Fully Equipped- Futas Gone Wild

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Fully Equipped- Futas Gone Wild Page 10

by Lana J. Swift

  The others giggled, and Nicole sighed. “Uh, thanks. That’s like... way more appreciated than you could ever know.” She glanced at Jessica, the only one who knew her secret fantasy. Unless that was also disseminated yesterday. “Although, the fact that I like that idea just makes me even more pathetic.”

  “Pathetic? I don’t think so! Best sex of my life was spur of the moment with three guys in the back of a minivan and a horrible bottle of peppermint Schnapps. Play your cards right, and maybe we’ll do something just like that to welcome you properly to womanhood! Or Futahood, I suppose. But without the minivan. And no Schnapps.”

  Surprised when no one objected to that kinky idea, Nicole looked up. “Um, seriously?”

  Lynn snorted. “We’re all still horny as fuck, y’know! Alexis hasn’t even come once yet and is about to explode, and nobody other than Danielle – and I guess you, briefly – has got to feel their cock in a pussy. That’s something we’re all dying to do! But you disappearing kinda put a crimp on anything else happening... I mean, it’s not like we can pass the course by losing a teammate. Or a friend.”

  Mind spinning, Nicole’s eyes worked back and forth. From wanting to die mere minutes ago, to being unduly excited about the idea of getting gangbanged by a bunch of Futa girls she’d only known for little over a week, and who might even consider her a friend. What a weird, emotional rollercoaster ride she’d been on for the past twenty-four hours!

  But then, Nicole’s thoughts turned to her parents and her mother’s firm, scolding guidance about morals and personal responsibility. She reflected on how far she’d let herself go with Lynn, then Jessica, and then Raven. Where would it stop? With her cheeks still streaked with sticky tears and her gut raw and tender from so many heaving sobs, Nicole knew she was far too conflicted to seek any kind of pleasure. Especially when there were other, more practical concerns at hand.

  “Um, I am sorry about running off yesterday, but I seriously just wanted to kill myself—”

  “Oh my god! Please tell me you’re not feeling that way anymore!”

  “Oh, I’m better now. So thanks for the offer, girls, but I think what I need more than anything else... is a fire, and breakfast. I’m freezing cold and can’t stop shaking, and haven’t had anything to eat or drink since like early yesterday afternoon!”

  “Oh, of course! Let’s go back to camp and make something to eat. It’s not that far anyways. Turns out, you were running straight home. Good sense of direction, at least!”

  As the girls helped Nicole up, she glanced warily at the inside of her left forearm, worried that she’d find something new and even more absurd on it – like a stock ticker, or a literal compass pointing the way back to camp. However, her skin remained blank and featureless, leading her to wonder if she’d imagined this morning’s magic words after all.

  The alternative... was that she really was going crazy!

  Chapter Thirteen

  Following a surprisingly short march back to Camp Beaver Tail – Raven’s unique version of the name could not be repeated in civilized company – the girls built a fire and cooked up a hot breakfast with double potions. Rations would no doubt get tight thanks to their hearty appetites and the loss of Jessica’s backpack, but that was a worry for tomorrow.

  Although no one again brought up what Lynn had so casually offered, Nicole felt a strange sense of nervous anticipation as she ate – as if she’d gotten stuck in an elevator with the hottest boy in school, he had an obvious hard-on, and she’d forgotten to wear panties that day.

  Whether she wanted it or not, odds were that something was going to happen!

  Which is one reason why Nicole offered to wash the dishes by herself down at the river. In addition to not yet feeling comfortable in her own skin, she also needed time to mull over yesterday’s disturbing events. To decide if she should hold herself personally responsibility for her actions, or whether the mysterious changes they were all suffering from was impairing her normal ability to make wise choices. Yesterday, she’d felt powerless to her own body’s wicked desires.

  Hearing a crunching noise, Nicole glanced over her shoulder and spotted Raven, naked as was the new normal, approaching from camp. A sense of dread filled Nicole’s heart. Apology or not, there would surely be some bad blood between them.

  “The team has come to a decision!” called out Raven as she meandered up to the water’s edge.

  A decision to cast me out into the wild to fend for myself?

