by Nora Ash
“You appear to be roughly 5 days past ovulating. When are you expecting your period?”
“In a week,” she muttered, cracking an eye open to look at the horned man. The white coat and his inhuman appearance made it hard to keep up the fantasy.
“Hmm. The treatment is easiest done right when you ovulate, but we should be able to achieve good results with some more abrasive stimulation nonetheless.” He took her hand that had been resting over her stomach, and gave it a comforting squeeze. “It may be a bit rough for you, but I ask that you allow it to happen. Just remember; when we are done, your disorder will be one very big step closer to being mended.”
She frowned at his reassuring smile. The examination had put a bit more reluctance in her willingness to go blindly along with his procedures. “What exactly will happen during the... treatment?”
The widening of his smile indicated that he fully understood the reason behind her wary tone. “I will stimulate you sexually until complete exhaustion, at which point your body’s hormonal production will peak. Normally, a patient would be looking at images of whatever their illusions were during the session to ensure the neurological changes, but since you see me as a demon, we will negate the false visual stimuli.”
It wasn’t that she hadn’t been suspecting something to that extent, but to hear it put that bluntly made her heart start pounding heavily in her exposed chest. “Y-you want to... have sex with me??” No, that was one step too far; that was most certainly not approved treatment of patients, however progressive his field of study! She started pulling on the straps around her thighs, fingers trying to find the release mechanism.
Large hands enveloped hers, gently pushing them back down. “Miss Lehmann, I am a medical professional, and I do not have sex with my patients.” The gentle touch aside, there was an unmistakable core of icy steel in his voice, and she shrank back into the chair, mortified at having obviously insulted the doctor.
“I-I’m sorry, I...” She faltered, staring mutely up into his burning eyes.
He upheld the silent stare until there was absolutely no doubt that his point had been driven home in the shaking female below him. Then he released her hands and took a step closer, brushing the fabric of his pants ever so lightly against her naked crotch as a result of the proximity. She shuddered at the contact but didn’t take her eyes from his commanding gaze.
“I understand that it can be difficult to separate this type of examination and treatment from sexual encounters, especially for a young woman with unpleasant experiences such as you have endured in the past. I will remind you, however, that while I will do what I must to bring you into a state of sexual exhaustion in order for the treatment to work, this is strictly for your mental health. I take no personal pleasure in the procedure, and if you believe yourself unable to distinguish between medical attention and a sexual encounter, I will call the nurse back to oversee your treatment.”
“No, no, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have...!” It was unclear to her what was worse; the thought of having another woman see her like this, or having accused yet another person of wrongdoings on the basis of her illness. “Please, Dr. Hershey, I didn’t mean to imply that you would enjoy...”
His only acknowledgment of her apology was a stiff nod, followed by a warm touch against her thighs as he placed a hand on each hamstring. “I suggest you calm your mind and focus on the task at hand, Miss Lehmann.”
Oh, but this was horrible; the kind doctor had completely transformed, his icy professional attitude replacing what had made her feel comfortable around him before, despite the soothing warmth running down the back of her thighs where he was touching her. She couldn’t go through with this if he stayed like this, if he treated her... as a patient.
While the slip into a more gray area had freaked her out, there was no denying that it was his heated words that had allowed her to let go and have an orgasm in front of him. She simply couldn’t give him what he’d demand to get her into a state of ‘sexual exhaustion’ like this, the awkwardness and shame weighing too heavily on her mind.
“Please, Dr. Hershey... don’t use my surname. I... I want to do this right.” She stared up at him, praying her words and the silent plea they concealed would cut through the distance her accusations had put between them.
The dark haired man regarded her silently for a few moments, those warm palms continuously brushing up and down her hamstrings as he seemed to contemplate the sincerity of her surrender. Finally, he nodded. “As you wish—Selma.”
The large hands grabbed her thighs more firmly, and she sighed in relief, lifting her pelvis as much as the restraints allowed for, showing him that she would cooperate with everything he demanded of her.
“Very good,” he mumbled, and the heat from his touch slid down to her slit, thumbs dragging her open once again. “Then let’s get started.”
The first finger delving into her was immediately accompanied by a thumb on her clit, and she shuddered at the contact, forcing her hips to hold still for his circular movements over the sensitive nub.
Flaming orange caught her eyes. “Look at me, Selma. Look at me while you feel everything I’m doing to you. I will make you come over and over, and I want you to watch me do it.”
This time, his heated voice and less than appropriate words filled her with relief rather than terror; her rudeness was forgiven, and she would not be forced to endure a clinical conversation while writhing like a whore for his skilled fingers. She locked her gaze in his, knowing that his intent was for her to focus on the otherworldly illusions while he pleasured her.
“Good girl.” Another finger was added to her tight hole, soft squelching noises beginning to emit from it when he slowly started moving them in and out, brushing over her g-spot in the process and never stopping the slow circles on her clit.
It felt good, and Selma let out the low moan building in her throat, releasing any dignity to his will. But this was what he wanted, and she didn’t dare fight him again.
