The Consumed

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The Consumed Page 3

by Kyle J Cisco

  The battle continued for another moment until the fanatics had died in droves. The rest of the rabble dispersed all through out the rock strewn plains. Into what seemed to be an underground network of caves and passages leading through the wasteland of the plains above. Virgil collapsed down upon a rock as his body began to feel the strain of the battle. Once in place the sensation of pain hit him once more reminding him of the wound on his arm. He grabbed the codices of light which dangled from his hip and began to read. "Mother of light heal the wound suffered in the name of your service." As he spoke the words he could see the serated edges of the wound close. The pink of fresh and scared skin formed in its place. He repeated the rite once more on the other side of the arm where the claw had exited.

  "Virgil, are you alright?" Natasha asked with her thick accent of those born in the north.

  "Yes, I am fine. Its just a knick of the skin." Virgil said as the incantation finished on the other side of his arm which closed the wound completely now.

  "Looks to be a lot more then a knick to me." She said flowing her arms as if waiting for, Virgil to tell her the truth.

  "Mother of Light, ok I got caught by one of the claws from the Strigoi. Nothing to worry about though." He said.

  "Let me look a-"

  "I already healed it with the incantation, see its gone."

  Natasha shook her head, as Virgil showed her the freshly healed wound. He motioned for her to sit next to him on top of the stone pile. She too must have been exhausted, he had noticed she flopped down almost in the same fashion he had. He put his arm around her, and pulled her close to him.

  "Is this cuddle time?" said Laura. As she emerged in front of the two of them.

  "How did the men do?" Virgil asked trying to defuse the situation.

  "Would not that be a better question for Captain Deater Chaplain?"

  "Is there any more of those fanatics or did they sound a full retreat."

  They are in full retreat my lord. They have disappeared into the same caves which I assume they had came from."

  "Yes, I saw there is a network of them that seems to run under these plains." Virgil said as he rose from his position atop the stack of rocks. Laura threw him a crooked smile as he headed off in toward the center of the camp.

  "So, why were you outside the perimeter alone? Its hard to guard someone's life when they don't want to be guarded." Laura said.

  "I was seeking my own council."

  "So, you and lady Romansky? Is that a thing or a fling?" She probed.

  "Will the answer help you to carry out your mission? If not I suggest you leave well enough alone."

  His response made her turn and head the opposite direction. Virgil had not thought it would hurt her so. "Wait, Laura I am sorry I did not mean to come off in that way. I just prefer to keep my private business private."

  "Understood, High Chaplain." She said as she continued to walk away.

  Virgil kicked himself as he head back to his bedroll. But as he arrived he remembered the purpose to heading toward the camp. However as he remembered Deater found him first.

  "Sir, our loses sustained in the battle was another three men. With another ten or so wounded."

  "Are the wounded able to continue?"

  "That is yet to be seen Chaplain."

  "Then bring them here and I will makes sure they are."

  "Sir, are you going to be ok."

  "Yes, Captain, I will. Now bring those men here so I can do my duty for them."

  "Yes, Sir." Deater said as he turned and made his way from Virgil's bedroll.

  It took but a few mins to get the first few of the men up and moving once more another of them was mortally wounded though and beyond the skill of saving. Virgil had never had to let someone die like that but like a commander he stayed with the man till his last breath and gave him a proper send off to the mother of light. The night had taken a toll on Virgil, and he was ready to retire for what was left of the night. As he prepared himself for sleep he saw Natasha as she came and laid next to him. He could smell the scent of lilac on her hair from the soap she used. He pulled her into his embrace kissed her on the cheek, then rested his head to pillow and let his thoughts take him.


  Puddles pockmarked the training yard from the storms that seemed to happen all to often during the summer season. Patches of mud slicks could be seen from the window of the Executor's office from the wagons of supplies came in from the surrounding lands to help feed the growing garrison. Which now lived within the confines of the fortress of light.

  Evon Stood in the window of the office as he gazed in disbelief over the men he would have to lead in the times of strife to come. A half empty bottle starred at him from his desk drawer which he left open. Head pounding from consuming the contents of the missing half of the bottle for breakfast that day.

  "High Executor Evon, your presence is requested in the council chambers."

  "There is no council, only, High Chaplain Virgil, and myself. Who is requesting an audience with me?"

  "I-its the vassal lords, Executor, they grow impatient."

  "Do they now," said Evon. His fist curled with agitation.

  "Should I tell the-"

  "I will be there."

  He did not wait for the boy to respond. Evon was already headed down the hall toward the council room. The heat that he had felt toward the vassal lords a few minutes earlier was gone. His stride was long as he reached the oak doors of the council chamber. Evon pushed the door harder then he thought as it slammed into the war of the council chamber. Heads snapped around to see the commotion.

  "Why is it that my vassal lords think they can summon me to my own meeting hall?" Evon asked. He circled the large wooden table in the middle of the room, and stopped in front of the large ornamented chair at the end of it.

  "W-we only meant to... well see what the plan is, High Executor. We meant no offense by it. Honest," said Lord Krakow

  "We hold here! Until we hear back from the other kingdoms. We are going to need their aid in this fight if we are to invade the Shadow Kingdom. Is this a sufficient answer for you Lord Krakow? Or do you need a more descriptive explanation?" said Evon his words dripped with sarcasm.

