SETH (Hell's Lovers MC, #5)

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SETH (Hell's Lovers MC, #5) Page 9

by Crimson Syn

  I chuckled. “Not as much as I love you. I’m gonna make you the happiest Old Lady this club’s ever seen.”

  She giggled and swung her arms around me. “I hope so, Seth Scardino. Because I didn’t follow you all this way, not to be yours.”

  Coming Soon…

  Thank you for indulging in Seth’s story. If you want to find out what dangers lurk ahead for the Hell’s Lovers stay tuned for Gunner, our club’s naughty sniper.

  Gunner cums around for the new year!

  Now for that special sneak peek into Gunner’s’ world…


  A Hell’s Lovers MC #6

  Chastity Lane is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,

  And in my fucked up existence that’s something I don’t come across often.

  I want her bent over my bike, hearing her sweet moans as I give her all the pleasure she can take.

  But she belongs to another, or at least that’s what she wants everyone to believe.

  He’s a vile piece of crap that’s out to harm the Hell’s Lovers.

  Destroying him will be my pleasure,

  as long as I get to keep what’s mine at the end.

  Jason Gunner is a ghost, a shadow.

  He’s the type of man who can hide in plain sight, blending into the background.

  Except now I’ve taken notice, and I can’t keep my eyes off him.

  His rough exterior and dark features only make me want him more.

  He’s exactly what I need to help me forget the last year of my life.

  But before I can be his, there’s something I need to do first.

  Something that will save both our lives.

  I just need to keep my focus on work,

  And not on those lust filled kisses and sinful touches he’s got me yearning for.


  “When are you going to tell them?” I asked for the hundredth time.

  “They’ll find out eventually. Hey! Get the fuck down!”

  Diesel and I crouched down against the wall of the rooftop. We were trying to be inconspicuous as we surveilled The Gremlins new domain. They’d taken over Los Perdidos territory and they’d set up their headquarters at the old Mexican bar a few miles away from Ravenous. Wolf had sent us out to do a quick recon of our current situation.

  Diesel crawled over to the ledge and looked down below. He waved his hand, signaling for me to join him. We could make out seven men, one was hanging out up front, a few others were in the garage adjacent to the bar. I could see another three going in and out of the bar dragging hand trucks packed with cases of liquor.

  “Looks like La Cruz found a way to infiltrate his shipments,” Diesel pointed to the pallets that were waiting just around the corner, a large white truck was neatly tucked away in the alley.

  I shrugged. “Go figure. So, you’re not going to tell them?” I went back to the same question.

  A few nights ago, Seth had finally asked Diesel what exactly he was into. I knew, because we had been in the same unit for years, and besides I made it a point to know everyone who surrounded me. Diesel was my brother in and out of the Hell’s Lovers, we’d been through a lot together and seen a lot of shit. After three tours together in Afghanistan we knew each other pretty well. We even knew our darkest fucking secrets, although why he wanted to keep from telling this one was beyond me. It was more emotional than anything.

  “They don’t need to know.”

  “Seth and Cain want to know. Shit they all deserve to know. You can’t keep it a secret forever.”

  “As long as you keep your mouth shut…” he gave me a pointed glare and I quickly changed the subject. “ How ‘bout you worry about your own shit and stop fuckin’ around with mine.”

  “I have no shit,” I placed a hand on my chest faking shock.

  “Oh please. You can’t stay in one place longer than five minutes and you have a serious commitment problem, even to your own brothers!”

  “Hey! That doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” I placed my hand on his shoulder in mock reassurance.

  He shrugged me off and shook his head, giving up for the time being, but he was right. I had some serious shit messing with my head ever since our last tour. The shit that was being brought on by La Cruz and now The Gremlins just made the nightmares worst.

  Post-traumatic stress disorder, that’s what my military shrink had diagnosed me with years ago. It’s the reason why I was always on the road. If shit got too dark, like right now, the nightmares would return and when they got to be too much, shit got bad. It was why I didn’t get married, why I don’t have children. I once woke up next to one of the girls from the club with my hand held tightly around her throat, the poor girl was turning purple, a couple more seconds and I would have killed her. Another time I’d pulled my knife out on another girl, her shrilling scream brought in Cain who was in the room next door, and he’d yanked me off her. Let’s just say I gained a nasty reputation at Ravenous and after that I was never given the same attentions my brothers did. The girls were afraid of me and they were in their right.

  After that night I started to take the odd job here and there, travelling to other regions of the states for Wolf. I got to make connections for the Hell’s Lovers all the way up to New York. I liked being on the road, and although I was pretty much a loner I always remained loyal to the Hell’s Lovers. I’d never let them down, especially Wolf who’d done so much for me. Coming back had been hard, but I was willing to give it a try...for now.


  “How many do you think there are?”

  “Last time I counted ten, but you never know.”

  “We need to get in there.”

  I nodded, already putting a game plan together in my head. The roar of a motorcycle engine announced its arrival. A red Harley Davidson Sportster appeared rounding the corner and making its way to The Gremlins doorstep.

  “Who the fuck is that?”

