Young Bride, Hotwife

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Young Bride, Hotwife Page 3

by Laran Mithras

  She laughed. "Oh my gosh, like never. Just the once."

  He pinched her hem and moved it up again.

  Dave smiled, slowly sipping at his screwdriver. He was sublimely enjoying the seductive show.

  CT pulled up farther.

  Dave's grin broadened and an eager light lit his eyes.

  Sammie said, "Hey…" Her hand tugged half-heartedly at her hem against his pull. Her voice went conspiratorial. "I'm…"

  CT nodded. "Yes, naked underneath. I know."

  Dave coughed, the rest of his face lighting up. "Oh, really?"

  Sammie giggled and covered her mouth with her free hand. "Yeah… CT said no panties with the nightshirt."

  He cleared his throat, his eyes falling down to her hemline again. "Yeah?"

  Sammie blushed and moved her knees tight together. "Yeah, to help me gain cof—conf—"

  CT said, "Confidence."

  She pushed her glass forward as if pushing the point. "That's right."

  Dave said, "You need confidence?"

  "I guess so…"

  "And being naked helps?"

  She tilted her head, defending her husband's idea as much as her condition, if not more. "It really does."

  Dave nodded. "Sounds like fun."

  She giggled and grabbed the hem of her shirt. She lifted it quickly, exposing everything and nothing. With her knees tightly together, everything was hidden in the press of her thighs. All CT and Dave could see was that she wasn't wearing panties.

  A thrill went through CT at her daring behavior, but it was followed by disappointment in her as she followed the peek up with a schoolgirl giggle. That's not how you control a man. He said, "Sammie…that wasn't nice."


  "A proper peek should be a proper peek, not a fake tease. The best tease is done with a real peak."

  "I just—"

  "Sit like you were before. Relax."

  She drank some of her screwdriver. "I am relaxed." Her voice had the animation of someone on their last drink before turning from giddy-happy to sleepy.

  "Your knees are so tight together they're going to stick that way."

  She laughed, her titter edging dangerously along the precipice of hilarity. She shifted her knees apart with a jerk and sighed – but it broke into a giggle again.

  "Now show him."

  "Oh my gosh, are you serious?" Her giggles kept erupting.

  "Entirely. If you're going to tease, do it right."

  Dave's eyes were wide as if knowing it to be true and surprised she wasn't aware of the easy fact. "Yeah, it needs to be done right." He nodded dramatically.

  Sammie gulped down most of her drink. "Okay, okay, okay." She grabbed the hem and lifted.

  CT knew Dave still couldn't see anything. "Better, but you barely lifted it."

  She looked down. "Oh."

  "Do it right. Move your knees a little farther apart."

  She complied through interrupted giggles.

  "Now pull your hem up. The view is the tease, not the hint of a view."

  "Oh…" She pulled her t-shirt all the way up to her belly button, exposing everything. She widened her eyes at Dave and bit her lower lip to stop from laughing.

  His friend's mouth fell open and his face melted as if given a gift that saved his life. "Oh, wow…"

  Sammie suppressed another laugh and quickly shoved her hem down between her thighs. "Did I do it right?"

  CT looked at a panting Dave, then leaned over and nuzzled her ear. "Perfect."

  ~ ~ ~

  Saturday morning's coffee was mellow and comforting. CT watched Sammie stumble into the kitchen, her hair a mess and a hand scrubbing the side of her face.

  "You feel okay?"

  She nodded resolutely, then shook her head in uncertainty. "Headache."

  "You gulped that last one down too fast."

  "Why didn't you stop me?"

  He chuckled. "Ever try to stop someone drinking when they're having fun?"

  She collapsed into the chair next to him and groaned at the jarring pain that erupted in her head as a result. "Did I really…?"

  "Really what?" But he knew what she was asking.

  "Did I flash Dave last night? Right over there?"

  CT smiled and sipped his coffee. "Mm hmm." A thrill at the memory surged through his center and tingled in his dick, stirring it happily. A sexy girl being sexy was always a delight.

