Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga)

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Dangerous (Courting the Darkness Saga) Page 3

by Fuller, Karen

  Sherry focused her eyes on an invisible spot on the sofa, being careful not to make eye contact with either vampire.

  Drake inclined his head to her. “Ever since I met Desiree, I find you witches fascinating. I would really like to get to know you better.”

  Her eyes snapped up to his in alarm. “Huh?”

  He chuckled softly. “Why do you two always lose your vocabulary around me?”

  Desiree walked back into the room with her bag on her shoulder. “I do not lose my vocabulary when I’m around you, Drake.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “That’s not true and you know it. That first day when Sean brought you to my chambers, you hardly said two words.”

  She nodded. “True enough. I was petrified of you then.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her statement. “And now?”

  She stepped into Mica’s arms. “Now I have Mica—and I've been around vampires for a little while now.” She shrugged. “I don’t know. It's just different now.”

  “Come on, Desiree. Let’s go get something to eat,” Sherry said urgently. She gave Drake and Mica an uneasy glance, then looked back at Desiree pointedly. “I’m starving.”

  Desiree looked up at Mica and smiled. “We’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  He kissed her forehead gently. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Drake crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll be waiting too.”

  He’ll be waiting for me, ran through Sherry’s mind, causing a warmth to flutter through her heart. Her steps faltered with the sudden urge to run back and throw herself into his arms. Slow down girl, he’s not here waiting for you, he’s here to see Desiree, remember? Her mind screamed at her. Besides, he’s not for you. He’s a vampire. Witches and vampires don’t mix. Don’t go and do something stupid to embarrass yourself all over again. Just get the hell out of here and try to salvage what’s left of your dignity. Put one foot in front of the other and just walk out that door. Now! She clutched Desiree's jacket sleeve and tugged. “Come on—please.”

  “Charles is out front waiting in the limo,” Mica remarked. “He'll drive you both wherever you need to go.”

  Desiree stopped in mid-step, then turned back to Mica in surprise. “You have a limo?”

  Mica smiled and winked at her. “Yes, we do. How were you intending on getting to the restaurant?”

  She shrugged. “I thought we would go in Sherry’s car.”

  Mica shook his head. “You need a bodyguard.”


  He let out a slow breath and continued to shake his head. “After everything that happened last week, you’re not going anywhere by yourself. I don’t want to go through any of that again.”


  “Desiree, this isn’t up for debate.”

  “Fine,” she said through clenched teeth. “Come on Sherry, let’s go find our babysitter.”

  Drake roared with laughter. “Are you having trouble in paradise already?”

  Desiree straightened her shoulders and marched out of the house with Sherry in tow. She slammed the door behind her. “Of all the arrogant, egotistical….”

  Sherry laughed softly. “Drake shouldn’t have laughed, but Mica’s right.” She shook her head and climbed into the backseat of the limo. “You shouldn’t call Mica names like that. You were almost killed several times last week. He’s just trying to protect you.”

  Desiree’s eyebrow shot up. “I was referring to Drake with my comments,” she huffed.

  Sherry's mouth dropped open. “Drake? He didn’t do anything. Mica was the one bossing you around, not Drake.”

  Desiree shot her a suspicious look. “Hummmm….”

  “And that’s supposed to mean—what?”

  Desiree settled into the seat across from Sherry. “You and I need to have a serious talk, girlfriend.”

  Chapter Five

  Sherry pushed her plate away and leaned back in the booth. “Okay, Desiree, now that my stomach is no longer touching my backbone, I’d like you to finish your story. I have nothing against your boyfriend, but I’d like to hear the rest of this story without any interruptions.”

  Desiree gave her a blank look. “So much has happened that I can’t remember where I left off.”

  Sherry rolled her eyes and grinned. “You were about to tell me what happened after the vampires carted the others off.”

