The Captives of Kaag

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The Captives of Kaag Page 14

by Joe Dever

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is 3 or less, turn to 187.

  If it is 4–8, turn to 342.

  If it is 9 or more, turn to 9.


  The guards break off their conversation, and then turn to face you once more.

  ‘Show this relic,’ commands the warrior to your right.

  Hesitantly you reach into the satchel and fumble with the buckle, stalling for time.

  ‘Be quick,’ warns the other guard, reaching for a dagger with his free hand, ‘or I shall open it for you.’

  If you possess either a Statuette of Slûtar, the Dagger of Vashna, or Helshezag, turn to 61.

  If you do not possess any of these Special Items, turn to 137.


  A sudden noise makes you spin around, half-crouched, your weapon ready to hand for your defence. At first you see nothing; then a faint shadow moving at the corner of your eye draws your attention to an alcove on the other side of the hall. Suddenly you hear Banedon's voice echoing faintly in your head. You cannot understand what he is saying but you sense that it is a warning. You glance over your shoulder and notice that he is pointing at the granite throne. To your horror you see that the throne's fanged mouth is opening wider and wider.

  If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 184.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 265.


  You charge through the power-wall and your senses reel as your body earths the electrical energy: lose 3 ENDURANCE points. But, despite the momentary pain, you quickly recover and dispatch the two wand-wielding Liganim before they, too, attempt to run from the library.

  The noise of their dying screams freezes the escaping Ligan dead in his tracks. He spins around in the archway, his ugly face transfixed into a mask of sheer terror as he watches you come racing towards him with your weapon poised to strike. However, the sight is too much for his weak heart which ceases to beat moments before you land your blow.

  Turn to 207.


  You place your ear to the rough timbers and hear movement, snoring, and the rattle of arms and equipment. At once you realize that this door leads to the Drakkarim dormitory hall, a place you would do well to avoid.

  Forewarned, you leave the chamber and venture south into the passage.

  Turn to 343.


  You draw an Arrow but before you can place it to your Bow, a mass of flailing tentacles come snaking towards you, forcing you to retreat towards the pool. Each of these limbs is tipped with a razor-sharp segment of tile which whistles as it cuts the air before your face.

  Slowly but relentlessly the octopoid advances, pushing you steadily back towards the rubble-strewn entrance to the chamber. As it draws level with the central pool, you suddenly realize something that had eluded your senses when first you entered this hall. The pool itself contains not water, but a clear, oily fluid … a clear, oily, inflammable fluid!13

  If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 346.

  If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline, turn instead to 94.

  [13] If you possess the Discipline of Magi-magic and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, you might consider it appropriate to make use of the Flameshaft spell to set light to the ‘inflammable liquid’. If so, deduct an Arrow from your Quiver and turn directly to 52.


  You pull open a bolt which secures the door and slip inside the room beyond. With bated breath you close the door and listen intently to the footfalls of the approaching Drakkarim, silently praying that they will pass by without checking this room. The steps grow louder; then, to your dismay, they halt immediately outside the door. You hear a gruff voice cursing; then there is a metallic click as the bolt is drawn. Unwittingly they have locked you in.

  The Drakkarim continue on their way and you hear the sound of their heavy iron-shod boots receding along the passageway. Suddenly, a low growl makes you spin around, your hand flashing to the hilt of your weapon. Before you, resting on a bed of mouldy straw, lies the largest Doomwolf you have ever seen. It twitches and flicks its massive head as slowly it stirs from sleep.

  If you possess the Discipline of Animal Mastery, turn to 96.

  If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline, turn to 195.


  You step back a few paces and take aim with your Bow at the centre of the crystal sphere. For someone of your ability this is a target that is difficult to miss. But will the Arrow strike with sufficient force to break or dislodge the sphere?

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 131.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 143.


  After some deliberation, you decide to let the Drakkar sleep on undisturbed. You climb the stairs and emerge in the centre of a hall on the level above. This vault-like room contains a wealth of grim exhibits, hung upon the walls and displayed in glass-fronted cases. The skulls of rare creatures are displayed beside tanned hides and jewel-encrusted bones. One item in particular catches your eye: it is a statuette, fashioned in the likeness of Darklord Zagarna.

  If you wish to keep this Statuette of Zagarna, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. If you already carry your maximum quota, you must discard one item in its favour.

  To continue, turn to 209.


  You watch as the body of the slain Gnagusk slowly rolls off the drawbridge and plummets into the flaming moat. This victory fills you with renewed confidence, but the feeling is all too short-lived. Suddenly, two steely hands fix themselves around your throat, crushing your windpipe. The Helghast is attacking you from behind and, as you struggle to break free, its iron-hard fingers close ever tighter: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  The two Drakkarim cackle at your plight as they approach the drawbridge, their swords drawn ready to avenge the death of their pet.

