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WestwardWindsV2Arebooks Page 16

by Linda Bridey

  “I’m all right now. We’ll write all the time to keep in touch and next year will be here before you know it, right?” she said.

  “Of course it will. Don’t worry; I’ll keep you busy,” Dean said suggestively.

  She smacked his arm. “You’re awful.”

  Dean laughed and helped her get back in the wagon. “Yep, that’s me, your awful husband.”

  “Who writes awful letters,” she said.

  “About that. I had an idea. You have two sisters, right? I have two brothers. Seth needs a wife, he just doesn’t know it. So does Marcus. How do you feel about playing match maker?”

  Tessa considered it. “Well, it might take some work, but I’m quite sneaky and you’re very smart, so I think we might be able to pull it off. I hope Seth writes better letters than you do. Oh, wait, I’ve never read any letters written by you, so how would I know?”

  Dean captured her mouth in a kiss. “Hush up now, wife,” he said when he released her.

  “I will not!” she said.

  Dean laughed again as he clicked to the horses. “Well, then I’m gonna have to keep kissing you to get you to shut up.”

  Tessa was quiet for a moment and then began talking a blue streak about anything and everything.

  As they drove back to the ranch, they laughed and loved, accompanied by the westward wind.

  The End

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  Mail Order Bride: Westward Dance(Synopsis & Excerpt)

  Montana Mail Order Brides: Book 2


  Madelyn O’Connor is beautiful, popular, and comfortable with her opulent life. That is until she is brutally attacked by the son of one of the wealthiest families in Pittsburgh. Her parents are ready to fight the case out in the courts, but Madelyn doesn’t want any publicity about it. She wants to forget that it ever happened, but can’t.

  Her family grows increasingly worried about the depressive state she falls into and they try to come up with ways to help her, but nothing seems to work. Tessa feels that it would be best for Madelyn to get far away from the city and wants her to come to Montana, but Madelyn is resistant to the idea.

  Seth Samuels, Tessa’s brother-in-law, becomes injured when he and his men are attacked by wild dogs on a cattle drive. He’s morose and anxious over the prospect of not being able to participate in drives any longer. Tessa sees two people she loves hurting and thinks that maybe they can help each other when no one else can. She appeals to Seth to help convince Madelyn to come west. Seth refuses at first, but then figures that since he can’t do much else he might as well try to help.

  Madelyn and Seth begin a volley of letters in which Seth entices Madelyn to come meet him. She finds him charming and eventually cannot resist his entreaties. She and Tessa convince her parents to let her make the trip. Geoffrey agrees to accompany his second eldest daughter to Montana.

  When Seth and Madelyn meet they are instantly attracted to each other, but when Seth’s condition becomes even more serious, Seth is prepared to face the worst. Madelyn isn’t about to give up on him, however, and becomes determined to help the man with whom she’s smitten to heal. Together they embark on a journey of recovery as Seth agrees to go back East to get more modern treatment. As their relationship deepens there are seemingly insurmountable obstacles that threaten to tear them apart. Can each of them compromise in order to have a future together or will their pride keep them from realizing their dreams?


  Chapter One

  “Let’s have a walk in the park before going to Stanton’s, shall we?”

  Maddie gave Theo a smile. He was a handsome young man only a couple of years older than her twenty-one years. He wore his dark hair slightly long and a lock of it fell attractively over his forehead. Theo Wilson and she had grown up together and Maddie had always thought of him as a brother. His green eyes glinted with mischief and good humor.

  “What are you up to, Theo?” she asked as she narrowed her blue eyes at him.

  “Why do you think I’m up to something? It’s a pleasant night and I feel like stretching my legs a bit, that’s all,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  Maddie knew Theo’s penchant for playing pranks and was slightly leery of his motives.

  Theo gazed at her with a serious expression. “Madelyn, I promise this is not a joke. I just feel restless, that’s all. I have my boards in the morning and my nerves are getting the best of me. Help a fellow out, huh?”

