Fully Equipped- Futas Gone Wild

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Fully Equipped- Futas Gone Wild Page 4

by Lana J. Swift

  Danielle grunted and smacked her lips. “That could explain why I’m famished...”

  From the side, petite Lynn laughed. “Believe it or not, I swear I’m hungry enough to eat both Danielle and Raven under the table! So, put that in y’all’s bowl and smoke it.”

  Alexis shivered and hugged her arms to her chest. “Is everyone... okay? What in name of all that is good an’ holy happened to us? Where’s my sleeping bag? I’m so cold, I feel like a freaking Popsicle!”

  Shakily, Nicole climbed to her feet. Her entire body was numb, exhibiting nothing more than an indistinct tingling, as though she had pins and needles in every nerve below her neck. Indeed, she was finding it rather difficult to keep her balance.

  “Uh, someone remind me to never sleep on the hard ground again,” she muttered. “I’m more of a memory foam kinda girl.”

  “So no one can remember anything?” asked Jessica.

  Nicole shrugged. “All I know is I was feeling zonked and headachy, then Lynn threw up, and then we all took a nap. And then this! Hey, did anyone see that movie, The Happening? Where plants were trying to kill humans for wrecking the planet by gassing them?” Looking around the circular clearing at the imposing barrier of old-growth trees, Nicole shuddered. What were they thinking right now?

  “But who’d wanna kill me?” complained Lynn. “I’m a lifelong vegan!”

  “Uh, like exactly? Who else would plants want to kill more?”

  Ever sensible, Alexis chuckled. “Don’t be silly, you two! This isn’t science fiction, and plants definitely aren’t trying to kill us. We just had the twenty-four-hour bug or something mundane like that. Remember how crappy we all felt yesterday morning?”

  “Yeah, sure... but that was some kinda mega flu!” countered Jessica. “Knocked me out like cold. We musta slept eighteen hours straight! And now, I gotta pee something fierce. Did we ever decide on were the, uh, little girls’ room was gonna be?”

  Alexis pointed to a dense bush over on the opposite side of the clearing. “Behind there’s probably good. Remember what we’re supposed to do if it’s not number one, right?”

  Jessica wrinkled her nose. “Gotta have food in me first for that,” she muttered, marching off towards the bush. “God, I’m so hungry! I swear I feel like I could eat my entire supply of rations right now!”

  Danielle yelled, “Do that, and you ain’t getting any of mine!”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it, babe!”

  Alexis shook her head as the blonde girl disappeared behind the bush. “Speaking of food,” she prompted, “we should really light a fire so we cook up some of those powdered sand-eggs. Anyone feel up to hunting down some dry kindling?”

  “I could try,” offered Nicole. She only managed a few wobbly steps towards the tree line, when out of nowhere Jessica screamed bloody murder.

  To no one’s surprise, Raven laughed. “Oh c’mon, Goldie! What the fuck’s wrong? Caught a pervert squirrel watchin’ ya piss?” she called out sarcastically.

  Jessica screamed a second time, and Nicole grew concerned.

  “Jess – hey Jess... you okay over there?” she called. Hearing no response, Nicole promptly forgot her numbness and sprinted as fast as she dared over to the designated bathroom bush.

  Behind it, the blonde girl was squatting and chanting away to herself endlessly. “Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod, no no no no, wake up wake up wake up...”

  “Hey, uh, Jess...?” Nicole came around the bush, and Jessica screeched and shrank back into the greenery.

  “No no no! Stay away! This isn’t real! I’m still asleep, and all I need to do is wake up! Wake up, wake up...”

  “Wow, Jess! Calm down, girl. What’s wrong? You know we’re here for you!”

  As the rest of the curious girls crowded around the bush, Nicole reached out to grasp the blonde teen’s trembling shoulder – but Jessica abruptly stood up with palpable panic in her eyes.

  “No! I said go away! This isn’t real. It can’t be real. It’s not real. Just leave, and let me wake up!”

  Without warning, Raven stepped forward and slapped Jessica hard across the face. “Did that feel like a dream, you fuckin’ whacked-out bitch?”

  Stunned for a moment, Jessica rubbed her cheek... and abruptly burst into tears. “Oh my god, no, please God, no...”

  “Pull yourself together and just fucking tell us what’s wrong!” screeched Raven impatiently.

