Bowles, Jan - Master of Submission [Masters of Submission 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Bowles, Jan - Master of Submission [Masters of Submission 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 13

by Jan Bowles

  Matthew let out a long sigh. “It figures. The guy’s a complete jerk-off. He’s been taking too much notice of the trash written in the papers. According to one tabloid, several members were supposed to have helped dispose of Chloe’s body after a scene in the club went horribly wrong.” He shook his head. “Unbelievable. They must think we’re all evil, sick fuck’s here. Christ, we’ve had reporters camped outside for days. It’s scared off all the members. No one wants to be seen entering the club.”

  Matthew smiled. “Except for you and your good lady friend.” He pointed at Emma. “I hope you’re not gonna keep her all to yourself?”

  “No, I’ll call her over, and, guys, just so you know, Emma’s not for sharing.”

  Ethan tapped the fountain pen to his lips, an amused expression on his face. “Is that her limits, or yours?”


  Matthew laughed out loud. “She sure seems to have had a calming influence on you.”

  “You could say.” He knew he’d get teased by the brothers, but he didn’t care. He cared about Emma, and she was his and his alone.

  “That’s good, Zane. She certainly had a calming influence on me at the funeral. Man, I almost decked that cop. If she hadn’t stepped in when she did.” Matthew shrugged. “I’m sure I’d be facing a long prison sentence.”

  “Me, too.” Zane waved his hand, and Emma obediently began to walk toward them. This would be her first real test. Even if she failed, he would still be proud of her. “Emma had some good news earlier today. Someone from the Boston Medical Examiner’s Office telephoned her. Looks like they’ve found Chloe’s killer. They’re just waiting on the DNA results before they make a public announcement.”

  “That’s good news. Maybe it’ll take the heat off the club.” Ethan almost smiled.

  Zane knew as well as they did that once the press got hold of a story, they wouldn’t let it go. “I hope so, for your sakes, guys.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Emma had to admit that sitting with three attractive Doms was an incredible experience. How should one act? Zane had given her an insight into how lifestylers acted with one another. As with all societies, there was a hierarchy. Matthew, Ethan, and Zane appeared to be on an equal footing with each other. Though Zane, or Sir as he’d told her to call him here, had mentioned that a pecking order even existed between some of the Masters.

  With such a small number of people present at the club tonight, Emma had no doubt that she was at the bottom of the pile. Even Jessica, as a more experienced submissive, outranked her. Although, being a lower-ranked sub did have its compensations. It was certainly sexually stimulating. Every time Sir—God I’m even thinking like a submissive. Zane is his name, but Sir makes him seem so much more exciting. She couldn’t stop herself from taking another surreptitious look in Sir’s direction. Dressed in leather jeans, he wore an unbuttoned white linen shirt. It lay open to his waist, revealing his perfectly honed muscular chest. Sir was an incredibly sexy man.

  Zane turned her on every time he so much as glanced in her direction. The way he held her gaze, and the slant to his mouth made her panties go wet and her legs turn to Jell-O. Emma knew him well enough to know he had something extra special planned when they returned home. He’d already suggested as much at the bar. During the course of the evening, it had slowly dawned on her—the simmering atmosphere at Submission had become an important part of the foreplay. She could barely wait for Sir to take her home and do with her as he wished.

  Over the past few weeks, their relationship had strengthened, and a deep respectful bond had formed between them. They’d talk into the small hours of the morning, discussing anything and everything. Zane was highly opinionated, with strong views on many things from animal cruelty to the welfare system. She didn’t and wouldn’t agree with everything that he said, just because she was the submissive in their relationship. Oh, no, she was her own woman, with her own thoughts and views, and she was unafraid to share them with Zane.

  He couldn’t control every aspect of her life, and she was grateful that he didn’t want to. Zane loved her feisty, independent side just as much as he loved her submissive side. In fact, he’d encouraged her to take the bar. She would be sitting the exam in February. If events progressed as planned, she’d be able to practice law right here in Boston.