  “Um, aren’t I a part of that team?” replied Nicole uneasily as she rinsed off a clump of dried porridge in the flowing water. Maybe if she did a really good job with the chores, they’d let her stay?

  “Oh... you will be,” countered Raven, kicking a small pebble into the water and creating a soft plonk. “But, we’ve decided your fucking virginity has got to go. You’ve held onto that meaningless thing for way long enough, and seeing how we’re all unbearably horny and wanna work it out our systems the old fashioned way... we can’t exactly afford to have six cocks an’ six pussies, and then be one hole down.”

  Alarmed, Nicole dropped the dirty dish and shot upright. “But – no! What if I just take myself out from everything? Then it’s five and five!”

  Raven shook her head. “The math doesn’t work like that, Rich Girl. Can’t properly fuck with an odd number! But don’t sweat it, ’cuz we talked it over, and it’s been decided I should be the one to pop yer cherry. Then we’re square for reals.”

  Watching as Raven grasped her soft member and began stroking it to hardness, Nicole’s pupils dilated. “The hell you are! I’m still a virgin! You weren’t even close! How’s that fair?”

  Raven shrugged. “It’s pussy for a pussy. But if it makes you feel better, maybe I’ll let you take a different cherry later on. So, c’mon. Bend over, and let’s get this done so the real fun can begin!”

  Unexpectedly terrified by the idea of finally going through with what she’d dreamed of doing for nearly half her life, Nicole backed away from Raven and the girl’s rapidly sharpening weapon.

  “Um, I’d rather not, if you don’t mind...”

  Raven licked her lips and closed the gap. “What makes you think you’ve got a choice here, Rich Girl?”

  “Because this is America! There’s always a choice.”

  Raven rolled her eyes. “Oh, c’mon!” she said, stifling a laugh. “I know you want this just as badly as I do! Jessica said a whole ton about that shit last night, so don’t you fuckin’ play coy with me.”

  “I’m not!” insisted Nicole, now moving brusquely backwards in the direction of the campsite. “Seriously! I’ve changed my mind. I wanna stay a virgin for now!”

  “Yeah? For real? Then what the fuck is that?” Raven nodded at Nicole’s cock.

  Glancing down, Nicole was surprised to find herself sporting a raging erection exactly like Raven. “Uh, hell if I know! But it’s not actually me, that’s for sure!”

  “It’s attached to you, so it’s fuckin’ yours now! Just like this demanding little cherry popper is mine. Stop fighting it, Rich Girl... and let’s just do what our new cocks obviously want us to do! Danielle said she felt like majorly chill after fucking me yesterday... so let’s see if fucking you works on me!”

  Raven lunged forwards, and Nicole took a hasty step back and caught her heel on a piece of driftwood. Losing her balance and falling backwards, the teen landed with a hard thump on a soft mound of dried grass, with her knees splayed open and heart racing in her ears.

  “Ha! Missionary’s fine with me!” announced Raven with a huge grin.

  Momentarily dazed, as Nicole struggled to get her bearings the buxom black girl kneeled between her legs and aligned their sexes.

  Nicole gasped and tried to close her legs. “No wait, I—”

  Before she could protect her pussy or even get out a proper protest, the tip of Raven’s cock found its juicy mark, and she lurched forwards.

  Nicole felt intense pressure and an overwhelming stretching
sensation between her legs, followed by a moment of sharp, tearing pain as her hymen ruptured and Raven formally claimed eighteen years of virginity.

  For a moment, Nicole thought her heart had literally ceased to beat. Consciously, she was certain this was not what she wanted to happen, nor even how she wanted it to eventually happen. But to Nicole’s embarrassment, her pussy was all-too accommodating of its first-ever carnal visitor – and had been wet and ready for action since long before Raven’s first appearance on the riverbank.

  With a low, guttural moan, the black girl pushed through the former fleshly obstruction and invaded Nicole’s virgin canal, seeming to take immense joy in every new fraction of an inch that penetrated into formerly unexplored territory.

  Eventually, her warm abdomen pressed against the bottom of Nicole’s own erect cock and bent it downwards, until the long shaft was sandwiched tight between their now parallel naked bodies.