  Holding up a trembling finger, Jessica turned it around, and jabbed downwards. Her jeans and panties were slumped around her ankles, as one might expect for someone about to relieve themselves. But, looking slightly higher, at her exposed and apparently fully shaven crotch... the pink head of her clitoris appeared to be quite swollen.

  Wait a minute. That was no clitoris!

  “Holy fucking hell!” screeched Raven. “Goldie’s a fucking boy!”

  “I am not!” sobbed Jessica. “I swear that wasn’t there last night!”

  “The hell it wasn’t! You didn’t just grow a damn dick overnight!”

  “B-b-b-but... I swear it wasn’t there!”

  Scowling, Raven crossed her arms. “That’s it, fuck face. I’m calling an end to this fake girl bullshit. It was probably you who fuckin’ roofied us last night, so you could have your way with our sweet little pussies! I’m getting the fucking counselors on the radio and having you kicked out the camp, maybe even arrested for gender impersonation!”

  “No, please, no! I swear to God I don’t know what’s happening to me!”

  Obviously terrified, Jessica reached out to touch Raven – but the black girl instead shoved her away so violently, that the trembling blonde girl lost her footing and fell hard to the ground.

  “Get the hell away from me, you lying tomboy fuck!” screamed Raven at the top of her lungs.

  Curling into a fetal position and covering her face, Jessica heaved uncontrollable sobs into her arms.

  Nicole’s heart absolutely broke to see her new friend in a state like this, and crouched down to comfort the poor girl – boy – whatever!

  Extremely upset with Raven, she glared at the haughty teen. “Not cool, Raven!” she spat with anger. “Can’t you see how distraught Jess is? You think this is all an act? To what end?”

  Lynn piped up. “And, uh, not to insert myself in the drama... but she kinda has a pussy, too.”

  The team fell silent. “What do you mean, too?”

  Everyone crowded behind the sobbing girl’s back to gawk at her exposed ass – and the coffee-bean shape of her shaved pussy, squeezed tightly between her trembling thighs. Confused, Nicole knelt down and elevated Jessica’s leg to better expose her crotch – to simultaneous gasps of shock from the entire group.

  Because in the region behind her apparent penis, where a boy would normally have a scrotum and testicles, Jessica instead had the puffy outer labia and light pink vaginal opening of a girl. And, where a girl would normally have a clitoris and hood, Jessica instead had a slender, relatively small penis pushing out between her feminine folds... the base of which flowed smoothly and naturally into the vestibule of her vulva.

  It was the damndest thing! Jessica’s penis was uncircumcised and looked the furthest thing from the typical masculine cock – it was somehow dainty, smooth, and entirely feminine. As though it belonged exactly where it was: between the legs of a beautiful blonde girl.

  “Nantekotta!” whispered Lynn in a stunned undertone. “She’s a Futa!”

  Nicole frowned. “A what?”

  “A futanari! Um, that’s like Japanese for hermaphrodite. You know – a person with both boy and girl sex bits!”

  “Huh? Oh, wait – I’ve heard of that before. That’s just whacked-out Anime cartoon fiction! Hermaphrodites aren’t actually real things.”

  “Well, my baaba swears they’re real... and though they might be as rare as hen’s teeth, I’ve read enough books to know they do exist in real life. At least to some extent. But, I honestly never thought I’d get to see such a perfectl
y formed example in the flesh!”

  “I am not a stupid hermaphrodite!” exclaimed Jessica crossly, closing her legs and sitting upright. “And I certainly wasn’t ‘formed’! Until this morning, I was a perfectly normal girl with a perfectly normal little clitty – not this big, dumb, ugly dick! Ask any of my satisfied boyfriends.”

  Standing a distance back, Raven snorted. “Sure. Tell me another one, you fucking lowlife liar! Proof’s in the panties, Goldie. You got a cock, plain and simple. It’s not like it just magically appeared. Besides... it’s not exactly what I would call big. In fact, kinda looks like my little brother’s. Not a real man’s cock by any stretch.”

  “Oh yeah?” shot back Jessica, sounding partly defiant but mostly upset at being insulted. “All six of us were knocked out cold for eighteen hours straight, y’know. And then I wake up with a dick – big, small, or whatever. Why should I be the only one? Let’s see what’s waiting inside your panties, huh?”