  "Oh my god." She dropped her face into a hand and closed her eyes.

  "What's the matter?"

  "How embarrassing."

  "Why? It was done in fun."

  "Fun?" She looked at him with a teenage-pained expression.

  "Yes, fun. You had fun, I had fun, and Dave definitely had fun."

  She coughed and shook her head.

  CT frowned. "You appear to regret—"

  "Damn right I do—"


  She threw up her hands. "Nice girls don't run around flashing their pussies."

  He grinned mischievously. "Sexy ones do."


  "You heard me." He settled back in his chair, stretching. "In fact, it'll be a good learning experience for you."

  "Huh? What will?"

  "Flashing Dave."

  She stated shaking her head. "Wait, what?"

  "I'm serious."

  "I can't go around flashing—"

  CT gave her his Spock eyebrow. "You already have."

  She slumped back in her chair, at a loss as to what to say.

  "Exhibiting your sexiness will firm your confidence and overcome your fears."

  "I'm not afraid—"

  "Yes, you are; let's do away with it."

  "By flashing your—"

  Dave came into the kitchen. "Hey."

  She froze, staring at him as if he were a giant savage pit bull with rabies.

  His friend grinned. "You still naked under that?"

  Sammie blushed deep and hid her face.

  CT reached over and squeezed her shoulder. He shook her a little. "Hey, look at me."

  She did, eyes bright and shining with uncertainy.

  "It's all right." He looked over to Dave leaning back against the sink. "Do you think she should be embarrassed?"

  Sammie jerked under his hand.

  His friend looked confused. "Embarrassed? Over what?"

  Sammie broke open like a floodgate with a cough and a roll of the eyes. "You saw me naked. How am I supposed to go around—"

  Dave interrupted. "You only gave me a flash; I didn't see you naked. Besides, it was fun."

  "Oh sure—"

  "Really. Why would you be embarrassed over that?"

  "People don't run around naked."

  "You only flashed me. That kind of thing happens all the time."

  CT nodded.

  She looked between him and his friend. "Not in my school, it didn't."

  He pursed his lips. "You're not in—"

  She nodded dramatically. "I know, I'm not in school anymore."

  Dave chuckled and CT shot him a serious look. His friend stopped and cleared his throat. He said, "Anyway, nothing wrong with what you did last night. It was nice."

  CT deadpanned, "See?"

  Sammie appeared to be thinking it over. "Nice?"

  Dave nodded and smiled easily. "Yes, very."

  CT squeezed her shoulder. "I can see we're going to need to work on this—"

  She jumped up. "I'm not flashing anyone looking like this. Nuh uh, forget it." Her eyes were wide in fear. "I need a shower."

  He smiled at her swift swish out of the kitchen.

  Dave waited a moment. "Thanks…"

  He knew what his friend meant. Thanks for allowing him a peek at her the previous night. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

  His friend coughed, laughed, chuckled and grunted all at once with a dramatic nod.


  CT scowled at the latest email. His response back to B.B. had been to rub his marriage to B.B.'s daughter in his
face: he had attached the pic he had taken a couple nights previous of his cock half in and half out of Sammie's pussy.

  Chew on that, asshole.

  But his revenge didn't assuage his bitterness and anger at the promises B.B. had given on destroying him.

  He clicked out of his email rapidly as Sammie wandered up to him.

  She said, "What didn't you want me to see?"

  He drew in a breath and turned in the chair. He regarded her, weighing and wondering.

  "Was it some porn or something?"

  He exhaled with finality. "No, it was an email from your father."

  "Oh…" She looked troubled. "What does he want?"

  CT pursed his lips. She was asking and he should be able to trust her and her ability to deal with what life dealt. "He's been making threats."


  "He's promised to destroy my life."

  A hurt look came over her face.

  He touched her arm. "Don't worry."

  "Why would he want to—"

  "Because I couldn't turn you into a master pianist."