“You are doing so well,” he murmured in response, changing his hands’ positioning so one was focused on manipulating her clit and the other could thrust the two fingers in and out unhindered. “You are so very wet for me, sweetheart. I bet you’d like another finger, hmm?”
She didn’t manage to word a reply before he’d pressed a third one up into her, and any thoughts she may have had on the subject got strangled by a groan as her muscles clamped down around him in a short-lived protest to being filled.
“Women,” the doctor chuckled while he waited for her hold to ease up, the only movement being the gentle stroking over her exposed clit with the moistened pad of his thumb. “Your sweet little pussies never want to open wide, yet nothing makes you come harder. Ah.” The last word was emphasized by his sly smile as they both felt her channel slightly loosen its grip on his intruding fingers, welcoming further penetration.
“See? It’ll fight me all the way, but your body knows what it needs. It’s biological, of course.” He began pumping again, a little faster this time, as well as putting more pressure on her clit. “You crave to be taken by a man strong enough to get what he wants—it makes for healthy offspring—and your little snatch knows how to make a lover fight for the privilege.”
“Oh, God!” Her actual lovers had never managed dirty talk to this extent, the few attempts usually only involving mutterings about her breasts and asking if she liked it. Dr. Hershey was of a different caliber, and her body responded violently and instinctively. Her hips pushed up rhythmically, fighting against the straps around her thighs to meet his fingers, and the sounds caused by her lubrication intensified as more moisture rushed to her opening, soaking the doctor’s hand.
“Oh please, oh God! Oh!” White-hot fire broke through as he changed the angle, pushing roughly up against her soft g-spot in an unrelenting rhythm, and she was only faintly aware of her hands clawing at the chair and the fevered begging for more; only his shouted, “Look at me!” m
ade it through the crazed pleasure as she crashed over the edge, eyes locked on his.
Her breathing was slow to calm, the warm hum pulsing through her blood not helped by the gentle-yet-insisting stroking of her inner walls by the fingers still lodged there. Sighing tiredly she cracked open an eye to look at the doctor. “Exactly how exhausted am I meant to get?”
The tall man smiled at her tired expression. “Well, that depends... how do I look?”
“Still horned,” she sighed, moaning softly and attempting to wriggle away when he pinched her clit.
“Then more exhausted than this, my sweet.” He flattened his free hand against her stomach, forcing her to hold completely still as he slowly began moving the fingers inside of her again, though avoiding the direct pressure against the throbbing cushion on her frontal wall that had unraveled her completely before. “I want you near-unconscious and so sore that even the thought of another climax has you sobbing for mercy.”
Despite the instantaneous heat flowing though her core in response to his words, something... almost sinister... in his flaming eyes made her swallow nervously; something that told her he wasn’t purely trying to arouse her with that statement. Not that she could do anything about it one way or the other; if he wanted her passed out and aching, he would do just that.
Shamefully, that thought only made her pelvic muscles flex with want, momentarily squeezing the doctor to a halt.
“Little girl,” he chuckled, pushing a couple of fingers from his free hand against her clit until her inner muscles shuddered and released the tighter grip, allowing him to move freely in her again. “You like to be controlled, hmm? Does the thought of being forced until you can’t take anymore make you want to come like a slut?”
Her responding moan was entirely involuntary and followed by a deep blush of humiliation. He was only doing his job, and she was reacting like... like a desperate slut. Or like a completely pathetic woman lusting for her doctor.
“Don’t be ashamed, sweetheart.” The fingers had once again picked up pace, fucking her in earnest, though his voice was suddenly gentle. “I love how you squirm for me. Nothing’s better than a woman who likes it rough.” He emphasized the last word by pressing down hard on her poor nub, sending shocks of sharp movements through it at the same time as her g-spot was once again viscously attacked by rapid and rough tapping of his three fingertips.
Selma yowled, her body fighting desperately against the restraints to arch into his touch, but he met her futile struggles with more of that unrelenting stimulation and brought her over, hard.
Every muscle in her body clamped down, her pussy clenching and milking as she rode the climax out, shuddering at the shockwaves of pleasure shooting through her frayed nerve endings. Awkward setting aside, this had to be the best foreplay she’d ever received and—!
“Oh! No!” God, he couldn’t be serious! “I need... a break!”
But the fingers pounding into her didn’t relent, despite her cries and attempts at shoving him away; he simply ignored her fumbling hands as if she had no more strength than a newborn kitten, and kept stimulating her over-sensitive pussy until she gave in with a sob, pained pleasure rocking through her abdomen and achy muscles.
“How are the horns?”
Selma, who was still on the ebb of the powerful climax, her channel periodically squeezing his deeply lodged fingers in small spasms, stared at the spikes still crowning his dark strands. Something in the back of her mind tried to convince her to lie, but her endorphin-high brain took too long to phrase the words that could have stopped the continued assault on her over-stimulated sex.
“I’m afraid that means you’ll need something a bit rougher, sweetheart.”
