times and then gently let her down. I nodded against my better judgement and wrung out my hand when he released it.

  “Glad we got that straightened out,” he smirked, then walked to the other end of the bar to hand the tray to Molly.

  “So…not dropping your girl tonight?” Storm laughed.

  “Shut up, fucker.”

  “Hey,” Molly chirped as she walked hopped up on the stool beside me. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Uh…” I glanced at Gus as he sharpened a knife while staring me down. Then he very swiftly sliced through some lemons, all the while continuing to stare at me. I heard Storm laugh beside me and gritted my teeth. “Yeah, let’s get going.”

  “Perfect,” she grinned. “Let me just grab my purse.”

  She hopped back down and grabbed her purse from behind the counter, then gave Gus a huge hug goodbye.

  “Ready?” I asked, taking her sweater and helping her into it. I swore that I saw hearts floating in her eyes as she stared at me. This woman was going to be the death of me, and I had to figure out how to shake her.

  “Here.” Storm tossed me the keys with a shake of his head. “I’ll call Jessica for a ride.”

  “Thanks,” I bit out. Molly entwined her arm with mine as we headed for the door. I shook her off and signaled for her to give me a minute. I walked back to Storm and grabbed his arm, leaning in close. “If I don’t show up at work tomorrow, send in a search party.”

  He grinned, and then fucking laughed at me. I shoved him and walked back to Molly, feeling Gus’s eyes on me the entire time. Molly snaked her arm through mine and dropped her head against my arm. Fuck, I was so screwed. How was I going to get rid of her? If I went home with her, she would expect me to sleep with her. If I didn’t, she would get all weird and wonder what was going on. Then I would end up buried in Gus’s backyard, no matter how much protection I had from Reed Security. There was something about that guy that was fucking scary, but Molly didn’t seem to see it. She actually thought he was a nice guy. Based on the size of his arms alone, she should know that he wasn’t a big teddy bear as she suggested.

  “You missed the turn, baby.”

  “What?” I shook my head and focused on where I was driving.

  “My turn. You missed it.”

  “Oh, right.” I guessed if I was going to be going to her apartment, I should actually fucking know where to go. “Uh…I guess I’m all turned around. This is one of those times that the guy should ask for directions,” I laughed, covering for the fact that I had no fucking clue where she lived.

  “Aww, you’re actually asking me? That’s so cute. Just take the next right and we’ll circle back.”

  I followed her instructions and made it back to her apartment in just a few minutes. I stared at the building in front of me and tried to come up with any excuse not to go up, but I was at a loss. When she stepped out and smiled at me, I knew I was fucked. I followed her upstairs, trying my best not to cringe when she grabbed my hand.

  When she unlocked the door, my heart rate picked up and I started to sweat. The only thing that kept me walking through that door was the image of Gus murdering me and burying me in his backyard.

  “So, I don’t have any dinner made for tonight,” she said over her shoulder as she made her way to the kitchen, dropping her purse and her coat on the floor. She kicked off her shoes toward the living room as she rounded the corner into her kitchen. “I usually just eat whatever’s lying around at night.”

  I stepped around the landmine of shit all over the place and completely bypassed her living room. There wasn’t anywhere to sit or stand, so there was no point going in there.

  “That’s fine.”

  “I have pop tarts. How does that sound?”

  I grimaced, but accepted the offending snack. Who ate this crap? I liked sugar as much as the next guy, but this couldn’t even be considered food.

  She jumped up on her counter, crossing her ankles as she chewed on the food. I took a seat at the table and pretended like I didn’t want to flee.

  “So, how was work today?”

  “Good,” I nodded.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling up to working after what just happened?”

  Images of walking in on Delaney laid out on the floor flashed through my mind. The smell of blood filled my nose and the guilt associated with all of it hit hard.

  “I mean, I know that Storm said the doctor cleared you, but smoke inhalation is nothing to joke about.”

  I shook off the images and cleared my throat. “Right, no, I’m good.”

  She set her pop tart on the counter and hopped down. “Not hungry?”

  I shook my head.

  “Good,” she said with a devilish grin. She snatched my hand and started dragging me toward the bedroom. Holy shit, I needed to stop this. I couldn’t sleep with her. I wasn’t even sure that I was attracted to her. I mean, she was sexy and everything, but her crazy overshadowed that big time. Before I knew it, she spun me around and pushed me down on her bed. I was about to stand up when she climbed on top of me and ripped her shirt over her head.

  “Do you like my breasts?” she asked, cupping them and lifting them up like she was offering them to me.

  “Uh…very…good, nice. Very good, nice breasts,” I stammered, wondering how the hell I was going to get out of this. She ran her hands down my chest, raking her nails over my nipples. The sensation through the fabric unfortunately sent a zap right to my cock and got him interested. She swung her hair over one shoulder and leaned down next to my ear.

  “I want you to fuck me so hard.” She nipped at my ear and I flinched, afraid of what she was trying to do.

  “Uh…yes, right.”

  Don’t get hard. Don’t get hard. Don’t get hard.

  She stood and yanked off her pants, standing in front of me in only her panties and bra. She walked toward me like a fucking runway model and climbed back on top of me.

  Oh shit. Holy shit. This is not good. Mayday! Mayday!

  “You have too many clothes on, Tony.”

  Her fingers moved to my buckle on my pants. With a flick of her
wrist, she yanked off the belt and then held it taut in front of me, snapping it once. I jumped and briefly thought about hitting the pressure point on her neck to make her go to sleep. I could slip out while she was sleeping.

  She tugged my pants down and smirked at me as she moved back up to my cock. It wasn’t exactly hard, but it definitely wasn’t soft. But then she moved in and licked me. It was wet and warm and the way her breath slid across my cock had me losing all control of my body. She sucked me into her mouth, moaning like a fucking porn star. There was some hesitation, like she hadn’t done this often, but what she lacked in skills, she made up for in effort. I wanted to think that it was a complete turn off, but there wasn’t a thing about her taking me in her mouth that made little Anthony go down. I almost slapped myself for calling him Anthony.

  Oh God. It’s okay. Don’t freak out. She may be a little psychotic, but she’s sexy as fuck. Besides, you’ve already slept with her and you’re still alive. Just roll with it. Fuck her and make an excuse to leave.

  She rolled, taking me with her until she was on bottom. I panicked, not knowing what to do. She snatched my hands and put them on her breasts.

  “Pull my nipples,” she moaned.

  Fuck, you can do this. You’ve had sex before with a stranger. She’s no different. She’s psychotic, but most women are in some way. Just pull her fucking nipples and get this over with.

  I did as she asked, but her moans were more than I could take and I ground myself against her when she started moaning. “Yes!” she shouted. I jumped back, a little terrified of her right now. “Twist them. Pull them. Oh, God! Yes!”

  I kept tweaking them, letting my natural instincts take over, but I was still waiting for her psychotic side to jump out at me. She started pushing up against me, humping my cock. I groaned and tried not to lose it and just push her panties aside and shove inside, no matter how much I wanted to.

  “Yes, I need your cock,” she moaned. “Give it to me.”

  She’s fucking yelling at me. This is weird. Okay, it’s not that weird. She’s just very vocal. You can do this. Man up.

  I shoved her panties aside and shoved two fingers inside her wet cunt. Fuck, it was sexy. This was so wrong. The woman was batshit crazy, and if I fucked her, she would continue thinking that we were together. But with my fingers inside her warmth and her gyrating underneath me, I lost it and went along for the ride.


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