  She twisted up her face in thought and anger.

  He shook her arm. "Don't worry."

  She relaxed, some of the tension draining away. "Are we going to be okay?"

  "Yes. Yes, we are; I'll make sure of it."

  ~ ~ ~

  Sammie wore her longest skirt.

  I don't know if I can get used to this. So many years in school without skirts…

  She tugged down at the hem.

  CT noticed it. They were in the kitchen getting water. "Quit."

  She pretended ignorance. "Huh?"

  His look told her he knew that she knew.

  She made a face.

  He made that thinking twist to his mouth. "Being self-conscious about your skirt will show to anyone looking. They'll think you're trying to hide some flaw or deformity."

  "I'm not deformed."

  "That's right, you're not. Your confidence should be such that a strong wind blowing up your skirt doesn't frighten you."

  They walked out into the backyard to relax by the pool.

  She said, "Well, I sort of am a little more confident." She felt it.

  "We need you more confident than a little."

  He's right, I'm still sort of scared at the newness of this all. I just need to follow his guidance. "What should I be doing?" Teach me; I want to know. I want to be a real woman.

  "We need to break down your barriers that are barring your progress into adulthood."

  Yeah, how? She waited, silent. She knew her husband would enlighten her. He had been a great piano teacher.

  They sat in the pool chairs under the shade umbrella and breathed in the scent of bougainvillea growing on the fence surrounding the yard.

  He twisted his glass a little. "We'll keep doing what we're doing. Get you used to skirts by having you wear them all the time. But the key is to erase your fear that someone might see your legs – or worse, your panties."

  She breathed in with determination. "Yes, but how?"

  "Got your panties on?"

  She smiled. "Of course."

  "Go flash them to Dave."

  Mirth marbeled her words. "Flash my panties to Dave? Won't he laugh?"

  "Not at all, though he'll smile."

  "What's that going to accomplish except to cause him to perv on a panty-peek?"

  Her husband gave her a suffering look. "He's not a kid. He's not going to say, 'Hur hur hur,' and run and tell all his friends."

  He won't? But his words made sense; she couldn't see Dave doing that. "Should I really be interrupting him?" Having her husband teach her was great and all, but should she really be bothering his friend in the process?

  "He won't mind."

  That's not encouraging. "Are you sure?" Confusion and consternation clouded her thoughts – she was learning things no one had ever told her.

  "He'll be happy, I assure you."

  "I should go flash him right now?" She looked over at the enclosed patio and through the long window. She could see Dave sitting at his workbench, studying the cord of a computer part. Can I do this? Will it help?

  Her husband nudged her. "Yes, now. Go on and get it over with. Don't act like a goofy girl; act as if you're flashing me your panties. Give him a smile and a peek."

  "Of my panties?" I guess panties are no big deal, but my pussy? I was trashed.

  "Yes. After you do, give him a quick kiss on the cheek; he'll appreciate that."

  "A kiss?"

  CT shrugged. "He's a single man, of course he will."

  "Okay." She stood and squared her shoulders. She gave her husband a searching look to see if he approved of her resolve.

  His encouraging smile supplied her spine with some certainty.

  Okay, okay, I can do this. I can do it. She started to scurry for the back door, but slowed and tried to walk normal. Still, jitters ran up and down her limbs and she wondered as she went inside if she could do it after all. CT wants me to learn and this is how I do it. I can't fail him again. Memories of his facial expression as he informed her she would never be a pianist haunted her sometimes. She never wanted to see that kind of face on him again. She whispered, "I'll do this."

  Inside, she reached for the door to the enclosed patio-workshop. A small dampness suffused her skin everywhere and she fought to keep her breathing under control. A sudden surge of uncertainty swirled inside her and she paused with hand on knob. What if he gets mad? And then CT gets mad at me? But would he send me in to do this? He knows his friend. She sighed. It'll be all right. Just go in, do it and get back outside.

  She pushed open the door almost too hard, and regripped her hand on the knob before it could slip out and bang against the wall. Be calm!