  “Okay, when the other vampire clan carted the others off, they left me in that dark cave by myself.” The smile dropped from Desiree’s face, and she shook her head. “I never really knew that I was afraid of the dark until the trip to that cave.” She shivered. “Anyway, I swallowed my fear and made my way outside to the van. I knew Mica had left the cell phone there. My plan was to call Drake and get help.” Sherry sat up and listened more attentively. “Anyway, I called Drake, and unfortunately there was no way that any of them could get from New Orleans to Sevierville before sunup. Drake had suggested that I let Mica get himself out of his predicament, and that I needed to come back to New Orleans.”

  Sherry tilted her head in confusion. “But—he didn’t want to help? I don’t understand. You were there because of him.”

  “No, I was there because Jason Hargrove kidnapped me and carted me off to Salem. Drake sent Mica to rescue me, and—well—it’s not that he didn’t want to help…I think that if we had been close enough, he would have sent a rescue party.” She shrugged. “I guess he figured that Mica and Denise weren’t going to make it, and he really wanted that spell.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged again. “Anyway, I told him that I wasn’t coming back to New Orleans without Mica. He said that he was sorry, but there was no time for them to get there, and that I was on my own for the rescue.”

  “So, if Drake didn’t send you any help, then how did they get away?”

  “You see, Mica and I have bonded as mates. We can feel what each other feels. I discovered through that bond that I can communicate with him as well. He allowed me to see through his eyes, so that I could see where they were.” She shrugged. “I cast a couple of spells, one of which was for the keys to the Express Van. They really weren’t that far away, just a few miles. I parked the van at a safe distance and snuck up on the vampires.” She bit her lip apprehensively. “I cast a spell so that the vampire clan would think that they were seeing the light of day, and that they would feel the burn of the sun’s rays, and the only way to get away from the burn was to hide in the shadows until my task was done. They scattered to the caves to hide.”

  Sherry laughed. “That was brilliant!”

  Desiree smiled sheepishly. “I thought so too, but Mica was mad as hell.”

  “You saved his butt, didn’t you?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, but that wasn’t the problem. Mica was afraid that by me casting that spell, the clan of vampires would seek me out to kill me for revenge.”

  Sherry swallowed hard. “That would be bad. I guess that’s why you have the bodyguard now, huh?”

  She shook her head. “No—not really…the clan found us last night at Drake’s headquarters. They wouldn’t listen to reason and attacked all of us. They’re all dead now.”

  “Okay—so—why does Mica think you need a bodyguard?”

  She shrugged. “I think he might be a little over protective…I couldn’t imagine who else could be after me. But then again, this time last week I didn’t know all this would happen, either.”

  The waitress brought a pot of coffee to the table, along with the check. “Would y’all care for more coffee?”

  Desiree held out her cup. “Yes, please.”

  Sherry smiled up at the waitress. “I would love another cup.”

  The waitress filled their cups, and both women picked up their cups and took a sip.

  Sherry placed the mug on the table, cradling it in her hands. “So, it sounds like you had quite an adventure.”

  “Yeah, I did. Things were a little scary at times, but I really don’t have many regrets from it.”

esiree’s tone had Sherry tilting her head and staring hard at her friend. “You have some regrets? Aren’t you happy that you’re with Mica?”

  Desiree sighed heavily. “Oh, I’m very happy that I wound up with Mica. The last ninety years have been very lonely for me, and he makes me feel again.”

  Sherry smirked. “I bet he does.”

  Desiree cleared her throat and smiled. “Yes, well—he does at that, but that’s not what I meant.” She laughed lightly, then picked up her coffee cup and took another sip. “I meant emotionally. I now feel a purpose that I haven’t felt in years. Mica’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  “So, if Mica’s the best thing that has ever happened to you, then what’s the regret?”

  Desiree’s gaze leveled with hers. “I regret the loss of my freedom.”

  “I’m sure this thing with the bodyguard won’t last long, and then Mica should let you do what you want.”

  “It’s not Mica holding me captive.” Her eyes dropped to the coffee cup. “Drake is my captor, not Mica.”

  Sherry sat back in her seat, then threw out her hand. “How can Drake be your captor?”