  "No, High Executor, I understand."

  "Good, now if you don't mind I must return to preparing this Order for the war to come."

  Evon glanced down the main hall of the fortress he saw the scribe as he ran toward him.

  "High Executor? High Executor, there is an army... headed straight for us from the shadow pass," said the scribe.

  "Show me now!" said Evon.

  They made a b-line for the southern wall of the fortress. The boy followed behind Evon as he hurried up the steps to the top of the ramparts. A darkness lingered near the exit to the pass. A constant thud rumbled the ground beneath Evon.

  "Boy, send for the Captain of the guard. Bring him here now! And sound the alarm," he said.

  He stood as he watched the army grow in size as it grew closer to the fortress. The alarm began to sound in the background. So this is where we will make our stand. He heard the clank of armored steps as the guard Captain ascended stairs.

  "Captain, prepare your men for battle." Evon said as he slammed his fist into the top of the rampart. "This is where we must hold them. The realm of man is counting on us."

  "It will be done, Executor," said the Captain. The armored man hurried once more back to the barracks of the fortress guard. Evon however had something he must do now as well.

  The main hall was abuzz with action as the sounds of armor clanked about the hall. Mixed with the shouts of men, and the bark of orders being given. Evon pushed through the doors once more and entered the council chamber.

  "It is time for war. Ready your forces. I want all men able to wield a bow to get to the southern wall immediately. Lord Krakow, your men are in charge of defending the outer wall of the keep facing southward." He looked about the room as he waited for any signs of fear among those whom
had sworn loyalty to the Covenant of Man. "Are there any questions?... Remember one thing, the safety or the realm depends on how long we can hold them here!"

  This'll be the battle that will define my legacy within the order. He strode toward his new office where his armor waited for him. The moment he walked through the door into his office. He begun his prebattle ritual, each piece of armor was placed with care, fastened tight to his body. All while he looked at himself in the mirror that hung from the wall. He reached over and grabbed the hilt of his long sword, and fastened it around his waist. As he turned to head out to the wall he remembered the last part of his uniform. The flowing white cloak with the gold stitched six pointed star in the middle of it. He grabbed the cloak and wrapped it around his shoulders fastening it around his neck with the brotch he wore during his days in the army of krichen. The head of a griffin with a pair of crossed sword behind its head.

  A knock on the door brought him back from the day dream the ritual got him into, as he pictured the horrors of war the men under his command would have to face in the days to come.

  "Yes, come in," he said, as he tunred to see who was disturbing him.

  The High Marshal Stoyan, walked through the door, the large man towered over Evon. He was a northerner whos family moved to the convenant after the bloody civil war.

  "Executor, I am here to request permission for my men to be placed in the vanguard along side yourself," said Stoyan, the man carried the confidence of one much older then the young man that stood before him. "I would also like to personally apologize for the actions of, Lord Krakow."

  "There is no need to apologize for the stupidity of others, Stoyan," said Evon, as he approached the younger man. "And I would be most honored to have, you and your men in the vanguard."

  Elation crossed the younger man's face, as Evon gave him the good news. Evon walked the marshal to the door. Once it was shut he looked at himself once more in the mirror. The magnificence of his polished armor reflected the candle light that lit the room. The white cloak flowed behind him, he pulled the sword from the sheath at his side and inspected the blade. The edge was polished and sharp enough to cut through almost anything.

  With a nod of approval in the mirror he headed out the door. Mother do not let us fail this day...

  The midday sun shone down upon the mass of armored men atop the ramparts of the outer wall that faced the large army amassing from the south from the shadow pass. Though the thud of the thousands of troops that marched toward the castle had died down. The thud of battle drums are the roar and howl of the vile creatures that were part of the army did not.

  Evon stood on the battlements of the outer wall with his men. A force of around five thousand strong defended the fortress of light against a force of nearly thirty thousand. He knew the odds of victory were slim if the walls were seized. A horn blew in the distance which drew Evons attention to the lines of his enemies. Once the horn stopped sounding the first ranks of the enemy lines ran forward they held with them crude ladders for them to storm the walls.

  "Make ready men. Knock arrows!" said Evon. He waited as droves of goblins made their way toward the walls of the fortress. "Loose!" As he gave the command a volley of arrows decimated the line of goblins that sprinted toward the walls. "Fire at will." With that command arrows flew toward the on coming enemy in random intervals as fast as the men wielding the bows and crossbows could sent their arrows upon the enemy.

  Evon reveled in the sounds of combat, it was all that he had trained for his entire life. As a noble of Krichen he had lead armies of soldiers and now he was to lead men once more. The sounds of wood on stone was one of true terror. As the ladders rose up to the top of the ramparts and disgorged the goblins on top of the wall. Sounds of battle rung out among the ramparts. Evon unsheathed his longsword, as he saw a goblin about to crest the wall and swung the blade which removed the goblins head in a single strike. The body fell from the ladder as it fell it took out more goblins coming up the ladder down with it.