  Dave looked back, a computer hard drive in hand and the connector cord stretched into his other. He smiled when he saw it was her. "Hey."

  His word stopped her. I'm supposed to talk? What do I say? "Hi." Dave was a decent-looking man for his age – stockier than her husband and with a very pleasant face that was always smiling. She calmed a little.

  He was holding his part still, eyebrows raised. "Did you need something?" It was asked with solicitation and without sarcasm or sneer.

  She caught herself almost rolling her eyes in embarrassment. She moved a little closer to his side and cleared her throat. "Um…" Just do it. She gripped her skirt and lifted, showing him her panties.

  A smile spread on Dave's face as his eyes dropped down. The pleasure was palpable and she could feel satisfaction tingle along her arms at the brilliant expression that lit his face.

  She dropped her skirt with a blush, then moved to lean close. She puckered and kissed his cheek. He stood still for it, but his smile widened further.

  He said with wonder, "That was…nice."

  She giggled; she couldn't help it. "Have fun doing whatever you're doing." She spun, feeling giddy and thrilled – jitters of success in her limbs. She went out without looking back.

  Her husband was watching her closely when she rejoined him. He appeared satisfied. "It went well?"

  She nodded quickly. "I was a little scared, but it was easy. He acted just like you said."

  "Did he say anything?"

  "He said it was nice." She smiled warmly, marveling about how easy it had been compared to her fears prior.

  "Good, then we'll keep doing it."

  She felt it then, a sense of adventure and power that had her agreeing readily. "Okay."


  Monday evening was a jubilant one. CT raised his screwdriver to Dave and his wife. "One student in the bag and one more interview for Wednesday." He sipped happily.

  Sammie bounced as she sat on the couch. "We'll have your store open in no time."

  He paused. "I don't know if I want one." I don't know if your father will allow it. No way do I want to go through that again.

  She looked concerned. "No? Why not?"

  He shrugged, thinking of
things other than B.B. "Well…a store requires a lot of effort. Inventory, cleaning, consistent hours… Maybe I would rather just teach."

  She seemed content with that. "Oh."

  He felt proud of her; she had been so receptive of his teaching outside of the piano and she was so beautiful – inside and out. But thoughts of B.B. colored his pride with irritation. He reached for her empty glass. "Go put on your nightshirt."


  "Yes, I'll pour you another."

  She looked at a happy Dave. "Well, okay, but don't make it too strong." She got up and turned, flipping her skirt up for a Dave-flash of her panty-covered butt.

  CT smiled. Good girl; you're getting better.

  He fixed new drinks and came back out to the living room. He handed over her screwdriver. "Light on the vodka."

  "Thank you."

  Dave looked disappointed. "Aw…"

  CT chuckled. "No worries; we're working on her confidence – as long as you don't mind being the target."

  His look was comical. "Me? Shit? No?"

  Sammie giggled. "You really don't mind?"

  Dave slapped his forehead. "Oh yeah, you know, it's such a drag to see a beautiful woman flash you…"

  She laughed happily.

  CT motioned to her. "Come here."

  She stepped over and stood facing him.

  "I'll help you with this one." His voice was calm and soothing.

  She laughed a little. "Okay. I might like that better. Or should I?"

  "Shh." He reached around her with both hands and lifted her t-shirt to expose her butt to Dave. He dropped the hem down gently after just a second. "Very good. Now turn around."

  She turned, taking a drink of her screwdriver. "I'm doing okay?"

  "Very." He lifted the hem and exposed her pussy to his friend. He kept the hem up longer and could feel her ease through his arms encircling her hips. "Very good." He dropped the shirt.

  ~ ~ ~

  Sammie felt satisfied with herself; she was quickly losing her little girl-ness under CT's guiding hand. I'm so fortunate to have him as my husband.

  She gave Dave a smile – his look of awe was an inspiration to her to keep trying.

  Her husband said, "Now I want you to do it on your own."


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