  Desiree looked up, then shrugged. “He is the king of this area, and what he says is law. It took a lot of fast-talking to get Drake to relent and let me leave his protection to stay with Mica. If I refuse to do what he says, he will command me to move back into the warehouse, and I will have no choice. Since Mica and I are mates, he will allow Mica to come with me, but Mica doesn’t like living with the nest. I couldn’t do that to him. So, I do as I’m told.”

  “But—but—that’s just not fair.”

  “Whether it’s fair or not is irrelevant. Drake is a dangerous man with a hot temper, and is accustomed to getting everything he wants. Those that oppose him have a very short life span. He doesn’t handle the word ‘no’ very well either.” She sighed. “Since I was able to cast that spell for him, he thinks of me as a valuable possession. He told us that there’s a vampire war brewing, and a clan about three times the size of Drakes is vying for his territory. He thinks my magic can help, and only allows me to leave as long as I remain at his beck and call.” She brought a trembling hand up to her forehead. “Hey, is it me, or is it getting warm in here?”

  Sherry shifted uneasily in her seat and pulled on the collar of her sweater. “It is a little warm in here.”

  “It must be my lack of sleep, but I’m getting overwhelmingly tired.”

  “Now that you mention it, I’m extremely tired too.”

  Desiree took a twenty out of her purse and placed it on the table with the check. “I need to run to the lady’s room and splash some cold water on my face before we leave. Maybe it’ll help.”

  “I’ll go with you.” They each grabbed their purses. “Are we going straight back to the mansion?” They slid out of the booth and made their way to the lady’s room.

  “That was the plan.”

  “I guess we’ll talk about the coven stuff when we get back to your house then.”

  Desiree sighed heavily. “I may have to give you a rain check for a couple of hours on that one. I think I need to lie down.”

  “Are you really that tired?” Sherry asked as she opened the door to the lady’s room.

  Desiree brushed past her and headed straight for the sink. “I’m afraid so.” She ran the cold water and splashed it on her face, then grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and placed it on the back of her neck.

  “Desiree, you don’t look so hot. Maybe I need to call Mica.”

  Desiree stood up straight at the mention of calling Mica. “No! I’m just tired—I’ll be okay.” She swayed a little on her feet and grabbed the edge of the sink. “Just give me a minute.”

  “You look like you’re going to pass out. Sit down on the floor and put your head between your knees.”

  Desiree shook her head. “No—I’ll be….” Desiree’s eyes rolled in the back of her head, then she hit the ceramic tile floor of the bathroom.

  Sherry hit her knees on the floor next to her friend’s unconscious body. She grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Desiree…Desiree…wake up! Something’s wrong with you, and we need to get out of here!” She brought a trembling hand to her own forehead as her head started to swim too. Her heart raced with fear. “Oh God, I think we’ve been drugged. Please—wake—up….” She fell forward, unconscious, across Desiree.


  A lone figure opened the bathroom stall and stood over the girls’ unconscious bodies. He pushed on Desiree’s shoulder with the toe of his boot. She didn’t budge. “Let’s see you get away again, witch,” he growled.

  Chapter Six

  Drake paced the floor impatiently. How long could it possibly take to eat breakfast? He looked up at the clock on the mantel. “What’s taking them so long?”

  Mica’s patience with Drake was sorely tested, and he couldn’t hide the irritation in his voice. “Wearing a hole in my carpet isn’t going to make them return any faster. Please sit down.”

  “I’ll sit down when I’m damn good and ready to sit down, and not a minute before.”

  Mica really didn’t want to argue with him, but Drake’s agitation was getting on Mica’s nerves. Desiree was his mate, and he didn’t like her at Drake’s every beck and call. He sighed heavily. “I can feel Desiree’s moods; she won’t run, if that’s what you’re worried about. She might not like being under your royal thumb, but she won’t leave me. Besides, I’ve sent Charles with them. He’ll keep an eye on her. Desiree should be safe enough.”

