Fully Equipped- Futas Gone Wild

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Fully Equipped- Futas Gone Wild Page 1

by Lana J. Swift

  Fully Equipped

  Futas Gone Wild

  Copyright © 2016 by Lana J. Swift

  Email: [email protected]

  Follow on Twitter: @LanaJSwift

  This story is intended for adult audiences only. It contains graphic detail of sexual situations and language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or used fictitiously.

  All sexually active characters portrayed in this work are 18 years of age or older.

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  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Amazon.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  * * *

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  BONUS BOOK: OMG! Karen has a Cock!

  About the Author

  Other Books

  Chapter One

  Zarlon the Eccentric, one of the most famous and renowned genetic xenologists back on his home planet, made a dramatic entrance into the brightly lit but otherwise vacant research laboratory. Approaching a long row of six rectangular surgical tables, he surveyed the featureless lumps concealed beneath identical shimmering silver sheets, and licked his thin lips with uncharacteristic anticipation.

  Because it wasn’t every day you got the chance to see a new species in person!

  Gripping the corner of the first sheet between two elongated digits, Zarlon took a deep breath and whipped it off the table.

  Positioned neatly in the center of the shiny metal surface, lay the reason for his presence in this unfashionable arm of the Milky Way galaxy: a prime example of homo sapiens sapiens, freshly retrieved from planet Earth and transported directly to his cloaked spaceship orbiting hundreds of miles above the surface.

  His eyes ran greedily over the unconscious and completely naked subject of his next genetic engineering experiment, eager to begin the re-sequencing process as soon as possible... but something about its appearance caused the scientist a moment of pause.

  This particular specimen was of unusually small stature and smoothness of form. Granted, he’d only seen textbook diagrams of these so-called “humans” before, but he’d also spent all of last week reading up on the rarely studied species, and figured he had a pretty good idea of what to expect.


  With a pang of concern, Zarlon checked the identification tag as filled out by his personal assistant – otherwise known as his frequently incompetent nephew, Gorlax. Damn nepotism!

  Gender: Male

  Age: 18 – 68 (?)

  Height: 7.44 UDU

  Weight: 0.5712 UWU

  Zarlon frowned and tapped the printed words, as if that might change them. Returning his eyes to the decidedly diminutive specimen, he decided this wasn’t at all what he was expecting to receive for a healthy, breeding male. Perhaps human females were considerably larger than the males? Poor bastards!

  Studying the bizarrely de-follicled folds of porcelain white flesh squashed between the subject’s slender thighs, he glanced for a moment at its relatively flat chest, tried to recall one of those old biology diagrams, and had a sinking feeling blossom deep inside his third stomach.

  Rushing over to the next table, Zarlon ripped the silver sheet from the second concealed body and cried in dismay, and then hurriedly uncovered the four remaining specimens.

  Standing there dumbfounded, the omnipresent rumble of the ship’s engines grew louder and louder in Zarlon’s ears as his temper reached a boil.

  “Gorlax, you flarking idiot!” screamed the tall, mottled grey alien, his normally tiny blue eyes now nearly three times their usual size in blinding anger. “I told you to get me three pairs of young, breeding humans! That means both males and females!”

  His nephew, who was much shorter with sparkling green irises that made him look far more intelligent than he’d so far proven to be, stuck his pointed grey head through a nearby doorway.

  “B-b-but I did, unc— doctor!” he whined in an irritating nasal tone. “You said human females had two prominent mammary mounds upon their chests, and the males, not so much. That’s exactly what I got you: three with big mammaries, and three without!”

  “Uh huh. And where, pray tell, did you obtain these particular humans?”

  “Well, I did like you said. Picked a city at random, then I scanned in less populated areas for groups of humans isolated from their flocks. I found a cluster of nearly thirty young, healthy specimens near a mountain with absolutely no one else around. The proper mix of six specimens were already gathered in a flimsy triangular shelter, fast asleep, so the abduction went most smoothly. Come to think of it, I’ll bet they’d just finished breeding before I got there!”

  The frustrated scientist alien threw his lanky arms up in the air. “Well, they certainly weren’t flarking breeding based on what I’ve got here! These three over here only lack the prominent mammary glands because they must be too young for them to have come in yet – or perhaps there’s more genetic variance than initial research showed. But, what all six of these humans most certainly do have, are very well-defined vulvas. Do you understand what you’ve done, Gorlax? You’ve brought me six human females, you useless snarfex!”

  Shocked, Gorlax’s face paled to a lighter shade of grey. “But that can’t be, doctor! I was certain I got three males too!”

  “Yeah? Then come see for yourself.”

  Pattering swiftly into the laboratory on four double-articulated lower limbs, Gorlax studied the six naked and sedated creatures breathing slowly on the tables.