  Maddie relented. She knew how much passing his attorney licensing tests meant to Theo and he’d been studying very hard and could use a respite.

  “Since you put it that way, perhaps a walk would be good for you at that,” she said.

  “Splendid! Murdock! To the park. Look sharp, man!” Theo called to the driver.

  Murdock started the horse out at a fast trot and they soon left the O’Connor residence behind. It wasn’t long before they reached the park and Theo helped Maddie down from the carriage and told Murdock to wait for them there. Murdock assured his young master that he would stay put.

  Theo took Maddie’s hand and they walked along the lit path. Walking hand in hand was something they did sometimes and Maddie thought nothing of it. She looked up at the stars and smiled as she found the Big Dipper. This was by far the best place to see the stars since there weren’t as many lights around to dim their brilliance.

  Following her gaze, Theo found it as well and smiled. Maddie had always liked the stars. He looked at her in the moonlight and her platinum hair looked even paler, more ethereal than it normally did. Madelyn O’Connor was one of the most beautiful and sought after women in the city and it wasn’t unusual for several men to be crowded around her at balls and parties.

  She turned to look at him and he smiled at her. “I see it. What is it about the Big Dipper that fascinates you? Surely there are more exciting constellations to look at,” he said.

  “It’s because of Papa. When were little and came to the park at night to see the stars, we always imagined what would be in it. You know; is it milk? Coffee? We would choose one and he would make up a story about how it got there or who put it in there. I think Tessa gets her imagination from him,” Maddie answered.

  Theo smiled. “How is our Tessa?”

  “She’s quite well, actually. She’s very happy with her husband and their children. I wish they would come for a visit so I could meet them. I’m sure their little one is adorable,” Maddie said.

  “Oh, yes. They had a little boy. What did they name him again?”

  “Michael, but they call him Mikey. Dean started that, I believe,” Maddie said.

  Theo nodded. They neared the bridge leading over the brook that ran through the park. He stopped her and held her hand a little tighter. “Maddie, I need to talk to you.”

  Maddie turned to him and was intrigued by the serious expression on his angular features. “What is it, Theo?”

  “I want you to know how much you mean to me,” he said. “We’ve known each other for such a long time and I’ve enjoyed every minute we’ve spent together.”

  Maddie smiled. “So have I.”

  “I love you, Maddie. I always have,” Theo said.

  “Theo, you know I love you, too.”

  Theo could tell from her easy tone that she didn’t realize what he was saying.

  “No, I mean I love you as a man loves a woman. I’m in love with you,” he said and dipped his head and brushed his mouth against hers.

  Maddie pulled away and laughed at him. “Theo! What are you doing? I knew you were trying to pull a prank on me. Now let’s go to Arnold’s and stop this silliness.”

  “I’m serious, Maddie. I’ve been in love with you for so long but never had the courage
to tell you until now,” Theo said and encircled her waist with his arms.

  Maddie pushed at him as he brought his mouth down on hers. She turned her head to the side and tried to avoid his kiss. “Theo! Stop this instant! Let me go! We’re just friends.”

  “That’s the problem. What I feel for you isn’t something one feels for someone who’s just a friend,” Theo informed her and held her even tighter.

  “I’m sorry, Theo, I didn’t know.”

  “Can’t you see how perfectly suited we are? Our families are close; we share the same interests, and have so much fun together. Why shouldn’t we be together?” Theo said.

  Maddie said, “Because I don’t love you in that manner, Theo. I’m not romantically attracted to you. Now I demand that you release me!”

  Her highhanded attitude brought out an explosive anger in Theo. Maddie watched in horror as she saw Theo change from her good-natured friend into an evil-faced stranger. His eyes took on a furious gleam and his mouth twisted in an ugly snarl. The first blow came so swiftly that there was no time for her to react. It made her head swim and she reeled backwards.