  But the number of goblins was too many, massive amounts of the creatures spilled onto the outer walls of the fortress. As the fight turned into hand to hand combat the arrows stopped. Which allowed more of the foes to reach the ladders unscathed.

  "Hold fast men," Evon said as he killed two more of the invaders.

  He pressed into the melee wielding his blade with brutal efficiency. A pair of goblins thought to take on the old weapon master. But did not live to make the mistake again. With only two subtle movements of his blade he had removed ones head and the other lay upon the battlements its black blood pouring forth as its hands tried to no avail to keep its intestine within its body.

  As another ladder clacked into position, Evon ran and connected with a savage punch to face of the first to assail the ladder. It toppled the ladder down ending with a crunch as it landed upon more of the vile enemy. A smile covered Evon's face from ear to ear. He danced with a precision not known to most of the fighters within the order. He blocked a strike from one of the crude weapons. But as he held the blade with one hand his other grabbed the dagger at his side. He drove it deep into the face of his opponent ending the goblin's life.

  More goblins jumped onto the battlements. Men fell as the top of the ramparts ran slick with the blood of man and beast. A curved blade sliced into Evon's field of vision. He sidestepped the slash and caught the blade on its second swing at him. His two handed grip pushed the blade down and cut down into the goblin's face. The blade bit deep in to the skin of the goblin, as the blade split the head of the foul beast. Black blood from the wound flowed on to Evon's face.

  He found another foe and moved into engage the foe but was tripped up by one of the fallen bodies. Evon fell to the stone as he gained his balance his hands covered in the blood of foe and friends alike. He was struck by the wooden club of the enemy he pursued before he fell. The spiked barbs bit deep into the shoulder of his armor. Evon grabbed the club with his free left hand and pulled the goblin around and threw him toward the southern part of the outer wall. He got up and thrust his blade into the abdomen of the foe. As he wrenched the blade free he delivered a savage kick which sent the dying foe falling to the ground.

  Arrows flew overhead as the enemy archers rained hell down upon the defenders of the outer wall of the fortress. Although the fire from the outer wall had ceased the continued hail of arrows was still coming from the inner wall of the keep. As he made his way to the top of the gate house where no ladders stood he looked over the wall and saw the massive battering ram being pushed by four ogres. The head off the battering ram was that of a snake it's forked tongue looked as if it could pierce any gate in one fell blow.

  "Take it down! Take it down." Evon yelled, as he pointed toward the serpent ram as it thundered toward the gate. Arrows from the citadel and those able to use their bows from the outer wall peppered the ram with arrows. He turned to the other side of the gate where the second battle brother company waited just inside the gate.

  "Brace the gate!" Evon said.

  The men from the second company all moved into contact with the gate as if it were to fall down without them holding it up. That distinct possibility is yet to be tested. Evon turned and saw the prepared pots of oil ready to be thrown through the murder chutes on the enemy ram below.

  "Make ready to oil pots. The gate must hold."

  The men around Evon moved in unison stoking the fired beneath the vats of oil. His attention came back to fight on the wall where his men were losing ground. The soldiers were being pushed toward the gate house. On the left side interior of the wall. Evon pushed through the men tending the oil and made his way to front line on the wall. He waded through foes. He could hear the men behind him rallying as he cleaved through the enemy.

  "Fight with me, my brothers. Let us toss these foes from the ramparts. For the Order!"

  Evon charged forward his sword in hand, all the men behind in lock step as they cleared the outer wall of the fortress of light.

; As Evon kicked the last ladder from the wall, his heart pounded in his chest with exasperation. He was completely exhausted from the days fighting. It will only get worse each day as more of his men fell and the enemy ranks swelled. Evon strode down the battlements and headed toward the main fortress.

  "Captain, gather the vassal lords they are to assemble in the war room immediately with loss reports."

  "Yes, Executor," the younger man said.


  Two days had passed since the night attack on the camp on the rock plains. Virgil's group had made it far in those days since the attack. On this morning Virgil rose to the sight of mountains, though the majesty of this range had been tainted some time ago. The faces of the peaks that loomed over them now were blackened which only added to the razor sharp ridge line. Based at the foot of the range was no better the area was a labyrinth of jagged spires of rock that jutted from the ground.

  As he made ready for the day, Natasha turned over in the bed roll still asleep. He moved quiet as not to wake her. Virgil grabbed his the war-hammer with an exaggerated care. Once it was in hand he moved toward the area of camp, Deater's voice echoed from.

  "Captain, how was the night watch?" Virgil said.

  "Nothing to report, Chaplain Virgil. All was quiet," Deater said.

  "Good, have the men start breaking down camp. We head out into the mountains in twenty," said Virgil.

  "Yes, chaplain," Deater replied.

  "Why the mountains?" said one of the men.

  "Hold your-" Deater started.

  "Its fine, Captain. We go to the mountains for the shelter it will provide us and its the fastest route of bisecting the island," Virgil explained. The young soldier looked to be sweating, and Virgil could see the young man's hand which shook uncontrolled at his side. "It will be alright my brother. Trust in the Light, and it will alway guide you through the darkest of places."


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