  Such weird, overly simplified bodies they had. So plain and boring, devoid of all style outside of a rather muted color palette. Delicate, almost fragile-looking things, really. He couldn’t see how they could possibly serve the purpose the doctor hoped to use them for, even if their two species did share eerily similar biological processes.

  Reaching out and prodding the tender bulges of sexual flesh kept tucked in a most inconvenient spot directly between their two legs, Gorlax came to realize that he had indeed made an error. Every one of these specimens, despite having vastly different mammary appearance, featured the same human female genital crease and hidden birth canal – and yet, none had an obvious male phallic extension with which to penetrate that canal.

  Gorlax sighed. His uncle was right... as he usually was.

  But it definitely wasn’t his fault this time! How was he supposed to know that these nearly flat-chested mongrels were actually female? They all had clothing on, humans all looked alike anyways, and the cheap bio-scanner he’d been given wasn’t calibrated to differentiate between genders!

  The irate elder scientist was still ranting. “I further estimate the age of these particular females at only eighteen to twenty of their solar revolutions. I’m not even certain if that’s old enough for them to have begun breeding with their own species! You kno
w why we’re here – so what kind of results do you expect me to obtain with younglings of but a single gender, huh?”

  Knowing he was in huge and potentially costly trouble, Gorlax swallowed hard. “Um, uncle – I mean, doctor. I apologize profusely for the error...”

  “As you well should! I don’t know why I let my sister talk me into bringing you on such an important expedition. You were the least qualified of all the applicants and, frankly, you’ve always been way more flarking trouble than you’re worth!”

  About to burst into tears, Gorlax’s jaw trembled. “I-I-I’m truly s-sorry, sir,” he whimpered. “W-w-would you like me to dispose of these specimens and fetch fresh ones?”

  Calming down somewhat, Zarlon sighed and shook his head. “No, Gorlax. There isn’t time for that. We already spent too long getting here thanks to your lousy directions. We need to start the genetic re-sequencing process now, if we’re going to make it back to the wormhole before it collapses. Otherwise, it’ll be two long years floating above this miserable backwoods rock until the next one opens. Do you want that, Gorlax? To stay out here in the middle of nowhere for two entire years without female companionship?”

  Gorlax gulped. “No, of course not! But surely there has to be a way you – I mean we – can fix this?” A sudden and uncharacteristically helpful thought occurred to the alien. “Um, sir... could we not just change the gender of three subjects?”

  With complete indifference, Zarlon shrugged. “Oh, sure... with some simple enough chromosomal adjustments we could insert reference DNA from the database, and reprogram any of these females to male. However, that’s going to be slow, and it isn’t nearly as good as obtaining the correct sexes in the first place. The subjects will be painfully aware of their gender reassignment, and may resist engaging in sexual activity as a result. And we do need these particular specimens to bond in pairs as a method of control.”

  The scientist glanced up at a large display mounted on the laboratory wall, with glowing red figures counting down the seconds until they would be forced to leave.

  “But we have so little time left, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Now, quick – while I adjust my program to compensate for their obvious sexual immaturity and I suspect abnormally low hormone levels, I’ll need you to prepare and swap gender templates. Can I trust you to do that without screwing up... again?”

  Welling up with a lifetime of painful emotions, Gorlax waved his hand dismissively at his insensitive uncle and, with a delicate sniffle, settled down in front of the closest work terminal.

  He’d show that old man how trustworthy he could be! He was exactly as much trouble as he was worth.

  Loading up the pre-recorded genetic profiles of all six humans, Gorlax made sweeping gestures inside the three-dimensional holographic display and selected the three apparently elder subjects. Instructing the computer to isolate the Y-chromosome from several reference male DNA samples obtained by explorers thousands of years ago, he then integrated individually tailored versions into each of the chosen female specimens’ normal “XX” genetic code, while suppressing their original gender characteristics.

  Twenty minutes later, Zarlon called out from his own workstation on the other side of the lab. “I was thinking, Gorlax... you should make the three flat-chested ones the males. Agreed? I’d hate to lose the already-developed mammaries on those other three. And now that I think of it, since the males will then be so much smaller, let’s increase their phallus size and seed production, so they’ll have a fighting chance with the superior females.”

  With his finger already hovering above the “compile” button that would complete his task, Gorlax swore softly to himself.

  Flarking fernaks! All that work sorting through this ridiculous human scrapbook-style DNA for nothing.

  Face burning blue with annoyed embarrassment, Gorlax re-selected the three eldest subjects, reactivated their native female characteristics, and then inverted the selection and applied new Y-chromosomes to the remaining subjects.

  Staring blankly at the animated, twisting double helix representation of the resulting genetic sequences, Gorlax had the nagging feeling that there was something else he was supposed to be doing... but when nothing particularly important came to mind, his finger dropped on the “compile” button – prompting his workstation to throw an immediate error.

  “Buffer underrun. Genetic integration incomplete. Cancel sequencing? Your work will not be saved.”