  If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 205.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 292.


  The Zavaghar shrieks in agony and comes crashing to the floor, its limbs flailing and its jaw chattering wildly as it ekes out the last throes of death.

  ‘No! No! No!’ screams Arch Druid Cadak, his voice filled with anger and bitter frustration. ‘It cannot be! It cannot be!’

  Madly he rushes across the pen and stares with open-mouthed incredulity at the carcass of the huge Zavaghar, his eyes wide with disbelief. Meanwhile, you have helped Banedon to his feet and the two of you have begun to hurry towards your means of escape which is still perched on the landing platform.

  Suddenly, Cadak recovers from his shock and, seeing the two of you escaping, screams an order to his remaining Drakkarim to prevent you from getting away.

  You reach the winged creature and, using your Magnakai skills, you manage to subdue it to your command. Arrows and crossbow bolts fly past, dangerously close, fired by those Drakkarim who have responded to Cadak's order. You try to ignore these missiles as you mount the Zlanbeast and heave Banedon roughly across its great scaly neck.

  With a sharp kick, you urge the Zlanbeast into the air and, as it soars away from the platform, you glance back to see Cadak shaking his fist and screaming vile curses.

  You laugh at his displeasure, but your laughter chokes in your throat when you notice a battery of heavy bolt-throwers lining the battlements above the pens. They are manned by Giak soldiers, and, as you fly past them, they discharge a cloud of deadly missiles.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–8, turn to 66.

  If it is 9, turn to 341.


  Using all your strength, you haul yourself into the saddle and hold fast as the Kraan soars upwards into the stormy sky. Frantically you kick and beat the creature with your fists until, reluctantly, it submit
s to your will.

  Pulling back on the reins, you urge it to go higher. Then a few well-aimed slaps to its horny head persuade it to bear you towards the landing platforms situated above the great North Door. As you draw closer to your chosen destination, you see two platforms which are open and unguarded. One has an arch-shaped portal; the other a wider, oblong-shaped entrance.

  If you wish to land at the platform with the arch-shaped portal, turn to 121.

  If you choose to land upon the platform with the oblong-shaped entrance, turn to 282.


  The troops have almost finished their grisly meal when a figure, clad in flowing grey robes and a helm of brightly polished steel, swoops down from out of the brooding sky upon the back of a Zlanbeast. He screams orders to the Gourgaz who immediately responds by cursing and slapping his tired troops into line. The grey rider berates the sorry-looking squad before finally taking to the skies once more. Stung into action by his harsh words, the Gourgaz officer leads his unit away at the double.

  Curiosity prompts you to follow them, although you take care to remain hidden from view. They zigzag through a maze of back streets before arriving at the approach road to a large hall. Here a pitched battle is taking place between two warring factions: one side wearing uniforms of orange cloth, the other clad in blue-green.

  For several minutes you observe the carnage taking place as the two groups fight for control of the hall. The fighting soon escalates to the surrounding ruins and wisely you decide it best to leave this area before you, too, become caught up in the fighting.

  You notice a road away to your right which leads directly to the citadel. It is virtually deserted and seems to offer the best escape route from the battle zone. However, you have covered barely a hundred yards when you are suddenly confronted by a unit of Drakkarim Death Knights, reinforcements freshly arrived from the citadel itself.

  Quickly you dive into a side street and run as fast as you can, but the Death Knights have seen you and, despite their heavy armour, they give chase determinedly.

  The street soon ends at a junction where two roads branch away, one to the left, the other to the right.

  If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, turn to 107.

  If you do not possess this skill or do not wish to use it, you can take either the left road by turning to 85.

  Or the right road by turning to 266.


  The Arrow strikes the creature's throat but fails to penetrate. With a high-pitched whine, the steel-tipped shaft ricochets harmlessly away into the hall. There is no time now for a second shot so you hurriedly shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon ready. Sensing victory within its grasp, the creature emits a gurgling shriek and comes bounding forwards. You get set to meet its advance, yet, when it is only ten feet away, it suddenly opens its mouth wide and spews forth a stream of white-hot liquid fire.

  If you possess the Discipline of Grand Nexus, turn to 333.

  If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 287.


  The corridor passes through a series of interconnecting caverns, some of which are occupied by lowly Giak slaves engaged in menial tasks, none of whom notice your stealthy passing. After almost an hour, you arrive at a cavernous hall filled with iron cages in which lie countless Akataz, a breed of leathery war-dogs used by the Drakkarim. Nearby are a group of Drakkarim handlers seated at a table playing cards.