  “Don’t be fuckin’ ridiculous. I don’t have a damn cock.”

  “How do you know?”

  Raven rolled her eyes. “Duh! I know!”

  “Yeah? Well, I sure as hellfire didn’t know I had anything down there ’til I grabbed it by accident! My entire body’s been numb and tingly since I woke up, and I still can’t feel much of anything below the chest. But, if you’re so confident you don’t have one... why not just show us so we can all be sure, hmm?”

  Nicole paled and broke out in a cold sweat. Oh shit! She felt exactly like Jessica did! Mostly numb from the chest down. Coincidence? She couldn’t actually have a...

  No way. That was stupid talk. Jessica was obviously lying about who she was. Nevertheless, Nicole was still too scared to check on herself!

  Raven continued rolling her eyes. “I swear; you’re all a fuckin’ bunch of raging dykes! You’re not tricking me into showing you my puss.”

  “The hell you aren’t! You shoved me to the ground – you owe me that, an’ like way more!”

  “No, I don’t. Fuckin’ liar.”

  Nervously scratching her arm, Nicole gestured at Raven. “Just do it, will you?” she said anxiously, wanting to know but simultaneously fearful of the results.

  Glaring at Nicole, Raven stubbornly shook her head.

  Nervous, angry and upset, Nicole had no patience for Raven’s games. “For goodness’ sake! Why do you have to be such a fucking difficult bitch all the time?”

  Lunging at the black girl, Nicole hurriedly unbuckled her leather belt, undid the button of her shorts, and while fighting off Raven’s rather violent efforts to escape, yanked her shorts and panties all the way down to her knees.

  Promptly revealing a smooth, uncut, dark brown penis both thicker and marginally longer than Jessica’s example.

  Elated, Jessica squeaked and pointed at Raven’s crotch. “Ha! There! Told ya so!” she proclaimed with a victorious grin.

  Looking down at the newly protruding organ between her legs, Raven instantly fainted and collapsed to the ground.

  With a snort, Jessica added, “And I see she’s still got a pussy, too. Cryin’ shame that wasn’t removed, if ya ask me.”

  Nicole, Danielle, Alexis and Lynn all turned to each other with equally terrified expressions etched on their faces. So far, two out of two of them were changed... what were the odds that the four who remained would be untouched?

  This is so not good!

  “Hey, uh, Nicole... I’m like all numb too... could you do me next?” whispered Danielle, clearly too frightened to consider undressing herself.

  Walking on her knees over to the chubby redhead, Nicole slowly removed the trembling girl’s tight clothing, tugging down her jeans and panties excruciatingly slowly.

  First, the pale white expanse of the redhead’s plump pubic pad came into view... and then, the top of a protruding ridge far too thick to be her clit hood. Saying a little prayer in hope that her intuition was wrong, Nicole jerked Danielle’s pants the rest of the way down, uncovering a flaccid penis roughly the same size as Raven’s and inverse in color, but with what seemed to be an exceptionally large head bulging beneath the pointed foreskin.

  “Oh my god,” hissed Danielle, pushing her hips out for a better look and causing the soft organ to flop back and forth between her thick thighs. “I can’t even... h-h-how can that weird thing be mine?”

  Nicole next undressed the statuesque Alexis, whose milk-chocolate cock turned out to be significantly longer and thicker around than any of the previous girls; more the size of a well-endowed high school boy, at least based on what little first-hand evidence Nicole had managed to glean over the years.

  “Raven’s gonna be totally pissed I’m bigger than her,” remarked Alexis in a bemused monotone.

  Approaching Lynn, the Asian girl swallowed hard and then nodded for Nicole to continue, standing completely silent and motionless as her baggy canvas shorts were removed. Already, Nicole could tell that the petite teen had a much bigger surprise in store than anyone else – one whose revelation prompted everyone, at least other than the unconscious Raven, to gasp in renewed shock.

  Lynn’s new cock was absolutely huge! Even flaccid it was easily twice as long as Danielle’s or Raven’s, and looked completely disproportionate protruding from such a tiny, willowy little Asian body.

  “Holy crap, Lynn,” exclaimed Nicole. “How could you not feel that monster hanging down there from the moment you woke up? It’s as big as your whole freaking forearm; no joke!”