  During the last fortnight, she’d twice surprised him by arriving unexpectedly at his place of work. On both occasions, they’d enjoyed hot, hard sex in his office. The first time he’d gagged and bound her, so none of his employees would hear her mews of pleasure and pain as he’d bent her over his desk and fucked her senseless. On the second occasion, she’d sat on his lap with his rock-hard cock buried deep inside her pussy. Zane had leaned back in his executive leather chair, enjoying the ride. His elbows had been bent and his hands firmly locked behind his head. The smell of his expensive aftershave and his heavy breathing in her ear had seriously turned her on. As her Master, he’d insisted she do all the work. He’d observed her like a predator observes its prey, as she’d ground herself down his thick shaft. It had all been highly arousing, especially with the knowledge that Lucy could come through the door at any moment and catch them fucking.

  The three impressive Doms had been speaking for almost an hour now. Much of their conversation centered on the bad publicity. This had caused great damage to the club’s good reputation and attendance figures. She wanted to speak her mind, but found it incredibly frustrating being at the bottom of the pecking order. None of the Doms asked for her opinion on anything. Even Zane seemed to have forgotten that she existed while in the company of Ethan and Matthew. Emma sighed. Her fantastic idea for bringing the club back to life would just have to wait.

  When the music briefly stopped, she glanced across the room. Jessica and Master Cole were stepping from the dance floor. Jessica gave a friendly wave, and gestured for her to join them. Emma nodded her acceptance, before turning her attention back to the three Masters.

  They were so deep in conversation, she didn’t want to disturb them. Instead she decided to quietly slip away. As soon as she leaned forward to rise from her chair a large hand snaked around her wrist. Her head snapped in Zane’s direction. From his seated position Sir’s eyes connected with hers. Their heat and intensity overwhelmed her. His deep voice filled the air. “Did I give you permission to leave the table?”

  “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “Where were you thinking of going?”

  “Um, just to see Jessica and Master Cole, Sir. I didn’t want to disturb you, when you were speaking with Master Ethan and Master Matthew.”

  “You need to seek my permission first.”

  With her heart beating frantically in her chest, Emma swallowed. Their role-play was becoming more defined. “Sir, this slave begs your permission to speak with Jessica.”

  He contemplated her request for a moment then let her wrist go. She saw the approval in his eyes. “Very well. Five minutes. Then come straight back here to my side.”

  Emma bowed her head. “Thank you, Sir.” She rose from her seat and quickly made her way toward Jessica. She heard Master Cole’s angry voice as she drew closer to their table.

  “Jessica, do it. Just get it checked out.”

  By the look on Jessica’s face she had displeased Master Cole. She noted with interest, the submissive tone to Jessica’s voice. “I’m sorry, Sir. I promise it won’t happen again. I’ll see to it straight away.”

  “I shouldn’t need to remind you, Jessica.” Master Cole turned on his heel and quickly strode away. His demeanor appeared angry and stiff.

  For a brief moment Jessica looked worried. However, she placed the usual beaming smile back on her face, when she realized Emma now stood beside her. “Sweetie, it’s real good to see you again.”

  “You, too, Jessica. I hope I haven’t caused any problems between you and Master Cole?”

  “No, just a little disagreement between a Master and his slave. Nothing for you to worry

  “For a minute I thought he was about to punish you.”

  Jessica took hold of her hand. “Oh, I’ll be punished all right. Make no mistake about that. But it will happen later on when he’s calmed down. Master Cole never disciplines me when he’s angry.”

  “Oh.” She said it so matter-of-factly. So far Zane hadn’t really disciplined her. On a couple of occasions he’d used the crop, but that was more play than punishment. He’d pleasured her with teasing little strokes, which she’d enjoyed. Wondering how Master Cole would punish Jessica, she tentatively asked, “Will it hurt?”

  Jessica burst out laughing and patted the chair next to her. “Take a seat, sweetie. You really do have a lot to learn. I take it Master Zane hasn’t disciplined you yet?”