  From the shadows you listen to their idle chatter, hoping to glean clues as to the location of Zagarna's courtroom, but, unfortunately, your patience goes unrewarded. These brutish humanoids seem preoccupied with their game, and the unfairness of their duties here in the Akataz pen. However, from their banal conversation you do learn two interesting facts about the struggle taking place within Kaag. The two warring factions are fighting principally for control over the Giak spawning vats located in the dungeons of this citadel. The vats are the key to power here; they produce both an unending supply of fresh troops and a ready source of raw food for whoever controls them.

  Anxious to continue your quest, you resolve to leave the pen by an archway on the far side. Although confident that your camouflage skills will keep you hidden from the Drakkarim, the hall is full of keen-nosed war-dogs.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is 4 or less, turn to 92.

  If it is 5 or more, turn to 109.


  You are within a few feet of the roof when a part of the surface cement crumbles beneath your fingers. You try to reach up and find new purchase but it is too late; you are already falling backwards to the street below.

  On landing you strike your head and lose consciousness. Tragically you never reawaken. Your body is discovered by a Giak patrol who kill you out of hand, thinking you to be an enemy Drakkarim spy in disguise.

  Your life and your quest end here in Kaag.


  The tunnel leads to another hall, but the entrance is blocked by a huge stone statue of Zagarna which has been tipped onto its side. The statue must have shattered on impact for the tunnel exit is almost filled with large boulders. In order to gain access to the hall beyond, you must first clear away some of this heavy debris.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now subtract 1 from the number you have picked.

  The resultant score equals the number of ENDURANCE points lost due to fatigue. (If you picked 0 or 1, your score is zero.)

  To continue, turn to 100.


  You examine the door more closely and soon discover it is locked, held secure by a common deadlock. Confidently you call upon your Magnakai skill of Nexus in an attempt to pick this lock, but to your dismay, you cannot cause the mechanism to disengage. A magical charm has been placed upon this door, making the lock pick-proof.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 179.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 234.

  If you have neither of these Disciplines or choose not to use them, turn to 75.


  You are within a few yards of the passage that leads out of the mess hall when suddenly four Drakkarim turn a corner and come striding up the passage towards you. Hurriedly you flatten yourself against the nearest wall and muster your Kai camouflage skills in an attempt to stay hidden.

  The four stride past within an arm's length of your position yet they fail to detect your presence. Once they are inside the hall you peel yourself away from the wall and quickly escape into the passage.

  Turn to 304.


  With a loud crack, the Drakkar hits the cobblestones head-first and is knocked unconscious. Quickly you descend the iron stairs and drag his limp body out of sight, fearful that it might be seen by a passing patrol. Already a huge bruise is beginning to discolour his face and you are sure that it will be many hours before he regains consciousness. As you are moving him, you notice that he wears two chains around his neck. To one there is attached a Whistle; to the other a Brass Key. If you wish to keep either of these Backpack Items, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  Once you are satisfied that he is well hidden, you climb the stairs and carefully push open the heavy door. At the end of a short corridor there is a landing where a gallery overlooks the cavernous lower level. Nearby there is a staircase, leading down, and to your right a black oak door set flush to the wall.

  Slowly you approach the gallery's railed parapet and peer over at an unnerving sight.

  Turn to 47.


  You twist aside in time to avoid the liquid, but a small quantity still splashes your right shoulder and cheek. Instantly there is a sizzling hiss and you feel a searing pain engulf your head and upper body as this highly corrosive acid bites deep into your flesh: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.

  Only your innate Magnakai skill of Nexus saves you from sustaini
ng what, for any lesser mortal, would have undoubtedly been a fatal injury. Shaken by this ferocious and unexpected attack, you scramble to the safety of a nearby pillar. Another stream of acid comes arcing towards you, but only to splash harmlessly against the blue-green stone.

  A glance around the pillar prompts a third stream of acid, only this time the creature ejects barely a trickle from its hook-like beak. It has exhausted its corrosive venom. Hungry for vengeance you emerge from your hiding place and face the octopoid once more, determined more than ever to defeat it in combat.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 243.

  If you do not, turn to 192.


  Your weapon slams into the centre of the crystal and cracks it open. There is a flash of sparks; then the shimmering wall of light which imprisons Banedon flickers, and disappears completely.

  Turn to 188.


  As you deal your final killing blow, the bodies of the three Vordaks rapidly dissolve into a foul-smelling green gas which is carried away on the breeze. Mindful that the combat may have attracted others of their kind, you sheathe your weapon and escape from the area as quickly as you can. At the end of the street you see an avenue leading off to the south, and another, blocked by rubble, heading off to the west.


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