  Theo hauled her back to him and struck her on the other side of her face and Maddie felt her left eye begin to immediately swell. Self-preservation kicked in and Maddie began to fight furiously, scratching and kicking. No man had ever touched her in a violent manner and she’d be damned if she was going take Theo’s abuse like some weak-willed woman.

  Her further resistance infuriated Theo even more and he hit her harder and faster. Maddie fell as her senses became muddled from pain and dizziness. Theo was on her, ripping her bodice and trying to do the same with her gown and petticoats.

  “If I can’t have you willingly, I’ll take you any way I can,” he told her. His tone was hate-filled and his voice coarse with rage.

  Maddie still struggled, although she knew it was futile and there was no way she could hold off Theo’s assault. Through the fogginess in her pain-riddled mind, she heard shouting.

  “Hey! You there! Leave her alone!” a male voice came.

  Theo looked up and saw the man coming at him. He gave Maddie a last shake that bounced her head off the trail and then ran.

  The man knelt next to Maddie and was shocked to see the awful state she was in. The woman, whom was with him, took her battered hand gently in hers. “It’s all right, Miss. You’re safe now. We’re going to help you. We have to get her to the hospital, John.”

  John saw how badly Maddie’s bodice was torn, exposing her bare flesh. He took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around Maddie to cover her. Then as gently as he could, he picked her up and carried her to the street were cabbies tended to sit and wait for customers.

  “Ashley, hail that cab over there,” John said.

  Ashley did so and informed the cabbie of the situation. The cabbie helped John get Maddie into the conveyance and he cracked the whip at his horse and they took off at a canter.

  Geoffrey sat with his wife in their front parlor reading one the financial papers to which he subscribed. Maureen worked at a particularly difficult piece of needlework. She sighed and Geoffrey looked over at her and smiled.

  “If it frustrates you that much, why not quit it and word on something else?” he asked.

  She flicked an annoyed glance at Geoff and said, “When have you ever known me to give up on something just because it was difficult. If I did that, you and I would not be married.”

  Geoff laughed at that. “’Tis true, lass. It’s lucky for me that you didn’t cease your pursuit of me.”

  “You weren’t the only one being pursued, if you remember correctly. We led each other on a merry chase,” Maureen responded.

  “Right again. You have to admit that there was a lot of fun moments involved, though.”

  “Yes, there were,” she agreed.

  The front doorbell chimed and they looked at each other. It was nearly eleven and they wondered who could be calling at that time of night. Mrs. Duncan had been sent home for the night and they’d also given the butler, Richard the night off. Geoff answered the door and was surprised to see a police constable standing on the stoop.

  “Hello. Can I help you?” Geoff asked.

  “Are you Mr. O’Connor?” the man inquired.

  “I am.”

  “Might I come in, sir? I have something of a serious nature to discuss and I don’t think you want to talk here,” the policeman said.

  Geoff stood back and motioned the man into the foyer. Maureen came out of the parlor.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “Well, ma’am, I’m sorry to inform you both that your daughter, Madelyn, was attacked tonight in the park,” he said shifting from foot to foot. He was obviously uncomfortable at having to impart such terrible news.

  “What?” Geoff said.

  “Attacked? By whom?” Maureen said.

  “Apparently, it was a family friend. Theodore Wilson,” the policeman told them.

  Maureen put hand to her bosom. “Theo? But, they’re friends. Why would he do such a thing? Never mind that right now. We need to get to her.”

  Geoff asked, “What is her condition?”

  “Very serious, I'm afraid. It was a brutal assault. I have a carriage out front to take you to the hospital,” the policeman said.

  Claire came down the front staircase. She’d heard the conversation from the landing at the top. “I’m coming, too.”

  Geoff turned to his youngest daughter and said, “No, Claire. I’m afraid not. You need to alert the staff for us.”

  “But, Papa-“

  Geoff cut her off as he gave her a forbidding look. “Claire, this is not open for discussion! Now, do as I say!”

  Claire looked down at the floor. “Yes, Papa.”

  Geoff instantly regretted being sharp with her. He hugged her and said, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m just upset. Forgive me?”