  Emma shook her head. “Not really. Master Zane’s only given me a gentle tap with a riding crop. I’m not sure I’d enjoy it if he disciplined me for real.”

  “If?” Jessica rolled her eyes. “If, if, if? It’s not a question of if. It’s a question of when. It’s in their blood. They need it like the air that they breathe. It’s part of their makeup.”

  “How do you cope?”

  “Cope? I enjoy it, sweetie, but then I’m into pain. I find it highly erotic. Their attention is focused solely on you. It makes me feel like I’m the most important woman in the whole wide world. It’s real exhilarating.” Jessica opened her mouth and fanned herself before bursting into laughter.

  “Then you’re looking forward to whatever Master Cole has in store for you?”

  “Definitely, sweetie. Sometimes I act like a brat just to get his attention.” Jessica giggled again, before suddenly becoming more serious. She patted Emma’s hand. “How have you been coping? I didn’t know Chloe real well, but by all accounts she was a fun girl to have around. Her death must have been real tough on you.”

  Emma breathed in. “It was. It still is in some ways. Thanks for coming to her funeral.”

  “It’s the least I could do.”

  “Well I was grateful for the support.”

  “The sooner the cops catch the sick fuck that did this, the sooner Club Submission can get back to normal. I mean, just look around, sweetie. I’ve never seen it as empty as this in the six years I’ve be coming here.”

  “That may be all about to change.”


  “I had a phone call from a lovely lady at the Medical Examiner’s Office.” What Kathy Rochelle had told her made her spirits soar. “They think they’ve arrested Chloe’s murderer.”

  “That’s good, sweetie, it’s about time. Do you know who it is?”

  Emma shook her head. “She wouldn’t say.”

  “If it’s a club member, I’m sure Matthew and Ethan will be forced to close the club for good. The whole joint has practically ground to a halt anyway. I just hope there’s some way of getting people back through the doors again, but with the press busting the balls of anyone who even comes near, it seems unlikely.”

  “Master Zane, Master Matthew, and Master Ethan are talking about this right now. They all seem very concerned by the poor attendance.”

  Jessica grimaced. “It’s even worse than you think. There’s talk that the place might have to close down for good.”

  “I’ve heard the same thing. I’ve got this great idea, Jessica, but I’m—”

  Emma stopped speaking and squirmed in her seat when she saw Zane turn his head to look at her. He crooked his little finger. Emma closed her eyes, and sucked in a ragged breath. Fuck, just what is it about this man? He crooks a finger in my direction, and my panties moisten with desire. Just who the hell does he think he is beckoning me like that? He’s my Master that’s who he is, and I love him.

  Unable to take her eyes from Zane, she hurriedly blurted out, “Jessica, I’m sorry. I’ve got to leave you. I’ve been ordered back to sit with Master Zane.”

  Jessica laughed. “You’re so pretty, sweetie. I didn’t think he’d let you out of his sight for long. I can tell he’s particularly taken with you, far more than any other sub he’s had.”

  Maintaining eye contact, she stood and walked the twenty or so steps back to his side. She had something to say. Something that might help save Club Submission. She couldn’t keep her opinion to herself any longer. Regardless of the consequences, she needed to speak—now.

  She cleared her throat, and all three men stared at her. It was as if they hadn’t seen a woman before. “I’ve been listening to your conversation, and feel I need to speak out.” Emma took a deep breath before continuing, “I don’t want the club to close any more than you do. So my idea is this. Why don’t you hold a masquerade ball here? That way all the members can come incognito. It would be a great way of showing their support for the club, without them being identified.”

  When she’d finished speaking, Emma bowed her head and took a step back. “I humbly thank all the Masters present for taking the time to listen to this slave.”


  The room around her became a blur. All she heard was the heavy beat of her heart, banging uncontrollably against her ribs. Feeling frightened yet sexually excited, she flashed a glance in Sir’s direction. Zane’s eyes were filled with molten heat. It was a mixture of anger, passion, and desire. There was no doubt in her mind, the sex that evening would be off the scale.