  Diesel grimaced. “I’ve seen that bike before. It was parked a couple blocks down the street from Ravenous.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past them to spy on us, D. Especially if they were brought in to do La Cruz’s dirty work.”

  La Cruz had disappeared about a week ago. No one had seen him for days and they definitely didn’t know where to locate him. The son of a bitch was probably trying to gain territory further up along the harbor. In his wake, he left these pieces of shit to deal with- fucking motorcycle gang, one that was well known for looting, murdering and drugs. I’d heard of them before, left a trail of blood back in New York. The leader of the Fallen Kings, Father they called him, was the one to lead the FBI to them. Not sure what the outcome was, but I know The Gremlins were on major radar.

  I watched the rider of the Sportster get off. A pair of black leather pants tightened against the firmest ass I’ve ever laid eyes on, and they wore… red fucking heels. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the rider, the curvy figure took its time taking off the helmet. A cascade of strawberry blonde locks flowed down her back and as she whirled around I became mesmerized by the sight of her. She was fucking gorgeous. Big brown eyes and pouty red lips matched her red stiletto boots. Her black leather jacket molded to her sexy frame and highlighted her small waist and the broad expanse of her hips. She bent over to tuck the helmet away and the sight of her ass nearly made me groan. My cock jumped to attention and I shifted so that Diesel wouldn’t notice. I should’ve known better as I heard him chuckle behind me.

  “Now there’s a beauty.”

  His words couldn’t have been truer. The blonde was a stunning bombshell and she looked fucking badass riding that bike. I wondered if she’d ride my cock with that kind of confidence.

  “Where the fuck did she come from?” I whispered.

  “Who the fuck cares, man? She’s one of them. So keep your dick in your pants and your mind on the mission brother.

  I watched as a big brawly guy met her out front and lifted her up in a bear hug. She laughed and wrapped her legs arou
nd him, giving him a big kiss on the lips.

  “Looks like she’s spoken for,” Diesel patted me on the shoulder and I grimaced. “Is that who I think it is?”

  I narrowed my eyes on the male holding my beauty. “Ralph “The Porcupine” Espino, in the flesh. Fucker’s been wanted by the LAPD, NYPD, FBI, shit even the CIA at one point. That’s one fucker you don’t want to cross paths with. I heard he murdered his own mother just because she dumped his goods down the toilet.”

  “Shit,” Diesel murmured. “That’s shit’s harsh. Why do they call him The Porcupine.”

  “Cause if he gets his hands on you, he’ll rip you to pieces from the inside out, just like porcupine needles.”

  “Fuck,” he whispered.

  “Oh, it gets better. He’s wanted for rape, drug trafficking, teen trafficking, money laundering, murder, the guy has a rap sheet a mile long.”

  Diesel frowned. “So, what is that pretty girl doing with her legs wrapped around his waist?”

  A sudden anger flooded through me as I glared at the couple. “Beats me.”

  “Maybe he has a long ass pecker to go with his long ass history of violence,” he pinned me with a smirk and I shoved him back.

  Joking aside, something didn’t feel right. An odd feeling came over me in that moment. One I didn’t like. My hands itched to wrap themselves around her body and not let any other fucker come near her. I watched fixedly as she hopped out of Espino’s arms and turned slowly. I could make out her high cheekbones and heart shaped lips as the sun set. Her eyes roamed the rooftops, a clear sign she knew how to watch her back. Diesel and I quickly ducked down.

  “She’s smart,” Diesel whispered.

  I nodded. “She knows how to play the game,” I replied angrily.

  I clenched my fists, feeling unease as my control suddenly wanted to slip away from me. I’d never felt a pull like that before and I’ve had plenty of pussy to prove it. But this one beauty had me wanting to rip her from that asshole’s side and hide her away to keep for myself.

  “We should go give Wolf an update,” Diesel patted me on the shoulder and we both made our way down the roof’s fire escape. The sun was quickly making its descent in the sky, aiding us in hiding along the shadows of the alley. We’d parked a few blocks away so we had to walk, if they heard our engines roaring to life it would give us away. Diesel and I knew how to use our stealth techniques to the max. It always worked to our advantage.

  “We’re going to have to get in there,” I murmured as we made our way down the desolate streets, making sure to watch each other’s backs. The empty warehouses only added to the eeriness of the night.

  “Detective Lowery wouldn’t like us getting involved.”

  “And when do you trust a fucker like Lowery? You know he’s fucking crooked. Just look at him.”

  Diesel grimaced. “I don’t trust him. I just want to see what lies he comes up with when I get someone on his ass.”

  Lowery was the detective in charge of this whole fucking mess from the beginning, ever since Luna and Rahyne had gotten assaulted by Los Perdidos almost a year ago. The fucker had never gotten back to us, on the contrary, he hadn’t done shit. Now that La Cruz was running things I had a feeling Lowery was in on the whole thing, which is why Wolf kept telling us he didn’t trust anyone with a fucking badge.

  Leaping onto our bikes we made our way down the back streets towards Ravenous. I was focused on the mission, but my mind kept wandering back to the blonde beauty I left behind. I was going to fucking see her again, there was no doubt in that. A couldn’t leave a woman like that, those curves belonged in my bed and not in the hands of The Gremlins.