  “Of course, Papa. I shall do as you ask,” Claire said.

  Geoff kissed the top of her head and said, “That’s my good girl.”

  Maureen kissed Claire’s cheek and said, “Try not to fret too much. Maddie will be fine.”

  As soon as they saw Madelyn, Maureen realized how wrong her words to Claire had been. The policeman had told them to prepare for how bad Maddie looked, but her parents were still shocked. Their daughter was barely recognizable. Dark bruises and nasty cuts covered her face and her left eye was swollen shut.

  Maureen had to turn away at first to regain her composure. Geoff hugged her close as a fierce anger took hold of him. He vowed that Theo would pay for what he’d done to their daughter. The doctor came to talk with them an informed them that although Maddie’s injuries were severe, she would heal.

  “Dr. Spencer, was she, did he...?” Maureen couldn’t bring herself to say the words.

  Dr. Spencer looked at her with sympathy and said, “No. He didn’t get the chance. There was another couple in the park who saw what was happening and intervened. I believe they are still here. They’ve been very concerned.”

  “I should like to thank them,” Geoff said. “I’ll be right back, Maureen.”

  Maureen nodded and sat in the chair beside Maddie. She picked up Maddie’s hand.

  “I’m here, Maddie. Mama is here and you’re safe,” Maureen said. She kissed Maddie’s hand and held it against her cheek as tears made their way down her face.

  Maddie’s right eye opened slightly and she located her mother. “Mama?”

  “Yes, darling. I’m right here.”

  Maddie squeezed her mother’s hand even though it hurt. Her mother’s comforting presence caused relief to surge through Maddie. Sobs began to wrack her battered body and Maureen moved to sit on the bed so she could gather her daughter close. She rocked Maddie as she had when she was a little girl. She uttered words of comfort and tried to sooth away her daughter’s misery.

  Geoff entered the waiting room and spotted the c
ouple who’d saved Maddie right away.

  “Are you the ones who brought Madelyn O’Connor here?” he asked.

  They both rose from their seats.

  “Yes, sir. I’m John Heath and this is Ashley Brooks,” John said.

  Geoff shook hands them. “We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for saving our daughter from an even more horrible fate. How can we ever repay you?”

  John shook his head. “There’s no need, sir. We’re just sorry that we didn’t happen upon them sooner so that she might not have been hurt at all.”

  “How is she?” Ashley asked.

  Geoff was touched by the young couple’s concern. “She is in a bad way, but Dr. Spencer is confident that she’ll make a full recovery.”

  “That’s good to hear indeed,” John said.

  Geoff thanked them again and gave them his card. He told them to call upon him if he could ever help them in any way and then returned to his wife and daughter.

  Maureen softly closed the door to her daughter Madelyn’s room. She walked down the long hallway in their family home located in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Point Breeze. Her deep distress was apparent to the head housekeeper, Mrs. Duncan, as she passed her mistress. Mrs. Duncan didn’t speak because she could tell Maureen was deep in thought.

  Mrs. Duncan was as upset as Mrs. O’Connor over the horrible events that had taken place two months prior. Maddie had healed well physically but her mental condition was still tenuous.

  As Mrs. Duncan continued on her way to the kitchen to make sure lunch would be served on time, she figured that Maddie must not have improved, judging from the expression on Maureen’s face. She gave a worried sigh and shook her head. She would talk with Cook about making one of Maddie’s favorite dishes to entice her to eat.

  Maureen descended the main staircase and went through the dining room and out the double French doors that led to the garden. She walked to a bench in a secluded part of the garden and sat down. It was so hard to see her beautiful daughter this way. Prior to the attack, she had been a vivacious social butterfly. Maddie had rarely been home in the evenings because she attended so many parties and dinners. Unlike her older sister, Tessa, Maddie had willingly immersed herself in the party life. She was also very charming at the dinners that were thrown for Geoffrey’s business associates and was adept at easing tensions with her wit.


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