  With a long shudder, Raven clenched her ass and ground their public bones together, then grabbed Nicole’s wrists and held them flat to the ground above her head.

  “Fucking hell, Rich Girl... your little pussy’s so fucking tight, I swear I could come doing nothin’ but this! Virgins rule!”

  Nicole’s jaw trembled as she felt something move sharply inside her body, up behind her bladder – and had the sudden mental image of Raven repeatedly flexing her cock. Worse, those flexes were accompanied by an entirely new sensation: a kind of pervasive heat, flowing outwards into her reproductive core. Nicole could only imagine that some kind of liquid had come from Raven.

  Against her wishes, Raven had just squirted something inside her pussy. How dare she!

  At long last, Nicole found her voice. “G-get your fucking cock out of my cunt!” she hissed in a low voice, mimicking Raven’s own warning from yesterday.

  Raven smirked and drew her hips back, slowly scraping the sharp rim of her exposed glans along the lightly ridged, elastic lining of Nicole’s vagina, creating an earth-shattering rush of sexual friction that had the distraught teen’s abdominal muscles fluttering in unwanted ecstasy.

  “Whatsa matter,” taunted Raven, “can give it, but not take it?”

  “No, I—”

  Just when Raven’s cock was about to fall out, she jerked forwards again and their well-lubricated genitals slipped rapidly over each other with a lewd squelching sound, followed by a teeth-jarring thud as their pubic bones smashed together.

  Nicole screamed as the brutal force of Raven’s penetration caused her inexperienced vulva to half cave into her own body, while the momentum simultaneously yanked her rigid cock forwards – the combination stretching her engorged inner lips painfully tight between the two.

  Those things were connected, damn it!

  “You like that, Rich Girl?” purred Raven as she once again ground their crotches in little circles, as though trying to ream out her hole. “I’ll bet your little pussy’s bleedin’ all over me right now. Can you feel it... blood sister? Does my cock feel good? I’ll bet it does. In fact, I’ll bet you’re gonna paint us both with hot cum before I ever get to pump your tight cunt full’a mine!”

  Nicole’s pupils dilated with fear. Somehow, the idea of Danielle or even herself ejaculating inside Raven hadn’t seemed noteworthy... but Raven doing the same thing inside her?

  “You wouldn’t dare!” she squeaked, struggling helplessly as the heavier girl began to take even strokes in and out of her body.

  A voice came from behind. “Oh, I definitely think she will.”

  Twisting her neck around, Nicole spotted the four other girls coming from camp, presumably to see what all the commotion was about.

  “Oh, thank god!” she cried. “Get this crazy bitch off me, like fast! She’s lost her mind!”

  And yet, instead of coming to her aid, the four girls merely formed a semi-circle around the naked pair and silently caressed their stiff cocks as Raven shamelessly rutted away on top of Nicole.

  “Jessica? Lynn? Ale—”

  Nicole’s plea was cut short when Raven bent down and mashed their lips together. Nicole fought for a moment, barely able to breathe with the larger girl’s full weight on her body and her huge breasts compressing her ribcage. And yet, when Raven forced the tip of her tongue between Nicole’s lips and the sweet, sensual flavor of another person’s saliva entered her mouth for the first time... she gasped in surprise and stopped struggling.

  There was something almost... calming about that. Soothing. Erotic.

  With a low groan, Nicole’s chest and face burned hot, her legs sprang open, and she shuddered through an uncontrollable mini-orgasm. Her flesh knew exactly what it wanted, even if her brain was still relenting!

  Breaking the kiss, Raven laughed. “Fuck me! I think the randy little slut just came on me!”

  Wrenching her wrists out from under Raven’s grasp while she was briefly distracted, Nicole slapped the black girl’s plump ass with both open palms and squeezed tight, digging her sharp fingernails into those tender globes. She’d always wanted to do that to someone!

  “That wasn’t me coming,” she hissed with fire in her eyes. “You’ll fucking know when I fucking come!”

  Raven raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really... is that a promise, Rich Girl?”

  Nicole yanked hard on the teen’s ass, driving their groins together and compressing the length of her throbbing cock between their bellies. “Better question is... how will my pussy know when your fat ghetto ass comes?”