Though his words made her groan with dread and eye the scary-looking table containing the tools, of which he’d yet to use the more terrifying, she appreciated the small reprieve when he pulled his fingers out and turned away for a moment, shrugging out of the white coat before grabbing the lubrication again.
To her surprise he applied it liberally to his hand and wrist, and she briefly wondered why on Earth he’d need more lube, as she could feel her own juices practically gushing down her slit and knew his fingers must be soaked with it as well. Then her attention was caught by the huge bulge at the front of the doctor’s pants no longer covered by the coat.
Clearly he’d lied when he said he got no personal pleasure from this! Fighting the urge to cover her exposed sex when he returned to continue, Selma stared at him while her mind briefly—and completely unsolicited—tried to work out how anything belonging to a human could create a lump that size.
The doctor smiled calmly when he saw what had her attention, his non-lubricated fingers finding and gently circling her clit as he brought the other hand down to her leaking hole. “I am only a man, Selma; my body will react to a young woman climaxing in front of me. Relax now; everything is as it should be.”
She didn’t get a chance to do anything but obey as his fingers once again pushed into her, twisting and expanding against the sore muscles.
And then he forced his fourth finger in.
Selma whimpered, the pressure suddenly more than her body could comfortably handle as he pushed in to the knuckles. She tried moving her hips to ease it, but he easily kept her still by pressing down against her swollen clit, pinning her to the chair.
“This will hurt if you don’t relax.” The unspoken point being that he wasn’t stopping, even if she didn’t. “Just lean back; feel how your pussy stretches for me. That’s good, isn’t it? Just imagine how good it’ll be when it’s fully opened.”
His heated words and the aroused state of her body aside, Selma found it increasingly hard to focus on anything but the stretching tightness between her thighs. She tried to relax, but even as she forced her body to accept the slowly pumping and rotating fingers she couldn’t stop her own fingers from digging into the seat of the chair, or the hoarse gasps he pushed from her every time his knuckles breached her entrance.
It did feel good, through the discomfort of being forced wider than what her body was naturally built to handle during intercourse, and his persistent stimulation of her small nub of nerves, allowed another orgasm to start building. Before long, her panting was accompanied by her hips rising, her body trying to accommodate the intrusion as best it could to intensify the oncoming climax.
“That’s it, good girl, very good,” she heard him croon above her, taking advantage of her pussy’s spasms to really work the knuckles in. Her responding cry only caused him to flex his massive hand inside of her, and she felt every muscle in her core clamp in reflex, trying to expel the too-large mass penetrating it. Yet the second her pussy clenched her undoing began, and she wailed her release out, red-hot explosions of pleasure shooting off along every nerve in her trashing body, the climax being heightened and prolonged for every spasm against his fingers.
She was still riding out the blissful cramps, moaning for every contraction as her body came to accept the stretch, when his thumb suddenly wedged into her gaping hole alongside his palm.
If she hadn’t been severely weakened from the previous orgasms she might have managed to tighten her muscles enough to deny him access, but now he was too quick and way too strong for her to resist.
Selma screamed, her body arching as high as the restraints would let her, every profanity she’d ever heard flying from her lips as Dr. Hershey pressed his entire hand into her, locking it into a fist the second it was fully inside her.
It was too big! Way too big! Her entire form shuddered as her pussy desperately tried to dislodge the fist, but it stayed like a massive, invasive force in her narrow passage no matter how hard her frantic muscles clamped and pushed. Then the doctor’s touch on her clit returned.
Her scream took on a new pitch as her pussy, spread so wide it was unable to fight off the jarring tremors shooting from the throbbing little nub, began convulsing around his fist in a pattern aimed at milking him instead of the frantic attem
pts at expelling the invasion. The fire from her pained orgasm burned all the way up through her slick core and backbone, melting every muscle in its way as her pussy battled against the strength of his enormous fist—and lost.
By the time her quaking channel released her from the high her wails had quieted to sobs, and the man hovering over her was blurred due to the tears leaking from her eyes. And his hand... his hand was still curled securely in her opening, expanding the narrowest part of her vagina to its absolute limit, though the other had left her now painfully over-stimulated clit to stroke her stomach soothingly. As if anything could calm her wildly beating heart and shaky breathing while her pussy was wrenched open like this.
“Please, please, no more,” she whispered, too exhausted and sore-throated to put more force behind her begging. “I can’t... please, take it out.”
“We’re almost there, sweetheart. You’ve been so good—just one more and we’re done.” Though the words themselves sounded comforting, the darkness in his voice didn’t manage to inspire any trust. Not that it mattered; when he slowly but deliberately pressed his fist deeper into her, her only defense was a low groan in protest, while the ample amount of fluids and her weakened muscles allowed it to happen.
There was a moment of moderate relief when the pressure of his knuckles was finally past her pelvic bone, nestling in where her body could accommodate him just a little more easily, and her breath shuddered out in a drawn-out moan. However, the sensation of being stretched to her absolute limits was still undeniably intense, her pussy weakly trying to clamp down on him—causing agonizing shudders of pleasure as every sensitive part of her core was forcefully massaged.