  She coughed uneasily.


  She shuffled her feet then stared at the floor.


  Chapter Twenty

  Later that evening

  Emma heard the heavy front door close behind her with a resounding click. Before she could even step from her shoes, Zane came up behind her and wrapped his arms possessively around her waist. He nuzzled into her neck. The whole length of him felt hot and hard pressed from her shoulders to her butt. She felt herself trembling with excitement and anticipation.

  “Now we’re home, you’re mine to do with as I please.” Sir’s hands stroked upward, smoothing over her breasts. He slid a hand inside her bra top. The other hand circled her neck, his fingers splaying out to cup her chin. He pulled her head back against his chest as he roughly massaged an aroused nipple between his finger and thumb. “I’ve been waiting the whole night to do this to you.”

  She rested her head against his impressive pecs, and sighed contentedly. Like a musical instrument, she played whatever tune her Master desired. Emma pushed her butt back against his hard prick, enjoying the feel of his obvious erection. “I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn, Master Zane.” She knew her opinionated outburst had displeased him at the club. It was in her best interest to be submissive and contrite now.

  He squeezed her nipple hard, making the breath catch in her throat. “You will call me Sir for the rest of the evening. I like the way it sounds on your lips.”

  Playing the submissive to perfection, she pouted, and said, “I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn, Sir. But Master Matthew and Master Ethan thought a masquerade ball would be a good idea.”

  “It is a good idea, my pet. Your Master is not displeased by your initiative. He is displeased that you did not ask his permission before you shared your thoughts with others. Is your ego larger than your Master’s? Is this possible?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I acted without thinking.”

  “Now you will have to face the consequences. Self-importance will not be tolerated in any sub of mine.”

  Zane was right. She’d wanted to show that she was an intelligent, articulate woman, with thoughts of her own. But that didn’t help her now. “What will you do to me, Sir?”

  “Anything and everything I’ve ever wanted.” His menacing words hung heavily in the air, as his fingers smeared the bright red lipstick from her lips. “Tonight I’m going to discipline you for real, my pet. This time there will be no mercy.”


  “Shhh.” He placed a finger to her mouth. “Remain silent, unless you wish to incur more of my displeasure. Up to this point in our relationship, yo
u have only experienced one side of my personality. Tonight I will show you who Master Zane really is.”

  By not asking Sir’s permission, she had undermined him. It hadn’t been her intention, but that was exactly the way her actions had been perceived.

  Masters Matthew and Ethan had clearly been impressed by her initiative. The look of surprise on their faces left her in no doubt of that. However, as Doms themselves, they could never condone a sub speaking out of turn in such a way.

  A shiver ran down her spine as she looked at Zane. Dark hair drifted seductively over his collar. Broad shoulders pressed against the white linen shirt, and strong, muscular thighs filled his leather jeans. His sheer power and presence overwhelmed her. Only he knew what was planned for tonight. Sir’s beautiful, rugged face was unreadable. There were no tells betraying his emotions. Zane’s eyes held hers as he caressed a hand down her cheek, and she felt the breath rapidly panting through her lips with sheer excitement.

  “Now go to the bedroom, my pet, and prepare yourself for my arrival.”

  “Yes, Sir. Right away, Sir.”

  On adrenaline-charged legs she began climbing the stairs. Her knees threatened to buckle and give way at any moment. When he called her name, she stopped in her tracks before tentatively turning to look at him. Sir’s face was unfathomable. She was unable to make out his emotions. Was he still angry with her? “You have five minutes.” With that final, unambiguous warning, he strode purposefully away.

  Emma raced up the stairs. Shit, five minutes, there was no time to lose. Well aware that she’d already displeased Sir once this evening, she knew it would be unwise to keep him waiting. She dashed straight into the en suite, stripped naked, and ducked under the shower. By the time her five minutes were up, she’d just about managed to towel herself dry. Waiting patiently on the bed, she wondered when he would arrive, and when he did, what he would do to her. Her naked body shivered with anticipation of things to come.


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