  Drake stopped in mid-stride and turned on his friend. “I wasn’t referring to Desiree,” he snarled impatiently. “She’s your mate. Of course she’ll come back…you are bonded to each other. Sherry, on the other hand, might not be so compelled to come back. She might choose to take this opportunity to run, and I won’t stand for it. I want her back.”

  Mica’s unexpected laughter didn’t set well with Drake. “I don’t see what is so funny about the possibility of Sherry running.”

  “Do you hear yourself? You won’t stand for it? Last time I checked, she didn’t have to answer to you. She is not one of your subjects that has to jump at your every order and do what you say, when you say it. She—” The laughter was directly cut off, and he drew his eyebrows together in a frown, swaying in his seat. “What in the…?”

  “You were saying?” Drake remarked dryly.

  Mica closed his eyes and braced his hands to steady himself. “Something has happened to Desiree. I can feel it.”

  Drake’s irritation was replaced with concern. “What do you mean? What do you feel?”

  Mica opened his eyes, staring into space; he was searching for his connection with Desiree. “It feels so—strange. I felt her get dizzy all of a sudden…and then…nothing.” He shook himself, then looked back at his friend. “She must be unconscious, because I feel nothing.”

  “Try harder,” Drake demanded.

  Mica closed his eyes again and tried to seek Desiree out. He held his mouth in a tight, grim line in concentration. He opened his eyes, shook his head, and then looked up at his friend in alarm. “Nothing—I see nothing. When I try to see through her eyes, all I see is a black void. She’s either in a dark place, or she’s unconscious. Since I don’t feel any fear, I have to assume that she’s unconscious.”

  Drake’s agitation increased and he paced faster as he tried to think of a logical solution. “Does your driver carry a cell phone?” Mica nodded. “Well, what are you waiting for? Call him!”

  Mica reached for the phone and called his driver. He didn’t even give Charles a chance to say “hello”. “Where is Desiree?” he demanded into the receiver.

  “Huh? They’re at the table—uh—they were at the table.”

  Mica closed his eyes and ground his teeth. His anger barely held in check. “What do you mean were?”

  “Were!” Drake barked, then grabbed the phone from his friend. “There better be a good explanation for your statement
,” he growled coldly into the receiver.

  “I don’t know,” Charles said nervously. “I saw the waitress give them more coffee and hand them the check. I—uh—assumed that they’d be right out once they finished their coffee.” He swallowed hard. “I didn’t see them get up from the table.”

  Drake clenched his teeth and growled into the receiver. “If you value your life, you’ll go inside and find them.”


  Charles looked at the phone in his hand and felt the blood drain from his face. His hands shook, and he couldn’t hide the tremor of fear in his voice. “Uh—yes sir—uh—I mean—sire. I’ll do that right now.” He scrambled out of the limo and hurried into the diner. His eyes darted frantically around the room. His heart sank. They weren’t there. “I—uh….” He cleared his throat. “I don’t see them, sire.”


  “Hang on a second,” Charles said nervously. He palmed the phone in one hand to muffle the sound, rushed over to the waitress, and grabbed her by the arm with his free hand. She whipped her head around in alarm. She looked from his frightened eyes down to his hand gripping her arm, and then back up into his eyes again. “Excuse me, miss.” He pointed to the empty table. “Where did those ladies go?”

  She shrugged. “They left a few minutes ago. The brunette left the money and tip on the table.” She shook her head in thought. “I didn’t see where they went. Is there a problem?”

  He closed his eyes and nodded frantically. “Yeah, there’s a problem. Please think hard. My life depends on it.”

  She chewed on her thumbnail in thought, and then she shook her head again. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t see anything. If you didn’t see them leave, then maybe they’re in the lady’s room.”

  “Could you please check for me? That’s the one place I can’t go.”

  She nodded. “Sure, I’ll check, but you’re going to have to let go of my arm first.”

  He let go. “Sorry.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” She walked toward the lady’s room, and rubbed the red mark left behind from his grip as she walked.


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