  Dreams By the Fire

  Sinful Holiday Series, #2


  Holly Snow has captivated me mind, body, and soul.

  My obsession with her began ten years ago,

  But she was too young back then, too innocent.

  I forced myself to stay away, but now she’s appeared back in my life

  And my craving to possess her has only grown stronger.

  I’ve made it my life’s mission to never let her go again,

  And I vow to own every part of her even if she’s doing everything she can to avoid me.

  I will make her mine and I will make her see,

  That I’m the only man who can make all her dreams come true.

  Staying at my grandparent’s cabin was going to be temporary.

  It was the perfect spot to finish writing my new novel in peace.

  I’ve always been a loner, I’ve never been good with people,

  But meeting Logan Garland has completely changed my priorities.

  The deep timbre of this gorgeous handyman’s voice makes my insides purr.

  The hungry look in his eyes both scares me and lights me up in every way possible.

  He’s got me so obsessed, I can’t think straight,

  And being near this stranger may just send me over the edge.

  If I’m not careful, I may let him have all of me.




  Ten Years Ago...

  I was twenty-six when I first came across my goddess. I was scrambling through the woods, chasing after a cunning deer that I’d been out hunting for the last three days with no luck. It was late in the evening and I had been chopping some wood out back for the fireplace, and that’s when I saw it. It was standing in the middle of the woods, staring right at me-taunting me. I quickly grabbed my shotgun and aimed at it. Its ears perked up and sure enough, it took off. I ran after it, grateful for the light of the moon that illuminated my path. As I came through the clearing I could see the Snow’s cabin across the short distance of the lake. The moonlight reflected on the water, sparkling like glistening jewels along the calm lake. As my eyes adjusted to the lack of light, I caught a movement along the shore. Squinting, I was able to make out the shadow of a small figure crouched down by the shore. I made my way down the small pier and watched as the silhouette stood up. In the light of the moon I could make out that it was a young girl, a beautiful young girl. The summer wind lifted the hem of her nightgown exposing her soft white skin. My cock hardened in my jeans and I groaned as the breeze lifted her curls, sweeping them away from her pretty face.

  The moonlight highlighted her pretty features. Her lips were plump and parted, and she had high cheekbones and a slender neck. She looked so damn innocent, definitely not yet legal, but I couldn’t help but stare at the beauty. Her eyes darted behind her making sure no one was around, and then in one sudden motion she let the nightgown slip. I held my breath as I watched the silk cling to her small breasts and then flutter down her body, revealing her nubile figure to my lewd gaze.

  I stood there, unashamedly taking in her small breasts, the nipples hardened by the warm night breeze. The moonlight allowed for me to take in her sultry curves and long legs. I barely made out her sweet innocent mound, partially shadowed in the night. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to keep my eyes off her.

  I heard the splash of the water as she dived in and when I opened my eyes she was breaking the surface of the water- sliding her hands through her dark hair. Her nude body was submerged under the warm waters and slowly she laid back, the peaks of her taut nipples teasing me as she floated in the desolate lake. I wanted to tear my clothes off and swim towards the beauty. I wanted to lay her on the soft grass and make her mine while hearing her soft voice begging me to take her. I swept a hand across my aching bulge and I turned my back to her. I took a deep breath and stayed there, listening to the sound of the water rippling lightly, imagining as it softly lapped against her breasts. I started to walk away, but I couldn’t help myself and I turned to get just one more look. When I did, the most stunning view had me groaning and gripping my cock.

  The pretty female was walking out of the water, her body glistening with wetness. Droplets of water running across her back and perfectly rounded globes.
I stuck my hand in my pants and pulled out my cock. It was so wrong, it was so perverted, I know, but I just couldn’t hold off any longer. I stood in the shadows that night and jacked my cock off to the sight of the young woman in front of me. It didn’t matter if I shut my eyes or turned away, images of her body consumed me. I took in every single inch of her silky body as she bent over and reached for her nightgown. She turned towards me as she slipped the gown back on and I swallowed hard watching the material slowly flow down her tight little body, hiding her away from my licentious gaze.

  But it was too late and I grunted, holding my breath as I came. Stream after stream of my cum coated the ground at my feet. I squeezed the head of my shaft, relieving the tension, and I quickly turned away from the beauty. I’d never cum so powerfully before. The taboo of the moment had only made it even better. Tucking myself back into my pants I made my way back up to my cabin, the deer forgotten as the memory of her figure in the moonlight filled my mind.

  A few weeks later I saw her again. She came into the store with her father. She was even more beautiful in the light of day. Her eyes were bright and blue, and her soft curls were as dark as midnight. But it was her lips that had me transfixed. They made this perfectly heart shaped pout that made me want to lick and trace them with my tongue. She wore a pair of short daisy dukes that molded to that tight little ass I’d seen the night before, and the blue tank top allowed me to see her hard little nubs protruding underneath the thin material. I shook my head in disgust, but I was young and who wouldn’t stop and admire something so beautiful.

  I made my way towards her as she wandered to the back. I wasn’t going to do anything, I just wanted to watch her.


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