  Gorlax’s green eyes narrowed into tiny slits of annoyance. What a piece of technological excrement! Although to be fair, human DNA did appear to have a lot of useless garbage strewn throughout its structure, needlessly inflating its complexity – and these old sequencers had trouble working with simultaneous subjects at the best of times. He’d really have to insist on his uncle ordering a major equipment upgrade when they returned home.

  For now, perhaps a little simplification would help. These humans wouldn’t mind if he pruned away some of that dead wood, would they? Of course not – frankly, they’d probably enjoy not being held down by so much evolutionary genetic baggage. Even better, it would probably cut the compiler workload in half!

  Answering “no” to the computer’s prompt, Gorlax ran a pre-defined routine that identified and compressed unneeded and even potentially harmful instructions, and was completely shocked by the percentage of space freed. It seemed a waste to leave nearly half their genetic code empty like this! On a whim, he added a special bio-app he’d downloaded a few months back and had been saving for just such an occasion, and then began compiling everything a second time – to a second fatal error.

  “Pre-verification error. Unknown chromosomal sequence fragmentation. Automatically extrapolate missing genetic data segments from alternate subjects?”

  What the hell did that technobabble mean? Still, when a machine offered to do something to solve a problem, the usual wise choice was to answer “yes” – which is precisely what Gorlax did.

  “Operation successful! Do you wish to apply extrapolated genetic data segments to all [6] remaining incomplete subjects?”

  Gorlax blinked his green eyes. What was it talking about now? He just fixed all those problems... didn’t he? Even then, how could all six still be incomplete? Damn it – what was this stupid thing trying to do to him now!

  “Hey; you almost done over there?” called out Zarlon. “The genetic re-sequencer’s estimating a whopping four hours to alter every cell’s atomic structure in these six creatures. Seems they’re not as simplistic as they look on the outside! And then we still need to inject the structurizing catalyst, and prepare them for reintegration...”

  Flustered, Gorlax shrugged and answered “yes” to the computer’s nonsensical prompt. After receiving a much-welcomed “Success!” notification, he transferred the resulting compiled data to Zarlon’s workstation.

  “All finished!” he proclaimed with far more confidence than he felt as the information copied slowly over the network. “Just sent it to you.”

  Feeling anxious that the doctor would immediately spot and reject his sloppy genetic work, Gorlax drummed his seven-fingered hands against his lower upper thighs, expecting to be yelled at any second now... but instead, all he heard was a soft hum of acceptance.

  That was heaven like to his ears!

  Unduly pleased with himself, Gorlax decided to show off a little in hope of redemption. “Sir, there’s something I was thinking...”

  The doctor grunted as his fingers flew almost invisibly over a virtual keyboard. “You? Thinking? Guess there’s a first time for everything.” He sighed. “Fine... what is it?”

  “It’s just... we want the humans’ internal modifications to be mature and thoroughly field tested when we return in two years, correct?”

  “Of course. The whole point of this experiment is to see if humans have the physical capability and stamina of serving as our surrogate reproductive hosts, so that... uh...”

  The doctor’s voice trailed off. W
hat wasn’t being said, and would never be said in civilized company, was that their species was dying, and had been for a long time. Due to unexplained ever-falling fertility rates, their home world’s population numbers had dropped by nearly half over the past two centuries – and time was running out to reverse the trend.

  For generations, their scientists had scoured the universe in search of a highly fertile and biologically compatible species that could be genetically engineered to breed and bear their young – so far, to no avail.

  Sadly, these strange human creatures were an admitted long shot. In fact, this particular test wasn’t even sanctioned by the council, having been deemed “a preposterous waste of time and resources”. But Zarlon didn’t like leaving any rock unturned, and by his estimation, these humans were living under a pretty big rock.

  The doctor cleared his throat. “Well... you know all this.”

  Equally uncomfortable, Gorlax looked away. “Naturally. But, since we won’t be able to monitor their progress except by remote, do we actually want them capable of breeding younglings in the meantime?”

  The doctor shrugged. “I’d already planned to hold off introducing our full reproductive code until we return and can monitor in person. In the meantime, should they decide to procreate among themselves, they would merely produce more humans with identical genetic modifications. Which might save time later on, yes?”

  “But the hormonal changes you mention will have them breeding like virgin fernaks at their first moon orgy! Is that not cause for concern? We should render them sterile as a precaution.”

  Leaning back from his workstation, Zarlon thought for a moment, and then smiled. “Gorlax, there’s hope for you yet! Maybe it’s just field work that’s not your thing.”

  Recalling his troublesome issues with the humans’ DNA, Gorlax returned his uncle’s smile less enthusiastically.

  “You are, in fact, correct. Having them reproduce would be a complete disaster, if only due to the accelerated gestation period. But total sterility isn’t something so easily reversed, at least not without another full re-sequencing. And you well know the mutation risk when performing more than one procedure on any single organism.”


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