  Looking down and wiggling her hips, Lynn shrugged coolly as she watched the gigantic flaccid member whip in circles between her toothpick thighs. “Oh, I dunno. It doesn’t even feel like it’s a part of me. It’s like... it’s like it’s glued on, or still asleep, or something like that.”

  “Mmm. And what do you think will happen when it wakes up?” remarked Nicole breathily. She could only imagine how big it might get when hard! Come to think of it, could these things even get hard like a real penis? God... that would be cool to see! And unthinkably scary to experience.

  Which reminded Nicole that she was up next.

  “Want me to do you, Nic?” asked Lynn softly.

  Too numb to guess at what might be waiting between her own legs, Nicole nodded and pinched her eyes closed, while nimble little fingers worked to take off her pants.

  When Lynn finally jerked down Nicole’s panties, she just stood there, breathing in and out slowly... waiting for someone to say something.

  “Hey, Nic. Welcome to the big girls’ club!” announced Lynn proudly.

  Blinking her eyes open, Nicole steeled her resolve and bent her head down – finding a pale white fleshy protrusion poking out between her legs that couldn’t possibly be hers. Like Lynn had commented, it didn’t even feel physically attached to her body... but it definitely was. And, it was right in the place where her most favorite body part – her clit – used to be.

  This thing had better not have screwed up my ability to masturbate!

  Although limp, Nicole’s penis seemed nearly the same size as Lynn’s – maybe a tad shorter, but most certainly thicker. And definitely way above average compared to any guy she’d seen! Never having been above average in anything except computer skills, Nicole took a little uncharacteristic pride in that.

  Just noticing something, Nicole gasped. “Hey! Where’d my bush go?”

  Danielle let out an incredulous burst of air. “Wow, Nicole! You find a huge mystery cock sprouting between your legs, and the first thing you wonder about is where your pubic hair went? Well, know that I had a beautiful red landing strip that’s up an’ vanished too! Smooth as a baby’s bottom down there now. Don’t know why, don’t really care – I’m just relieved I still have a pussy and boobs, and look like a girl!”

  “A girl who’s packing something of a rude awakening down below,” muttered Nicole sarcastically.

  Studying the six girls, Lynn smirked and shook her head. “Weird mix of sizes we got, huh?” she mused in a manner that sounded stran
gely composed considering the surreal situation. “Three big cocks, and three small ones. And for once, the flat Asian chick got the hugest one! Gotta be some kinda cosmic Karma in that.”

  Jessica must have noticed the same thing about her attitude as Nicole. “You’re being awfully cool about all this, Lynn,” she remarked. “I’d be peeing myself, if I hadn’t already done that.”

  Lynn shrugged. “Oh, y’all should know I’m freaking out for sure on the inside. But I keep tellin’ myself... either this is some kinda whacked dream I’m just gonna wake up from, or this really is happening, and there ain’t jack squat I can do about it. Getting mad, or angry, or sad, won’t change either of those possibilities. And, if for some reason my clit decided it wants to be a cock for the rest of my life, then so be it. I’ll take up bodybuilding, and fit right in with all the steroid-jacked freaks with big clits!”

  “But I don’t wanna be a freak!” whined Jessica childishly.

  Despite her palpitating heart, a thought came to Nicole that made her chuckle. “Well, I guess if there’s one thing to be said... it’s that if we’re gonna be freaks, than at least we’re in the same freak boat together! Misery loves company; right? Well, I’m miserable, and my only comfort is knowing that you girls know exactly what I’m going through.”

  The other girls murmured in reluctant agreement.

  “And speaking of misery personified... we should probably wake up Raven. I’m sure she’ll be relieved to learn she’d only got the fourth largest dick of the group!”

  Chapter Seven

  After learning about their unexplainable growth spurts in the most unexpected and personally awkward way possible, the six girls quickly redressed and attempted to go about their morning as if everything were normal.

  Out of sight, out of mind... at least for a time.

  Following the detailed list of instructions provided in the LSS survival workbook as a kind of distraction, the team fetched buckets of fresh water from the river, gathered armfuls of dry kindling for a fire, and then spent the better part of twenty minutes struggling to start that fire with sparks from a flint... that is, until Alexis magically produced a Bic lighter she’d somehow smuggled along.


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