  Raven drew her hips back and rammed their bodies together so hard, Nicole’s teeth chattered. “Your fuckin’ spoiled little cunt’s gonna know when I fuck it full of hot cream!” she growled.

  “Well... don’t make me take just your word on that. From what I hear, you’re only here ’cuz your word ain’t worth much.”

  As Raven howled with outrage and resumed thrusting with a new, almost animalistic edge of brutality, Nicole caught herself – wondering just what the hell was happening to her brain. Those weren’t her words, her ideas, her actions. She had no idea who this new person was; the one goading on Raven, even when this entire episode had practically started out with a rape.

  But when Raven unexpectedly changed angle, grinding her cock into Nicole’s previously undiscovered G-spot and prompting her entire body to convulse with unbridled sexual pleasure, those mundane worries vanished.

  Fuck decency! This was happening, she wanted it, and she wanted it fucking hard!

  “C’mon an’ fuck me hard, you randy black bitch!” she cried, digging her fingernails even deeper into the humping teen’s jiggling ass.

  Pinching her eyelids closed, Nicole could do little more than lie there and bask in the mesmerizing experience of intercourse, focusing on each new sensation in turn.

  The delicious friction of Raven’s thick cock as it thrust in and out of her clutching pussy, constantly churning her flowing juices into a frothy mess she could feel trickle down the crack of her ass. The tactile pleasure of Raven’s silky skin moving over her own, and how such a basic sensation could serve to greatly magnify the far more intimate merger of their sexes. The sharp impact of Raven’s wide hipbones against the insides of her thighs, and the way this repeatedly pushed her legs apart, stretched the flesh of her pussy, and shook her small breasts.

  But most of all, how the mild upwards bend of Raven’s embedded cock somehow made it feel like each and every stroke was stimulating the very root of her own throbbing cock, right through her vagina, in a way that external stroking could surely never replicate.

  Feeling something touch the back of her hand as she held on to Raven’s ass, Nicole opened her eyes and found Danielle looming directly over them. Seeing the lustful, determined look in the chubby redhead’s eyes, Nicole immediately realized what she wanted to do – Danielle was going to mount Raven from the back, while Raven kept on fucking!

  Nicole cried out in ecstasy as the lewd notion triggered a second spontaneous mini-orgasm, one that sent new wetness flooding into her pussy,
fluttered her inner muscles all around Raven’s driving cock, and filled her vision with twinkling white stars.

  Sliding her hands around Raven’s buttocks and between her legs, Nicole’s fingers teased open the black girl’s swollen pussy lips so that Danielle’s searching cock could find its mark, and then kept her fingers in place to feel as their two bodies merged into one.

  Raven must have already known whom it was back there, because instead of complaining she simply moaned and lunged excitedly between Nicole’s spread legs – followed a half second later by Danielle doing the exact same thing against Raven, with the two of them sending a double jolt of energy straight into Nicole.

  “Fucking hell, Red – this is insane!” cried Raven. “Fuck me hard – and fuck Nicole right through my fuckin’ cunt!”

  With a low, guttural moan, Nicole arched her spine and clawed at Danielle’s sides from the sheer obscenity of that kinky idea.

  It’s like I’m in a reverse Oreo sandwich!

  It took some time for Danielle and Raven to synchronize the mechanics of their awkward double thrusting, but the pair were soon able to move together smoothly and penetrate their partners deeper. Danielle’s already heavy breathing grew ragged and lurching as the seconds ticked by, while the physical effort of being the meat in a threesome sandwich drenched Raven’s face with sweat that rained down like drops of hot wax onto Nicole’s chest.

  Smothered beneath the pair of larger girls, Nicole fixed her eyes on Raven’s intense but distant gaze, and tried to imagine what it would feel like to both fuck and be fucked at the same time. The sensation overload would surely be incredible! Perhaps it was something Nicole could experience for herself in the near future – if someone would agree to let her try...

  Squeezing her hands around Raven’s hips, Nicole could already feel the electrified tension of an imminent orgasm building deep within her reproductive core; instantly recognizable as a very different type of orgasm than the one she’d experienced with Jessica in the water. Something told her that Raven was also close to reaching climax, and yet Nicole didn’t want to be the one to come first – by now, it was a point of pride!


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